Imagine losing weight while you sleep!
Our bodies can burn fat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If your body isn’t burning fat like a furnace and you’re having trouble losing weight, it’s most likely because your liver isn’t functioning correctly. Without a healthy liver, nothing else you do for weight loss will make a dent.
While the other organs rest at night, repairing and rejuvenating for a new day, your liver is hard at work processing waste from your body, natural waste from cellular energy production, and unnatural waste from artificial additives in our food and chemicals in our water.
You really can burn fat while you sleep, but not if your poor, run-down liver is clogged up with junk. The first step in losing weight is to unclog your liver.
Your liver is home to industrial-strength workers called hepatocytes. Hepatocytes provide effective communication within the liver, cleansing the blood of waste by-products, processing proteins, fats and carbohydrates, synthesizing cholesterol and lipids, and much more.
Diet, stress and medications put up walls inside the liver, preventing the hepatocytes from communicating effectively!
If I was your liver, I’d cry “Uncle” and give up under this enormous work load!
With each of our cancer patients, the very first place we start is with detoxifying the liver to start cleansing the blood and boosting immune system response. Why not do the same thing for weight loss?
When we sat down to create our Night Time Fat Burner formula, the first ingredient we wanted to include was Milk thistle.
For centuries, Milk thistle has been revered as a “liver tonic”, and research studies now show this herb to be highly effective in repairing damage to the liver from toxic chemicals and medications.
Balancing blood sugar is the next step toward weight loss.
If your blood sugar is out of control, you have constant cravings for carbohydrates and sugar! Craving sweets means your messenger hormones are confused – what your body actually needs are proteins or fats, but instead we think it is for sweets.
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