Dynamic Duo to fight Arthritis Pain!

George Burns, the famous comedian, was once asked by Larry King in an interview if he had ever had arthritis? “Oh, yes, I was the first to get it,” Burns replied.

A funny joke, but in actual fact, Arthritis is possibly the world’s oldest disease. It has a myriad of forms and all are deadly, even fatal such as Rheumatoid Arthritis.

The Arthritis Foundation tells us that over 100 million Americans of all ages, even young children, suffer from Arthritis. That’s one out of every two people!

For over 20 years now, we have been helping people with joint pain and discomfort associated with arthritis, including related inflammatory conditions like Multiple Sclerosis and Lupus.

We see exceptional results starting with simple dietary changes, powerful ionic trace minerals, all-natural anti-inflammatory herbs and daily exercise. Eliminating dairy is an easy first step. Did you know countries with the highest consumption of milk, cheese, ice cream and butter also have the highest levels of osteoporosis and arthritis? Visit www.NotMilk.com to learn more.

Recently we uncovered research on an all-natural compound called Celadrin® that promises to rewrite the history books in the fight against all forms of Arthritis. Without dangerous drug side-effects. I won’t bore you with the scientific details behind this amazing compound here, but if you want to know more, read the article, How Celadrin Works.

So of course we added Celadin to our best selling Structural Lubrication formulation.

Give Arthritis the Slip – Literally!

The name says it all! Structural Lubrication Joint Mobility formulaStructural Lubrication is a lubricant for joints! Like a rusty machine that gets some needed oil, everything starts working – exactly as it was intended. Structural Lubrication includes Celadrin and many more amazing natural compounds, supporting the body in making the lubricant our bones and joints need.

Notable advances in the nutritional sciences have paved the path for landmark products such as Glucosamine, SAMe, Chondroitin, MSM, and others. As a result, millions have found relief in these products and continue to use them in their quest towards healthy mobility.

Retail Price: $42.95
Preferred Member’s: $36.97
Special Offer: SAVE additional 10% through June 13th.
(limit 3 @ sale pricing)

Click Here to Order

“I dislocated my hip when I was 10 years old. The doctors told me I would get bursitis and then arthritis. They were right.

By the time I was 38, I was in constant pain. 15 years ago, I started taking Structural Lubrication and Bone Density. Within 3 months I was PAIN FREE! I went back to the doctor and they said the bursitis was GONE – all without using pharmaceutical drugs!”

– Kathy Salvador

Continue reading “Dynamic Duo to fight Arthritis Pain!”

Our FAB 5 Formulas

We asked our team to share with you our top 5 favorite formulas, and why they love them so much. What they take everyday might just surprise you. What are your favorite formulas?

a photo of Wayne Garland“It is more than difficult to choose a list of my FAB 5 formulas, as I am keenly aware of how efficient and effective every one of our formulations are.

Being pressed to choose, I believe my choices reflect the true core of all I dream of for our company, for you, and for the world!

Since my brain runs my body, I use Mind Power, and since the Greek god Zeus bestows fertility and passionate health, I use our men’s Zeus formulation.

There is a fantastic secret ingredient from Japan that keeps your heart and arteries totally unclogged, and so I use Nattokinase, and because there is a “secret stash” of all-natural energy in every capsule, I take Nature’s Energy Secret.

And these are all enveloped with the extraordinary power of the Miracle of Life itself.”

Wayne Garland, Founder/CEO

“Over the past 20 yrs, I’ve taken just about every formula we make, but now that I’m in my 50’s, my FAB 5 formulas are about slowing down the aging process.

We don’t talk enough about Supta Gluta, but I believe it is one of our most important formulas, repairing and rejuvenating cells from the inside. This cream contains Glutathione (the master antioxidant) and Superoxide Dismutase (enzymes that repair cells) that absorbs directly into the bloodstream for faster results.

Combining Supta Gluta with Miracle of life gives me the best chance to look and feel 10 years younger!

I have also experienced tremendous benefits from our Testosterone Boost transdermal cream. You can read more about my story here: “51 and in the Best Shape of My Life”

Nature’s Energy Secret and Age-Less are our other “best kept” secrets. I work out harder now, and recovery faster, than when I was in my 40’s – and without a doubt, these 2 formulas are a big factor.”

Dale Aychman, President/CFO

Image:  Pamela Van Zee“My daily regime consists of far more than just my FAB 5 formulas!  Selecting only 5 was no easy task.  They are all so great!

I begin each morning with Nature’s Energy Secret. My spin classes and crossfit workouts are NOT the same without it!

As I started to understand the role our gut plays in overall health  (even with allergies!), Pro-biotic MAX is a core formula for me several times a day.

Balanced Woman, Progesterone BOOST and DIM are ALL absolute musts for mood swings and hot flashes to stay at bay. They are greatly appreciated by my family as well.”

– Pamela Van Zee, Director of Sales, Our Community Kitchen

Image:  Lisa JonesI love my FAB 5 products because I am all about overall well-being.

I begin my day with Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex (because minerals make everything else work “better”).

Balanced Woman will be my life-long supplement, because I feel so good on it – no mood swings, no hot flashes – I just feel great!  My husband loves this formula, as well!  😉

For building my immune system, I love Ultra D3 because I never get sick!

I finish off my day with Age-Less and Good Night to help me get the rest I need!”

Lisa Jones, Customer Support

Image:  Greg Ashby“My #1 favorite product without a doubt is Miracle of Life, because who doesn’t want to live to be 100! It is such an extraordinary formula, and I use it as my daily multi-viramin and multi-mineral.

Age-Less helps me to age less, stress less and ache less.

Mind Power keeps me focused.

Immune Support, Pro-Biotic MAX, and TransformZymes (digestive enzymes) are super important for my immune system, and more importantly, for my well-being.

Greg Ashby, Certified Health Coach/Formulator

Image:  Connie Albright“There are so many products I love, it’s difficult to choose only 5!

The formulas I use without fail every day are primarily to help keep an autoimmune disease in remission.  There are others, like DELIGHT, our incredible skin care oil, that I use everyday as well – because personally, it’s the best body oil I have ever used!

I love Ultra D3 to boost the immune system and never miss a day.  If I miss taking it in the morning, I feel crummy all day!

I also use Candida Cleanse, Pro-biotic MAX and Super Curcumin to support a healthy gut and minimize inflammation in my body.  I use many other products as needed, but these are my favorite 5!  I wish I could have chosen 10!”

Connie Albright, Content Writer

Image:  DC Cook“My personal FAB 5 products were easy to choose!

5. The reason I like Mind Power is because of the extra focus that gives me when I’m studying or need  help getting in a focused mind state to start the day.

4. I add Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex daily to my food when  am cooking, especially with vegetables, rice and anything with a broth.

3. Since I’ve been taking Ultra D3 for the last 2 years I’ve gotten sick twice! Has helped my immune system tremendously!

2. Anytime I have pain, I use Relief asap. It penetrates deep into muscles for quick relief.

(Drumroll, please!) #1. Respiratory Lung Health has changed my life. I always struggled with my sinuses seasonally, but since starting this product, I’ve been able to breathe much easier throughout the year!”

– Demetrius “DC” Cook, Shipping, Marketing Intern

America's bones are crumbling. Are yours?

America’s Bones Are Crumbling.

Over 60% of Americans fail to get adequate amounts of Calcium! Osteoporosis (porous bones) is becoming an epidemic, particularly among women. But men are also “crumbling”.

How can this be possible? So many people take  Calcium supplements, drink milk by the gallon and eat cheese and ice cream without benefit. What has gone wrong?

We are going to debunk the myths behind Calcium supplementation and what truly is required to grow strong, healthy bones.

Here is the honest truth behind calcium supplementation:

  1. 99% of most Calcium supplements are totally worthless and just powdered rock the body cannot digest, let alone utilize.
  2. Despite all the milk mustache ads telling you milk is a perfect food, the fact is dairy is not a good source of usable Calcium. Dairy contains dangerous hormones directly linked to breast and endometrial cancers. Milk also creates an acid condition in the gut. To alkalize or neutralize the acid, the body sucks Calcium out of its own bones, thus creating weak and porous bones – aka, osteoporosis.
  3. Cheese and ice cream are the worst forms of milk to consume, as it takes ten to twelve pounds of milk to make one pound of cheese or ice cream. The more you eat ice cream and melted cheese pizzas, the weaker your bones become.
  4. You need Vitamin D and Vitamin K to get the Calcium OUT of the bloodstream and INTO the bones. Without these two miracle vitamins, Calcium is inert and useless in the body. Milk does not contain these vitamins. Vitamin K is the key that opens the door to the bones so Calcium can flow uninhibited from the bloodstream to the bones. No vitamin K, no Calcium.
  5. You need all the support minerals that make up the bone “matrix”, including Magnesium, Boron, Phosphorous, Manganese, Copper, Zinc and Strontium. With Calcium alone, the matrix, or core of the bone crystal is brittle and weak, able to break and crumble easily. ALL the support member-minerals of the strong bone team have to be present for it all to work.
  6. The form of Calcium is VITAL for success and strong bones. We were not designed to eat “rock” forms of anything, or digest rocks and extract the minerals within.

So how do you get all the minerals in a form the body can utilize?

Bone Density: The most technically advanced, super-powerful Calcium supplement on the market today.

“Here are the pictures of my hand and the hardware that was taken out of one hand and will be taken out of the other.  The reason is that my BONE DENSITY has increased so much that its pushing the screws loose in my hands.

I’ve been taking the BONE DENSITY supplement ever since it came on the market and this is the result – My hand surgeon told me that I will NOT need to have the screws and hardware in my hand anymore because my BONE DENSITY is so dense, that my own bones will continue to push the screws loose!

Thanks Wayne, you have help another Freeman to succeed with their health.” – Sam Freeman, Jr.

Sam’s bones were so healthy, they actually pushed the foreign hardware out of them!

What’s inside each capsule of Bone Density?

MICROCRYSTALLINE HYDROXAPATITE makes up the crystalline matrix of bone and teeth (giving them their rigidity), and is a source of highly absorbable calcium and phosphorus, the major mineral components of bone, teeth, strong, healthy hair, nails and skin. Those suffering from “thin skin” and who bruise and bleed easily are always deficient in MCHA.
VITAMIN C is the prime antioxidant vitamin, vital to fight free radical formation, and is necessary in large, daily amounts to fight bone degradation.
VITAMIN D-3 is THE bone vitamin, now being hailed as a “miracle vitamin” to fight bone wasting and degradation and also in the fight against cancer.
VITAMIN K is an amazing, natural element found in green, leafy vegetables and their leaves. It is the key to bone density. Vitamin K is the key, opening the door from the blood, allowing the Calcium to flow into the bones. Without vitamin K, Calcium cannot flow into the bones! It is for this reason that a proprietary version of vitamin K is the #1 selling Osteoporosis drug in Japan!

CALCIUM is the major mineral in the body and every cell needs it to survive. Calcium is necessary for synthesis of Vitamin B-12, works with Phosphorus to build sound teeth and bones, and with Magnesium for cardiovascular and skeletal strength, It helps with blood clotting, lowers blood pressure, prevents muscle cramping, maintains nervous system health, controls anxiety and depression, and ensures quality rest and deep sleep.
PHOSPHORUS is necessary for skeletal infrastructure and strong bone formation and needed for the brain, oxygenation of the body, cell reproduction, while increasing muscle performance, while decreasing muscle fatigue. Excessive antacids deplete Phosphorus.
MAGNESIUM is THE critical mineral to fight Osteoporosis and for the health of the entire skeletal system. Necessary for healthy nerve and muscle function, healthy blood vessels and balanced blood pressure. Converts Calcium into bone and dissolves calcification in the joints, hips, hands and even in the arteries (hardening of the arteries).
COPPER helps control inflammatory arthritis, bursitis and rheumatic symptoms. Aids in iron absorption, protein metabolism, bone formation and blood clotting. SOD (super oxide dismutase) is a copper-containing enzyme that protects against free radical damage. Aids in retaining hair color.
ZINC is a co-enzyme of SOD that protects against free radical damage and is essential to formation of insulin, and maintaining immune strength (it is the raw material for the thymus gland to manufacture vital T-cells to fight all diseases in the body!) Essential for glandular, sexual and reproductive health, zinc helps prevent birth defects, enhances sensory perception, accelerates healing and is a brain food to help control mental disorders, while promoting mental alertness.
MANGANESE is vital for formation of new cartilage and bones, nourishes the brain and nerve centers, aids in sugar and fat metabolism, necessary for DNA/RNA production, helps eliminate fatigue, nerve irritability and lower back pain, reduces seizures in epileptics. Deficiencies always result in poor hair and nail growth, loss of hearing and poor muscle/joint coordination. Warning: Tranquilizer and anti-depressant drugs deplete Manganese in the body, avoid them at all times.
HORSETAIL has been used for centuries in herbal medicine to boost strong, healthy hair growth. It is also the richest source of Silica, the basic building block of all life and necessary for strong bones, joints, ligaments and cartilage formation.
BORON is another strong bone mineral, enhancing the body’s capacity to utilize Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Vitamin D in bone formation and structure. Stimulates estrogen production to protect against Osteoporosis.

Click Here to Get Strong Bones

Bone Density:  The most technically advanced, super-powerful Calcium supplement on the market today – in a giant Economy Sized 240 capsule bottle to save money AND your bones!

Strong bones need calcium, right? Yes and no.

What the body needs is a way of getting calcium into the bones and out of the bloodstream.

A special natural triggering agent found in this remarkable Bone Density formula, Vitamin K, known for blood-clotting abilities, is the magic substance – it literally acts like a ‘key’ to unlock the door so the calcium flows into your bones unhindered.

This product is just incredible!  It is the most powerful calcium formulation on the market today.

Retail: $46.95
Preferred Member: $39.97

Click Here to Save Your Bones!

Serving Size: 6 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 40
Suggested Usage: As a dietary supplement, 2 capsules 1 to 3 times daily with meals.

What else can I do?

  • Make Calcium-Rich Watercress Soup for Strong Bones and have this 4 times every week.
  • Exercise every day, and add light weights for strength. This helps keep bones strong.
  • If you are a woman, get our Balanced Woman formula to keep the hormones enriched and stop them from leaching Calcium from the bones.
  • Get dry Sea Vegetables from the health food store or online from Maine Seaweed. These are a smorgasbord of minerals and bone healthy compounds.
  • Eliminate red meat and reduce animal protein – they leach Calcium.
  • Avoid sugar and caffeine-containing foods, hard liquor, tobacco and nightshade plants- they all interfere with Calcium absorption.
  • Reduce your salt intake – high salt levels accelerate bone loss and decrease bone density.
  • STAND UP STRAIGHT, AMERICA! Your mother was absolutely right – good posture is very important in keeping your spine strong and aligned!  Join a yoga or pilates class – these are JUST what you need to build strong bones, and a strong core!

I went down the rabbit hole and found the Miracle Of Life.

Connie’s Miracle of Life Journey Down the Rabbit Hole

My Miracle of Life story begins with me waking up early one morning and discovering the key to all health and healing was sitting on my kitchen table.  Literally.

Last week, I was asked to reintroduce this amazing super-nutritional wonder formula, and I didn’t have a clue about it.

It was a little like when Alice drank the potion in Wonderland.  I’ve taken a LOT of vitamins over the years, but this was like a trip down the rabbit hole.

This is the EXPLOSIVE trip Miracle of Life can take you on, and you won’t believe it until you experience it for yourself!

Wayne says this formula rigorously reads the body and mind – like nutritional acupuncture – triggering the body with it’s electronic intelligence to nourish and heal where it is most needed.

This is why some people take it and get gigantic energy, while others experience something totally different.  They go into the deepest sleep patterns they’ve ever experienced.

This is exactly what happened to me!  I started taking Miracle of Life and started sleeping like a rock!

Why? Because my body was screaming out for rest, recovery and healing sleep.

Quite amazing.  And might I even say, miraculous?

I jumped down the rabbit hole – will you join me?

Getting a bottle of Miracle of Life could very well be the single most amazing life experience I will ever have.  There is really nothing in the world this formula can’t fix.

Continue reading “I went down the rabbit hole and found the Miracle Of Life.”

We're changing the way women "do hormones".

PROGESTERONE:  Exactly what you’ve been looking for – but your doctor doesn’t know about!

Natural, bio-identical Progesterone BOOST is changing the way women go through every hormonal season of life, and you can join them!

Progesterone is what your body is craving to end the destructive emotional and physical roller coaster of every hormonal change – from puberty through menopause.

Balancing hormones is not solely for women entering menopause anymore!  Progesterone can help restore balance at any age, by doing the exact opposite of everything that too much estrogen does in a woman’s body!

Progesterone allows the body to:

• maintain healthy secretory endometrium
• protect against breast fibrocysts
• flush out excess water and guard against bloating and water weight gain
• calm anxiety because progesterone is a natural antidepressant
• help prevent cyclical migraines
• promote normal sleep patterns
• facilitate thyroid hormone function
• normalize blood sugars and blood clotting
• boost libido, restoring healthy sexual function
• restore cellular oxygenation
• guard against endometrial, breast and uterine cancer
• improve memory

All I can say is, you’ve got to start using Progesterone BOOST today! All the women we talk to who use it say one thing – “I wish I had started using this sooner!”

In fact, the sooner the better!

BOOST Progesterone: Changing the Way Women do Hormones

Our all-natural, Bio-Identical USP Progesterone BOOST transdermal cream is derived from plant sterols.

There are no recorded side effects and studies show natural progesterone may help osteoblast function, which is integral in bone rebuilding.  Progesterone has also proven effective in helping to achieve conception, as well as maintaining healthy pregnancies.

Massage Bio-Identical USP Progesterone BOOST cream into skin until it is noticeably absorbed. It’s best to apply to thinner skin, like the chest, breasts, lower abdomen, inner thighs, wrists, inner arms and neck.

Retail Price: $24.95
Preferred Member price: $19.97

Click Here to Order

*amount of USP Progesterone Cream to apply will differ depending on your personal, individual needs. Always consult your health care provider if you need help with dosage.
*Whether to use Natural Progesterone when pre-menopausal is a decision made by each woman individually, with her health care professional and based on signs and symptoms of estrogen dominance.

If you, or someone you know, is suffering with hormone imbalance, contact our Clinic Without Walls Healthy Living support team to talk to someone who can support you through your journey.