George Burns, the famous comedian, was once asked by Larry King in an interview if he had ever had arthritis? “Oh, yes, I was the first to get it,” Burns replied.
A funny joke, but in actual fact, Arthritis is possibly the world’s oldest disease. It has a myriad of forms and all are deadly, even fatal such as Rheumatoid Arthritis.
The Arthritis Foundation tells us that over 100 million Americans of all ages, even young children, suffer from Arthritis. That’s one out of every two people!
For over 20 years now, we have been helping people with joint pain and discomfort associated with arthritis, including related inflammatory conditions like Multiple Sclerosis and Lupus.
We see exceptional results starting with simple dietary changes, powerful ionic trace minerals, all-natural anti-inflammatory herbs and daily exercise. Eliminating dairy is an easy first step. Did you know countries with the highest consumption of milk, cheese, ice cream and butter also have the highest levels of osteoporosis and arthritis? Visit to learn more.
Recently we uncovered research on an all-natural compound called Celadrin® that promises to rewrite the history books in the fight against all forms of Arthritis. Without dangerous drug side-effects. I won’t bore you with the scientific details behind this amazing compound here, but if you want to know more, read the article, How Celadrin Works.
So of course we added Celadin to our best selling Structural Lubrication formulation.
Give Arthritis the Slip – Literally!
The name says it all! Structural Lubrication is a lubricant for joints! Like a rusty machine that gets some needed oil, everything starts working – exactly as it was intended. Structural Lubrication includes Celadrin and many more amazing natural compounds, supporting the body in making the lubricant our bones and joints need.
Notable advances in the nutritional sciences have paved the path for landmark products such as Glucosamine, SAMe, Chondroitin, MSM, and others. As a result, millions have found relief in these products and continue to use them in their quest towards healthy mobility.
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“I dislocated my hip when I was 10 years old. The doctors told me I would get bursitis and then arthritis. They were right.
By the time I was 38, I was in constant pain. 15 years ago, I started taking Structural Lubrication and Bone Density. Within 3 months I was PAIN FREE! I went back to the doctor and they said the bursitis was GONE – all without using pharmaceutical drugs!”
– Kathy Salvador