Super Drinks for DETOX Warriors

Choosing the 14-day Detox Program is like writing CONTAGIOUS HEALTH over the first chapter of 2015.

Today is a perfect day to begin detoxing, and you’ll reap the benefits throughout the year, especially when you make the cleansing process part of every season.

Did you know that detoxing can:

  • reset the body to purge toxins
  • give you a fresh start
  • lessen bloating
  • clear up your skin
  • give you shinier hair
  • substantially alleviate past conditions
  • allow your digestive system to relax
  • improve your sleep
  • increase your energy
  • and help you sleep like a baby?

Are you detoxing now? Contact our customer support team at and tell us your stories!  We’re all in this together!

Click Here to order your Detox Kit.

Continue reading “Super Drinks for DETOX Warriors”

Becoming an 8%'er

Choosing to begin 2015 is the first step on the road to Contagious Health.  Completing the detox will make you one of the 8% of people who actually accomplish their New Year’s resolution.

Detoxifying your body is NOT a diet.  In fact, you may not lose weight until the toxins are eliminated.

Our detox allows your body to cleanse at a cellular level. It is healing, energizing and absolutely transformational.

If you are detoxing, contact our customer support team at and tell us your stories!  We’re all in this together!

Click Here to purchase the Detox Kit.

This is Pamela’s story.  We hope it both encourages and motivates you!

Continue reading “Becoming an 8%'er”

Are you an 8%'er?

Do you suffer from Resolution Fatigue Syndrome?

According to the Journal of Clinical Psychology, 92% of all New Year’s resolutions are failures.  Only a mere 8% of people who make resolutions succeed.

We’ve all experienced making lists of changes we’d love to make in the New Year, only to lose hope after several weeks and giving up.  We call this Resolution Fatigue Syndrome.

This year, how would you like to be one of the 8%? One of the impressive few who actually DO SOMETHING to change your life?

Write the first chapter of 2015 with a 2 week detox that has HEALTH AND WELLNESS written all over it and you’ll be one of the 8% that succeeds!

Have you tried to overcome sugar and carb cravings to no avail?  Have you tried to lose weight by exercising and dieting, but nothing seems to work?  You body is telling you that it’s time for a detox.  It’s absolutely vital to detox your body at least once a year!

The first step is to rid your home of processed sugar and other foods that are toxic to your body – cookies, candy, cakes, pies, potato chips, ie. all the food that sabotages your efforts.  All this food does is create a toxic environment leading to an unhealthy, inflamed body.

Our 14-day Detox Program involves changing your diet by eliminating toxins and eating mostly raw food, as well as using our detox formulas that help your body deeply cleanse itself.

We’ve bundled four essential formulas you’ll need for the 14-day Detox Program into a kit, and added an additional 10% discount on top of already low, Preferred Member pricing.

  • Image:  Detox Kit FormulasEasy Cleanse AM & PM Detox formulas combine to provide a gentle 15-day digestive cleansing program, developed to naturally support the body’s own detoxification mechanisms, making it easier to eliminate toxins from the body.
  • Liv-RX Detoxification formula combines herbs, minerals and compounds designed to nourish the proper function and health of your liver and gall bladder.
  • Protein Plus Super Food 7-in-1 Formula is an alkaline forming, whole food supplement with 50% of the daily RDA of vitamins and minerals, essential Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids, 4 plant-based protein powders, 12 vegetables, superfoods, naturally flavored with vanilla and high ORAC (antioxidant) fruits.
  • Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex contains all 84 essential minerals and trace minerals the body needs, particularly Magnesium, to function properly.

Purchase your 14-day Detox Program today so that you can start ASAP!

Continue reading “Are you an 8%'er?”

The Detox Resolution

The Detox Resolution

We are thrilled to be ringing in 2015 with YOU, and this January is detox month.  Let us help you detox your body, mind and spirit.

Starting today, we’ll be sharing with you our best tips for ridding your body of toxins, and replacing them with some of the most potent, pro-health vitamins, minerals and herbs available on the planet.  We’ll help you choose the products that are perfect for you, and your health and wellness needs, and recover from toxic overload, or even chronic disease.

We’ll send you some of our favorite recipes and exercise tips to help you get the most out of the detox – losing the most weight and becoming the healthiest you’ve ever been.  This detox is designed to heal the gut, lower stress, decrease inflammation and give your body a fighting chance against every assault that is coming against it.

Are you in?

OK.  We definitely get it.  It’s hard to detox, but think about it this way – The next 2 weeks are going to go by. You can choose to let them go by just like always, or you can choose to invest the next 2 weeks into changing your life.

It’s easy to stay unhealthy and overweight – what’s hard is to get to a better, healthier, skinnier, detoxified self.  You choose. If you choose to join us, you won’t be alone – our team is going to detox with you.

Continue reading “The Detox Resolution”

Amazing Results & Effects of Cannabis (CBD) Oil

Charlotte Figi was 3 months old when she had her first seizure. By the time she was five years old, she was having 300 grand mal seizures every week – her seizures were so violent, her parents signed a ‘do not resuscitate’ order in her medical records.

Her parents never gave up, even though she was in a wheelchair, had feeding and oxygen tubes, and was seizing every thirty minutes, 24 hours a day.

Charlotte’s mom heard about a strain of medical marijuana that was very low in THC content, the psychoactive agent in marijuana, and very high in Cannabidiol (CBD), a compound in cannabis that has incredible medicinal value, but doesn’t get people stoned.

After years in which only high-THC cannabis was available, CBD-rich strains are now being grown by, and for medical users.

Charlotte’s mom and dad discovered the Stanley brothers, one of Colorado’s largest marijuana growers. Charlotte’s parents put an olive oil solution containing high CBD extract under her tongue and today, 6 year old Charlotte is thriving. Her seizures have decreased to only two or three times per month, mostly in her sleep. Not only is she walking, she can ride her bike, feed herself and is talking more each day. Miraculous.

Why non-psychoactive Cannabis oil?

Without the psycho-activity associated with marijuana, CBD-rich cannabis makes it an appealing treatment option for patients seeking relief from inflammatory, pain, anxiety, and anti-psychotic effects without any of the side effects of the THC content. It is safe for anyone to use because the oil is derived from hemp, rather than from marijuana, and legal in all 50 states and 40 countries!

Who can benefit?

Clinical scientific studies highlight CBD’s potential as a mediator against conditions, including arthritis, diabetes, alcoholism, MS, chronic pain, epilepsy, and other neurological disorders. CBD had also demonstrated neuroprotective and neurogenic effects, and its potential in the race to find the cure for cancer are currently being “investigated at several academic research centers in the U.S. and elsewhere.”

(Man with melanoma treated – from a 7mm hole to the bone – with CBD oil for 60 days)

Where can I get it?

Continue reading “Amazing Results & Effects of Cannabis (CBD) Oil”

Are you feeding disease or fighting it?

Think about what you ate yesterday.

There is a 100% chance your food choices contributed to either greater wellness or greater risk of disease.

Our bodies were created to miraculously heal themselves and the plethora of systems work together to keep you at optimal health – so when only one system is off balance, it triggers a domino effect, potentially igniting an avalanche of chronic health problems.

The primary system responsible for your overall health is your digestive system – or “gut” – and all the food you eat and drink have a significant effect on your gut.

IMPORTANT FACT:  The gut is your 30-foot long immunity headquarters.

Everyday we are bombarded with contaminants that disrupt the delicate balance in our gut and digestive system, which in turn significantly affects the immune system.

If you’ve ever taken antibiotics, you know these drugs kill ALL living bacteria – good and bad. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications like Advil, aspirin, Motrin, etc. disrupt normal digestion, as do chlorinated water, birth control pills, synthetic hormones, the list goes on and on. All of these, and many more, throw our internal ecosystem out of balance.

Our immune system fights so hard to stay healthy and balanced, that you may not even notice any imbalance for years – but believe me, it will eventually catch up to you.

Balance Your Ecosystem with Probiotics

Continue reading “Are you feeding disease or fighting it?”

Bill Gates. Ebola. The Flu. and You.

The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday on the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene conference Bill Gates attended, and spoke about the Ebola crisis and the massive lack of preparedness of the world for a global epidemic.

“The world as a whole doesn’t have the preparedness for epidemics, and we’ve had a few flu scares that got us to do some minor things, but not enough,” he said.

“If this thing had been twice as transmissive, we’d be in a lot of trouble, and there are agents that have a real chance of coming on in the next several decades that are far more transmissive than this is. What’s to stop some form of SARS showing up?”

No one from West Africa was admitted to the conference because of the risk, and what Mr. Gates should have talked about was the lack of 2 essentials that could limit the spread of this, and every other potential global epidemic.

If West Africans knew about taking Vitamin D3 and Shark Liver Oil, things would be much, much different!  It’s nearly impossible to get sick when you load your body with these super-powerful, immune boosters.

The key to superior immune system strength and speed of reaction to a virus entering your body and your airstream, is this crucial fact:


You see, the D3 works like a light switch to TURN ON the body’s T-cells.

T-cells are our FOOT SOLDIERS that go into battle to fight infections and viruses, and this is exactly why so many young men and women were lost needlessly during the AIDS crisis.

No T Cells, No Life.

A major 15 year study in Scandinavia found that high D3 levels in the bloodstream instantly turned on the T Cells, and BINGO, the immune system is activated.

This is still not a widely known fact, even in medical circles, and this is also why D3 levels are so important to fight horrors like HIV/AIDS, the Flu and Ebola.

Vaccines DO NOT CONTAIN ANY VITAMIN D – Now ponder that a moment.

That means the vaccines CANNOT work as they can never activate our basic defenses!

If Bill Gates, the richest man in the world is listening right now, please get out your checkbook and donate a million bottles of our Ultra D3 to the Ebola Crisis Center in Liberia, Sierra Leone and all of West Africa.

Along with a clean hands and a no kissing campaign, vitamin d can boost immunity, and help to contain continuing transmission.

We carry two unique Vitamin D products I strongly suggest everyone take from now until June – one is our best selling, high-potency (5,000iu)  Ultra D3 and the other is a small, 2,o0oiu, kid-sized gelcap simply called Vitamin D3.

Why would you get some cheap, off the shelf, less effective vitamin D product, when you know you need the best, most powerful vitamin D in the world, that can help shield against Ebola AND the common cold?

And, Bill Gates – buy a few bottles for yourself and Mrs Gates so you can enjoy your billions a good ten to twenty years longer.

Immune Boosting and T-cell Activating Essentials for Le$$

We’ve created a spectacular Winter Wellness Kit containing the 4 essential formulas – Ultra D3, Shark Liver Oil, Immune Support and Respiratory Lung Health – for boosting your immune and respiratory systems to battle colds, flu and more this winter – and wholesale priced so you can protect yourself and your friends and family.

SAVE an additional 10% over ordering separately

Click Here to Order

Image: Kid's Viral Shield KitWe’ve also bundled our 3 essential, kid-friendly, immune-boosting formulas – our Kid’s Gummies, Shark Liver Oil, and Vitamin D – in a Kid’s Viral Shield Kit to help protect your children from any viral assault this season.

SAVE an additional 10% over ordering separately

Click Here to Order

EBOLA: Keep Calm and Take Lots of Vitamin D

Over the last several weeks, I’ve spoken to many of you who are feeling a bit of panic surrounding  Ebola coming to the United States.

So far, over 13,000 cases of Ebola have been diagnosed worldwide and close to 5,000 deaths.

There have only been 3 cases diagnosed in this country and one death, and thank God there haven’t been anymore diagnosed cases – so no need to panic!

Let me address for a moment the upcoming cold and flu season, and a sobering statistic from the World Health Organization – or the WHO –  that between 3 and 5 million cases of the flu will be diagnosed this season, and between 250,000 to 500,000 deaths will occur – and a staggering majority of these deaths will be in babies less than 2 years old and adults 65+.

This is tragic, and most importantly, preventable – and again, no cause for panic!

If you listen to the WHO or the CDC, the only way to prevent the flu is to vaccinate, but nothing could be further from the truth!

The reality is the annual vaccination is unreliable at best, and can severely compromise your immune system, allowing for these virus’s to take hold and flourish.

We recommend that you prepare now for what is ahead.

If you are eating a plant-strong diet, along with pure, filtered water and exercising 30 minutes every day, you are way ahead of the immunity game!  Keep up the good work!

There is one relatively easy way to greatly reduce your chances of getting any virus, and … drum roll please … it’s relatively cheap and it will probably change your life.

Image:  Bottle of Ultra D3Vitamin D is the MIRACLE VITAMIN we get for free from sunshine – but during the fall and winter months, when exposed to less sunlight, our immune systems take the hit.

Most people are severely deficient in their vitamin D levels and these viral outbreaks are the evidence.

Vitamin D is so extremely effective, the pharmaceutical companies are trying to figure out how to make a drug out of it!

Vitamin D literally turns on your body’s ability to fight viral and bacterial assaults, and we need it every single day.  Without it, we are vulnerable to every virus and disease.

We carry two unique Vitamin D products I strongly suggest everyone take from now until June – one is our best selling, high potency (5,000iu)  Ultra D3 and the other is a small, 2,000iu kid-sized gelcap simply called Vitamin D3.

Be THE ONE who stays calm and carries on – all winter long!

We’ve created a Winter Wellness Kit containing the 4 essential formulas – Ultra D3, Shark Liver Oil, Immune Support and Respiratory Lung Health – for boosting your immune and respiratory systems to battle colds, flu and more this winter – and wholesale priced so you can protect you and your loved ones. 

SAVE an additional 10% over ordering separately

Click Here to Order

Image: Kid's Viral Shield KitWe’ve also bundled our 3 essential, kid-friendly, immune-boosting formulas – our Kid’s Gummies, Shark Liver Oil, and Vitamin D – in a Kid’s Viral Shield Kit to help protect your children from any viral assault this season.

SAVE an additional 10% over ordering separately

Click Here to Order

Ending Breast Cancer Begins with You!

Breast Cancer is still alive and well in the world.

Last year, nearly 2 million men and women were diagnosed, and if something doesn’t change, 13 million lives will be lost to this epidemic in the next 25 years.

If there is one disease I hope I can help protect my 4 daughters from, it’s breast cancer.

There is no absolute guarantee you or I won’t get cancer if we eat a plant-strong diet, exercise daily, drink pure, filtered water and take supplements that help to balance our hormone levels – BUT I can guarantee, if you do eat right, exercise and take these supplements, you’ll be fit and trim and you’ll forget forever what PMS feels like!

Our three hormone balancing formulas, Balanced Woman, DIM and Progesterone Boost, were created to help to eliminate all the symptoms associated with estrogen dominance and hormone imbalance.

Using these formulas can help you to lower your risk for breast cancer and live above the bloating, acne, insomnia, mood swings, carb cravings and heavy, painful periods.

Ending breast cancer starts with each of us making the best choice for our own health, so try our hormone formulas together for a month – and you’ll start feeling the best you ever have!

LIMITED TIME OFFER: Save an additional 10%* on Balanced Woman, DIM , and Progesterone Boost through October 31st!

*Limit 3 per customer @ sale pricing.

Click Here to Order

DIM: The Magic Bullet?

One of the BIGGEST MYTHS of modern medicine is this – We are all Estrogen deficient.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The fact is, most of us are flowing over with too MUCH Estrogen! Where do you think the breast and prostate cancer epidemic came from?

The REAL truth is this: Basic daily exercise and a vegetarian/zero saturated fats diet will correct the problem!

Westerners are generally up to their ears in Estrogen due to gobbling down endless amounts of saturated fat, drinking alcohol, not getting any exercise, lack of fiber, and epidemic obesity.

For the past twenty years I have talked extensively about the power of a thing called Indole-3-CARBINOL or I3C, a miraculous compound found in cruciferous vegetables.

I3C, which is a precursor to DIM, can about eliminate out-of-control Estrogen and Estriol levels in both men and women.

Continue reading “DIM: The Magic Bullet?”