Like many of you, millions all over the world spent time this past week pondering the failures and successes of the past year and contemplating resolutions and goals for the coming year.
The single most important New Year’s Resolution you can make is to vow to finally overcome any health concern or worry or disease you are suffering from.
Stop smoking or drinking, overcome obesity and diabetes, stress, osteoporosis, arthritis, high cholesterol and blood pressure – make 2014 the year you break through and overcome these toxic habits and epidemics that are taking far too many lives, and could take yours too if not attended to immediately.
When your body and mind and cleansed and toxic free, the rest of your life will just fall into place.
Read on to find out how you can start today to make 2014 the year you change your life forever. Cleanse in the new year for a brand new YOU!
A New Year – A New You – REALLY!
To do it, I want you to use the oldest health remedy in existence. It’s called “fasting”.
The foundation of detoxification and remedy for every single ailment I treat starts and ends with the two “D’s”: Detoxification and Diet.
Without these, you’re pinch-hitting trying to get better.
It doesn’t matter if the problem is just a simple headache or terminal cancer – you have to FIRST get your body purified, and then put pure food into that pure body.
There’s no magic bullet or prescription drug that will make it all better, although that’s what the big drug companies would have you believe.
Detoxification and Diet use the Power of Wh0 Created Us All, and ultimately creates what I call the Contagious Health that resides within all of us.

It isn’t “Are You Toxic” – it’s “How Toxic Are You”?
More than 3 million synthetic chemical substances are known to exist, with over 35,000 new ones added each year. Only a tiny fraction are ever tested for toxicity to humans, animals and plants. Most arrive on trade winds from developing countries that have few, if any, safeguards in place.
We are immersed in synthetic, often toxic substances. Every system of the body is affected from deep level tissue damage to sensory deterioration.
I personally believe this Toxic Waste Syndrome is the root cause of Autism and learning difficulties with our children, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Gulf War Syndrome, and cancers of all types, including Breast, Prostate and Pancreatic cancers, along with the massive increase in uncontrollable violence and suicidal tendencies in our toxic society.
Christ Fasted – and So Should YOU!
Fasting for health is our oldest health remedy. It is mentioned throughout the book of Exodus. Moses and Elijah did it and Jesus speaks directly about fasting and diet in the Gospels.
To this day, Jews fast for atonement, Christians fast during Lent, Muslims during Ramadan and Hindus fast routinely. Fasting was also advocated by Plato and my hero, Hippocrates.
Our bodies are filled with poisons from a diet that is full of sugars, artificial chemical sweeteners like NutraSweet or Equal (Aspartame), Sweet’N Low or SugarTwin (Saccharine) and Splenda (Sucralose), artificial colorings, heavy metals Lead, Mercury and Fluoride in our water and fish, medications, cellular and metabolic waste products from wrongly combined foods, caffeine, nicotine from cigarettes, overeating and inadequate nutrition.
The body discharges poisons in any way it can. A cold is merely a relief valve for the lungs, blood, liver and lymphatic system overloaded with congestion. Stress combined with improper diet compound the effects. Lack of clarity, energy, frustration and instability result.
Give me a month and I’ll give you a lifetime. If you came to our clinic wanting help, this is the program I would put you on.
It’s not easy, but the rewards are gigantic. Fasting and detoxification gives your body a well-deserved vacation and with it, the potential to repair itself.
“The miracle isn’t that you finished, the miracle is that you had the courage to start.”
John Bingham
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