Mercury in your Omega-3?

Did you know that nearly everyone (statistically over 99% of us!) are deficient in vital Omega 3’s?

Omega fatty acids are a crucial component of life, yet our SAD (Standard American Diet) barely has any. Your brain, for example, is 70% fatty acids – without Omega fatty acids, your brain dehydrates.

Research suggests that Omega-3’s play a major role in combating most chronic illnesses, like depression, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer, dementia, autism, ADHD, inflammation, and autoimmune diseases.

As a food-smart, nutrition-minded individual, you’ve probably been supplementing with fish oil for years. The latest research though, is frightening in its findings:

Fish-source Omega-3 can be dangerously high in Mercury!

According to a recent article in the NY Times, a sampling of tuna sushi from 20 restaurants and stores all had measurable levels of Mercury. In some of the restaurants, the level was so high, that just 6 pieces of sushi exceeded the “safe limit” set by EPA.

As even a negligible trace amount of Mercury can be highly dangerous, particularly to the brain, this is a matter of high importance to everyone.

That is why we have made the dramatic move to go totally “vegan” and non-seafood in our source of Omega-3 rich oils in our Omega 3/6/9 formula!

This new upgraded Omega fatty acid formula is a perfect blend of all the Omega’s needed by the body. And, it even has a higher quantity of Omega 3 compared to our previous fish-oil formula.

There’s no possibility of Mercury contamination, as the Omega’s come from Flax Seed Oil, Pumpkin Seed Oil and vegetable oils of the highest possible purity and strength.

To learn more, click the Play button on the video below and hear my presentation on this amazing formula, one that is necessary for everyone of any age to take each and every day.

Retail priced at $16.95, Preferred Members always save 29% at just 11.97 per bottle with 50 servings.

Click here to order.

As always, here’s to your Contagious Health!

Dr. G

Pregnancy, Alzheimer's and Vitamin D-3

John Cannell, MD - Executive Director of the Vitamin D Council

I happened to turn on the radio Sunday morning and I instantly recognized the voice. Being interviewed was John Cannell, MD, Executive Director of the Vitamin D Council, the foremost authority on vitamin D worldwide.

He was participating in a talk show interview with Katherine Albrecht, sharing amazing statistics, facts and insights into vitamin D deficiency. For example, did you know that 99+% of all pregnant women in America are deficient in vitamin D?

Do you know someone who is pregnant and about to have a child? Or at the other end of the life spectrum, do you know someone showing the initial signs of Alzheimer’s?

There’s a common link to both these totally diverse conditions: Vitamin D-3!

Vitamin D-3 is absolutely critical to a fetus’ development during pregnancy, and also lowers pregnancy complications, including gestational diabetes, preterm birth, and infection. According to a new research study by the Medical University of South Carolina, women who take 4,000 IU of vitamin D-3 daily in their second and third trimesters had one-half the incidence of pregnancy-related complications compared to women who took 400 IU of vitamin D every day, says neonatologist and study co-researcher Carol L. Wagner.

Vitamin D-3 also is beneficial for individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s, playing a role of helping to clear amyloid beta proteins which form the plaques that lead to Alzheimer’s.

For years you’ve heard me talk excitedly about about Curcumin, the ultra-powerful antioxidant compound from the Turmeric root, and how it shows promise in breaking down these plaques, well just last week scientists at UCLA and UC Riverside published their research findings in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease showing that combining Vitamin D and Curcumin for Alzheimer’s patients, may work better than either compound alone.

“We hope that vitamin D3 and curcumin, both naturally occurring nutrients, may offer new preventive and treatment possibilities for Alzheimer’s disease,” said Dr. Milan Fiala, study author and a researcher at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and the Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System.

The team discovered that curcuminoids enhanced the surface binding of amyloid beta to macrophages and that vitamin D strongly stimulated the uptake and absorption of amyloid beta in macrophages in a majority of patients.

Continue reading “Pregnancy, Alzheimer's and Vitamin D-3”

Meet "Guru Greg", the Health Maestro

Every day is special to me. Simple things like watching the sun come up over the mountains in the morning still takes my breath away.

Today is extra special! A wonderful, close friend and I think one of the greatest walking, talking encyclopedia on all matters dealing with natural medicine and health, has agreed to join our team.

We go “way, way back”, to when I first came to America and started out in the little town of Ogden, Utah, over 22 years ago. We met at a true gem of a health food store called Bright Day Health Foods, run by an angel and true missionary of health and healing, Bessie Shafer.

a photo of Greg Ashby, Health & Nutrition Coach
Greg Ashby - Health & Nutrition Coach

I had lunch there every single day, the food was just fabulous. The manager of the store was a dead-ringer for Randy Johnson, the major league baseball pitcher, and I wondered, “what is he doing working in a health food store?”

He sure knew his stuff and day by day, lunch by lunch, we became close friends and confidantes. He is a wealth of information and helped guide me in my own quest for health and recovery from cancer, Greg literally knew the background on the herbs, vitamins and minerals in every single bottle in the store.

We’ve stayed in close contact over the ensuring 22 years and now it is a truly moving event for Dale, Laura and me to welcome Greg to the team. We know you will find him to be a superb source of information and help with any of your health and healing questions and also all of our formulas.

In fact, Greg is the genius behind our new Age-Less Rx formula, featuring his favorite “adaptogenic” herb, Holy Basil, for its anti-stress and anti-inflammatory properties.

And he’s working on several more formulas with us as well!

Greg will also be writing articles for our newsletter and website, available for nutritional, health & lifestyle coaching, and occasionally answering our sales line.

So give the Baghwan of Betterment, the Maestro of Magnificent Health, “Guru Greg” a call now, toll-free at 877-975-9080 x307 or send an email.

“Look after yourself because no one else but GOD will.” (And now also Greg!)

Dr. G

Forget Cholesterol – Think Heart "Inflammation"

If you listen to all the Lipitor drug ads, fighting cholesterol is all it takes to fight heart disease. “NOT SO” say the most learned minds on the subject.

According to all of the latest research, the real danger it turns out is inflammation in the form of two frightening compounds found in the blood of heart attack victims:

  • Homocysteine
  • C-Reactive Protein

And you don’t get these compounds from certain foods – your body makes them in response to other substances.

Why don’t doctors know about all this? If they do, why aren’t they telling us?

And you don’t need a drug to control Homocysteine and C-Reactive Protein.

Checking your Cholesterol is so Last Century!

For much of the 20th century, doctors and patients tracked the ups and downs of cholesterol levels to determine the risk of having a heart attack. But the evidence supporting the link between high cholesterol and heart disease has been, from the start, pretty flimsy. Certainly, people with extremely high cholesterol levels or familial hypercholesterolemia do have a higher risk of heart disease. But elevated cholesterol levels appear to be more of a symptom than a cause – a sign that something, somewhere is awry.

In the late 1990s, researchers at the Harvard Medical School were on the trail of a new, and more likely, factor in coronary artery disease (CAD). Paul Ridker, MD, and his colleagues suspected that “inflammation” was a key player in heart disease. They developed a test for “high sensitivity C-reactive protein” (CRP) that was able to detect chronic low-grade inflammation, something missed by all other medical tests.

Lipitor-Statin Drug Madness

In the 1990s, to hoodwink the public at large, drug companies introduced cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, such as Lipitor, practically cementing the largely unsubstantiated link between cholesterol and heart disease. That began a high-pressure sell to get both consumers and physicians interested in using statins to lower cholesterol levels, and Lipitor alone now accounts for $13 billion in yearly sales.

But nearly everyone seems to ignore a key fact: half of people with heart disease have normal cholesterol levels. So there must be other big risk factors, but what are they? C-Reactive Protein and its kissing cousin, Homocysteine.

Continue reading “Forget Cholesterol – Think Heart "Inflammation"”

How "I3C" blocks Breast Cancer cells


A major research report regarding Breast Cancer has just hit my desk from the journal of Cancer Prevention Research.

Every woman in the world needs to read this vitally important piece of news. It is all about a very special natural compound I have been advocating for years and years called Indole-3-Carbinol.

As a woman, if you are not already taking this formula, read every word of this research study to find out why it is vital that you do.

And it is just as important for men too.

An article just published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research clarifies the role of Indole-3-Carbinol (I3C), a compound metabolized from broccoli and brussel sprouts, in preventing several types of cancer.

Here’s a summary of the report published June 29, 2010.

A Novel Mechanism of Indole-3-Carbinol Effects on Breast Carcinogenesis Involves Induction of Cdc25A Degradation
Authors: Yongsheng Wu, Xiaoling Feng, Yucui Jin, Zhaojia Wu, William Hankey, Carolyn Paisie, Lei Li, Fengjuan Liu, Sanford H. Barsky, Weiwei Zhang, Ramesh Ganju and Xianghong Zou

Researchers at the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute (OSUCCC-James) describe the results of experiments with three human breast cancer cell lines which determined that I3C destroys “Cdc25A”, a molecule essential for cell division and proliferation.

“Cdc25A is present at abnormally high levels in about half of breast cancer cases, and it is associated with a poor prognosis,” explained lead researcher Xianghong Zou, who is an assistant professor of pathology at the Ohio State University Medical Center and a member of the OSUCCC-James Molecular Carcinogenesis and Chemoprevention program.

Dr Zou added that “Cdc25A” is also increased in prostate, liver, esophagus, endometrial and colon cancer, in non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and in Alzheimer’s and other diseases.

“For this reason, a number of anti-Cdc25 agents have been identified, but they have not been successful for cancer prevention or treatment due to concerns about their safety or efficacy,” he noted.

In another experiment, Dr Zou’s team tested the effect of oral Indole-3 Carbinol (I3C) supplementation in mice implanted with breast cancer cells and found a 65 percent average reduction in tumor size.

(My bold emphasis. Did you catch that? A 65 percent reduction in tumor size! If a drug were to achieve a 65% reduction, big pharma would be claiming they’ve cured cancer! Dr G.)
Continue reading “How "I3C" blocks Breast Cancer cells”

Slash Your Cholesterol – Video

Lowering your cholesterol is very serious business. Statin drugs like Lipitor and Crestor are pharmaceutical madness in a pill. In order to do their job, they destroy the liver!

Do you know:

  • Which dietary fats are actually good for your arteries?
  • What “homocysteine” is and why is it more serious than bad cholesterol?
  • Why statin-drugs are dangerous?
  • How to maintain the “gold standard” cholesterol count of 150 without drugs?

All this and more is waiting right now in today’s video.

Further Tips & Suggestions:

  • Kick the milk and cheese habit. All saturated fats are immediately turned into cholesterol.
  • Drink a glass of pure water with the juice of one-half a lemon first thing upon waking up. This kick-starts the liver, helping it to wash out excess cholesterol.
  • Have a big bowl of “steel-cut” oats with almond or hemp milk for breakfast. It works wonders on high cholesterol.
  • Nicotine raises “bad” LDL cholesterol.
  • If you are 10 lbs overweight, your body produces an extra 100mg of cholesterol each day. (You do the math.)
  • Get our Liv-RX formula to help cleanse the liver and further slash your cholesterol score.
  • An image of the book cover, Kill Cholesterol Before Cholesterol Kills You by Dr. Wayne Garland, creator of Wayne Garland's Master FormulasAnd finally, download a copy of my book, “Kill Cholesterol Before Cholesterol Kills You”.

You’ll learn why cholesterol is important for the body, and what happens when you have too much of it.

I also outline a complete nutritional program that has helped hundreds of people to lower their cholesterol and blood pressure naturally – without dangerous drugs or surgery!

This is the miracle of Contagious Health!

Dr. G