It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
All over the country children and adults are starting back to school – or will be in the coming weeks. In droves, college students are heading back to campus to start the Fall semester. It’s a time to renew friendships, go to football games and settle into an amazing school year.
Unfortunately, all of our precious children are entering classrooms and dormitories filled with the possibility of sickness.
Even though the “cold and flu season” is weeks away, it’s never too soon to boost EVERYONE’S immune systems – especially at the beginning of the school year!
You can have your best ‘Back to School’ season in history when you join with them in taking these formulas so when they bring home nasty germs, you’ll all be prepared. Are YOU ready?
Our Phenomenal ‘Back to School’ Immune Boosting Essentials!
Immune Support – The “Mack Truck” of immune boosting nutrients, our Immune Support formula has “adaptive” capacity to normalize immune function and response. If you feel worn down or the cold or flu “coming on”, increase to 6 capsules a day (in divided doses) for a few days.
Shark Liver Oil – Sharks have the strongest immune system of any animal on the planet. They never get the flu or cancer! Super AKG Shark Liver Oil enhances the human body’s lymphatic immune defense system by stimulating the formation of antibodies, thus increasing the number of white blood cells to fight disease. A dramatic immune booster just when you need it!
Ultra D3 – the miracle “Sunshine vitamin” that turns on the receptors for immune system’s T-cells. Experts now say with high levels of vitamin D-3 in our bloodstream, flu virus simply can’t breed. Just 2 capsules delivers 5,000 IU’s. We recommend increasing label dosage to 4 caps daily – always with food – during winter months, from October through March.
In Conclusion: It is important that you start your students on these formulas NOW in order for them to get the immune system boost they need! These 3 formulas create an incredibly valuable ‘care package’ – and we can ship directly to your college student!
Here’s to the most Contagiously Healthy school year ever!