I went down the rabbit hole and found the Miracle Of Life.

Connie’s Miracle of Life Journey Down the Rabbit Hole

My Miracle of Life story begins with me waking up early one morning and discovering the key to all health and healing was sitting on my kitchen table.  Literally.

Last week, I was asked to reintroduce this amazing super-nutritional wonder formula, and I didn’t have a clue about it.

It was a little like when Alice drank the potion in Wonderland.  I’ve taken a LOT of vitamins over the years, but this was like a trip down the rabbit hole.

This is the EXPLOSIVE trip Miracle of Life can take you on, and you won’t believe it until you experience it for yourself!

Wayne says this formula rigorously reads the body and mind – like nutritional acupuncture – triggering the body with it’s electronic intelligence to nourish and heal where it is most needed.

This is why some people take it and get gigantic energy, while others experience something totally different.  They go into the deepest sleep patterns they’ve ever experienced.

This is exactly what happened to me!  I started taking Miracle of Life and started sleeping like a rock!

Why? Because my body was screaming out for rest, recovery and healing sleep.

Quite amazing.  And might I even say, miraculous?

I jumped down the rabbit hole – will you join me?

Getting a bottle of Miracle of Life could very well be the single most amazing life experience I will ever have.  There is really nothing in the world this formula can’t fix.

Continue reading “I went down the rabbit hole and found the Miracle Of Life.”

Wanna live to be 100? It's surprisingly simple.

You can heal yourself.

This is the core of our entire Body As Doctor philosophy.

It is something I witnessed first-hand in my journey around the world that started almost 30 years ago, when I was traveling the world looking for answers to my diagnosis of terminal cancer.

In China and Bhutan, they use 1000-year old techniques and herbal remedies that lift people up high above disease, to a place where they find Health Beyond Disease.

Could people actually get “Contagiously Healthy” rather than contagiously sick?

All along this road to recovery, I unearthed truly amazing things, incredible facts about how to trigger the body to overcome anything and defeat any disease.

I learned how to literally trigger the body to become the doctor of our own body, how to get off dangerous pharmaceutical drugs and most importantly, how to return to the abundant health of your youth, with everything working a maximum potential.

This knowledge is in each and every one of our formulas, but most importantly, are the very core of our Miracle of Life nutraceutical formula.

The Body As Doctor is a profound change of attitude in generating a life force, free of disease and infirmity and our Miracle of Life formula will be the single most dramatic step you can take to implement this philosophy into your daily life.

The most fabled place I went to was to the Okinawan islands in the Sea of Japan, where the people live seemingly forever! Continue reading “Wanna live to be 100? It's surprisingly simple.”

Another Day. Another Miracle. You're Next.

One of the things we love most about our job is hearing stories from people all over the world, who use our products and services and their lives are changed.

This happens so often, we sometimes forget how miraculous each and every story is.  Over the years, we’re heard more of these stories about one of our formulas more than any other.

If you are in need of a miracle in your life, Miracle of Life is THE miracle formula!

Taking Miracle of Life is like having your own personal doctor or therapist in the palm of your hand!

This formula rigorously reads the body and mind – like nutritional acupuncture – triggering the body with it’s electronic intelligence to nourish and heal where it is most needed.

Miracle of Life formula contains super intelligence from the overall formula and then the way it is “treated” with Nikolai Tesla’s bio-magnetic technology, making the formula work with super natural power, and giving it the electrical magnetization of not only just the planet, but of the entire universe.

Today, we want to share with you stories of people just like you, who’ve chosen to use this magical formula and changed their lives.

We firmly believe our Miracle of Life formula will change your life too!

Continue reading “Another Day. Another Miracle. You're Next.”

You are a Child of the Universe

We are all descendents from the heavens – children of our God and of His universe – YES, YOU!

Even our blood is a amalgam of stars and their stardust – these are the minerals and trace minerals that are the raw materials of every planet, every star.

This is the “blueprint” of my biggest miracle formula, Miracle of Life.  As its name suggests it is a miracle in providing LIFE itself.

Taking Miracle of Life is like having your own personal doctor or therapist in the palm of your hand!

A dear friend from India, who is now working as a doctor at Chicago General Hospital, likened it to “nutritional acupuncture” because of the way it can read the body and goes from the blood stream, straight to a triggering point, or organ, which directs the body to create the needed healing and deliver the nutrients directly into the cells.

Miracle of Life formula contains super intelligence from the overall formula and then the way it is “treated” with Nikolai Tesla’s bio-magnetic technology, making the formula work with super natural power, and giving it the electrical magnetization of not only just the planet, but of the entire universe.

Today, I want to share with you stories of people just like you, fellow children of God, who’ve taken this magical formula, and it changed their lives.

I firmly believe our Miracle of Life formula will change your life too!

Desiderata – Words for Life

Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,

even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

Miracle of Life is the crystallization of all my work in promoting Contagious Health these past 25 years.

Miracle of Life incorporates electronically-charged Ionic Minerals and Trace Minerals in the same composition found in blood plasma. These are the foundation for all true health and longevity and they dramatically increase the cellular absorption of the natural compounds in the formula.

We all want to live a longer and healthier life and fend off feeling older for as long as possible. That’s why Miracle of Life was created.

May you enjoy it as much as we did creating it.

Retail Price: $65.95
Preferred Member: $49.97

Click Here to Order

Limit 3 per customer.

Rock Star is Hooked on Vitamins, Not Drugs

Katy Perry is a pill popper, but it’s all good!
The madly famous singer tweeted this picture of the bag of vitamins and minerals she takes each day, carefully labeled in large Ziplock bags each with a little note of reminder – “Upon Rising,” “Breakfast” and “Dinner” along with the this statement about her commitment to her vitamin supplements.

“I’m all the about that supplement & vitamin LYFE!”

Katy Perry, Tweet, May 22, 2013

You might be asking, “But, is all that really necessary?”  Maybe.  But, an even better question may be, “If SHE needs all those supplements with her hectic life, what should I be taking?”

There isn’t a single day that goes by without someone asking me about our formulas.  The question goes something like this.

“Wayne, I’m really confused.  What are THE formulas I should be taking?  There are so many and I don’t know where to start.”

I never hesitate because I believe to the depths of my soul, if every American were on these 5 formulas, there would be no need for health care.  People would be healthy and thriving.  Imagine.

These 5 Formulas are:

Over the last several weeks, I’ve been telling you about one of these 5 formulas and the response to DIM has been astounding!

Today, I’m going to tell you all about an amazing formula – a personal favorite of mine because it has changed my life and countless others.

I firmly believe it will change your life too!

This is the Miracle You’ve Been Looking For

Katy Perry could save herself a lot of money by switching to our Miracle of Life formula.  She’d also be taking at least 8 less pills a day.

Our Miracle of Life formula is literally “reading the body” like nutritional acupuncture – triggering the body with it’s electronic intelligence to nourish and heal where it is most needed.

This is why some people take it and get gigantic energy. Others, experience something totally different.  They go into the deepest sleep patterns they’ve ever experienced.

Why? Because their body was screaming out for rest, recovery and healing sleep.

Quite amazing.  And might I even say, miraculous?

This is one very smart formula that can read your mind, body and maybe even your soul.

So, What IS IN This Extraordinary Formula?

This electronic “reading” ability is only part of the entire Miracle of Life formula. Around the electronic core or heart of the formula, the ionized minerals and trace minerals, so vital for life to be maintained, we then encircled this core with an amazing laundry-list of compounds to address all health concerns.

Continue reading “Rock Star is Hooked on Vitamins, Not Drugs”

Your BODY Makes Chemo

Has anyone told you your body actually makes what it needs to fight cancer?

It’s true.

No one need endure the horrors of chemotherapy.

Your own body makes chemo.

Growing along the ocean floor of the pristine, isolated coastline of South America, is a marine algae which has the highest concentration of natural, bio-available Calcium in the entire world.

It is from this incredibly powerful calcium source that your body is able to create it’s own chemotherapy.

a photo of the e-book, The Key to All Health and Healing by Wayne GarlandTo help you understand how this process works, I have a present for you – my e-book The Key to All Health & Healing. Download your copy now, as it contains pertinent insight into what you are about to read in today’s newsletter.

What is that pertinent information?

It’s how the ancient oceans, going back some billions of years, were the breeding ground for the very first forms of life on this planet, long before man’s arrival.

Here is a snippet from the book:

“And when they went ashore, the animals that took up land life carried with them a part of the ocean in their bodies – a heritage that they passed on to their children, and which even today links each land animal with its origins in the ancient seas. Fish, amphibian and reptile, warm-blooded bird and mammal – each of us carries in our veins a salty stream in which the elements of sodium, potassium and calcium are combined in precisely the same proportions as in sea water.”

This is why blood plasma and purified ocean water are IDENTICAL!

And this has been the fundamental core of all my protocols and all my formulas since discovering this startling fact of our genetic heritage.

Read on to learn how Your BODY Makes Chemo!

In Chapter Two of this series, You are an Ocean, we explained in detail how minerals and trace minerals conduct life (electricity) through each cell, literally running our bodies. (If you missed the article, click here to read it.)

At the very core of our Miracle of Life formula is pure mineral and trace mineral power, from the ocean in a powdered form, delivering this genetic heritage to the body. This power is just one of the secrets that makes Miracle of Life so profoundly powerful compared to any other nutritional supplement or pharmaceutical drug available today.

Also from the ocean we have found what we believe to be the most extraordinary form of Calcium in the world. (I don’t know if it was a wonderful stroke of luck, coincidence or the universe revealing itself to us once again.)

This red marine algae, called Algas Calcaras™, grows naturally in the sandy, pristine coastline of Southern Brazil, attaching itself to seaweed on the ocean floor and naturally assimilating oceanic minerals and trace elements, growing into an amazing nutrient “complex”.

Continue reading “Your BODY Makes Chemo”

Medical Fact: You are an Ocean

You are an Ocean of Life

Sea water is the most suitable environment for living cells, since it contains all the chemical elements essential to the growth and maintenance of plant and animal protoplasm or “protein blood”.

The ocean is the single greatest storehouse of minerals.

In a cubic mile of sea water, there are on average 166 million tons of dissolved salts and in all the ocean waters of earth, there are about 50 quadrillion tons.

About 76 of the known elements, minerals and trace minerals, have been discovered by chemical and spectrographic analysis.

This is the core of our Miracle of Life formula!

You’re literally receiving a blood transfusion when you start taking it and even your blood chemistry will change rapidly and dramatically.

Fact: Minerals from the ocean are far superior to minerals from the land.

However, 99% of mineral supplements today use “colloidal” minerals, which are really just ground up rocks. Rock cannot ever conduct the electricity your body needs.

The body is a combination of organs, or miniature factories, all orchestrated by the body’s computer, the brain. Each organ is run by a foreman and that foreman is a mineral.

Without the mineral, nothing happens in the organ – it can’t work!

(I explain this in detail in my book, The Key to All Health and Healing. Click here to download your copy.)

The overseer of every organ in your body is your heart.

Your heart desperately needs electricity to stay alive .

Without sufficient Magnesium, cardiac arrest occurs. Potassium shrinks the heart; Magnesium relaxes it electronically, every split second. I call these minerals Mother Nature’s Pacemakers.

Minerals, minerals, minerals! This should be your mantra, your chant each day.

Continue reading “Medical Fact: You are an Ocean”

Patient, Heal Thyself

What’s in a name? Everything!

Today we introduce you to the pinnacle formula in our healing philosophy.  We call it Miracle of Life, and it truly is the most technologically advanced nutraceutical formula in the Universe.

Miracle of Life could very well be the single most amazing life experience you will ever have. You will discover things about yourself and tap into an extraordinary phenomenon within your mind, your body and even your soul.

What is this phenomenon? I call it “The Body As Doctor”.

For 30 years, I have been on a relentless search for the keys to full genetic life potential,  so no one need suffer from any disease – and to achieve this without medical doctors, expensive dangerous drugs, unnecessary surgery and prohibitive health insurance.

Miracle of Life profoundly demonstrates this philosophy and is startlingly simple, but genius in its underlying intelligence. And so simple to achieve.

The best doctor for your body is not a medical doctor – the best doctor is your very own body.

You were not designed or created to be constantly sick and depressed. Is it possible you could get your body to become your doctor?

  • Available at all times, 24 hours a day, every split second?
  • Putting out fires before they start within you?
  • Repairing damaged cells and nerves and neurons?
  • Preventing disease from even starting in the first place?

The philosophy of “The Body As Doctor” is all about your body achieving maximum health, free of disease, with maximum lifespan potential – and it’s more than a dream.  It is reality.  And you can make it your reality today.

Continue reading “Patient, Heal Thyself”

Rock Star's Chemo Trip to Hell

“Chemotherapy is so hard on a person.”
-Melissa Etheridge, Singer/Songwriter

a photo of Melissa Etheridge after her chemotherapy
Melissa Etheridge
Getty Images

Late in 2004, then 43 year old singer/songwriter and Grammy winner Melissa Etheridge discovered a lump in her breast she swore wasn’t there the day before.

Immediately, she underwent surgery to remove the lump and it was determined she had stage 2 cancer and would need to undergo chemotherapy.

In an interview on Dateline NBC, Melissa shared:

It’s the closest to death I have ever been. The chemotherapy takes you as far down into hell as you’ve ever, ever been.

I know firsthand how devastating it is to hear the word cancer. Hearing it out loud is like getting punched in the stomach.

A diagnosis of a close friend or loved one will cause the same horrific reaction as a personal diagnosis.

The standard treatment for cancer is a toxic cocktail of chemicals (that’s why they call it “chemotherapy”) intravenously administered into the body like agent orange, quickly destroying every rapidly-growing cell, cancerous or not. This is why patients have such horrible side-effects, the least of which is all their hair falls out.

I think it is horrific that modern medical science continues to ignore natural breakthroughs in treating cancer. Did you know that your amazing body can cure cancer by itself? It is true.

I am living proof that no one needs to put their body through the chemical warfare of chemotherapy to beat cancer once and for all. No one. Including you.

Chris Beat Cancer – Without Chemotherapy

In 2003, Christopher Wark, 26 years young from Memphis, TN was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. After having a third of his colon removed, his doctor told him he would need to endure 6-9 months of intensive chemotherapy in order to stop the cancer from spreading to his lymphatic system – or die.

While Chris was home recovering from surgery, he began researching other options and realized he didn’t have to go the chemotherapy route. Instead, he rebuked his doctors and began to change his life and his body from the inside out.

The whole idea of poisoning your way back to health just didn’t sit right with me, it didn’t make sense,” said Chris in a recent Fox News interview.

Continue reading “Rock Star's Chemo Trip to Hell”

You are an Ocean

(Chapter Two in an ongoing series. Save or bookmark for future reference.)

Today you get to take a peek inside my brain when this extraordinary formula was created. In our First Chapter on the reincarnation of Miracle of Life, The Body As Doctor – Explained, I concluded with a short, yet vitally important fact about how our body works. This nugget of information is crucial to understanding how the entire Miracle of Life formula works.

You see, the body is a combination of organs, that are miniature “factories”, all orchestrated by instructions from the body’s main computer, the brain. In every instance, each organ (each factory) is “run” or supervised by a foreman. This foreman of each organ is not a vitamin or a carbohydrate or protein, these are the “workers”.

In every instance, each factory is run by a Mineral. Without the mineral, nothing happens! (I explain this in detail in my book, The Key to All Health and Healing. Click here to download your copy.)

Let’s Meet the Foremen

Your heart is a very important factory. Without sufficient Magnesium being available, cardiac arrest occurs Potassium shrinks the heart; Magnesium relaxes in, electronically, every split second. I call these minerals Mother Nature’s Pacemakers.

Even Olympic athletes, with 100% cardiovascular efficiency, will literally drop dead if they deplete either of these two minerals. (That’s why you always see professional athletes consuming sports drinks to replenish minerals lost through high-intensity exercise.)

More people in America drop dead from a Heart Attack than enything else. Want to stop it? Make sure you get lots of Magnesium. Simple as that.

Arthritis and Osteoporosis are epidemics, 60% of American suffer from these debilitating conditions. I bet you are know the foreman for this factory. Calcium is an extraordinary mineral with a host of jobs around the body.

  • It regulates each heartbeat
  • Builds strong bones and teeth
  • Fights breast cancer
  • Needed to burn fat and lose weight (bet’cha didn’t know that…)
  • Necessary for cell survival
  • Helps with blood clotting
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Prevents muscle cramping
  • Maintains the central nervous system
  • Controls anxiety and depression.and ensures deep, quality sleep

Can you name one single drug that can all that?

Continue reading “You are an Ocean”