A Chinese doctor in Shanghai told me once that the average person in America gets 3 to 5 colds a year – and for children its double that! Not to mention nagging coughs, wheezing lungs, runny noses and high temperatures.
“Funny isn’t it,” he said, “in China barely anyone gets the cold or flu, no matter whether they are very young or very old.”
So what’s their secret?
Despite the billions upon billions spent on high tech pharmaceutical drugs, no drug company has been able to figure out a cure for the common cold! Every year the health police come out forcing people to get a useless (and dangerous in my opinion) flu vaccine shot.
I’ve said it countless times – there is no “Magic Bullet” to beat any disease – cancer, diabetes or the common cold. It takes a total “PROGRAM” to beat the problem.
Just two years ago, in 2009, we had the Swine Flu pandemic and the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control spent hundreds of millions with the drug companies to hurry and make a vaccine. It is estimated that between 11-21% of the world population came down with the H1N1 virus anyway, over 18,000 people died from it and the vaccine didn’t even work – and most likely further compromised everyone’s immune system that took it. (Source: Wikipedia)
We take pride in the fact that for customers who followed our Swine Flu Protection Program, we did not get one single report of Swine Flu. This year we’ve upgraded the program to a Total Winter Wellness Program. 12-Steps to follow, now and forever. This is pure Gold in it’s value. Print it out, follow it and you can kiss the common cold and dreaded Flu virus goodbye, most likely forever.
Dr. G’s Twelve-Step Winter Wellness Program
- Drink more water. Our body composition is 74% water. Fluid and electrolyte balance is a major function of homeostasis (balance), which is our body’s ability to maintain its internal environment as it adjusts to challenges and stress. Do you have any of these signs of dehyration?
- Thirst, dry mouth, cramping, headaches, weakness, foggy thinking, fatigue, bloating, dark yellow urine, significant weight loss or decreased sweat during exercise
- Cook more meals at home. Winter weather is the perfect time for heavier soups and stews with root vegetables and garlic.
- Increase whole grains.
- Increase sweet vegetables. Red and yellow peppers are deliciously sweet raw or stir-fried and an excellent source of Vitamin C. Carrots and beets are sweet and rich in carotenoids, potent phyto-nutrients that fight free radicals and support immunity. Use these along with other root vegetables to create your comfort food the winter nights.
- Increase leafy green vegetables. Especially Kale, which is one the most nutrient dense foods available.
Experiment with protein. For the Vegetarians and Vegans who get cold easily, experiment with adding homemade beef both or small amounts of grass-fed or wild-caught fish to your diet once or twice weekly during the winter. Studies show this may enhance regulation of body temperature. For more on this topic, read the article To Meat or Not to Meat by Vanessa Johansson in this month’s Catalyst Magazine and also the 3 Season Diet by John Douillard.
- Consume less dairy, sugar, coffee and alcohol. I don’t really need to mention to mention to eliminate highly-processed, chemically-infused, artificial junk foods and sodas, do I?
- Nurture yourself more often. Spend more time with friends and deeper relationships that support you. Make an appointment for a massage. You will be amazed in the results!
- Add more fermented foods with “healthy bacteria” (called Probiotics) to your diet.
- Find a physical activity you enjoy and do it regularly. Daily exercise is vitally important to your health and well being.
- Find work you love or a way to love the work you have.
- Develop a spiritual practice. Studies have shown this can enhance of your health and life.