1000-year-old Female Hormone Balancing Secret Revealed

When I was in China 25 years ago, I asked the professor at the Institute where I was studying why I had never heard any of the Asian woman discuss hot flashes, mood swings or PMS?

He said there was a reason. It started with their diet.

Milk was not what we think of here in the USA.  Milk in China is organic, rich and creamy, non-GMO soy milk. Chinese women have been drinking this for thousands of years.  They also drank a special herbal tea called “Eternal Flame”.

As you can imagine, I immediately seized the formula and ingredients and brought them with me back to America.  Overnight, Balanced Woman became one of our top selling formulas and still is, 20 years later.

Women raved about it and still do because it works!

The amazing tea all Chinese women drink has special herbs, twigs, sticks, fruits and vitamins, nourishing the female hormonal factory and regulating the production of the essential estrogen and progesterone hormones every woman’s body needs – and it involved no pharmaceuticals!  No drug could even possibly accomplish what Balanced Woman can.

The proof is in the pudding. Ask any woman who starts taking it – and ask their husband or boyfriend what they think of it too! Men love the change in their woman when taking they start taking this formula – and if you have daughters, Balanced Woman is perfect for balancing cycles, relieving symptoms of PMS, bloating, mood swings, and cravings!

Continue reading “1000-year-old Female Hormone Balancing Secret Revealed”

We're changing the way women "do hormones".

PROGESTERONE:  Exactly what you’ve been looking for – but your doctor doesn’t know about!

Natural, bio-identical Progesterone BOOST is changing the way women go through every hormonal season of life, and you can join them!

Progesterone is what your body is craving to end the destructive emotional and physical roller coaster of every hormonal change – from puberty through menopause.

Balancing hormones is not solely for women entering menopause anymore!  Progesterone can help restore balance at any age, by doing the exact opposite of everything that too much estrogen does in a woman’s body!

Progesterone allows the body to:

• maintain healthy secretory endometrium
• protect against breast fibrocysts
• flush out excess water and guard against bloating and water weight gain
• calm anxiety because progesterone is a natural antidepressant
• help prevent cyclical migraines
• promote normal sleep patterns
• facilitate thyroid hormone function
• normalize blood sugars and blood clotting
• boost libido, restoring healthy sexual function
• restore cellular oxygenation
• guard against endometrial, breast and uterine cancer
• improve memory

All I can say is, you’ve got to start using Progesterone BOOST today! All the women we talk to who use it say one thing – “I wish I had started using this sooner!”

In fact, the sooner the better!

BOOST Progesterone: Changing the Way Women do Hormones

Our all-natural, Bio-Identical USP Progesterone BOOST transdermal cream is derived from plant sterols.

There are no recorded side effects and studies show natural progesterone may help osteoblast function, which is integral in bone rebuilding.  Progesterone has also proven effective in helping to achieve conception, as well as maintaining healthy pregnancies.

Massage Bio-Identical USP Progesterone BOOST cream into skin until it is noticeably absorbed. It’s best to apply to thinner skin, like the chest, breasts, lower abdomen, inner thighs, wrists, inner arms and neck.

Retail Price: $24.95
Preferred Member price: $19.97

Click Here to Order

*amount of USP Progesterone Cream to apply will differ depending on your personal, individual needs. Always consult your health care provider if you need help with dosage.
*Whether to use Natural Progesterone when pre-menopausal is a decision made by each woman individually, with her health care professional and based on signs and symptoms of estrogen dominance.

If you, or someone you know, is suffering with hormone imbalance, contact our Clinic Without Walls Healthy Living support team to talk to someone who can support you through your journey.

No More Infertility.

Infertility is a growing problem in our country.

We have the privilege of speaking with so many women who have tried “everything” before coming to us, wanting a child so badly – and all the time, dreaming of seeing the positive pregnancy test.

Infertility is a sign that something is wrong and needs to be fixed.  For most women pregnancy is easily achieved by changing their diet and getting more exercise and sleep!

But, there are many thousands of women who go nearly bankrupt, spending money for expensive fertilization treatments, that may or may not even work.

The latest success rate for an in vitro fertilization treatment was 20%!

The fact is that changing your diet, exercising, sleeping and taking our powerful hormone balancing supplements is about $25,000 cheaper, and has a much higher success rate.

Read our dear friend, Toni Sheitlin’s incredible, redemptive story of how balancing her hormones gave her a much beloved gift – a baby girl!

Continue reading “No More Infertility.”

No more PMS. No more Menopause. Period.

I love women. The women in my life bring life, joy, beauty and strength.

Two things annoy me.  The first is that people die needlessly. The second is that women are living with preventable symptoms of hormone imbalances, especially menopause. We can’t stop menopause – who would even want to? There are so many beautifully amazing things about women becoming more comfortable in their own skin.

What if I told you it is absolutely possible to go through your entire life without experiencing effects of menopause, PMS, temper tantrums, crying fits, thyroid imbalance, sleepless nights, chronic fatigue or osteoporosis?

As you probably know, we regularly stress the importance of detoxification and weight loss, but many women find it absolutely impossible to lose weight until their hormonal imbalance is solved!

A 1993 article published in the The New England Journal of Medicine, featured some of the most famous words uttered by former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop and his colleagues from the Health Project Consortium:

“Preventable illness makes up approximately 70 percent of the burden of illness and the associated costs.”

At least 70% of physical, emotional and mental illness in this country is preventable.

The hormone replacement therapy, or HRT drugs given to women today in order to ‘help’ can make you very ill and, in some instances, even kill you. (For more in depth information on HRT, read our newsletter, The hidden, Ugly Truth About HRT.)

Menopause isn’t a disease!

It is a very normal, necessary part of life but the symptoms can actually make you feel like you WANT to die! The symptoms are what CAN be reversed and  prevented!

The time has come to change our thinking – women don’t need to be medicated or cured from menopause – or any hormonal imbalance!  It is time for real change.

The REAL issue with menopause (and most other hormonal issues) is this: Estrogen Dominance.

Continue reading “No more PMS. No more Menopause. Period.”

Ending Breast Cancer Begins with You!

Breast Cancer is still alive and well in the world.

Last year, nearly 2 million men and women were diagnosed, and if something doesn’t change, 13 million lives will be lost to this epidemic in the next 25 years.

If there is one disease I hope I can help protect my 4 daughters from, it’s breast cancer.

There is no absolute guarantee you or I won’t get cancer if we eat a plant-strong diet, exercise daily, drink pure, filtered water and take supplements that help to balance our hormone levels – BUT I can guarantee, if you do eat right, exercise and take these supplements, you’ll be fit and trim and you’ll forget forever what PMS feels like!

Our three hormone balancing formulas, Balanced Woman, DIM and Progesterone Boost, were created to help to eliminate all the symptoms associated with estrogen dominance and hormone imbalance.

Using these formulas can help you to lower your risk for breast cancer and live above the bloating, acne, insomnia, mood swings, carb cravings and heavy, painful periods.

Ending breast cancer starts with each of us making the best choice for our own health, so try our hormone formulas together for a month – and you’ll start feeling the best you ever have!

LIMITED TIME OFFER: Save an additional 10%* on Balanced Woman, DIM , and Progesterone Boost through October 31st!

*Limit 3 per customer @ sale pricing.

Click Here to Order

DIM: The Magic Bullet?

One of the BIGGEST MYTHS of modern medicine is this – We are all Estrogen deficient.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The fact is, most of us are flowing over with too MUCH Estrogen! Where do you think the breast and prostate cancer epidemic came from?

The REAL truth is this: Basic daily exercise and a vegetarian/zero saturated fats diet will correct the problem!

Westerners are generally up to their ears in Estrogen due to gobbling down endless amounts of saturated fat, drinking alcohol, not getting any exercise, lack of fiber, and epidemic obesity.

For the past twenty years I have talked extensively about the power of a thing called Indole-3-CARBINOL or I3C, a miraculous compound found in cruciferous vegetables.

I3C, which is a precursor to DIM, can about eliminate out-of-control Estrogen and Estriol levels in both men and women.

Continue reading “DIM: The Magic Bullet?”

Hope for Your Best Breast-Hormone Health!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we want to remind you that you can take steps right now to lower your risk of this dreaded diagnosis.

1 in 8 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and according to the CDC, other than a few types of skin cancers, breast cancer is the #1 cancer among all women and it is the #1 cause of death from cancer among Hispanic women.

Close to 250,000 Americans are diagnosed with breast cancer every year, and over 40,000 die of it.

Image:  Asian woman laughing with her hands over her mouth.Why is it that China and other Asian countries rarely see breast cancer?

It is because Asian cultures are geared toward living a healthier lifestyle – they rarely eat red meat and dairy, and their diets are primarily vegetarian.  They walk everywhere and include additional exercise into their daily routine.  Their stress levels are significantly lower than Americans, who have some of highest stress and anxiety levels in the world.

You can probably imagine what I suggest you do in order to lower your risk of breast cancer. First, you need to stop eating meat and dairy products.  Second, you need to exercise – every single day!  And take our Balanced Woman Formula.

When I was in China, I asked the professor at the Institute where I was studying why I had never heard any of the Asian woman discuss hot flashes, breast cancer, mood swings or PMS?

The Chinese women ate primarily vegetarian, drank pure soy milk – no dairy – and a special herbal tea called “Eternal Flame”.

As you can imagine, I seized the formula and ingredients for the tea, and brought them with me to America.  Overnight, Balanced Woman was one of our top selling formulas and still is – because it works!

Absolutely NO pharmaceuticals are involved! No drug could possibly accomplish what Balanced Woman can.  The ingredients in this formula are so powerful that China has one of the lowest rates of breast cancer in the entire world!

LIMITED TIME OFFER: Save an additional 10%* on Balanced Woman through October 21st!

*Limit 3 per customer @ sale pricing.

Source: U.S. Cancer Statistics Working Group. United States Cancer Statistics: 1999–2011 Incidence and Mortality Web-based Report. Atlanta (GA): Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and National Cancer Institute; 2014.

Why do you Think They Call it Graves Disease?

I am Audra Mathews and I am a 43 year old dental hygienist in the Atlanta area. The picture above is me with my beautiful niece, Emily.

Let me preface all the following with the fact that, in my past I was a competitive collegiate swimmer with a fondness of jogging and biking as a young adult; basically, I had a fitness filled life.

Then the problems started.

I was diagnosed with Graves Disease (thyroid condition), Benign Essential Tremor, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, unexplained enlarged lymph nodes in both armpits (complete with surgical removal and benign pathology), and an Epidermoid Cyst removal from my face.  I have suffered for years with chronic wrist, neck and back pain, and last but not least, migraines.

Putting this in print, it reads: “one hot mess“.

Then in early 2013, I was introduced to Wayne Garland, Pamela Van Zee and the amazing supplements that changed my life. What a blessing.  I began working hard to remove diet soda, meat, dairy, prescription medications and gluten from my life.

I seriously consider this a lifestyle change, not just a diet change.

Remarkably, the change to a vegan lifestyle has not been a difficult transition for me.  One week I was literally eating meat at every meal and the next week I was meat free. I believe it was the cancer prevention approach that Wayne Garland introduced with these concepts that sealed the deal.

I began taking the Life Transfusion Liquid Minerals, Age-Less, DIM, Balanced Women, Progesterone Boost, Marine Phyto-Plankton, and the Thyroid supplements.

Over time, the symptoms diminished, and I experienced less work related pain and stiffness.  The tremors almost entirely disappeared, and I had fewer migraines and I began to notice more energy!

In fact, I found myself with enough energy to train for a half marathon on Thanksgiving Day 2013.  Awesome!  I was on my way back to my youthful me

Now, let’s fast forward to spring of 2014, just a  little more than one year from beginning these amazing supplements.  I had experienced some financial difficulties that temporarily transformed my budget and completely run out of these products one at a time without the funds to replace them.

Little did I realize to what extent these supplements had transformed my life!

Continue reading “Why do you Think They Call it Graves Disease?”

The BEST Investment I've Made for My Health & Wellness

Image: Brenna Ballestero and Lil B

“”Hi!  My name is Brenna and I am now – literally – exploding with health!

I remember first being introduced to Wayne Garland’s supplements when my son was a baby. I confided in my girlfriend Brooke about my stress, insomnia and accompanying heart palpitations – all of the “fun” stuff that goes along with stress!

She’d met Wayne and had been taking his 5-HTP Formula for a long time.

I was shocked to hear that she had stress issues, because she always seemed to be well-rested, calm, and a generally-go-with-the-flow type of person. Alas, she shared that such was not always so, but that she’d been taking Wayne’s mega-nutrients and 5-HTP for years. She told me she’d never gotten sick while she was faithful to his products.

Being a stressed out, full time working, single mother, I was desperate for something that would keep me healthy and help me manage stress. I hated the thought of going to a doctor just to be given an anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications.

So, I skeptically, but hopefully, order my first 5-HTP supplements. The first night I took the 5-HTP, I was able to sleep and was pleasantly surprised to find out there weren’t any weird hangover feelings in the morning. I just felt … Good!

I have to say to this day, that was the BEST investment I’ve ever made for my health and wellness.

Continue reading “The BEST Investment I've Made for My Health & Wellness”

Sugar Diabetes – Hormonal Menopause – SOLVED

“If you go with the flow in America, you will end up overweight or obese.”

HBO Documentary, “The Weight of the Nation”

This quote is quite telling about the state of our nation’s health.  I would add one more truth to this.

I believe most Americans are going to end up with some sort of cancer if the Diabetic Crisis isn’t addressed.

Over the last several weeks, we’ve been talking about hormone balance as a safety net to lower your risk of cancer.

We would be remiss if we didn’t tell you that balancing hormones is impossible if you are overweight, obese or struggling to lose weight and vice versa.  If you have hormone imbalance, you won’t be able to lose weight!

It’s probably hard to imagine, but Diabetes, Menopause and Obesity are all related.  In fact, they might be the same thing, caused by the same root issue, just expressed differently by the body.

When cortisol levels – the hormone in the body that regulates your stress response –  skyrocket from chronic stress, or become completely depleted, this causes adrenal exhaustion.

The causes?  A driven lifestyle, bad food and no exercise totally confuse the body’s overall immune function and the body loses control of its sugar processing mechanism AND hormone balance becomes out of the realm of possibility.

There are solutions to this problem!

The Permanent Fix is LIFESTYLE CHANGE therapy.
This needs to be implemented immediately!  This means diet needs to change – NO dairy, NO meat, NO sugar. It also means you need to exercise every single day.  Go for a walk, especially first thing in the morning or after meals.

The Jump-start Fix is using our DiaBesity formula to rein in blood sugars.

Another Jump-start Fix is our dynamic duo for balancing hormones –DIM + BOOST Progesterone, which are able to lower the exploding estrogen dominance in your  body and help to balance hormone levels to balance your life.

The combination lifestyle changes and these 3 formulas are the most powerful way to help to bring you the long-term results you’re looking for.

Trust me on this one!

Continue reading “Sugar Diabetes – Hormonal Menopause – SOLVED”