"The Tumor Shrank and then it Completely Disappeared!"

Robert Black Jr., Palm Desert, CA - Skin Cancer Free

If you had skin cancer, what would you do?

In the yet untapped underworld of alternative medicine, specifically oriented toward skin cancer and other skin disorders, one of the greatest discoveries of all time was in America.

The fabled, “Black Salve” was supposedly created by the Aztecs and passed onto the American Indian tribes a millennia ago to treat all skin diseases, even skin cancer. Black Salve worked near miracles for all of those fortunate enough to lay their hands on it.

I had personally heard of it along my own winding road of recovery and discovery and heard of a mystical healer, an old woman living all alone in a log cabin somewhere in the Rocky Mountains of upper Idaho.

As destiny would have it, a Chinese herbalist at the Oriental School of Medicine in Portland, where I was doing volunteer work, gave me the details to contact her.

A very close friend, Robert Black, Jr., discovered a tumor on his chest that had begun protruding grotesquely. He was refusing conventional surgery, radiation or chemotherapy treatments.

Robert had already seen a Harvard-educated Oncologist who described the procedures he would have to endure – as Robert puts it, “the old slice and dice routine.”

Robert decided to let his body heal itself and use all-natural treatments.

I badly needed to find this woman who I’d heard made this “Black Salve” that Robert needed.

Getting her help involved sending a handwritten letter, describing the patient’s problem and what their overall health condition was. Two weeks later we received a short note with payment instructions to her secret address in Idaho.

The money was sent and back came two jars of Black Salve.

Robert started applying it directly to his tumor. Within days, the tumor regressed and then regressed even more – until after just 2 months of applications, it was nearly GONE.

Sadly, along with Roberts tumor, the trail to the magical, miraculous Black Salve also disappeared. We heard the old lady had passed away and no amount of money could generate another jar and we gave up trying to find it.

As fortune would have it, the director of our manufacturing lab told us of another “Black Salve” from the wilds of the Brazilian jungle. Could it be true? Could it be as powerful? Could it work as sensationally as it had for Robert and so many others?

Today is a HUGE day for all those seeking natural answers to any serious skin condition. We are now able to manufacture this black salve ourselves – we call it RECLAIM!

RECLAIM Your Skin and Save Your Life

RECLAIM (formerly known as Rescue Your Skin)  is part of our Skinny Dip Skin Body Care line and your first line of defense against those suspicious moles.

RECLAIM contains Columbian Coffee Extract (aka coffee black salve) and works on more than just skin cancer – it can work on age spots, skin blemishes, freckles and acne scars!

Our research has shown that a special extraction method on a particular type of coffee bean and then blended into a special cream formula has performed beyond expectations.

Unlike sunscreen which aids in blocking ultraviolet rays from absorbing into your skin, RECLAIM‘s coffee black salve works from inside the skin cells.

A report from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of multiple multiple human epidemiologic studies link caffeine with significant decreases in several types of cancer, including highly prevalent UV-associated skin carcinomas. Apparently the caffeine blocks the growth and development of cancer cells by causing them to kill themselves, a type of programmed cell suicide that prevents development of abnormal growths.

“We had a 50 to 70 percent inhibition of tumor formation in the mice that were treated with caffeine or EGCG (the chemical compound),” said the senior author of the study.

He also said that caffeine, unlike chemotherapy, apparently to act selectively causing the abnormal cells to die, but does not affect the healthy, normal cells.

RECLAIM wages war against age spots, skin blemishes and skin cancer. Using a unique extraction method, RECLAIM utilizes exceptional coffee bean extracts combined in a cream formula to battle your skin’s most apparent enemies.

Coffee beans contain many more chemicals than just caffeine. It has long been known that drinking coffee is not as unhealthy as one would expect based on the dangerous effects of caffeine. Recently, nutrition scientists have managed to unlock other anti-oxidants held within the tiny coffee bean and develop them into a skin-smoothing cream.

Along with coffee bean extract, RECLAIM contains an amazing combination of skin soothing and skin healing ingredients that not only help undue damage, but leave your skin shining and deeply moisturized. People will look at you and wonder if you’ve been on vacation!

RECLAIM contains powerful antioxidants that dramatically lighten age spots, freckles, sun damage, discoloration and uneven skin tones from any area of your body in as little as 4-8 weeks. Results may vary.

Do yourself a favor today and RECLAIM your skin!

* Caffeine has been found to block abnormal cellular growth and development.
* Topical use of caffeine does not carry any of the risks or side effects associated with the oral intake of caffeine.

Suggested Usage: RECLAIM is very concentrated so apply sparingly to the skin and massage gently. Product will turn white while massaging, then absorb into skin. Repeat after bathing. Use a minimum of 2x daily.
Bottle Size: 4 fl. oz.

Retail Price: $34.95
Preferred Member price: $29.97

Click Here to Order

Why do you Think They Call it Graves Disease?

I am Audra Mathews and I am a 43 year old dental hygienist in the Atlanta area. The picture above is me with my beautiful niece, Emily.

Let me preface all the following with the fact that, in my past I was a competitive collegiate swimmer with a fondness of jogging and biking as a young adult; basically, I had a fitness filled life.

Then the problems started.

I was diagnosed with Graves Disease (thyroid condition), Benign Essential Tremor, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, unexplained enlarged lymph nodes in both armpits (complete with surgical removal and benign pathology), and an Epidermoid Cyst removal from my face.  I have suffered for years with chronic wrist, neck and back pain, and last but not least, migraines.

Putting this in print, it reads: “one hot mess“.

Then in early 2013, I was introduced to Wayne Garland, Pamela Van Zee and the amazing supplements that changed my life. What a blessing.  I began working hard to remove diet soda, meat, dairy, prescription medications and gluten from my life.

I seriously consider this a lifestyle change, not just a diet change.

Remarkably, the change to a vegan lifestyle has not been a difficult transition for me.  One week I was literally eating meat at every meal and the next week I was meat free. I believe it was the cancer prevention approach that Wayne Garland introduced with these concepts that sealed the deal.

I began taking the Life Transfusion Liquid Minerals, Age-Less, DIM, Balanced Women, Progesterone Boost, Marine Phyto-Plankton, and the Thyroid supplements.

Over time, the symptoms diminished, and I experienced less work related pain and stiffness.  The tremors almost entirely disappeared, and I had fewer migraines and I began to notice more energy!

In fact, I found myself with enough energy to train for a half marathon on Thanksgiving Day 2013.  Awesome!  I was on my way back to my youthful me

Now, let’s fast forward to spring of 2014, just a  little more than one year from beginning these amazing supplements.  I had experienced some financial difficulties that temporarily transformed my budget and completely run out of these products one at a time without the funds to replace them.

Little did I realize to what extent these supplements had transformed my life!

Continue reading “Why do you Think They Call it Graves Disease?”

Robin Williams Suicide Brings Depression to the Forefront

I was stunned and deeply saddened by the recent news of Robin William’s suicide
. Robin touched our lives in ways few are able. His immense talents spanned hilarious moments of stand-up comedy, and films such as Mrs. Doubtfire, to breathtaking dramatic performances in films like Dead Poet’s Society and Good Will Hunting, for which he received an academy award.

It came out over the course of the week that Williams had been diagnosed in the early stages of Parkinson’s Disease. The combination of his deep depression and his grim outlook for the future was enough to push him over the edge emotionally and psychologically.

As is true when these horrific suicides occur in the public eye, our focus often turns to the depth of depression and sadness one must have experienced in order to come to the conclusion that life is not worth living anymore.

Depression and suicide have been the major topics searched on Google this week, as well as reported heavily on every news station, but one thing the major news agencies don’t tell you is how to deal with the depression in our own lives!

Many of us either know someone who has experienced severe depression, anxiety or even been suicidal. Our mission is to both educate and empower you to let your body heal itself – including healing debilitating depression.

This is a brief “to do” list if you or someone you love are battling depression.

1. Of course, if you are experiencing thoughts of suicide right now, please call someone!  Reach out and call a friend, a loved one or a suicide hotline!

2. If you are suffering from depression or anxiety, you need to go off ALL dairy and meat from cows! Remember Mad Cow Disease? It’s still around.  Eat more fruits and vegetables and focus on healthy sources of protein.

3. Make sure you walk, run or bike for 30 – 60 minutes every morning. You brain needs oxygen! Have you heard of “runner’s high”? This means the exercise is turning on your serotonin factory, the crucial chemical ESSENTIAL for the brain to be happy.

4. Start with diet and exercise, and add one or more of our anti-depression formulas that can take the edge off, while you deal with the underlying issues driving your emotional state.  We have an entire brain and mood category of extraordinary formulas designed to give you the emotional, psychological and mental boost needed so that you can overcome whatever is coming against you.

Our ‘liquid lithium’ formula, Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex, is an amazing, all-natural anti-depressant!  Lithium is a natural anti-depressant, and magnesium can calm anxiety better than any pharmaceutical drug!

Also check out our Nature’s Energy Secret formula!  This formula is packed with Rhodiola Rosea, another all-natural anti-depressant. Rhodiola has repeatedly been proven to significantly impact depression symptoms and is also a powerful adaptogenic to help you cope with stress and change.

5-HTP is what your brain needs to produce serotonin – the ‘feel good’ chemical in the brain.  When our serotonin levels are low, we feel depressed and when our serotonin levels are markedly low, we are severely depressed.  Boosting serotonin levels is KEY to happiness!

“I LOVE the 5-HTP! It’s made a huge difference in my life. It really helps in stabilizing my mood to handle day to day stress.” – Brenna Ballestero

“I love Good Night combined with 5-HTP to finally sleep! I am anxious and have always been a very light sleeper, I wake up several times a night and take hours to actually get to sleep. These products have changed that! When I wake in the morning I am not groggy like I was with medication.”
– Connie Loyd

“This is one of the best products I’ve ever taken. I have been taking Nature’s Energy Secret for a couple of months now and I no longer have fatigue in the afternoons like I used to, and I’ve noticed that I’m calmer and able to focus more. I don’t ever want to be without it.” – Andrea Marks

Managing depression is not a one-size-fits-all solution. If you are struggling with depression and anxiety due to emotional or physical triggers, we can help! Call our customer support team to schedule a consultation with one of our health coaches. We are all here to help you.

“You – you alone will have the stars as no one else has them… In one of the stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing. And so it will be as if all the stars were laughing, when you look at the sky at night…You – only you – will have stars that can laugh.”

― (the Antoine de Saint-Exupéry quote shared by Robin William’s daughter, Zelda on Instagram upon the news of his death.)

Health Alert: Ebola Virus "inevitable" in US

Since March, the news of the Ebola outbreak in west Africa has startled and shocked many of us. To date, this deadly virus is responsible for over 700 deaths, and those numbers are expected to double over the coming weeks as an additional 1400 diagnoses have been made.

I have been overwhelmed by the sacrifice of International Aid Workers who have served the needs of the sick and dying of Africa and have themselves been stricken with the illness.

I have also become deeply saddened by the loss of so much life.

You may be concerned about the possibility this virus could travel to Europe and to the United States.

Dr. Tom Frieden, Director of the Center for Disease Control, spoke just days ago on Capital Hill and stated:

“It’s the first time we’re having to deal with it here in the United States and that’s not merely because of the two people who became ill caring for Ebola patients and were brought back to the U.S. by their organization. That’s primarily because we are all connected and inevitably there will be travelers, American citizens and others who go from these three countries — or from Lagos if it doesn’t get it under control — and are here with symptoms.”

Others have commented in the news recently that the risk of Ebola becoming a national health crisis is ‘slight’, but there is a probability our country will see cases.

I would strongly suggest, as you might guess, that we all eat healthier, get more exercise,and  drink plenty of clean water so that our immune systems are at peak performance, no matter if Ebola comes to this country or not!  If it’s not Ebola, it will be a new strain of the influenza virus, or something else eventually.

I would also suggest using your immune boosting formulas as part of your daily regimen throughout this upcoming cold and flu season.

Keep your eyes open for our newsletters – we will continue to report on this international health news as needed.

And as always, here’s to your Contagious Health!


Prepare Your Child for the Viral Playground

The back to school season notoriously ushers in the cold and flu season! According to the CDC, influenza is diagnosed as early as October and colds alone are responsible for over 22 million lost school days every year.  38 million days are lost due to influenza!  Our schools have become a playground for disease.

Let’s link arms to protect our children now, before the viral onslaught begins!

I have told you for many years about all-natural, immune boosting formulas that can keep you cold and flu FREE  – not only this season, but every season to come – without a flu shot!

Simply do these 6 things and not only stay healthy, but also have excess energy and stamina!

We’ll kiss the cold and flu season goodbye – most likely, FOREVER!
Continue reading “Prepare Your Child for the Viral Playground”

Back to School Immune Boosting Essentials

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

All over the country children and adults are starting back to school – or will be in the coming weeks.  In droves, college students are heading back to campus to start the Fall semester.  It’s a time to renew friendships, go to football games and settle into an amazing school year.

Unfortunately, all of our precious children are entering classrooms and dormitories filled with the possibility of sickness.

Even though the “cold and flu season” is weeks away, it’s never too soon to boost EVERYONE’S immune systems – especially at the beginning of the school year!

You can have your best ‘Back to School’ season in history when you join with them in taking these formulas so when they bring home nasty germs, you’ll all be prepared.  Are YOU ready?

Our Phenomenal ‘Back to School’ Immune Boosting Essentials!

Immune Support – The “Mack Truck” of immune boosting nutrients, our Immune Support formula has “adaptive” capacity to normalize immune function and response. If you feel worn down or the cold or flu “coming on”, increase to 6 capsules a day (in divided doses) for a few days.

Shark Liver Oil – Sharks have the strongest immune system of any animal on the planet. They never get the flu or cancer! Super AKG Shark Liver Oil enhances the human body’s lymphatic immune defense system by stimulating the formation of antibodies, thus increasing the number of white blood cells to fight disease.  A dramatic immune booster just when you need it!

Ultra D3 – the miracle “Sunshine vitamin” that turns on the receptors for immune system’s T-cells. Experts now say with high levels of vitamin D-3 in our bloodstream, flu virus simply can’t breed. Just 2 capsules delivers 5,000 IU’s. We recommend increasing label dosage to 4 caps daily – always with food – during winter months, from October through March.

In Conclusion:
It is important that you start your students on these formulas NOW in order for them to get the immune system boost they need!  These 3 formulas create an incredibly valuable ‘care package’ – and we can ship directly to your college student!

Here’s to the most Contagiously Healthy school year ever!

Your Back to School 'Little Einstein' To Do List

Every second parent I meet asks me the same question, “My child has Attention Deficit, what can I do?” Many have horror stories of what drugs such as Ritalin have done to their children. Mother Nature has the answers and we have the formulas just in time to turn your kids into ‘Back to School Einsteins’!

If you have other children in your life – grandchildren, neices or nephews – who would benefit from this information, especially if the child has struggled with ADD/ADHD or just being able to concentrate in class and do the best work possible – please forward this message to that family so they can get a ‘Little Einstein’ too!

Print this out and stick to your refrigerator door and refer to it constantly.

My Top-10 Ways to Defeat/Avoid ADD and ADHD Without Drugs

Continue reading “Your Back to School 'Little Einstein' To Do List”