The Natural Alternative to Chemotherapy

“If you or a loved one is stricken with cancer, the first thing that a Doctor will recommend is chemotherapy.

Before you succumb to what I believe to be a barbaric methodology, do THESE TWO THINGS:

1: Read this article.

2: Go to The Moss Reports, written by Dr. Ralph Moss, the most comprehensive, independent authority of all cancer therapies and order his book, Questioning Chemotherapy. This book will save your life.

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What Really Causes Lupus and MS‏

“Right now here in America, there is an epidemic of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Systemic Lupus. I get at least two cases each week from desperate parents seeking help for their child or a loved one.

I’ve always thought that the underlying cause of these systemic and nervous system diseases were somehow related to some alien poison in our food and drink. And I was right!”

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Can Vitamin D Add Years Onto Your Life?

Barely a day goes by without another amazing fact emerging about the life-extending powers of Vitamin D-3. I believe it has supernatural powers, far beyond any other vitamin.

The fact that the body can make Vitamin D from sunlight, tells you how much it is a part of human creation on this planet. But you need to take it orally, because too much sunlight is highly dangerous.

A latest-breaking piece of news hit my desk this week, it is something that everyone needs to read and act upon.

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Why Colon Cancer Returns

I subscribe to Reuter’s News Service, and thank God I do, because this latest breaking news just came over the Internet about the disturbing recurrence of Colon Cancer.

Best of all, this article detailed results from a 5 Year Study, showing the dramatic effect of the Standard American Diet (SAD) on the recurrence rate.

Please read this news alert – it could save your life or someone you love or know, or think could benefit.

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Green Tea Stops Colon Cancer in its Tracks‏

In Los Angeles, the entertainment capital of the world, a man called Hal Fishman became a giant TV star in an unlikely way, by being serious.

The Brooklyn-born broadcaster delivered the evening news in Los Angeles for nearly five decades, an unprecedented run of longevity, that continued until just late last month, when he was diagnosed with colon cancer. He spent a bare 3 weeks fighting this horrific disease before he succumbed.

Hal was a fabulous person, a wonderful newsman, one who immersed himself in “news” every day of his life. It’s a tragic irony that this latest-breaking news is something that could have saved him if he could only have read it in time. (HAROLD FISHMAN) 1931-2007

Colon Cancer has over 50% Fatality Rate

There are a staggering 363,000 new case of colorectal cancer every year, with an estimated 945,000 globally. More sobering is the fact that 492,000 deaths occur from this cancer each year, over 50% fatality rate.

But just last week, some giant news surfaced that revealed that humble Green Tea can stop colon cancer in its tracks. (There are some important provisions to this, so read on to learn the full facts.)
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The Secret to Fertility and Longevity

While studying in Shanghai, I heard innumerable stories about a famous herbalist and Taoist Master Healer called “Li Chung Yun” who lived to 252 years of age.

Were these stories true?

I am sure they were, at least in part, because they had birth records to prove his amazing existence. Most of all, he was famous for drinking and eating his mountain-grown wild Ginseng every day.

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Arthritis Drugs Kill – Mother Nature Cures‏

Authorities ignored Vioxx warnings and 270,000 people had strokes & heart attacks! Doctors are now peppered with drug safety worries.

There is an answer and it is with Mother Nature and her burgeoning cupboard of wonderful herbs and minerals that fight arthritis safely, quickly and easily.

I’ve captured all this magic in our Arthritis Formulas and we have them on special this week.
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Diary of a Diabetic: July 4th – Fireworks!

Richard writes:

I’m writing this on July 4th. What a day to celebrate!

I am without a doubt the luckiest man on the planet. I know now, I can do this! I know I am going to lick Diabetes thanks to Dr. Garland and his Formulas.

Dr. Jann has organized my diet and what supplements I take that makes this all go like clockwork. I have a big sheet stuck to the refrigerator door that reminds me of what to do and why.

This is all worth the effort because I have more energy then ever before. I move around far easier, now that I have lost over 55 lbs.
Continue reading “Diary of a Diabetic: July 4th – Fireworks!”

Beat Breast Cancer for 8 Cents a Day‏

“Some stunning news hit my desk this week about fighting cancer, especially Breast Cancer.

A special formula containing high potency Calcium along with Vitamin D-3 (cholecalciferol) reduced cancer rates for ALL FORMS OF CANCER, by a staggering 77% in an exhaustive four year trial.

The findings bolster a recent study which uncovered a direct association between Calcium and Vitamin D intake and a far lower risk of breast cancer.

We have the formula used in the test, and it costs just 8 cents a day”

Every 24 Seconds Someone is Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

While billions of dollars of government and special donor research money has been spent fighting this dreadful and often fatal disease, the odds are that a shocking one out of seven women will develop this disease.

Breast cancer has become the second largest cause of cancer death in women, after lung cancer, and the leading cause of death for women between 35 and 54.

Ever since the so called “war on cancer” was declared, more women have died of breast cancer than the total number of Americans who lost their lives in World Wars I and II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War, COMBINED!

Clearly we are in the midst of a breast cancer epidemic. (Read my February 4th newsletter, “Breast Cancer Is Stealing Our Best & Brightest“)

By the time a tell-tale lump is detected in the breast, there is already an estimated 45 billion cancer cells present, and some of these malignant cells have metastasized to other parts of the body.

There is hope – a light at the end of a dark tunnel.

Read the excerpt below from the June 2007 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
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The Dog that Won't Die

Zeus Zeus – the wonder dog

One of the most satisfying and rewarding things to happen to me and my faithful team is the amazing results we get each and every day, many of them are truly miraculous.

For some strange reason, many of the greatest miracles happen to animals we are asked to treat, ranging from crippling arthritis to life-threatening leukemia and cancer.

I thought you would like to read one of these wonderful miracles, that just happened to Zeus the wonder dog.
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