1000-year-old Female Hormone Balancing Secret Revealed

When I was in China 25 years ago, I asked the professor at the Institute where I was studying why I had never heard any of the Asian woman discuss hot flashes, mood swings or PMS?

He said there was a reason. It started with their diet.

Milk was not what we think of here in the USA.  Milk in China is organic, rich and creamy, non-GMO soy milk. Chinese women have been drinking this for thousands of years.  They also drank a special herbal tea called “Eternal Flame”.

As you can imagine, I immediately seized the formula and ingredients and brought them with me back to America.  Overnight, Balanced Woman became one of our top selling formulas and still is, 20 years later.

Women raved about it and still do because it works!

The amazing tea all Chinese women drink has special herbs, twigs, sticks, fruits and vitamins, nourishing the female hormonal factory and regulating the production of the essential estrogen and progesterone hormones every woman’s body needs – and it involved no pharmaceuticals!  No drug could even possibly accomplish what Balanced Woman can.

The proof is in the pudding. Ask any woman who starts taking it – and ask their husband or boyfriend what they think of it too! Men love the change in their woman when taking they start taking this formula – and if you have daughters, Balanced Woman is perfect for balancing cycles, relieving symptoms of PMS, bloating, mood swings, and cravings!

Continue reading “1000-year-old Female Hormone Balancing Secret Revealed”

Love Your Liver and Live Longer!

Imagine for just a moment, that your Liver was the Gulf Oil disaster. With poisons, oil and chemicals spilling uncontrollably through your body. This scenario is not so far-fetched.

Every single disease condition today begins in the liver.

Our poor Liver is the most neglected organ in our entire body and never considered, even when something goes wrong. Pharmaceutical drugs damage the Liver even further!

The Liver is like an oil filter in your automobile’s engine. It keeps the fluid (blood) clean so that the engine (body) can stay pure and healthy. We look after our automobiles better than we do our poor abused Liver, never giving it a thought while gorging on energy drinks, fast food, candy bars and whatever “miracle diet” of the month that comes along.

Think I’m exaggerating? Take this quick quiz – do you have:

  • Abdominal bloating?
  • Pot belly of stomach fat?
  • Indigestion?
  • Overheating and sweats?
  • Bad breath and body odor?
  • Coated tongue?
  • Red itchy eyes?
  • Yellow skin or eye pupils?
  • Hot burning soles of the feet?
  • Skin rashes, particularly stubborn psoriasis?
  • High cholesterol?
  • Diets that never work for you?
  • Brown spots on the skin?
  • Persistent fatigue and foggy thinking?

If you answered “Yes” to 4 or more questions, you have a serious liver and gall bladder problem.

If you answered “Yes” to 8 or more questions and/or had your gall bladder removed, you are in very serious trouble and should call me or your health care professional, immediately.
Continue reading “Love Your Liver and Live Longer!”

Say "Goodbye" to Allergies!

Aaah-Choo!  It’s that time of year again, at least for allergy sufferers!

Do you have a cough that comes on suddenly and never seems to go away? Does your breathing become impaired seemingly out of nowhere? Do you have itchy eyes or a never-ending runny nose? It can drive you mad!

Allergies move in and out (at least the airborne kind), but are especially difficult for most people in Spring and Fall. If you are having allergic reactions, the cause could be from an auto immune system that is not working properly.

Why does this happen?

It’s a gut issue!

You gut acts as your immune system control center. The body needs lots of probiotic foods that will help support the health of your gut. Add immune building formulas to a probiotic-rich diet, to keep your allergies under control!

Read on to learn more about how you can get through allergy season without having to succumb to the use of over-the-counter drugs. Your body will thank you!

What is Allergy?

Allergy occurs when a person’s immune system reacts to substances in the environment that are harmless for most people. These substances are known as allergens and are found in dust mites, pets, pollen, insects, molds, foods and some medicines.

If you have an allergy, your immune system views the allergen as an invader and a chain reaction is initiated. White blood cells of the immune system produce antibodies. These antibodies attach themselves to special cells called mast cells, causing a release of potent chemicals such as histamine.

Sources of allergies can include:

  • Food (wheat, soy and dairy products)
  • Medicine
  • Dust and Mold
  • Cats and Dogs Dander
  • Mold
  • Pollen
  • Bees – and many, many more! The list goes on and on!

How do allergies begin in the body?

Weak or stressed adrenal glands due to fatigue, nutritional deficiencies, stress, go-go lifestyles, negative emotions such as worry and fear and excessive toxic substances in the body, such as cigarette smoke, can lead to allergies of all kinds. We don’t have to look far in this fast-paced world we live to wonder how many of us have weakened or stressed adrenals.

Adrenals can be rebuilt with lots of rest, a nourishing diet, and supplementation including vitamins A, C, Ultra D3, and E.

Which areas of the body may be affected?

  • The nose, eyes, sinuses and throat – When allergens are breathed in, the release of histamine causes the lining of your nose to produce mucus and to become swollen and inflamed. It causes your nose to run and itch and violent sneezing may occur. Your eyes may also start to water and you may get a sore throat.
  • The lungs and chest – Asthma can sometimes be triggered during an allergic reaction. When an allergen is breathed in, the lining of the passages in the lungs swells and makes breathing difficult. Not all asthma is caused by allergy, but in many cases allergy plays a part.
  • The stomach and bowel – Most stomach upsets are caused by richness or spiciness in the food itself, rather than an actual allergy. However, foods which are most commonly associated with allergy include peanuts, seafood, dairy products and eggs.
  • The skin – Skin problems such as eczema (dry, red, itchy skin) and urticaria (also known as hives) often occur. Hives are white itchy bumps which look and feel like insect bites. Food may be a factor in some cases of hives and eczema.

Could My Allergy Really Start in My Gut?

Your stomach and intestines contain billions of good and harmful bacteria, essential for digesting food and supporting your immune system functions. Probiotic actually means “for life,” while antibiotic means “anti-life.” That’s an indication of how these amazing bacteria fight for our bodies against disease.

For the gut to provide some protection to the body, the gut creates a protective barrier called the “mucosal barrier,” to help keep out the bad stuff. This wall is built up of the cells of the gut, a mucous layer, and the gut bacteria.

When allergens cross this barrier and enter the bloodstream, it causes allergic reactions. What is amazing about the research is that taking probiotics has been shown to not only decrease allergic reactions in the gut, such as food allergies(2), but whole body allergic reactions also improve. Probiotics have been shown to reduce diseases such as eczema, hay fever and possibly even asthma(3).

Probiotics are truly a miracle remedy, and not just for allergies! Populating your gut with beneficial microflora improves your skin, helps you maintain a healthy weight, gives you energy and improves your overall well-being.
Pro-biotic Max

Containing 10 different strains of probiotics, yielding over 25 billion “live” bacteria per capsule, our Pro-Biotic Max formula supports the absorption of nutrients in the stomach and intestines, improves elimination of toxic compounds and boosts immune system response.

We blend these 10 strains with digestive potentiators like chamomile flowers, slippery elm and Jerusalem artichoke to nourish healthy microflora balance in the digestive tract and enhance digestion and absorption of nutrients in the intestines

Serving Size: 1 Capsules
Servings per Container: 60
Suggested Usage: As a dietary supplement, take 1 capsule daily with 8 oz water on an empty stomach. Best taken immediately upon rising and nothing else for 30 minutes, before retiring at night, or as directed by your healthcare professional.

Special Offer: SAVE addt’l 10% with coupon code: ALLERGY
*Coupon valid through Sun, April 16th
*Limit 3 @ sale pricing

Click Here to Order!

The Healing Power of Stress-Free Sleep‏

Sleep like a dog

Far too many people suffer from insomnia and anxiety, causing them to toss and turn and night and not get into full REM sleep. They wake up exhausted. As we age, getting restful and restorative sleep becomes an almost impossible problem. Without deep, restful sleep, the body cannot truly recover and heal from the stress of daily life.

As a result, tranquilizers and sleeping pills have become some of the most over-prescribed medications on the market. Americans consume over a million and a half pounds of dangerous tranquilizers annually, mostly for psychological, stress-related reasons, not for physical problems. The problem is that they do not give the body the deep restorative sleep that rejuvenates the mind and body.

Far from being simple medications to relieve sleeping problems, these drugs can have adverse affects on physical and mental health, and daily living. Over use or misuse can cause dizziness, memory loss, decreased mental function, confusion, loss of coordination, each of which can contribute to degenerative health or personal injury.

When was the last time you had a really good night sleep?

As an alternative to pharmaceutical drugs, many people take Melatonin to aid with sleep. Melatonin is a hormone made by the pineal gland which helps to control your sleep and wake cycles.

A Melatonin deficiency can interfere with proper sleep. If you suspect that you have a Melatonin deficiency you should take a hard look at any medications you are taking. There are several common ones that could be lowering your Melatonin levels and interfering with your sleep.

Anti-inflammatory compounds like aspirin and ibuprofen block Melatonin production. Beta blockers and calcium channel blockers used to treat high blood pressure also inhibit the formation of Melatonin. And ironically, sleep aids and drugs that treat anxiety problems also stop Melatonin formation.

Many foods contain high amounts of Melatonin; bananas, barley, ginger, rice, and corn. Eating these foods regularly will lift your Melatonin levels.

Although there are numerous benefits to taking Melatonin, it is not sufficient to solve the serious problem of chronic sleep deprivation. It does not relieve stress from our daily life or contribute to the overall well being of the mind and body.

Stress & Cortisol

Stress is a natural response to internal and external conditions which elevates alertness and increases our immune system response. A little stress is good, but prolonged stress leads to fatigue, lack of sleep, irritability and long-term health issues.

Cortisol is the body’s stress hormone which is secreted by the adrenal glands in high levels in response to stress. Small doses of cortisol are good – providing an energy burst and heightened awareness in response to our natural fight or flight response.

Prolonged, heightened levels of cortisol in our bloodstream have very negative effects – impairing mental performance, suppressing thyroid function, upsetting blood sugar balance, raising blood pressure, increases abdominal fat which causes a plethora of other issues, and lowering immunity and inflammatory response. After a stressful event, our body needs to relax and recover, allowing cortisol levels to drop and return to a normal state.

Good Night is for deep, restorative sleep!

Including a tour de force of all the sleep-inducing elements known to natural medicine (including Melatonin of course), Good Night assists you in relaxing and falling asleep at bedtime, while at the same time enhancing the deep, restorative REM sleep in the early morning hours.

Serving Size: 3 Capsules
Servings per Container: 30
Suggested Usage: As a dietary supplement, take 3 capsules 30-60 minutes before bed with 8oz water. May reduce to 1 or 2 capsules if satisfied with results, or as advised by your healthcare practitioner.

Click Here to Order!

Further Tips & Suggestions:

  • Exercise is the body’s original stress reducer! Go for a walk, or a run, ride your bike, do yoga, any activity that gets the blood pumping for a minimum of 30 minutes.
  • Meditation is another great stress reliever. I like to take off my shoes and walk or stand in the grass, breathing deeply and just being still for awhile. Whatever works for you, take time each day and do it.
  • Avoid the snooze button and sleeping late. These habits could be contributing to your insomnia problem.
  • Refrain from eating for at least two hours before you go to bed.
  • Avoid stimulating drinks with caffeine after 5 o’clock. They can prolong the time it takes to go to sleep. Alcohol is also disruptive to sleep patterns, as are less obvious sources of caffeine like chocolate, chocolate-flavored foods, soft drinks and salt, which can act as a mild stimulant to the adrenal glands.
  • Check to see if your inability to sleep coincides with the use of a new medication. One of the biggest detriments to sleep is the widespread use of medications, both over-the-counter and prescription. Even seemingly harmless over-the-counter sinus and nasal congestion medications can be strong nervous system stimulants that can interfere with sleep.
  • Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar can also be responsible for insomnia. Your brain uses glucose as its main source of energy. If glucose (blood sugar) levels fall below normal while you’re sleeping, your adrenal glands automatically release hormones that stimulate glucose production. This will wake you up in the middle of the night. If you fall asleep easily, but waken in the middle of the night and have difficulty returning to sleep, it could be an indication of falling blood sugar levels. Consuming a small amount of unsweetened juice or a teaspoon of peanut butter when you wake up at night will often stabilize the blood sugar enough to allow you to return to sleep.

If anyone you know has serious insomnia condition, contact our Customer Support team to schedule a private consultation.

God be with you at all times.

The Miracle of Life…Bottled

Can You Really Get Your Body to Become Your Doctor?

At a time such as right now, with seemingly every other person suffering some kind of disease, is this just wishful thinking?

I know it works, as I went through this myself fighting terminal cancer 30 years ago, traveling around the world to find a way to heal myself, when doctors couldn’t. I was the guinea pig to find out what the body needs, every minute to overcome disease.

Back then, I wasn’t into alternative medicine at all. I was an analyst working for major corporations, solving complex problems when I suddenly came down with cancer and given just six months to live. Even the doctors said that chemo and radiation would not work.

I literally turned my life upside down and decided to spend this last six months they gave me and search for an answer. I had nothing else to do!

Obviously, I did indeed find an answer.

Like a dogged detective, I followed very hint and clue to overcoming the cancer. I went to India, Pakistan and Hunza, Bhutan and Tibet, South Korea and China. Peru, Ecuador and Brazil. Places where they follow centuries old philosophies and herbal remedies that lift people up high above disease, to a place where they find Health Beyond Disease.

I sought out places where people lived long, long lives, disease free, believing they must know something that could possibly help me.

All along this road to recovery, I unearthed truly amazing things, incredible facts about how to trigger the body to overcome anything and defeat any disease.

I Kept Asking Myself, “Why Don’t Doctors Tell Us This”?

Along this long (and at times lonely road) I had incredible learning experiences and developed friendships with amazing healing masters, who shared their wisdom and knowledge with me.

I found what I think is the answer to all health and healing and happiness. I learned how to literally trigger the body to become The Doctor of Our Own Body.

You can get off dangerous pharmaceutical drugs and return to the abundant health of your birth, your youth at the very first fresh new day that you arrived, with everything working a maximum potential.

The Body As Doctor philosophy is a profound change of attitude in generating a life force, free of disease and infirmity.

This knowledge, these things, these gifts from the Universe that I was given, are in all our formulas, and are the very core of our Miracle of Life nutraceutical formula. And that is this philosophy that every single person on this planet needs to understand.

The most fabled place I went to was to the Okinawan islands in the Sea of Japan. These people do live seemingly forever! And it’s been chronicled in a landmark research study, The Okinawa Program. Everyone should read this book.

In Okinawa, the occurrence of heart disease is one fifth that of America. The rate of breast, ovarian and prostate cancers is less than a quarter of American levels. And the number of centenarians is six times that of the United States!

Most important, Okinawans have the world’s longest disability-free life expectancy.

If Americans lived more like the Okinawans, 80 percent of the nation’s coronary care units, a third of the cancer clinics and a vast majority of nursing homes would go out of business.

What Do They Do, That We Don’t?

They use the Body As Doctor philosophy every single day. The common denominator of all the places I went to where longevity was commonplace and accepted, the people consumed continual amounts of amazing compounds in their drink and their food.

These compounds, I subsequently found, were the basis for all life. By consuming them daily, the body was able to achieve its true genetic potential.

In Hunzaland, in Okinawa, in the Vilcabamba of Ecuador, in the Caucasian mountains of Georgia, everyone consumes large quantities of  Trace Minerals. In Hunzaland they call it Glacier Milk or the Milk of Mother Earth.

What I found through my studies was that the body is made up of organs that are miniature factories, orchestrating the operation of every cell in our body. In every instance, the foreman of each factory, of each organ, is one or more minerals. Without the foreman (the mineral) being there, the factory workers – the vitamins, amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, enzymes – don’t know what to do.

The lack of trace minerals is where disease gets its start!

Imagine a Life without Disease

For many years, I have wanted to create a nutritional formula integrating all of the wisdom the ancient healers shared with me.

The idea for it came from a period of deep contemplation and Eastern meditation using principles and techniques I learned while in the high mountain village of Shimla in northern India and at the Drum Mountain Monastery outside of Shanghai, China.

The body needs 76 minerals and trace minerals. This is the genetic code of all life and I recommend everyone to take a teaspoon of our super-concentrated Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex every day.

But that’s just the start. I wanted a formula that would leverage the power of trace minerals to support every single cell in the body, from enhancing memory and concentration to boosting the body’s own immune system response, detoxifying cells and deliverying all-day energy. I wanted to share the ultimate Longevity formula.

Miracle of Life – the Name Says It All!

Miracle of Life is the crystallization of all my work in promoting Contagious Health these past 30 years.

Electronically charged, ionic trace minerals are the foundation for all true health and longevity. They dramatically increase the cellular absorption of the natural compounds in Miracle of Life.

The ingredients list reads like a Who’s Who of revered chinese and ayurvedic herbs like Ashwagandha, Holy Basil, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, Green Tea, Chlorella, Resveratrol and much more.

Designed as the Ultimate Longevity formula, Miracle of Life is truly one-of-a-kind. You won’t find anything like it.

May you enjoy it as much as we did creating it.

Serving Size: 6 capsules (201 capsules in each bottle)
Servings Per Container: 33
Suggested Usage: As a dietary supplement, take 4-6 capsules daily with breakfast or a morning snack. For added benefit, take 1-3 capsules in the afternoon with a light snack.

CAUTION: This product contains Niacin which may cause temporary flushing, tingling or skin reddening. Pregnant or lactating women, anyone taking prescription drugs or with medical conditions should consult their health care provider before using this or any product. Discontinue if nervousness, sleeplessness or nausea occur.

Six capsules contain about 30mg of caffeine, equal to approximately 1/3 cup of coffee.

Retail Price: $65.95
Members: $55.97

Click Here to Order!

Miracle of Life has changed my life. I am 47 and relatively fit, but with border line to high cholesterol, my future was not as bright as I wanted it to be. I began taking Miracle of life and my cholesterol is below 200 for the first time….maybe ever. Mark

Hi Dr. G. I have been taking the miracle of life and balanced woman 40 plus since Monday (5 days). I have energy like you would not believe. I feel like a kid again. I noticed the change the first day. Colleen

Muhammad Ali's Secret Training Fuel

Muhammad Ali called it his “Secret Weapon”

The Russian’s first discovered the benefits of Dimethylglycine or DMG and they used this little-known ingredient as a key supplement for athletes during their Olympic domination in the 1970’s and 1980’s.

Mislabeled for years as vitamin B-15, DMG is an effective energy booster, stamina enhancer, and cardiovascular-building nutrient, as it makes the process of metabolism extremely fast and significantly more efficient.

DMG has demonstrated, through over 40 years of clinical studies, “to dramatically improve the nutritional environment of cells, tissues, and organs of the human body” – so you look and feel younger, no matter how old you are!

Muhammad Ali used vitamin B-15 (DMG) during his reign as the heavyweight boxing champion of the world, claiming it was his Secret Weapon in training.

Dr. Balch, author of the best-selling book, Prescription for Nutritional Healing says,

“Taking supplemental DMG can have a wide range of beneficial effects, including helping the body maintain high energy levels and boosting mental acuity.

DMG has been found to enhance the immune system and to reduce elevated blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It improves oxygen utilization by the body, helps to normalize blood pressure and blood glucose levels, and improves the functioning of many important organs.”

But We Didn’t Stop There…

Rhodiola is a powerful adaptogenic herb, in that it has the capacity to normalize body functions and strengthen systems compromised by stress.  It is able to SUPERCHARGE the DMG for a significantly more powerful effect in your body.

These top-secret weapons of the Russian Olympic Teams of the 1970’s and 80’s – beyond a doubt – enhanced their athletic performances without performance enhancing drugs.

It is particularly beneficial for relieving the extreme stressors of training and boosted endurance, energy, and stamina – not just physically – but, also in the brain and central nervous system.

As well as liberating more energy for exercise, Rhodiola also helps protect muscle tissue during exercise.  Rhodiola extract reduced levels of C-reactive protein, an inflammatory marker, and creatine kinase, a marker of muscle damage.

Rhodiola Rosea is also another all-natural anti-depressant. Rhodiola has repeatedly been proven to significantly impact depression symptoms and is also a powerful adaptogenic to help you cope with stress and change

PLUS the Most Powerful Plant Source of Vitamin C

Amla fruit is the most powerful plant source of vitamin C, which helps dissolve free radicals associated with heavy workouts, and turbocharges the other two ingredients, giving you the most unique, effective energy formula on the market today!

Nature's Energy Secret formula

Nature’s Energy Secret incorporates 3 relatively unknown, yet powerful ingredients that increase your energy, reduce your stress and make you smarter!

  • DMG plays a crucial role in cellular metabolism, energy production, and maintaining a healthy amino acid balance within the central nervous system, supporting key brain functions responsible for clarity of thinking and memory recall.
  • Rhodiola Rosea is an adaptogen, assisting in balancing the body’s emergency alert system and strengthening the body’s response to physical, mental, and emotional stressors. Rhodiola enhances the oxygen capacity of red blood cells.
  • Amla fruit is one of the most important fruits in Ayurveda. Rich in vitamin C, Amla also contains 30 times more polyphenols than red wine, is a superior free radical fighter and antioxidant, beneficial for metabolism, blood flow and anti-aging.

Nature’s Energy Secret can absolutely change your life!


Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Servings per Container: 90
Suggested Usage: As a dietary supplement, take 1 capsule upon rising on empty stomach. Repeat mid-day for additional benefit, or as directed by your healthcare professional.

“I started taking Nature’s Energy Secret last year and immediately felt the effects.  I was calmer and more energetic at the same time!  I can respond to daily stress without it ruining my day, can exercise much longer without getting exhausted, and I have greater mental capacity.  I quit drinking coffee at the beginning of this year and I really haven’t even noticed.  I love this product! Nature’s Energy Secret changed my life!” – Connie, Broomfield, CO

Further Tips & Suggestions:

  • Immediately – switch to organic soy, almond or hemp alternatives. All dairy products negate the effect of DMG, so stop consuming these.
  • Add Ultra D3 to your regime to boost the power of Nature’s Energy Secret!
  • Have our Miracle Potassium Broth daily. The brain loves Potassium.
  • Get 30 minutes of fast walking in every day to get more oxygen to the brain and cells.

The Infinitesimal Difference between an Idiot and an Einstein

The Miracle Mineral

There is an old medical saying that just a few grains of Thyroid hormone can make the difference between an idiot and an Einstein.

At the turn of the century, we would receive Iodine in our food supply, but sadly this is no longer true (except maybe in Japan) and is the reason why Thyroid problems are now epidemic. The Thyroid might be the most under-appreciated organ in our entire body, and crucial to intelligence formation.

It’s a tragic medical fact that a just a few microscopic grains of Thyroid hormone are all that separates super-intelligence from abject cretinism. In between these two poles of thinking ability, lies an eternity of medical and mental problems such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD), Autism, Mono/Bipolar Disorder, learning difficulties and slow thinking.

In Bangladesh, the rate of cretinism was once over 65% of all newborn children, until a massive humanitarian program was initiated that provided high Iodine-rich foods, supplements and table salt to the entire country. In less than 5 years, the rates of cretinism dropped by over 80% with no drug intervention needed. Not that any drug could hope to be of any help, anyway!

Iodine is the miraculous mineral element that fuels the Thyroid, even to a just-created fetus inside a mother’s womb.

The great Missing Element

Those of you who know me well, know how passionate I am about the giant necessity of minerals. They are the core of all our formulas and protocols.

An epidemic-scale problem has arrived seemingly overnight that, once again, can be instantly reversed by minerals. The thyroid is a factory and the raw material this factory requires to operate at peak efficiency is the miracle-mineral Iodine.

Today’s diet of fast food, junk food, highly-processed food like deli meats, fried chicken, pizzas and carbonated drinks and dairy products contain next to zero levels of Iodine.

So, what happens? The poor old Thyroid gets starved to death. The body spirals out of control.

And what do our dear friends in the medical and pharmaceutical industries do? Do they advocate Iodine therapy?  NO! They prescribe synthetic Thyroid drugs with all the resultant pitfalls.

Fatigue, Obesity, Depression, Dementia – do you have any of these?

Drugs never cure disease, they just treat the symptoms and invariably come with a host of side-effects that make life miserable.

There is an alternative to suffering and being fleeced of your hard-earned savings. It’s the use of a force that created us all – Mother Nature.

According to the pioneering physician Broda Barnes, author of Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness, there are at least 47 symptoms of low-Thyroid function. Barnes estimates that nearly 40% of the adult population has some form of thyroid deficiency.

Most of these are invariably overlooked by doctors and standard blood tests. These symptoms can be:

  • fatigue
  • depression
  • dementia
  • brain fog
  • low immune response
  • constipation
  • weight gain
  • fluid retention
  • irregular menstrual cycle
  • infections
  • discoloration of the skin
  • hair loss
  • drooping eyelids

This sounds like everyone around us!

A sluggish Thyroid can also be linked to a fatty Liver, high cholesterol, candida, low insulin production.

Because the Thyroid governs all metabolic processes, right down to the cellular level, every organ and system of the body can be affected by its dysfunction.

Many elderly people I have treated for Hypothyroidism have been improperly diagnosed as suffering from dementia by their regular doctor.

After a short course of our amazing Detoxified Iodine formula, their comeback was startling to them and their family. Energy levels rebounded. Thinking capacities and memory came back. Weight problems disappeared. Persistent colds and flu became a thing of the past. All because of the power of our minerals and in particular, the miracle mineral Iodine.

With nearly 40% of the population estimated to have some kind of Thyroid malfunction, the odds are that you have a Thyroid problem too.

The Edgar Cayce Thyroid Formula – a Gift from God

Edgar Cayce was "told" of the  power of Iodine
Edgar Cayce

Many of you are familiar with Edgar Cayce and his extraordinary works and readings.

Cayce was a true mystic whose connection to God and the innate intelligence of the Universe resulted in miraculous cures for all diseases using the power of Mother Nature.

His lifework  formed the basis for the renowned A.R.E. Institute in Virginia Beach, VA.  If you are ever near there, please make a pilgrimage to this Mecca of Natural Healing and Thinking.

The greatest thing that Cayce was told was the power of Iodine and that it was “the great missing link in all mankind” particularly in generating intelligence, and the role of the thyroid in treating all disease.

Detoxified Iodine DropsHe was also given the recipe for a very special formula for Iodine, which became incredibly famous during the 1930s and 40s. It was an electrified form of Iodine called “Atomidine”.

Through our association with the world’s most respected Cayce scholar and researcher, Phillip Thomas, we are able to provide the original Atomidine formula, Edgar Cayce’s Detoxified Iodine, with all its power and glory to treat thyroid malfunction.

It is a true gift from God for what it can do.

One 83 year old lady who had suffered chronic fatigue for over 20 years started using it and after a week was able to spend 6 hours in the garden doing yard-work – something she hadn’t done for “a donkey’s years”, she said.

For total nutritional support for your Thyroid, we always recommend Thyroid Energy and Marine Phyto-Plankton, formulas in addition to the Iodine drops.

Thyroid Energy is an entire Thyroid nutrition program for a healthy, balanced life free of exhaustion. With Iodine, L-Tyrosine, revered Ayurevedic herbs Ashwaganda and Guggul, along with minerals like zinc and selenium and vitamins B6 and B12 for energy and to stimulate vital thyroid hormone production.

Our Marine Phyto-Plankton formula is rich in chlorophyll, along with vitamins, trace minerals, amino acids, enzymes, essential lipids, as well the world’s most powerful antioxidants. Just one or two capsules with each meal will ensure your body and Thyroid all the Iodine, Chlorophyll and nutrients it needs. I consider Marine Phyto-Plankton to be a true SuperFood.  If you want to learn more about it, read my article, The Japanese Secret to Longevity.

Get the Kit! We’ve bundled these three formulas as the Thyroid Repair Kit with an additional discount over purchasing separately.

Click Here to Order your Thyroid Repair Kit!

Our natural formulas are not only powerful, they are totally safe and can be used by children, adults, the elderly and all animals.

A dear friend, Linda Parelli, contacted me about her horse Allure, wanting to know if we can help to restore his Thyroid naturally.

Photo: Linda and Pat Parelli and their horse Allure

Dear Friends,

When I first got Allure, I didn’t know he had a thyroid issue, but I can look back on photos now and see the enlarged thyroid gland – it looks like a little golf ball on his gullet right behind his jaw. What I mainly saw was a horse with dry coat, straw colored hair, no shine and some seriously hyper-active behavior. I can’t really remember the moment that I realized it was a thyroid issue, but from that moment on I began to treat him with great results. Interestingly, when I started giving him Parelli Essentials he made huge progress but then I hit a wall again with him and that got me searching. He looked a lot better, his hair had darkened dramatically, but that little lump was still there and his mane was still a bit frizzy.

Click Here to read the rest of Linda’s story.

Further Tips & Suggestions:

  • Follow the Edgar Cayce Iodine directions carefully. These were also given to Cayce in one of his readings.
  • Keep a diary of your progress on these these formulas, you won’t believe the turnaround.
  • Always take your Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex at the same time for the high Magnesium content, this complements the Iodine.
  • Avoid refined sugar, fluoride toothpastes, hard liquor, hydrogenated fats and excessive caffeine. These all block the body from using its Iodine.
  • Add dry sea vegetables to all your soups, salads and meals. My favorite is from the Maine Seaweed Co, hand-harvested, dried for packaging and shipped to your door. Lots of wonderful recipes on their website too.
  • If you’re taking Synthroid, cancel this costly and next-to worthless drug and substitute our all-natural Thyroid Repair Kit which includes all three of the formulas mentioned above. It works better and costs less! Read Kimmy Keech’s story about how her energy returned and mood improved after just a few days with this natural approach.
  • Make sure you drink water that is free from Fluoride. More than 50 years ago, the American Dental Association convinced our government to add fluoride to the water supply in an attempt to prevent tooth decay in children. What they didn’t realize is that fluoride wreaks havoc on the thyroid, particularly a child’s. We developed a water filtration system to remove this dangerous chemical from your drinking water – click here to learn more about these one-of-a-kind filtration systems.

As always, here’s to your Contagious Health!

Where Does Your Protein Come From?

Protein comes from meat and fish, right?

Most of us get our protein from animals or animal by-products like milk, cheese, and eggs. Is this the best form of protein we can consume? The safest?

Not by a long shot!

Did you know bovine (cow) meat was long considered poor man’s protein? And whey protein, a by-product from making cheese, was sold as pig feed, as it fattens up pigs quickly. Ironically now whey powder is sold as a sports supplement for athletes!

Not surprisingly, animal protein has been proven in innumerable studies to be linked with higher incidence of heart attack, stroke, diabetes and cancer.

Where do the animals we eat get protein? Plants, of course. Plants have protein – and lots of it.

How much protein do we really need? Ten percent is the amount of total dietary intake. And less than 1/3 of this should be from animals.

Unfortunately most of the plant-based foods we do eat are often highly processed, or loaded with dressings like ranch dressing, which is just horrible for us! Processed foods always come loaded with added fat, sugar and salt. No wonder the country is fighting obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer!

Today we highlight our plant-based Protein Plus Superfood 7-in-1 formula. If you are not familiar with this amazing formula, you are in for a delicious treat!

All Proteins are NOT Created Equal

Protein comparison of steak vs. BroccoliYou can source your protein from animals or plants.

The difference in these two sources is staggering.

You don’t have to investigate far to see the results of a diet high in animal-based protein and dairy.

For far too long, people have been “fed” the myth that a vegetarian or vegan cannot get sufficient protein from their plant-based foods.

WRONG! Nothing could be further from the truth!

Pretty much all plant foods have protein! We need to eat foods that supply us with the nine essential amino acids that our bodies cannot make on their own. Some plant-based foods actually contain ALL of them: quinoa, buckwheat, soy, chia and hempseed.

As long as foods like legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, fruits and vegetables are consumed daily, you’re getting everything you need and more!

Click Here to Read About the Protein Myth

You can get all the protein your body needs from plant-based foods – and now plant-based protein powders!

Continue reading “Where Does Your Protein Come From?”

It's Killed More Than WW2 – Are You Next?

The High Blood Pressure/Cholesterol Connection

According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of disease-related death. High blood pressure and high cholesterol are the two major risk factors that contribute to the development of heart disease.

Many doctors treat their patients with prescription medications, that can lead to horrible side-effects! Just look at the list:

  • Headache
  • Difficulty Sleeping
  • Flushing of the Skin
  • Muscle Aches, Tenderness, or Weakness (myalgia)
  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea or Vomiting
  • Abdominal Cramping or Pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating or Gas
  • Constipation
  • Rash

Add to this list the chance of developing memory loss, high blood sugar, and even Type 2 Diabetes!  What? Why would anyone want to put these drugs into their body, when they can actually develop MORE disease by taking them?

There is also absolutely NO proof that these drugs will keep you from having a heart attack. Just watch any statin drug commercials on TV and you’ll see that the claim simply cannot be made.

Click Here to Read More About the Dangers of Statins

The 2-Headed Monster – Salt and Sugar

Your blood pressure AND cholesterol are hugely affected by two things:  salt and sugar. The Food and Drug Administration is finally beginning to recognize the problem through their recent urging of food manufacturers to voluntarily limit the sodium they add to food.

“The link between sodium consumption and blood pressure is strong and well documented,” said Susan Mayne, FDA’s Director of the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, in announcing the move. High blood pressure increases the risk for heart disease, stroke, and premature death.

“The totality of scientific evidence, as reviewed by many well-respected scientific organizations, continues to support lowering sodium consumption from current levels,” Mayne explained.

Continue reading “It's Killed More Than WW2 – Are You Next?”

Sleep, Ahh Glorious Sleep!

What Would You Do for a Good Night’s Sleep?

Billions of dollars are spent every year trying to achieve one of the single, greatest contributors to health and healing – SLEEP.

The pharmaceutical industry wants to give you false, drug-induced sleep, which leads to early morning grogginess that can last all day. In addition, these drugs are proven to be dangerous, while some are being questioned as an underlying reason for Alzheimer’s. No one needs sleep this way!

What is causing a lack of sleep? It can be hormones, adrenal fatigue, even caffeine addiction, but the thing I find most often is toxicity of the body. The good news is that if you rid the body of toxins, you can discover sleep in a whole new way – the way it was meant to be!

I think you’ll enjoy Carolyn’s experience with how she found sleep after 5 years of restless nights with our 14-day Detox Program.

Sleep, Ahh Glorious Sleep!
Continue reading “Sleep, Ahh Glorious Sleep!”