In most cases, stress is the root cause of death; illnesses are just the wrap up.
– Yordan Yordanov
Stress Kills. If it isn’t killing you now, just wait, it will.
Studies have linked stress with cancer and heart disease for years, but the reality is, stress causes inflammation, and chronic inflammatory response is being linked to almost every illness known to man – obesity, autoimmune disorders like AIDS, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, as well as most other chronic disorders.
Stress is a natural response of our bodies to react to internal and external toxins. Our bodies go into “fight or flight” response and our immune system shifts into battle mode, trying desperately to adapt.
Eventually our immune system becomes overwhelmed and wears out, no longer able to fight. Silently, inflammation burns us alive from the inside out.
As usual, Mother Nature has the solution to slow down and even put out the inflammation once and for all. Read on, as we believe we have found your Inflammation Salvation!
Your Brain on Stress
Our brains cannot survive this onslaught of stress and inflammation unscathed. Heightened, prolonged levels of cortisol in our bloodstream can be fatal!
Cortisol is called the “stress hormone”, secreted by the adrenal glands in high levels in response to stress. Small doses of cortisol are good – giving us bursts of energy to survive our “fight or flight” response. Cortisol heightens memory function, increases immunity, lowers sensitivity to pain, regulates blood pressure and helps our bodies maintain balance.