Our FAB 5 Formulas

We asked our team to share with you our top 5 favorite formulas, and why they love them so much. What they take everyday might just surprise you. What are your favorite formulas?

a photo of Wayne Garland“It is more than difficult to choose a list of my FAB 5 formulas, as I am keenly aware of how efficient and effective every one of our formulations are.

Being pressed to choose, I believe my choices reflect the true core of all I dream of for our company, for you, and for the world!

Since my brain runs my body, I use Mind Power, and since the Greek god Zeus bestows fertility and passionate health, I use our men’s Zeus formulation.

There is a fantastic secret ingredient from Japan that keeps your heart and arteries totally unclogged, and so I use Nattokinase, and because there is a “secret stash” of all-natural energy in every capsule, I take Nature’s Energy Secret.

And these are all enveloped with the extraordinary power of the Miracle of Life itself.”

Wayne Garland, Founder/CEO

“Over the past 20 yrs, I’ve taken just about every formula we make, but now that I’m in my 50’s, my FAB 5 formulas are about slowing down the aging process.

We don’t talk enough about Supta Gluta, but I believe it is one of our most important formulas, repairing and rejuvenating cells from the inside. This cream contains Glutathione (the master antioxidant) and Superoxide Dismutase (enzymes that repair cells) that absorbs directly into the bloodstream for faster results.

Combining Supta Gluta with Miracle of life gives me the best chance to look and feel 10 years younger!

I have also experienced tremendous benefits from our Testosterone Boost transdermal cream. You can read more about my story here: “51 and in the Best Shape of My Life”

Nature’s Energy Secret and Age-Less are our other “best kept” secrets. I work out harder now, and recovery faster, than when I was in my 40’s – and without a doubt, these 2 formulas are a big factor.”

Dale Aychman, President/CFO

Image:  Pamela Van Zee“My daily regime consists of far more than just my FAB 5 formulas!  Selecting only 5 was no easy task.  They are all so great!

I begin each morning with Nature’s Energy Secret. My spin classes and crossfit workouts are NOT the same without it!

As I started to understand the role our gut plays in overall health  (even with allergies!), Pro-biotic MAX is a core formula for me several times a day.

Balanced Woman, Progesterone BOOST and DIM are ALL absolute musts for mood swings and hot flashes to stay at bay. They are greatly appreciated by my family as well.”

– Pamela Van Zee, Director of Sales, Our Community Kitchen

Image:  Lisa JonesI love my FAB 5 products because I am all about overall well-being.

I begin my day with Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex (because minerals make everything else work “better”).

Balanced Woman will be my life-long supplement, because I feel so good on it – no mood swings, no hot flashes – I just feel great!  My husband loves this formula, as well!  😉

For building my immune system, I love Ultra D3 because I never get sick!

I finish off my day with Age-Less and Good Night to help me get the rest I need!”

Lisa Jones, Customer Support

Image:  Greg Ashby“My #1 favorite product without a doubt is Miracle of Life, because who doesn’t want to live to be 100! It is such an extraordinary formula, and I use it as my daily multi-viramin and multi-mineral.

Age-Less helps me to age less, stress less and ache less.

Mind Power keeps me focused.

Immune Support, Pro-Biotic MAX, and TransformZymes (digestive enzymes) are super important for my immune system, and more importantly, for my well-being.

Greg Ashby, Certified Health Coach/Formulator

Image:  Connie Albright“There are so many products I love, it’s difficult to choose only 5!

The formulas I use without fail every day are primarily to help keep an autoimmune disease in remission.  There are others, like DELIGHT, our incredible skin care oil, that I use everyday as well – because personally, it’s the best body oil I have ever used!

I love Ultra D3 to boost the immune system and never miss a day.  If I miss taking it in the morning, I feel crummy all day!

I also use Candida Cleanse, Pro-biotic MAX and Super Curcumin to support a healthy gut and minimize inflammation in my body.  I use many other products as needed, but these are my favorite 5!  I wish I could have chosen 10!”

Connie Albright, Content Writer

Image:  DC Cook“My personal FAB 5 products were easy to choose!

5. The reason I like Mind Power is because of the extra focus that gives me when I’m studying or need  help getting in a focused mind state to start the day.

4. I add Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex daily to my food when  am cooking, especially with vegetables, rice and anything with a broth.

3. Since I’ve been taking Ultra D3 for the last 2 years I’ve gotten sick twice! Has helped my immune system tremendously!

2. Anytime I have pain, I use Relief asap. It penetrates deep into muscles for quick relief.

(Drumroll, please!) #1. Respiratory Lung Health has changed my life. I always struggled with my sinuses seasonally, but since starting this product, I’ve been able to breathe much easier throughout the year!”

– Demetrius “DC” Cook, Shipping, Marketing Intern

The Food Revolution … will you be there too?

There’s somebody we want you to meet. His name is John Robbins. The co-founder of The Food Revolution Summit.

John’s dad and his uncle founded the 31 flavors “Baskin Robbins” company, and John was groomed to run it. He even grew up with an ice cream cone shaped swimming pool in his backyard!

But he completely walked away from that legacy to follow his own “rocky road”, and went on to become one of the world’s foremost leaders in the healthy food movement.

John’s books have inspired millions. And now he and his son, Ocean Robbins, are launching one of the most important food events ever.

Check out the 2015 Food Revolution Summit here. – http://foodrevolutionsummit.org

In one week, John is personally interviewing 25 of the world’s top food leaders and experts including:

  • Sir Paul McCartney
  • Dr. Joel Fuhrman
  • Tony Robbins
  • & Michael Pollan, to name a few.

John knows just the questions that bring out each speaker’s most crucial insights. These interviews will be penetrating, mind-blowing, and inspiring. See the full speaker list here:

Join in for absolutely free, from April 25-May 3!

Never before in the history of the world has safe and healthy food been a more important topic. It affects us all.

By taking action to join this summit, you’re standing for the food revolution we all need to ensure our health, the health of future generations, and the planet.

P.S. When you sign up for this landmark event, you’ll be joining 100,000+ people in getting informed, inspired, and empowered. And you’ll get a free Real Food Action Guide.

Sign up here. – http://foodrevolutionsummit.org

The King and the Maiden

The King and the Maiden
by: Søren Kierkegaard

Suppose there was a king who loved a humble maiden. The king was like no other king. Every statesman trembled before his power. No one dared breathe a word against him, for he had the strength to crush all opponents.

And yet this mighty king was melted by love for a humble maiden who lived in a poor village in his kingdom. How could he declare his love for her? In an odd sort of way, his kingliness tied his hands. If he brought her to the palace and crowned her head with jewels and clothed her body in royal robes, she would surely not resist-no one dared resist him.

But would she love him?

She would say she loved him, of course, but would she truly? Or would she live with him in fear, nursing a private grief for the life she had left behind? Would she be happy at his side? How could he know for sure? If he rode to her forest cottage in his royal carriage, with an armed escort waving bright banners, that too would overwhelm her. He did not want a cringing subject. He wanted a lover, an equal. He wanted her to forget that he was a king and she a humble maiden and to let shared love cross the gulf between them. For it is only in love that the unequal can be made equal.

The king, convinced he could not elevate the maiden without crushing her freedom, resolved to descend to her. Clothed as a beggar, he approached her cottage with a worn cloak fluttering loose about him. This was not just a disguise – the king took on a totally new identity – He had renounced his throne to declare his love and to win hers.

We would like to take a moment to remember the reason we celebrate this most Holy of season – when the God of the entire Universe stepped down from His throne and came to us a baby to love us with His most perfect love.

Thank you for becoming part of the AskDrGarland/BodyasDoctor Family. We look forward to your continued support in bringing health and wholeness to the entire world – one person at a time!

God be with you and Merry Christmas from our homes to yours,

Wayne Garland, Dale Aychman, Pamela Van Zee, Greg Ashby,

Lisa Jones, Connie Albright and Demetrius Cook

Your Story Can Change a Life

“If you’ve heard this story before, don’t stop me, because I’d like to hear it again.
-Groucho Marx

For years, we’ve had a Refer a Friend program, but we’ve never really called attention to it. What we have discovered (and I guess we’ve known all along) is that Contagious Health spreads because people tell their stories.

If someone told you about us and then you told someone else and so on, eventually, we will heal the world – one person at a time. Stories have amazing power.  They have not only the power to change lives, but even the miraculous power to save lives.

Sam Freeman has that kind of story. In 1997, Sam’s beloved wife, Susanne, was diagnosed with cervical cancer.  Sam knew exactly what he needed to do. Sam called me, as he had heard my story many times of how I overcame cancer without dangerous chemotherapy drugs or radiation treatments.

Fifteen years have passed and Susanne is still cancer-free.  In fact, neither Susanne nor Sam have even gotten sick in those fifteen years.  Today, Sam is 72 and he doesn’t take any medication.  He does take our supplements, teaches exercise classes every week, walks a 10K 3 times a week and runs or walks a 3K 3 times a week. He goes to the gym every day, except for Sunday.  He has his priorities in order.

One of Sam’s priorities is telling his story to other people.  When Sam talked to his long-time friend Earl, he couldn’t help but tell Earl what Dr. G had done, both for Susanne and for Sam himself.  Earl was impressed and shared that his mother had died of a blood clot.  Earl was afraid. He, too, had recently been diagnosed with a blood clot.

Earl didn’t know what to do – but Sam did!  Sam told him about us and soon, Earl was taking Clean Heart, Shark Liver Oil and Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex.  Not long after, Earl felt better than he had in years, and his blood clot had disappeared! His life had been changed forever!

Sam tells his story all the time. Everywhere he goes, he meets people who are struggling emotionally and physically and need help.  Sam not only shares what we have done for him and his wife, he even orders for them so they can experience what is possible when the right nutrients are going into the body.  He spreads the word that there is hope and healing and he is passionate, like I am, about Contagious Health.

What is “Contagious Health”?

The concept of Contagious Health began during my own recovery from cancer over 25 years ago.  Many people helped me on my road to recovery, and I have committed my life since then to helping others.  When I do, I tell that person to go and pay it forward – healthy living is contagious!

Will you help us spread the message of Contagious Health by sharing your story with your friends and family?

Refer a Friend - Get $10 OffThis is your opportunity to tell a friend or family member about your experiences with our products or services. Tell them about how your life has changed – how you changed your diet or started using one of our products – and how much better you feel.

When your friend registers as a new customer or calls to place their first order, you’ll receive a $10 discount coupon to use on your next order. There’s no limit to the number of referral coupons you can earn!

Find your inner hero and tell your story!  Someone is dying to hear it.

Wayne Garland

The Year of the Dragon

2012 is the Chinese “Year of the Dragon”, a new dawning of global spiritual healing!

In Chinese culture, the Dragon is a symbol of good fortune and intense power, regarded as a divine beast, not a demon to be slayed as portrayed in Western literature.

The Dragon is larger than life and its appearance means big things are to come. Associated with the changes of Spring, like a flowing river where change happens quickly, particularly earlier in the year. The Dragon marks progression, perseverance and auspiciousness. It may also bring about unpredictable events.

What better way to celebrate the Chinese New Year than with our two most popular and famous Chinese formulations?

Emperor’s Ch’i
The secret of the Chinese Emperors themselves, used exclusively in their courts and palaces to ensure a life of supreme longevity and serenity.

Retail priced at $48.95
Preferred Members always save 26% $35.97
SAVE additional 15% during our Year of the Dragon Sale.

Click here to order

TCM-c Medicinal Mushroom Complex
The most comprehensive formula ever created for cellular immune system rejuvenation and protection containing all of the revered mushrooms from the Chinese Materia Medica.

Retail priced at $58.95
Preferred Members always save 30% at $42.97

SAVE additional 15% during our Year of the Dragon Sale.

Click here to order.

Offer valid for Retail and Preferred Customers only.
Sale pricing ends Feb 15, 2012.

May the Dragon be with you in 2012!


McDonald's is very sick

No company in recorded history has done more to purposely kill off the world’s population than our dear friends at McDonald’s. Just watch the movies Food, Inc. or Supersize Me and the facts are plain to see.

Now in a mad scramble to catch up to the healthy eating movement, they’ve introduced a health food! Yes, a McDonald’s Health Food in the form of the safest food you can eat for breakfast – Fruit & Maple Oatmeal.

Their deception is so blatantly false, it’s laughable. Loaded with more sugar than a Snicker’s candy bar, one bowl is only 10 calories less than their cheeseburger or Egg McMuffin!

The New York Time’s food columnist and author of several books, Mark Bittman pulled this fraud apart for all of us.

How to Make Oatmeal … Wrong
by Mark Bittman, February 22, 2011

The oatmeal and McDonald’s story broke late last year, when Mickey D’s, in its ongoing effort to tell us that it’s offering “a selection of balanced choices” (and to keep in step with arch-rival Starbucks) began to sell the cereal. Yet in typical McDonald’s fashion, the company is doing everything it can to turn oatmeal into yet another bad choice. (Not only that, they’ve made it more expensive than a double-cheeseburger: $2.38 per serving in New York.) “Cream” (which contains seven ingredients, two of them actual dairy) is automatically added; brown sugar is ostensibly optional, but it’s also added routinely unless a customer specifically requests otherwise. There are also diced apples, dried cranberries and raisins, the least processed of the ingredients (even the oatmeal contains seven ingredients, including “natural flavor”).

A more accurate description than “100% natural whole-grain oats,” “plump raisins,” “sweet cranberries” and “crisp fresh apples” would be “oats, sugar, sweetened dried fruit, cream and 11 weird ingredients you would never keep in your kitchen.”

Since we know there are barely any rules governing promotion of foods, one might wonder how this compares to real oatmeal, besides being 10 times as expensive. Some will say that it tastes better, but that’s because they’re addicted to sickly sweet foods, which is what this bowlful of wholesome is.

Click here to read the full article.

If this was a Monty Python skit, it would still be debatable black humor, but it’s not.

It is big bad business once again trying to cash in (and that’s CASH in capital letters) on a movement that is quickly moving in the opposite direction of the junk food culture of McDonald’s creation.

I have a suggestion for the powers that be at McDonald’s. Here is the new product they need to introduce, “UNMITIGATED GALL”.

If you care about your health and that of your family, forward this to your friends and family – and McDonald’s too!


"I'm all yours, for one hour."

Every day now it seems, we get requests to come and give one of our special, one-hour presentations in cities all across the country.

I’d just love to give one every single day if I could, like I did years ago with the giant Equinox International company.

Well, we’ve come up with the next best thing.

With special thanks to John Street of Inpoint Productions, a long time customer who runs a video production company, we have a professional recording of a presentation I delivered in Miami recently in front of a live audience of over 4000 people.

The presentation runs for an hour, and will give you everything you need to know about me, how I develop our formulas and why they will trigger the greatest health you’ve ever experienced – “Contagious Health” is what I call it.

Sit back, put out a bowl of organic popcorn and hit the Play button – away we go! (Click on on the photo below and a new window will open on YouTube to play the video.)

We have created a special page on our website where you can send friends and family to watch this video and read more about my personal journey to healing, including my educational studies and background.

This page can be found across the top navigation buttons on our website. Rollover the About Us tab and then click on Dr. Garland’s Story.

My very best wishes for your health and happiness.

Dr. Wayne Garland

Christmas is a "Mass for Christ"

Christmas is a “Mass for Christ

“As the last days of Christmas pass over the horizon and the moment comes to celebrate the miraculous birth of Christ, we want to ask each of you, the members of our ever-growing family, to stop for a moment and give thanks for your body in providing you with “life” in every moment.

In the hustle & bustle of our world, which is fast-becoming a constant blur of noise and tumult, this time of year is one we all need to just stop for a minute, take a time-out, and look up to the heavens and say a soft “Thank You” for the miracle of the gift of life.

We see miracles of life every single day at our little company and take tremendous pride in our earnest, tiny contribution, of helping people realize what we call “Contagious Health” that is everyone’s God-given right from birth.

Keep sending us your stories, so we may share them with others, as they are powerful inspiration.

Dear Dr. Garland,

I turned 50 this year and since I never go to the doctor, my wife was adamant I have a physical and blood workup done. I’ve been healthy and athletic all of my life, so my weight was fine and bodyfat was less than 15%, but my cholesterol and blood pressure were high – really high.

Ken Terrell

I eat well (or so I thought) and my dad always had high cholesterol, so the doctor said it was hereditary and there was nothing I could do about it. He wrote me a prescription for a cholesterol drug, but I said “no thanks” and wanted to see if I could lower it naturally.

I called a friend who put me in touch with you, and you opened my eyes about what a good diet really is.

I also read your book, Kill Cholesterol Before Cholesterol Kills You, and made the commitment to switch to a plant-based diet, although I must admit I was concerned how I would get enough protein to maintain muscle size and strength. I always thought that was what animal meat was for.

I also started taking the formulas recommended: Cholesteine, Liquid Minerals, Nattokinase Max, Liv-RX and Omega 3/6/9.

I work in construction and the guys normally eat fast food for lunch. I would bring a big salad for lunch and they teased me. For the first few weeks, I didn’t really feel much different, but I kept with the program. And then I realized something – the guys couldn’t keep up with me in the afternoons. I had all this energy and they were sluggish and always wanting to stop and take a break.

After 6 months, I went back to the doctor for a blood test, thinking for sure I’d made some progress. He said he’d call me in a few days and we would discuss the results.

Later that night, he called and asked, “What are you doing?” I thought, “Oh no, what’s wrong?” My LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) dropped 55 points, from 164 to 109! He couldn’t believe it.

He said, “nobody drops their cholesterol like this without drugs… people might lower their cholesterol by 20 points, but no one lowers it like this!” He then said, “well, I guess there’s no need to put you on a statin drug now.”

Thanks Dr. G. Your program and changing to a plant-based lifestyle has made an incredible difference in my energy, how I sleep and best of all lowered my cholesterol!

Ken Terrell
Conifer, CO

Each of us wish to say “Thank You” for your friendship and patronage, and for helping us to make this all happen. You are in our thoughts, prayers and hopes at all times with what we do, with God’s help.

Merry Christmas,

Wayne, Dale, Greg, Laura, Jacob and Mackenzie

Meet "Guru Greg", the Health Maestro

Every day is special to me. Simple things like watching the sun come up over the mountains in the morning still takes my breath away.

Today is extra special! A wonderful, close friend and I think one of the greatest walking, talking encyclopedia on all matters dealing with natural medicine and health, has agreed to join our team.

We go “way, way back”, to when I first came to America and started out in the little town of Ogden, Utah, over 22 years ago. We met at a true gem of a health food store called Bright Day Health Foods, run by an angel and true missionary of health and healing, Bessie Shafer.

a photo of Greg Ashby, Health & Nutrition Coach
Greg Ashby - Health & Nutrition Coach

I had lunch there every single day, the food was just fabulous. The manager of the store was a dead-ringer for Randy Johnson, the major league baseball pitcher, and I wondered, “what is he doing working in a health food store?”

He sure knew his stuff and day by day, lunch by lunch, we became close friends and confidantes. He is a wealth of information and helped guide me in my own quest for health and recovery from cancer, Greg literally knew the background on the herbs, vitamins and minerals in every single bottle in the store.

We’ve stayed in close contact over the ensuring 22 years and now it is a truly moving event for Dale, Laura and me to welcome Greg to the team. We know you will find him to be a superb source of information and help with any of your health and healing questions and also all of our formulas.

In fact, Greg is the genius behind our new Age-Less Rx formula, featuring his favorite “adaptogenic” herb, Holy Basil, for its anti-stress and anti-inflammatory properties.

And he’s working on several more formulas with us as well!

Greg will also be writing articles for our newsletter and website, available for nutritional, health & lifestyle coaching, and occasionally answering our sales line.

So give the Baghwan of Betterment, the Maestro of Magnificent Health, “Guru Greg” a call now, toll-free at 877-975-9080 x307 or send an email.

“Look after yourself because no one else but GOD will.” (And now also Greg!)

Dr. G

Life as Viewed from the Garden

I originally received this article from Heronswood Gardens, a fabulous nursery and plant farm in Warminster, PA and thought it was so good and captures so much of what I believe in, that I just had to share it with you all. For unusually great plants, shipped anywhere, visit their website.

Reprinted with permission from the author, George Ball.

“My thoughts grow in the garden. Every time I garden, it is as if I have been transplanted to a different psychic realm. Here my thoughts take a cosmic turn. Big Questions seem to flourish among the tomatoes, zucchini and corn. The static of the day’s practical concerns is replaced by tangible forms of Life, Freedom, Eternity, Faith.

Standing in the garden the other day, pondering the effects of the insistent spring rains on the vegetables and flowers, I drifted from the damp earth to the vastnesses of space and time. I had read about the Hubbell telescope and the new cosmic realms that it was uncovering. I found myself pondering how, as science progresses, time and space grow ever larger, while our world and tenure of existence are ever shrinking.

Continue reading “Life as Viewed from the Garden”