"The Flu Shot Hasn't Worked!" – The Today Show

There’s something your doctor isn’t telling you.

On one hand, he is pushing you to get the flu shot. On the other, he refuses to get one himself. One source says 70% of doctors don’t!


Could it be they know how dangerous they really are? Perhaps they realize that injecting yourself with a compound 250 times more toxic than hazardous waste is a bad idea?

Yesterday, all the major news organizations – including the Today Show that I was watching while having my morning Chai – began reporting about the National Institute for Health’s new study. They are actually paying volunteers $3000 to get the flu!

Yes! It’s true! I about dropped my Chai!

People are dropping dead all over the country from the flu – CBS News reported that flu related deaths are “up sharply” and continue to rise – and yet, our government is paying people to get infected so they can figure out what has gone so terribly wrong!

The Wall Street Journal article, “NIH flu study looking to pay volunteers $3,000 to get sick” said this –

“It may sound bizarre, but the rare type of research is a step in the quest for better flu vaccines. It turns out that how the body fends off influenza remains something of a mystery.

There is no mystery about how the body fends off the flu and other viruses. Give the body what it needs and it does the work itself!

You CAN boost your immune system so that you can fight off, not only the flu onslaught, but any other virus that comes your way – by loading up on Mother Nature’s flu shot.

Take a moment and read the newsletter, Laugh at the Flu, which talks about 12 things you simply must do to stave off the flu.

There is still time to boost your immune system and avoid this HORRIFIC Flu!
Continue reading “"The Flu Shot Hasn't Worked!" – The Today Show”

Day 4: "I've Lost a Pant Size!"

Detox: Have the Life (and Body) You’ve Always Imagined!

January is Detox Awareness Month!

We are dedicated to sharing with you all the amazing benefits of detoxing your body to become the person you’ve always dreamed of!

Imagine losing 30lbs of flab and fat in just 30 days – or finally reaching whatever your ideal weight goal is.

Getting rid of toxins is the very first thing you need to do.  When the toxins go, the fat goes with it!

Thousands have already discovered the secret to losing weight, and more importantly, keeping it off, once and for all – and at the same time, ending diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and liver disease.

Read on to hear a few of their stories – Yours could be NEXT!

“Over the past year I have been working to balance my thyroid with Armour. My T3, T4, T7 and T11 are where I need them to be. It has taken two years! I am still dealing with the bloated, puffy feeling that comes with thyroid crash not to mention fatique.This is day 4 of the detox and WOW! I feel 100% better and have gone down one pant size!!Everyone needs to take these supplements at least once a year!! Bodybuilders would benefit as well, which I am. What a difference!!”

Michella Ballard

“Thank you Wayne for your amazing knowledge and understanding of health and wellness, and compassion for all your clients.

I have been on the detox program for 6 days and have already lost 4 pounds! I am ordering additional products to continue for the full 30 days, and hope to convince my husband to begin the program, once he sees my success/results!

Thank you Wayne… I truly appreciate you.”

Rose Katsuki

“Wayne – Just did your 30 day cleanse for the second time in three years.

I lost 28 pounds and can’t wait to go to docs to see what’s up with my blood sugar thyroid cholesterol etc.  Last time my cholesterol dropped 100 points. My physician couldn’t believe it.  Neither could I.

You are an amazing man.”

Christine Lane

Continue reading “Day 4: "I've Lost a Pant Size!"”

"Reboot Your Body" Detox

Want to Reboot Your Body?

…and, for once and for all time:

  • Get totally healthy
  • Stop feeling sick and tired ALL the time
  • Achieve and maintain your ideal weight
  • Wake up and jump out of bed with energy to burn
  • Feel AT LEAST 10 years younger?

You CAN do it!

Imagine losing 30lbs of flab and fat in just 30 days – or finally reaching whatever your ideal weight goal is.

Getting rid of toxins is the very first thing you need to do. When the toxins go, the fat goes with it!

Act Now! Get our world-famous Detox Kit and NEW Marine Phyto-Plankton Powder at deep discounts off Retail pricing.

Reboot your body NOW!  Make 2014 the year you FINALLY achieve your weight loss and wellness goals and actually become the person you’ve always wanted to be!

Marine Phyto-Plankton: The Secret, Detox Super-Food!

Marine Phtyo-Plankton is 100% micro-milled Chlorella, nature’s most concentrated source of chlorophyll. Also known as plant “blood,” chlorophyll’s cell structure is close to hemoglobin, the iron-rich red blood cells that transport oxygen throughout the human body.

One of the strongest detoxifying agents on Earth, chlorophyll’s wide array of health benefits include cleansing of the bloodstream, kidneys, liver, and bowels.

People on radiation and chemotherapy treatment in particular rave about how their hair growth is restored in no time at all, how their energy levels leap amazingly and how well they feel.

If it can do this for people facing death, imagine what it will do for you!

Now available in 90 gram powder tub for smoothies and forImage: Marine Phyto-Plankton Jar sprinkling on food!

This new jar allows you to use Phytoplankton the same way the Japanese take it, a pinch at a time to saturate the cells.

Easy to add this powder to water, juice or smoothie for an instant “detox cocktail” in seconds.

Special Offer: Take an additional 10% off Marine Phyto-Plankton Powder until January 24th!

Retail Price: $34.95, $31.45
Preferred Member Price: $29.97, $26.97

Click Here to Order

Also available in our original capsule form.

Special Offer: Take an additional 10% off Phyto-Plankton Capsules until January 24th!

Retail Price: $30.95, $27.85
Preferred Members: $24.97, $22.47

Click Here to Order!

The 30-Day Program to a Pure New You

We bundled the four essential formulas you will need for the 14-day Detox Program into a kit, and then added an additional 10% discount on top of the Preferred Member savings.

Easy Cleanse AM & PM Detox
The AM and PM Cleansing formulas combine to provide a gentle 15-day digestive cleansing program developed to naturally support the body’s own detoxification mechanisms, making it easier to eliminate toxins from the body.

Liv-RX Detoxification formula combines herbs, minerals and compounds designed to nourish the proper function and health of your liver and gall bladder.

Protein Plus Super Food 7-in-1 Formula is an alkaline forming, whole food supplement with 50% of the daily RDA of vitamins and minerals, essential Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids, 4 plant-based protein powders, 12 vegetables, superfoods, naturally flavored with vanilla and high ORAC (antioxidant) fruits.

Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex containing all 84 essential minerals and trace minerals the body needs, particularly Magnesium, to function properly.

Purchased separately, the formulas Retail for $187.80.
Preferred Member Price: $144.88.

Special Offer: Save an additional 10% off the Detox Kit with all 4 formulas included for $130.39!

Click Here to Order the Detox Kit

Pure Unadulterated Life – in a Jar

“Because these marine phytoplankton are so microscopically tiny, they immediately enter a sickened digestive system or liver, and are able to begin restoring neurochemicals and minerals immediately … often producing significant results within days.”
Dr. Jerry Tennant
Founder/Director of the Tennant Institute of Integrative Medicine

You’ve no doubt heard of acai berries, black soybeans, Chia Seeds or resveratrol – all superfoods that help you lose weight, reverse aging and have enough energy for the entire day – without caffeine!

But, have you heard of Marine Phytoplankton?

Scientists have discovered it is THIS superfood that is at least 100 times more potent than all the other superfoods – combined!

Phytoplankton is a supercharged micro-algae – a living food containing every known vitamin, mineral and amino acids our body needs for optimal health and survival.

Did you catch that? You can actually survive on this stuff!

Phytoplankton is THE original source of Omega-3s – even more powerful fish or flax oil, providing an “instant energy boost”, because the nutrition is literally deposited DIRECTLY into the blood stream in seconds.

According to NASA research, Marine Phytoplankton is responsible for producing up to 90% of the Earth’s oxygen. (A mature tree can only provide oxygen for two human beings!)

Phyto-Plankton works alongside our body’s natural detoxification processes, cleaning out cells and replacing the toxins with PURE UNADULTERATED LIFE – the exact food we need to not just survive, but to live abundant, healthy, happy and whole lives.

Our Marine Phyto-Plankton formula helps you do more than survive – you can achieve the greatest health of your life – so far!

Japanese runner Kozo Haraguchi, 95, celebrates after setting the new world

Kozo Haraguchi had an Incredible – and LONG – Life!

He was born in 1910 in Kobayashi, Miyazaki, Japan. When he was 65 years old, he began to take an hour long walk around his neighborhood every single day.

He eventually became a track and field athlete and the World Masters Athletics record holder in the 100 m sprint for men aged 90–94 (18.08 second) as well as the record holder for men aged 95–100 (21.69 seconds).

Asked at the time if he would challenge the record for centenarians, he replied: “I will try as long as I can hold out.”

Kozo died in his Japanese home in 2011 at the ripe old age of 101!

How Did the Japanese Become the Longest-Living People on Earth?

Perhaps they know something the rest of the world doesn’t.

One of their secrets is a unique superfood, Marine Phytoplankton, crammed with life generating elements. The Japanese take more of this pure dynamite superfood per person than Americans take of Vitamin C. They take it religiously in a tiny capsule containing a veritable ‘smorgasbord’ of life!

Proven to suck out even heavy metals like Mercury, Cadmium and Lead from the Liver, Marint Phytoplankton is able to clean the liver – and as we know, when the liver is clean, the blood gets filtered clean and the body becomes clean.

Phytoplankton acts like a “magnet” to suck the heavy contaminating metals out of the tissues.

This is why the Japanese who eat this every day live so long.

You too can immediately turn off the aging clock and detox your body, at the same time!

Believe is it possible.

Do you think it’s possible to reverse human aging naturally – without dangerous drugs?

Continue reading “Pure Unadulterated Life – in a Jar”

THE Single Most Important Resolution of 2014

Like many of you, millions all over the world spent time this past week pondering the failures and successes of the past year and contemplating resolutions and goals for the coming year.

The single most important New Year’s Resolution you can make is to vow to finally overcome any health concern or worry or disease you are suffering from.

Stop smoking or drinking, overcome obesity and diabetes, stress, osteoporosis, arthritis, high cholesterol and blood pressure – make 2014  the year you break through and overcome these toxic habits and epidemics that are taking far too many lives, and could take yours too if not attended to immediately.

When your body and mind and cleansed and toxic free, the rest of your life will just fall into place.

Read on to find out how you can start today to make 2014 the year you change your life forever.  Cleanse in the new year for a brand new YOU!

A New Year – A New You – REALLY!
To do it, I want you to use the oldest health remedy in existence.  It’s called “fasting”.

The foundation of detoxification and remedy for every single ailment I treat starts and ends with the two “D’s”: Detoxification and Diet.

Without these, you’re pinch-hitting trying to get better.

It doesn’t matter if the problem is just a simple headache or terminal cancer – you have to FIRST get your body purified, and then put pure food into that pure body.

There’s no magic bullet or prescription drug that will make it all better, although that’s what the big drug companies would have you believe.

Detoxification and Diet use the Power of Wh0 Created Us All, and ultimately creates what I call the Contagious Health that resides within all of us.

It isn’t “Are You Toxic” – it’s “How Toxic Are You”?
More than 3 million synthetic chemical substances are known to exist, with over 35,000 new ones added each year. Only a tiny fraction are ever tested for toxicity to humans, animals and plants. Most arrive on trade winds from developing countries that have few, if any, safeguards in place.

We  are immersed in synthetic, often toxic substances. Every system of the body is affected from deep level tissue damage to sensory deterioration.

I personally believe this Toxic Waste Syndrome is the root cause of Autism and learning difficulties with our children, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Gulf War Syndrome, and cancers of all types, including Breast, Prostate and Pancreatic cancers, along with the massive increase in uncontrollable violence and suicidal tendencies in our toxic society.

Christ Fasted – and So Should YOU!
Fasting for health is our oldest health remedy. It is mentioned throughout the book of Exodus. Moses and Elijah did it and Jesus speaks directly about fasting and diet in the Gospels.

To this day, Jews fast for atonement, Christians fast during Lent, Muslims during Ramadan and Hindus fast routinely. Fasting was also advocated by Plato and my hero, Hippocrates.

Our bodies are filled with poisons from a diet that is full of sugars, artificial chemical sweeteners like NutraSweet or Equal (Aspartame), Sweet’N Low or SugarTwin (Saccharine) and Splenda (Sucralose), artificial colorings, heavy metals Lead, Mercury and Fluoride in our water and fish, medications, cellular and metabolic waste products from wrongly combined foods, caffeine, nicotine from cigarettes, overeating and inadequate nutrition.

The body discharges poisons in any way it can. A cold is merely a relief valve for the lungs, blood, liver and lymphatic system overloaded with congestion. Stress combined with improper diet compound the effects. Lack of clarity, energy, frustration and instability result.

Give me a month and I’ll give you a lifetime. If you came to our clinic wanting help, this is the program I would put you on.

It’s not easy, but the rewards are gigantic.  Fasting and detoxification gives your body a well-deserved vacation and with it, the potential to repair itself.

“The miracle isn’t that you finished, the miracle is that you had the courage to start.”
John Bingham

Continue reading “THE Single Most Important Resolution of 2014”