Breast Cancer Survival – What Price Will You Pay?

Breast Cancer Awareness Month…

It’s not enough to be “aware” anymore! You have to take action – and I don’t mean the kind of “action” that Angelina Jolie took – removing both of her breasts in an attempt to keep from getting breast cancer.  It’s completely unnecessary and frightfully invasive!

Don’t be fooled! You can avoid breast cancer in your lifetime.  Let me say that again!

You can avoid breast cancer in your lifetime!

Today’s newsletter includes two women’s stories, and how they dealt with breast cancer very contrary to our philosophy.

Both needed to be told the truth about breast cancer:  You can avoid it without a double mastectomy, and you should not panic if you get this diagnosis.

We will be doing a 2-part series this month, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness. We will definitely be taking a different approach from what you are accustomed to hearing.

Next week we will get into the specifics of the hope that you can have, both in avoiding breast cancer, or dealing with it in ways that will help to keep your body strong, while fighting off this disease.

Read on to hear the stories from these two women. Please share this information with as many people as you can. It may well save their lives.

Angelina Jolie’s Story

You’ve may remember reading in 2013 that Angelina Jolie in 2013 voluntarily had surgery to remove her breasts and ovaries, after losing her mother to ovarian cancer and chemotherapy treatment, because Angelina inherited a damaged copy of the BRCA1 gene, which may increase her risk of ending up with breast or ovarian cancer herself.

Angelina JolieThe reality is that a double mastectomy is worth $50,000 in the coffers of traditional healthcare providers.

Jolie, like many women, had been terrified into a state of total obedience to the cancer industry. She has been lied to and told this BRCA1 gene gives her an “87% chance of breast cancer”.

It’s a complete lie. Cancer is never a matter of “chance” or “luck.”

It’s a matter of cause and effect. You must look at the root source of cancer: food and lifestyle.

We’ve been screaming from the rooftops that you can “Cancer-Proof Your Body” by adopting a plant-based diet along with taking immune system and hormonal balancing supplements.

If Angelina had followed this course, she would have never chosen a double mastectomy as a “preventative” operation and the pain of reconstruction that went with it.

Click here to learn more about Mastectomies and the Medical Industry.

Jackie Collins’ Story

Jackie Collins

“It is with tremendous sadness that we announce the death of our beautiful, dynamic and one of a kind mother, Jackie Collins, who died of breast cancer today.”

This was the announcement of the death of the beloved novelist. She suffered with this disease for nearly 7 years and never told anyone except her children.

She ignored the lump in her breast stating, “I’m not dealing with this, because in my mind I decided it was benign”. Even though her own mother had died of breast cancer, Collins did not seek treatment until she found herself limping on a book tour. The cancer in her breast had now spread to her bones.

We can all learn from her example. Don’t allow fear to cause us to not react to our body’s signals. Don’t bury your head in the sand and ignore symptoms that could potentially lead to death.

Have You Been a Victim of “Medical Blackmail”?

We have heard from clients who tell us that they have been “blackmailed” by their traditional physicians when they tell them they are going to seek alternative therapies – sad but true.

Cartoon of doctor fleecing patientOne patient was told by her reconstructive surgeon, that if she tried to support her chemotherapy and radiation treatments with immune supporting supplementation he would, “not do her breast reconstruction surgery”. She was terrified to be left with the deep recesses in her chest, that she gave in to his demands and went without!

It’s this type of behavior that influences cancer patients to make rash decisions that could impact their lives.

We are in a time when doctors are instilling more fear than hope. Until men and women quit falling prey to “scare tactic” medicine, they will continue to accept unnecessary and sometimes life-threatening treatment.

Every person should take the time to evaluate the pros and cons of the treatment choices they are considering, so that they can make an intelligent, informed decision. Don’t allow fear to motivate your decision-making process.

Traditional Medicine is Failing

Last year, nearly 2 million women (and men) were diagnosed with breast cancer, and if something doesn’t change, 13 million lives will be lost to this epidemic in the next 25 years.

Only 30% of cancer patients survive with cancer therapy. (“Survival” means those who have lived 5 years from their diagnoses). This means 70% die with cancer therapy. (Source: “Food Matters”)

Traditional medicine’s path of lumpectomy, mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation is meant to prolong life. It does little, if anything, to eradicate the actual underlying issue – the cancer itself.

Once patients are convinced to do surgery, then the follow-up treatment begins. This can include hormone suppressing prescriptions that can cause side-effects, as well as chemotherapy, which is the obvious next step considered necessity in the mainstream medical community.

This video should be a wake up call for everyone who receives a cancer diagnosis. We are taught that chemotherapy MUST be done, if you want to combat this disease. Well, you’re about to find out the truth behind the push for chemotherapy.

Flu Season Starts, When the First Flu Shot is Given!

Don’t get fooled by the “Flu Shot Fantasy”! It’s a total scam.

Flu shots just don’t work. How can they? Having a flu shot is total madness when it is based on last year’s virus! It’s impossible to pinpoint the flu virus months in advance. The influenza virus is constantly changing, adapting, every single day.

So, what can you do?

Begin by consuming more LIFE-GIVING foods. Start today and consume more fruits, vegetables and especially fermented foods. Immunity starts in your gut. Foods containing live bacteria (called Probiotics) and beneficial digestive enzymes give your body the strength to fight all disease.

Steer clear of fast food and processed foods, especially as we approach the flu season. Quick-fix foods do not give you life, instead they take life from you, requiring extra energy to process and excrete from your body.

Remember the old adage, An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away. Making just one positive change daily will boost your energy and provide your body with the power to fight off this season’s cold and flu attacks.

Friendly bacteria vs. unfriendly bacteria.

Where Does the Flu Start?

Whatever you think about how to keep your body healthy, from diet and exercise to supplements, you may be missing the mark if you don’t take care of this one simple piece of the health and well-being puzzle.

Protection from flu and most other viruses does not start in the respiratory system. It starts in the gut! The gut is the center of our immunity universe.

Our bodies were created to miraculously heal themselves. The body’s plethora of systems work closely together to keep you at optimal health. When one system is off balance, it triggers a domino effect, potentially igniting an avalanche of chronic health problems. The primary system responsible for your overall health and well-being is your digestive system – or gut.

The gut depends on good bacteria and specialized immune cells, called T-cells, to do an effective job.

And the most important thing to know is this: The gut is your 30-foot long immunity headquarters! AND, it holds the largest concentration of mood-altering neurotransmitters, like serotonin, in your entire body!

Click Here to read the full article.

Don’t Wait to Get Sick – Fight Back Now!

Probiotic Max - for gut health Pro-Biotic Max contains a 10 different strains of 25 Billion live probiotics or “friendly bacteria” per capsule to support gastrointestinal health, promoting the absorption of nutrients in the stomach and intestines, as well as improve elimination of toxic compounds.

Be Flu-Ready by improving your gut health today!

Click Here to Order

Winter Wellness Kit - Build Your Immune System NOW! We’ve bundled our 4 top-selling immune system formulas into the Winter Wellness Kit to provide a boost to your immune system before the cold & flu season arrives.

  • Ultra D3
  • Shark Liver Oil
  • Immune Support
  • Respiratory Lung Health

Save 10% over purchasing separately!

Click Here to Order

Kids' Viral Shield Kit - Immune System Formulas Kids need protection too! We have bundled 3 “kid-friendly” formulas for any child over 2 yrs or age that are easy to chew and swallow into the Kids Viral Shield.

  • Kids Gummies
  • Vitamin D3 softgels
  • Shark Liver Oil

Save 10% over purchasing separately!

Click Here to Order

You Can Fight Back!

Super Flu Fighting Foods ImageThere is a reason that the chicken noodle soup that your mother and grandmother made you feel better. I’m sorry to say, it wasn’t because of the the chicken! There are several flu-fighting ingredients that are found in chicken noodle soup: garlic and onion are particularly effective in combating illness and bacteria of all kinds!

You don’t have to make chicken noodle soup to receive the benefits of the top Flu Fighting Foods! When you are feeling under-the-weather, use these foods to help you to fight back!

  • Garlic – this pungent superfood is a powerful flu fighter. Garlic contains compounds called allion and allicin, which have direct anti-viral effects.
  • Onion – like garlic, onions also contain the antimicrobial compounds allion and allicin. Eat raw to get this superfood’s full flu-fighting action.
  • Spices – turmeric, cloves, cinnamon and ginger are packed with antioxidants, which help to improve the function of the immune system. Add these when cooking or to a hot cup of tea.
  • Blueberries – all berries have high concentrations of antioxidants to help fight off flu viruses, but blueberries pack a big punch! When tested against other foods, blueberries were found to have more antioxidants than 40 other fruits and vegetables.

Natural “Anti-biotic” Syrup

Years ago, when I lived near Tampa, Florida, I had the good fortune to meet Rose Kalajean, a master herbalist, animal rights advocate and natural therapies healer. She has a seven acre organic herb farm and is highly skilled in the knowledge and uses of herbal medicine. Visit her website and sign up for her newsletters – they are a wealth of information.

natural antibiotic recipe with lemons, garlic and honeyRose has a natural antibiotic syrup made from lemon, garlic and honey that works wonders. I always recommend it for people with suppressed immune system conditions, as well as for general immunity, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. Kid’s can take it too, but I recommend for children to mix in hot water and sip. Click here to print a copy of the recipe.

1 bulb of fresh garlic, peeled
1 cup of organic black honey (any locally-harvested honey can be used – avoid processed honey)
1 fresh lemon, quartered, WITH skin

(Note: You can cut this in half or even one-quarter to make a smaller amount at one time.)

Add to blender or food processor and blend until to a smooth, thick paste. Pour into a glass jar with a good lid and store in the refrigerator.

For general immunity, add 1/2 teaspoon to a cup of hot tea or hot water and drink. Repeat up to 3 times per day as desired.

For colds, flu, chest congestion or sore throat, gargle with 1 tsp to one-half cup of hot water. Repeat every 2 hours during the day and before bed.