The Secret Alzheimer's Warning Sign

You are probably familiar with traditional Alzheimer’s warning signs. lists these early signs and symptoms:  memory loss that disrupts daily life, difficulty problem solving, planning and completing familiar tasks, confusion with places and times, losing things frequently, and experiencing changes in mood and personality.

But there are important, yet hardly known, potential precursors to Alzheimer’s.

I’ve shared with you repeatedly over the years the dangers of using anti-depressants and sleep medications.  If they aren’t bad enough, there are drugs out there that attempt to combine them both and what they end up with is a chemical “Russian Roulette” cocktail.

In an article titled These Common Drugs are Giving You Alzheimer’s and published this month in The Institute for Natural Healing, a research publication, the authors talk about this new family of drugs – Benzodiazepines, or benzos – are dangerous in many ways.

Doctors are prescribing benzos in an attempt to treat anxiety, depression and insomnia in one extremely powerful little pill called Xanax, Valium, and Ativan  – and not surprisingly, these little monsters are responsible for 35% of the 1.4 million prescription drug-related ER visits in one year alone.

According to the article, researchers discovered that taking these drugs for only 3 months can increase risk of developing Alzheimer’s by over 50%!

This is just astounding.  And believe me when I say the drug companies aren’t going to be advertising the results of this study!

The researchers concluded that these medications should be declared a public health crisis – the longer the seniors in the study took these drugs, the greater the increased risk. The author’s of the article declared this to be a “direct threat to your health – even your life!

These drugs are beyond dangerous, they are destructive to our brain and thinking capacity. Never take them.  And if you are taking them now?  Please contact our Healthy Living Support team and set up a consultation to find out how to immediately get off of these drugs safely.

And now the good news!

We’ve told you for years about natural ways to help prevent this horrific disease from ever affecting your life.  Our anti-alzheimers formulas are

Mind PowerOmega 3-6-9 and Ultra D3.  Combined, these three formulas can give you the edge against dementia and the traditional Alzheimer’s symptoms.

In this “Information Age,” the effects of stress overload the brain, wreaking havoc on our thinking ability. Mind Power is like an “Einstein-pill” that fuels the genius inside of you, allowing you to think faster, remember faster and deliver protection against the ravages of dementia and early-onset Alzheimer’s.

Research out of the University of Exeter Medical School recently discovered vitamin D3 deficiency raised the risk of dementia by 53% and severe deficiency – blood levels lower than 25 nmol/L – increased risk by 125%.  And the news kept getting worse. Low vitamin D3 levels increased risk of Alzheimer’s Disease by 69% and the ones who were severely deficient, increased their chances by 122%!  This study proves there is a direct link between low vitamin D3 levels and dementia/Alzheimer’s.

You need to take Ultra D3 every. single. day! Whether you are 25 or 85, it’s not too soon or too late to be giving your brain what it needs to stay healthy!

Omega 3-6-9 is a balanced blend of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) plus Omega-9, a non-essential, but beneficial fatty acid. Omega-3 and Omega-6 are necessary for the maintenance of your heart, nervous system and skin. Omega-9 promotes a healthy vascular system.
EFAs are vitally important for brain health, as the brain consists primarily of EFAs.

For children labeled with ADD/ADHD and elderly experiencing Alzheimer’s symptoms, try Omega 3/6/9 to supply the brain with the vital nutrients it needs.

We can’t guarantee you won’t ever get Alzheimer’s Disease, but we want you to have the best chance possible to never contract this dreaded illness.

We are on your team!

Should we ALL be taking Lithium?

I read an article in the New York Times over the weekend entitled, Should We All Take a Bit of Lithium? – and for the title alone, I just knew I had to share it with you!

The basic premise of the article is this:  Researchers discovered that areas where the water supply contained natural levels of lithium, the depression and suicide rates were much lower than areas where the levels of lithium in the water were much lower or non-existent.  Lithium was found to significantly lower suicide rates, and had a significant effect in lowering rates of dementia!

Lithium is a powerful mineral and none of us should be without it – even for one day!

According to Charles Walters, author of the book Minerals for the Genetic Code, lithium:

  • is critical to the body and vital for emotional stability
  • is helps the spleen work and assist the immune system in all it’s function
  • has been shown to protect brain cells involved in learning and memory
  • is able to kill cancer cells
  • is associated with treatment for psychiatric disorders, even suicide
  • is only needed in trace amounts to provide maximum benefits
  • helps to stabilize the neurotransmitter Serotonin, the happiness and well-being brain chemical

Signs of lithium deficiency include behavioral problems, depression, alcohol cravings, manic depression, impotency, dementia and severe/prolonged melancholia.

Did you know that in the early days of 7up (originally called, Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda), the soft drink contained lithium?  It wasn’t for depression either – it was for helping manage headaches – and 7up soon became the drink of choice for hang over sufferers!

7-up actually advertised for a season for young mothers to add the soft drink to their babies milk to keep them ‘calm’ – or just tip the bottle right to your babies lips for maximum effect!

As you know, I believe minerals are the foundation of health and wholeness, and we have build our Body as Doctor philosophy entirely upon the amazing, life altering benefits of using minerals, especially ionic minerals.

When I read the New York Times article, I thought, “If everyone in the world had access to our Life Transfusion Liquid Minerals, we would be rid of most anxiety and depression – maybe even most chronic disease!”

So today, I’m sending you the gift of an amazing New York Times article, along with my recommendations if you or a loved one are battling anxiety or depression.

1. If you are suffering from depression or anxiety, you need to go off ALL dairy and meat from cows! Remember Mad Cow Disease? It’s still around.  Eat more fruits and vegetables and focus on healthy sources of protein.

2. Make sure you walk, run or bike for 30 – 60 minutes every morning. You brain needs oxygen! Have you heard of “runner’s high”? This means the exercise is turning on your Serotonin factory, the crucial chemical ESSENTIAL for the brain to be happy.

3. Start with diet and exercise, and add one or more of our anti-depression formulas that can take the edge off, while you deal with the underlying issues driving your emotional state. We have an entire brain and mood category of extraordinary formulas designed to give you the emotional, psychological and mental boost needed so that you can overcome whatever is coming against you.

Our ‘liquid lithium’ formula, Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex, is definitely the place to start!  Lithium is a natural anti-depressant, and magnesium can calm anxiety better than any pharmaceutical drug!

Whether you want to use preventative measures to avoid depression throughout life, or are struggling now with depression and anxiety due to emotional or physical triggers, we can help! Call our customer support team and find out which formulas are right for you. Or if you need to talk, please schedule a consultation with me or one of my team – We are all here to help you.

USA TODAY – "10 states report outbreak of respiratory illness in kids"

According to USA Today and all major news organizations, a virulent virus is rapidly spreading across the country. 12 states have seen cases at this point, and as many as 15% of infected children have been hospitalized, primarily due to breathing difficulties.

The number of hospitalizations could be “just the tip of the iceberg in terms of severe cases,” Mark Pallansch, director of the CDC’s Division of Viral Diseases, told CNN.

This virus – enterovirus D68, is typical in that is similar to what the medical community sees during the cold and flu season, but atypical in that we are seeing cases much sooner than the cold and flu season that usually begins soon after Halloween, and also the number of hospitalizations is far greater with this virus than with the common cold.  “There are about 100 types of illnesses in the enterovirus family, which affect about 10 million to 15 million Americans each year”, the CDC said.

Dr. Christine Nyquist, medical director of infection control at Children’s Hospital Colorado, said the hospital sent samples to the CDC from patients with respiratory illness. Around 75% were confirmed to be EV-D68.  Colorado has seen more then 900 cases of this virus since August 18th.

The reason health officials are concerned this year is that there have been so many hospitalizations.

That’s the scary part — the unpredictability, I think,” Nyquist said.

Continue reading “USA TODAY – "10 states report outbreak of respiratory illness in kids"”

The Only Kids Complete Multi-Vitamin (Gummies!) They'll ASK for!

“Rates of Stroke, Diabetes, Heart Disease and Childhood Obesity were found to be 70% higher in neighborhoods the closest to a fast food outlet.”

Our children are being subjected to a highly sophisticated, mass-marketing campaign to eat more junk-food and are becoming the sickest generation ever to live – all due to their diet.

Massively bankrolled propaganda campaigns devised by Madison Avenue, with battalions of research insight into the workings of a child’s mind, make the consumption of disease generating, sugar and fat-laden junk food a “wild and exciting adventure”.

The implications of this downturn are terrifying:

  • declining educational performance & learning disabilities
  • mental disorders like attention deficit syndrome are at epidemic proportions
  • massive instances of obesity, leukemia, cancer, diabetes and heart disease

This is evidence of a vast decline in our children’s health and well being.  Just look at the increase in school violence on a scale unheard of in my childhood – now totally commonplace.

Healthy diet for the body and mind is the only answer! Healthy food is the most important way to keep a child’s body and defense mechanisms working. Pathogenic organisms and viruses are everywhere. Not just in our junk food but also in our “junk TV”.

Unfortunately, most of us can take a trip to a school playground or local  mall and count the number of skinny kids you can find.  You’ll be lucky to find one.  Most are dreadfully overweight, have early onset diabetes, heart disease and are a breeding ground for cancers.

These kids are eating themselves to death. They’re overfed and undernourished. You can help change that with our new Kids’ Gummies formula.

We know you do your best to give your kids healthy food, but even your best efforts aren’t always perfect and that’s OK!

Our newest formula – Kids’ Gummies formula – is developed to fill in the gaps of healthy food and give your precious ones a complete vitamin and mineral boost!

This yummy – gluten free – gummy has all the vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and other important co-factors to support children’s growth, strong bones, brain function, internal organs and heart health – basically, this formula contains every conceivable nutrient proven to help your kids grow big and strong!

Don’t wait to get this one!  We’re not going to be able to keep it on the shelves!  You may not resist sneaking a few of these healthy “treats” for yourself and even your teens will love them.  In fact, don’t just get one bottle, why don’t you pick up two!

“These are REALLY good…I can’t eat just one.” – Malik, Kansas City, MO