“How much longer can we extend life? We just don’t know.”
– Oskar Burgar, Lead Research Scientist
Human longevity has improved so rapidly over the past century that 72 is the new 30, scientists say.
Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany, discovered the progress in lowering the odds of death at all ages has been so rapid since 1900 that life expectancy has risen faster than it did in the previous 200 millennia – since modern man began to evolve from hominid species.
The historic study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, looked at Swedish and Japanese men – two countries with the longest life expectancies today.
It concluded that their counterparts in 1800 would have had lifespans closer to those of the earliest hunter-gatherer humans, than to adult men in both countries today.
Oskar Burger, the lead researcher involved in the momentous study said it was uncertain what the possible “upper limit’ for life expectancy might be.
How can you explode this genetic master force within you? Is there an easy, simple thing you can do to extend your life expectancy even beyond 72? Absolutely!
Eat a diet similar to our hunter gatherer forefathers such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains. AVOID milk, cheese and certainly, NO JUNK FOOD OR COCA COLA!
Exercise every day if you can, at least 5 times a week.
And take our Life Extension Candy!
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To learn more about this amazing superfood, read our story about Kozo Haraguchi, The Amazing 101 Year Old Man.