"Meals that Heal" Recipe Book

Nearly 30 years now in my extraordinary journey fighting cancer, the one thing that kept me alive and strong enough to fight another day, were the gifts that God’s messengers – healers and herbalists, doctors and believers, gave me in the form of special “Meals that Heal”.

I collected these special meals in my bulging notebooks and on scraps of paper all these years, passing them out to others I met along the way who were also on their own personal journey of recovery.

Hippocrates, who many consider to be the original doctor, is credited with saying,

“Your food should be your medicine; your medicine should be your food.”

Truer words have never been said or more powerfully in the understanding of how important our diet is in first preventing and then overcoming disease. “Dis-ease” occurs because we are out of balance for a prolonged period of time. We are literally “with out ease”.

The demands of life today are starkly different from those of our parents and grandparents. Most of us rush through our day, eating breakfast on the run, lunch at our desk and if we do stop and sit down for dinner, the food is often take-out, fast food, or pre-packaged, processed foods. No wonder we have an epidemic of diseases!

Our “Meals that Heal” use fresh fruits, vegetables and grains available at any grocery or health food store, delivering the vital nutrients our bodies desperately need to heal and restore the natural balance and “ease” in our lives.

The recipes and messages of the healing power of foods are available to you to start using for tonight’s first dinner with God. They are simple to make and can be stored in the refrigerator or freeze to reheat when needed.

Click here or on the book cover to purchase your copy.  To help support our mission to Heal the World, One Person, One Pet, One Plant at a Time, we charge $14.97 per copy to keep our “Clinic Without Walls” going.

Try a new recipe each week and let us know your favorites, and also which have healed you in some way. I have my favorites, they’re all in the book!  Enjoy and remember to thank God for creating them.

“Look after yourself because no one else but God will.”


P.S. If you would like to receive additional recipes and tips on making great tasting vegetarian meals, we encourage you to sign-up for Our Community Kitchen, a monthly newsletter on incorporating a “plant-strong” diet into your life.

Organic Produce – Is it worth the money?‏

Hi and welcome back!

Today’s issue is about organic produce, and whether or not it is worth the extra money.

Summer is less than two weeks away!  As the grass gets greener and flowers start to bloom, the world seems to get much more colorful. For me, that means my meals seem to get more lively too.  Farmers markets are now in full swing, with a bounty of fresh produce.  I thought that a farmer’s market meant organic produce.  I’m not sure why I thought this, but it is not always true.

Sometimes a farmers’ market is just a way for farmers to sell off excess produce.  If you are seeking organic items, ask about growing techniques and if you find some are not organic find out what they use on their crops and when they last sprayed.

What does it mean to be organic? PickYourOwn.org explains it this way:

“The USDA has put in place a set of national standards that food labeled “organic” must meet, whether it is grown in the United States or imported from other countries. USDA’s National Organic Program regulates the standards for any farm, wild crop harvesting, or handling operation that wants to sell an agricultural product as organically produced. After October 21, 2002, when you buy food labeled “organic,” you can be sure that it was produced using the highest organic production and handling standards in the world.”

I like the PickYourOwn website. It has a great deal of information. You can look up farms in your area that have places where “you pick.”  It also provides crop calendars, and for those of you brave enough to attempt it, there are instructions for canning, freezing and making jam.

I love the idea or organic food, but I must admit, I am not always pleased with the appearance. I have purchased organic apples at local our grocery store and if you hold it next to a conventionally grown apple, you will notice the differences immediately. The organic apple will not have the sheen of the conventional one, nor will it be free of little bug holes.  Also, the color may seem a bit dim.

So, I wonder, are the conventional ones made to look more appealing because they really aren’t good for us?  Why shine them up?  If they weren’t shiney, would they lose their appeal? And what kind of wax/oil is used to get that shine?

And then there is the cost. If a farm is not using chemicals, fertilizers or pesticides, I’d figure the cost of growing a crop would be lower, yet items grown organically can be as much as fifty percent more than their conventional counterparts.  Why so much more?

Some say organic farmers have to go through quite a lot of hoops to be certified as organic or that they have to spend more for natural compost and soil preparation.  Also, there is the idea that smaller crops have to be grown,  and due to poor soil, crops must be rotated every year.

Whatever the reason, when it comes to finances, no matter how health conscious we are, everyone has a budget.

Perhaps in response to our dilemma, the TODAY Show ran a segment about “The Dirty Dozen” – twelve fruits / vegetables that should always be purchased organic.

The Dirty Dozen
Organic Fruits (Any fruit with a thin skin or a skin that can be eaten)

  • Apples
  • Cherries
  • Grapes
  • Nectarines
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries
Organic Vegetables (Any vegetable with a thin skin or a skin that can be eaten)

  • Bell Peppers
  • Celery
  • Potatoes
  • Spinach

The Dirty Dozen Dilemma
The theory behind this dirty dozen list, is that any fruit or vegetable that has a thin skin or a skin that is eaten (strawberries, apples, potatoes) should always be organic.

Any item with a thick skin that is removed before eating (think banana or pineapple) could be non-organic. The thought being that any pesticide residue would be removed with the skin. I don’t know if I agree with this. Aren’t the chemicals and/or fertilizer in the ground leeching into the seed that becomes the plant?

And what about items not on the list, like broccoli, cauliflower, mangos and blueberries? Wouldn’t they also “need” to be organic?

I’ve realized that no matter how well intentioned I may be, the fact remains that the produce I grew up on is not the same as the produce available today.  Soil conditions have degraded over the years and in an effort to produce more food for market, farmers have turned to pesticides, chemical fertilizers and preservatives.  I can only do so much.

So, this year, in addition to attending the Farmers’ markets, I’m attempting my own version of organic produce by having a garden. I’ve never had a garden before.  This is due mainly to my propensity for over-watering house plants.  (My husband has suggested drip irrigation, so hopefully, we’ll grow something.)  We aren’t using any fertilizer or pesticides – just water (with a few drops of Life Transfusion Liquid Minerals added every now and then), sunlight and seeds. We’ll see what happens.

As for whether organic produce worth it or not, only you can decide for yourself. Each family has to decide what they can afford and how they can best incorporate organic produce into their lifestyle and budget.

Next Time:

Summer will be in full swing, so next time, lets focus on some lighter fare, refreshing drinks, and maybe a dessert… or two!

My best friend's heart attack

In Australia, my birthplace, every male has what is known as “a best Mate.”

This is your very best friend, confidante, protector of your family should you be lost, and the person who will always stand by you in times of need.

Last week, my “best Mate”, a world-renowned painter and artist, someone whom I thought would never crumble, was hit with a heart attack.

He wanted me to share his story for everyone to read and learn what to do, should it ever happen to you – or your best Mate.

Dear Wayne,

“Last Thursday I was working out in my keep fit exercise class. Nothing too strenuous, we are all of an age and wise enough to know our limits.

Suddenly I felt nauseous and walked outside to get some fresh air. For the next ten minutes I began to sweat profusely. My head became dizzy, I thought I may faint or keel over, I could feel the blood draining from temple. I was short of breath. My arms and legs began to tingle. A pain started to happen in the centre of my chest, it felt tight and getting tighter. I told Inger and she quickly drove me home. Just 3 minutes away. Luckily our GP doctor’s practise is just 50 metres from our home. Inger walked me down there. The doctor immediately spayed a fluid under my tongue to relax the muscles, gave me an aspirin to thin the blood, then called for an ambulance to take me to Sutherland hospital. Five minutes later the pain had eased and I began feeling more comfortable.

Continue reading “My best friend's heart attack”

Vitamin K – The Forgotten Vitamin that Could Save Your Life

How can something that unclogs arteries, builds strong bones, overcomes insulin resistance and even fights cancer has been “forgotten” be left on the shelf collecting dust for over eighty years?

We’ve rediscovered it and put it to use in our newest super-formula. Everyone needs to know about this vitamin and how it could save your life.

We’ve all heard how pancreatic cancer is just about incurable. It took Patrick Swayze’s life, and so many others we don’t hear about, in just a few short months, despite millions being spent on treatment.

Guess what? This “forgotten vitamin” has been proven to short circuit pancreatic cancer cells and gets them to commit suicide (the medical term is “apoptosis” or programmed death.) It does the same thing with prostate cancer cells too.

What if I told you that it shows the same promise against ovarian cancer, Leukemia and one of the most deadly and fatal forms of liver cancer, “Malignant Hepatoma” or HCC?

And that’s not all it does.

It also unclogs blocked arteries, dramatically reduces osteoporosis and might be the missing link in fighting Alzheimer’s. These are all major killers in America today and most likely you or one of your family members or friends, is fighting one of these conditions.

Why doesn’t the world know more about this? I asked myself that very same question when we were first developing our advanced Vitamin D3+K2 formula called Ultra D3, in November 2009.

Vitamin K – The “Forgotten” Vitamin

Just over eighty years ago, in 1929, a Danish researcher discovered that when chicks were fed a fat-free diet, blood leaked out of their arteries and capillaries into the surrounding body tissues. Furthermore, blood taken from these chicks coagulated very slowly.
Continue reading “Vitamin K – The Forgotten Vitamin that Could Save Your Life”