Why Colon Cancer Returns

I subscribe to Reuter’s News Service, and thank God I do, because this latest breaking news just came over the Internet about the disturbing recurrence of Colon Cancer.

Best of all, this article detailed results from a 5 Year Study, showing the dramatic effect of the Standard American Diet (SAD) on the recurrence rate.

Please read this news alert – it could save your life or someone you love or know, or think could benefit.

Why Colon Cancer Returns
Reuters News Service, August 15, 2007

Colon-cancer survivors with diets heavy in red meat and fatty foods like milk, cheese, ice cream and pizzas are more than three times as likely to suffer a recurrence of their disease or die from it, than those who avoid such foods, a study has just found.

Previous studies had shown that a high-fat diet, especially one with lots of red meat, may increase a person’s risk of developing colon cancer, a leading cancer killer.

This study, published yesterday, August 15, 2007, in the Journal of the American Medical Association, was the first to show how diet affects whether colon cancer returns in people previously treated for it, the researchers said.

The study tracked 1,009 people treated with both surgery and chemotherapy for Stage III colon cancer – cancer that had spread from the large bowel area to the lymph nodes, but not to other organs.

They were followed on average for five years.

Combined with rectal cancer, colon cancer accounts for about 50,000 deaths annually in the U.S. alone.

After questioning them about what they ate, the researchers detected two distinct dietary patterns.

One was a “Western” pattern with lots of red and processed meats, sweets, ice cream desserts, French fries and refined grains.

The other was a “prudent” pattern avoiding those foods and including lots of fruit and vegetables, lean poultry and grilled fish.

Those who most closely followed the “Western” pattern experienced a risk about 3.3 times higher for colon cancer reccurence, or death, than those following the “prudent” one! That’s over 300 percent greater risk!

“We know that a variety of dietary factors affect people’s risk of developing colon cancer, including high red-meat intake and certain sugary foods,”

said Jeffrey Meyerhardt, of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston and Harvard Medical School, who led the study.

“But what there really wasn’t any data on until now, is how these factors may affect people who already have colon cancer. And it’s a question a lot of people with colon cancer ask all the time: ‘What dietary things should I do, in addition to standard treatment, to help my outcome?’ Dr Meyerhardt said.

Katherine Tucker, a professor nutritional epidemiology at Tufts University in Boson who was not part of the study, called the research “very well done”.

“Colon cancer is one of the problems that have been associated with greater red-meat consumption; I think that what some people haven’t been able to sort out is whether cutting back had an effect.”

My Comments and Observations:

At long last the data is here for us all to study. Red meat, milk, cheese, ice cream, Big Mac’s are killing people in droves. We’re digging our graves with a knife and fork.

This latest breaking news comes hot on the heels of my newsletter earlier this week, Green Tea Stops Colon Cancer in it’s Tracks, detailing the Colon Cancer fighting capacities of Green Tea.

If you know anyone with a family history of colon cancer, please forward both of these articles to them.  You just might save their life!

And take a giant step to making sure you don’t come down with colon cancer by drinking Green Tea as your daily beverage (you can get organic tea bags from any oriental market) and take just one capsule of our Super Green Tea Extract Formula, the equivalent of drinking 25 cups of Green Tea.

Dr. G

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