Type 2 Diabetes, long an “adult” disease, is now becoming prominent in children, fueled by a constant diet of processed foods, Big Macs and fries, and high sugar sodas.
Kids today are more sedentary and eating more junk food than ever before. With the advent of video games, computers and seemingly endless television channels, kids sit for long periods at a time, instead of spending the day playing and exercising.
Along with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and clogged arteries, this all combines to develop diabetes.
What can a parent do? Take action!
Limit their intake of junk food and sugary sodas. Push fresh fruits to counter the sugar cravings they’ll complain about as they withdraw from ultra-high carbohydrate foods.
To help with the cravings, get them on our Max Chromium formula. Chromium is the miracle mineral that curbs sweet cravings and stimulates the metabolism, burning body fat while promoting lean muscle growth.
If your child is more than 20% overweight for their age, start them on our DiaBesity formula, supporting the pancreas with rejuvenatory herbs and minerals.
Remember, You are what you eat! Kids need to learn this now, before it is too late.
Don’t miss my major report in Tuesday’s newsletter, “Diabetes – The Disaster Waiting to Happen“.