It's Killed More Than WW2 – Are You Next?

The High Blood Pressure/Cholesterol Connection

According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of disease-related death. High blood pressure and high cholesterol are the two major risk factors that contribute to the development of heart disease.

Many doctors treat their patients with prescription medications, that can lead to horrible side-effects! Just look at the list:

  • Headache
  • Difficulty Sleeping
  • Flushing of the Skin
  • Muscle Aches, Tenderness, or Weakness (myalgia)
  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea or Vomiting
  • Abdominal Cramping or Pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating or Gas
  • Constipation
  • Rash

Add to this list the chance of developing memory loss, high blood sugar, and even Type 2 Diabetes!  What? Why would anyone want to put these drugs into their body, when they can actually develop MORE disease by taking them?

There is also absolutely NO proof that these drugs will keep you from having a heart attack. Just watch any statin drug commercials on TV and you’ll see that the claim simply cannot be made.

Click Here to Read More About the Dangers of Statins

The 2-Headed Monster – Salt and Sugar

Your blood pressure AND cholesterol are hugely affected by two things:  salt and sugar. The Food and Drug Administration is finally beginning to recognize the problem through their recent urging of food manufacturers to voluntarily limit the sodium they add to food.

“The link between sodium consumption and blood pressure is strong and well documented,” said Susan Mayne, FDA’s Director of the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, in announcing the move. High blood pressure increases the risk for heart disease, stroke, and premature death.

“The totality of scientific evidence, as reviewed by many well-respected scientific organizations, continues to support lowering sodium consumption from current levels,” Mayne explained.

Continue reading “It's Killed More Than WW2 – Are You Next?”

Lena's Health Nugget: Cholesterol Truths

Welcome to our very first Health Nuggets newsletter from Lena Sanchez, who I introduced you to in last week’s newsletter.

Lena is a person with a wealth of knowledge and opinons on all matters to do with Natural Medicine and healing.

This first newsletter really should be called “Health Explosions!” as her views will rock the accepted views on the matter of High Cholesterol.

But that’s what we’re about—stimulating debate and upending the conservative world of the medical/pharmaceutical industry.

So sit back, make a big mug of green tea, add some Emperor’s Chi added and fasten your seat belts.

Lena has arrived in the building! – WG

Lena Sanchez

“Do you believe your doctor’s suggestion that cholesterol causes heart attacks, heart disease and/or strokes and you need to take a drug to lower it?

This is a fallacy and you need to know the truth that too low cholesterol is actually dangerous to your health.

I’ve dealt with this subject for almost 40 years.  My husband was told – in the early 80’s – his cholesterol levels were going to kill him if he didn’t do something!

At that same time, I began seeing patients who had been prescribed cholesterol lowering drug, and after experiencing serious side effects, the doctor took them off the cholesterol lowering drug.

It was then I began years of study to find out the pros and cons of cholesterol in our bodies and learned some pretty surprising things.

Cholesterol is not the danger to your health conventional medical doctors believe it is.

In fact, their medication IS THE DANGER!

Today’s article explains all that.”


Continue reading “Lena's Health Nugget: Cholesterol Truths”

God is "dog" spelled backwards

It’s said that the reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue.

It is also said that the best friend you can have is a dog. Perhaps the best friend your dog could have (apart from you) is a bottle of our miraculous Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex.

Please take a moment from your day to sit and read this story of friendship and amazing recovery from a stroke by “Bitsy”.

An image of Patti Lewis and her Tea Cup Poodle Bitsy
Patti Lewis and Bitsy

Dear Dr. Garland,

I would like to share a wonderful experience I have had by using you Life Transfusion minerals.

A little over a year ago, my Tea Cup poodle had a stroke. I spent a small fortune at the veterinarian and the animal hospital in Las Vegas. The little dog lost all control of her body from the neck down. She was mentally alert, but her body parts just couldn’t function. After two weeks of c-scans and other tests, the physicians advised me that there was nothing they could do for Bitsy, and they suggested I have her put down.

My friends, Rob and Russell, explained to me the miracles of your Life Transfusion. They had a friend who owned a cat that had been hit by a car. The Vet was ready to put the cat down. The lady, a doctor, had bathed her cat in Life Transfusion and the cat healed and 5 years later he was still doing fine. They suggested I try soaking Bitsy in your product and see if it could help her. Knowing that Bitsy knew me and believing that her mind was still very active, I asked the Vet if I could take her home for the week-end. Continue reading “God is "dog" spelled backwards”

Heart Attacks Spike at Christmas

I know exactly what you’re thinking:

Shoveling snow with a weak heart!

No, that’s not it. A big problem for sure, but not the underlying reason of what actually “triggers” the weakness in the first place.

Breaking news hit my desk this morning, and it is of such vital importance, we’re rushing it out to you as a health alert, as it could very well save your life or a loved one in your family.

The “Sunshine Deficit” and Cardiovascular Disease

If your levels of vitamin D are too low, you are at significantly increased risk for stroke, heart disease and death, even among people who’ve never had heart disease, says a new study released by the Heart Institute at Intermountain Medical Center in Utah.

For more than a year, the Intermountain Medical Center research team followed 27,686 patients who were 50 years of age or older with no prior history of cardiovascular disease. The participants had their blood Vitamin D levels tested during routine clinical care.

The patients were divided into three groups based on their Vitamin D levels:

  • normal (over 30 nanograms per milliliter)
  • low (15-30 ng/ml)
  • very low (less than 15 ng/ml)

Continue reading “Heart Attacks Spike at Christmas”

Memorize the Tell-Tale Signs of a Stroke

Our Friday Health Alert, Low Levels of Super-Vitamin Doubles Stroke Risk, highlighted a 27-year study in Finland linking low levels of vitamin D-3 to increased risk of stroke by up to 50%!

A good friend and long-time customer, Kai Tozer in Hawaii, forwarded to me a fabulous article on how to recognize the warning signs of a stroke.  Commit these to memory – you might just save someone’s life!

Did You Know?

Each year an estimated 600,000 Americans experience a stroke (an interruption of the blood supply to any part of the brain) resulting in damaged brain tissue – and 160,000 of the victims die. If the stroke does not immediately send you to the grave, you are often left with lifelong debilitating infirmities of speech, movement and even thought.

The warning signs of a stroke are:

  • Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body.
  • Sudden confusion, trouble speaking, or understanding.
  • Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes.
  • Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination.
  • Sudden, severe headache with no known cause.

Do not take these warning signs lightly.  If you do happen to suffer a stroke, seek emergency medical attention immediately.  The effects of a stroke can be minimized or even reversed, but only if you receive medical attention within 3 hours!
Continue reading “Memorize the Tell-Tale Signs of a Stroke”

Low Levels of Super-Vitamin Doubles Stroke Risk

Sudden death from an unexplained stroke or heart attack is our Number One Killer today.

And mysteriously, the grim fact is that it seems to happen to people with no prior history of heart disease or cardiovascular problems.

The answer to this mystery is a basic lack of my favorite Super Nutrient – Vitamin D-3.

Practically every day some groundbreaking discovery hits my desk hailing its abilities to fight disease and extend a long, healthy life. This latest piece of news, an extensive 27 year study, is vital information for us all.

October 29, 2009
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)
– Low vitamin D levels in the body may be deadly, according to a new study, hinting that adults with lower, versus higher, blood levels of vitamin D are far more likely to die from heart disease or stroke.

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin mostly obtained from direct sunlight exposure, but also found in foods and multivitamins.

Dr. Annamari Kilkkinen, at the National Institute for Health and Welfare in Helsinki, Finland, and colleagues compared blood levels of vitamin D and deaths from heart disease or stroke over time in 2,817 men and 3,402 women in Finland.

Continue reading “Low Levels of Super-Vitamin Doubles Stroke Risk”

What is Nattokinase?

Nattokinase was discovered in 1980, by Dr Hiroyuki Sumi, who was working at the Chicago University Medical School. He was testing 172 different foods for their ability to promote healthy circulation, and Nattokinase did the job better than any other substance he was testing.

Since then, additional research has been done on Nattokinase, including 17 published studies in Japan and here in the U.S. The results have been dramatic to say the least.

Continue reading “What is Nattokinase?”

Fast Food Linked to Higher Risk of Strokes

People who live in neighborhoods with fast-food restaurants like McDonalds and Burger King are far more likely to suffer strokes, researchers said on Thursday, Feb 19th, 2009.

Residents of one Texas country who lived in neighborhoods with the highest number of fast-food chain restaurants, had a 13% higher risk of experiencing a stroke, that those in neighborhoods with fewer restaurants.

Continue reading “Fast Food Linked to Higher Risk of Strokes”

Vitamin D could save your life!

Think you’ve heard all there is to know about miraculous Vitamin D-3? I did.

And then someone sent me a full, in-depth report that really opened my eyes and made me, a passionate advocate for Vitamin D-3 for years, literally double my daily intake! So should you, or so WILL YOU, when you read this extraordinary report.

Vitamin D Deficiency is Becoming Alarmingly Common

Ever since the misguided medical advice to avoid sunshine (which makes over 90% of our Vitamin D), health problems associated with low levels have skyrocketed.

Vitamin D is not only a vitamin, but also an important hormone, with deficiencies causing widespread problems.

In fact, Vitamin D deficiency in the United States alone:

  • Is estimated to causes severe immune dysfunction, causing 85,000 extra cancer deaths a year
  • Increases osteoporosis
  • Increases pain in chronic pain conditions
  • Not only increases osteoporosis, but also the risk of falling
  • Significantly increases the risk of Multiple Sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and diabetes

Vitamin D treatment can also improve lung function and help people with asthma, while also decreasing the risk of heart disease, hypertension and stroke.

Because Vitamin D is stored in the fatty tissue (fat soluble) instead of being washed out in the urine (water soluble), it is possible to overdose if you get too much. This scares people away from getting the optimal dose, even though 10 times our current RDA (also known as “Ridiculously Low Allowance”) of 400IU’s a day is safe.

For those with decreased bone density, the dosage recommended is from 2000-4000 units a day. Otherwise, 1000-2000 units a day is optimal. Most importantly, remember to go for walks and get your sunshine.

Sunshine is good for you! For optimal health, avoid sunburn – but not your sunshine. Get 15 minutes of sunshine on your near-naked body at mid-day, when the sun is at its highest.

Vitamin D Deficiency is very common. Amazing as it may seem, with so many nutritional products being consumed these days, Vitamin D deficiency is rampant. This nutrient deficiency is critical, causing tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths each year in the United States alone. Because of this, and the deadly recommendation to avoid being out in the sun without sunscreen, Vitamin D deficiency is very real and getting worse.

Continue reading “Vitamin D could save your life!”

Vitamin C is better than a Flu Shot

Why  would anyone  pump the flu virus into their body, and think it would prevent the flu? For years, I have advocated NO VACCINES of any kind, particularly flu shots and vaccinations for newborns.

Why don’t flu shots work? Why is autism now a major epidemic? Because vaccines destroy our immune systems. 

The biggest and simplest thing to do to fight disease, particularly the flu is high level Ester-C Vitamin C. The latest breaking news says Vitamin C has the same effect on strokes! Good old Vitamin C.

Read on and learn more.

Continue reading “Vitamin C is better than a Flu Shot”