Alzheimer's, Pigs and Einstein

Alzheimer’s did not exist when I was growing up. It has only appeared in the last few decades and was simply unknown until very recently. Other modern epidemics too are running rampant, like diabetes, hypertension, breast and prostate cancer.

We are having these new epidemics because we are doing things humans have never done before. These record rates are confined to the industrialized nations,
especially America.

Listen to my radio interview and watch today’s video with Wayne Garland explaining how on how to live each day to the fullest, healthiest and most productive – and how to stop the brain from aging prematurely, eliminate attention deficit disorder and even

"God Just Pitched a Shutout!"

God’s Vitamin is D3, a hormone created by the body when the skin comes into contact with sunshine. This chain reaction begins a process of turning on the body’s immune system response and allows the body to create T-Cells, able to fight off the onslaught of virus and disease. All disease could be conquered using high-quality, Vitamin D3 supplements and getting plenty of unprotected sunshine.

The Amazing 101 Year Old Man

People ask me all the time, “Is there just one formula that I can take each day to satisfy my body’s needs?”

Yes! It is called Chlorella – an amazing Japanese SUPER FOOD.

Avoid Flu Shots Like the Plague

Skip the ridiculous flu shot. I’ll show you how you can avoid the flu – and any other virus that might circulate this winter.

Not only does the flu shot carries HUGE RISKS due primarily to mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde used as in the manufacturing, but the latest scientific evidence demonstrates these toxin-filled shot achieve at best a 1 percent reduction in influenza symptoms!

I’ve said it countless times – there is no “Magic Bullet” to beat any disease – cancer, diabetes or the common cold. It takes a total “PROGRAM” to beat the problem. Read on for my 12-step Winter Wellness Program detailing specific actions you should take this winter to boost your immune system and be so strong, the flu virus won’t affect you at all.

"Super Hero" of Antioxidants

Virtually everyone who is sick or suffers from a chronic disease is deficient in Glutathione, the Super Hero of Antioxidants. I bet you’ve never heard of it. I hadn’t either until recently.

Glutathione is a blockbuster amino acid our body generates naturally, but as we age, our body’s ability to manufacture this vital nutrient declines – by as much as 10% each decade after 30 years of age.

Glutathione is the “mother of all antioxidants” and is your BEST defense against cellular damage, aging and nearly all illnesses and diseases, especially cancer. This single nutrient aids our bodies in cleaning out the waste as a natural detoxifier, strengthening immunity, shuttling needed protein between cells and alerting the immune system against invaders.

Read on to learn all about this Secret Savior.

What is your "Big" New Year Resolution?

A New Year – A New You!

I want you to help you use the oldest health remedy in existence to quit smoking, lose weight, overcome obesity, diabetes or alleviate stress.

But not with some new fangled, superstar-endorsed gimmick. Every single client I work work with starts with the two “D’s”: Detoxification and Diet. Detox your whole body, mind and spirit. Release the limiting beliefs.

Detoxification and diet uses the Power of What Created Us All and then in turn, creates what the condition I call Contagious Health that resides within all of us.

In just 2 weeks, you’ll be calling me to share your success story, just like everyone else who follows the program.

12-Step Winter Wellness Program

In China barely anyone gets the cold or flu, no matter whether they are very young or very old. So what’s their secret?

We’ve created a complete 12-step Total Winter Wellness Program to beat the common cold and flu virus this and every winter.

The Story Behind "God's Vitamin"

Why was it that with so much brilliance in the worlds of medicine, pharmaceuticals and nutrition, that disease still proliferates? Diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, dementia, Alzheimer’s.

Did you know that during the summer months, in just fifteen minutes of midday sun exposure on the naked skin, our body generates 10,000-15,000 iu’s of vitamin D?

Amazing isn’t it, the most powerful means of defeating disease can be created by the body itself?

But do you hear the medical doctors telling you this? No way! They tell you just the opposite; stay out of the sun. And if you must go outside, slather yourself with sunscreen and cover up. Heaven forbid we should get some sunlight and prevent disease when we’ve got all these wonderful, expensive and dangerous drugs to use instead.

Vitamin D is as essential as oxygen for life!

No wonder we have multiple epidemics right now – none of us are getting sufficient vitamin D.

Milk does NOT do a Body Good!

Do you still drink milk or eat cheese? Did you know milk and arthritis pain are directly associated? How about milk and fibromyalgia?

Dr. Sunny Kierstyn, a Chiropractic Physician in Eugene, Oregon and founder of the Fibromyalgia Care Center, has documented a 70% decrease in PAIN in her patients within a few weeks of eliminating dairy.

If you have any doubt at all that milk and dairy products can really be linked to pain in your body, take Dr. Kierstyn’s No Dairy Challenge and document your experience. I have no doubt you will be amazed at the results!

Vitamin D Pregnancy Scandal

Vitamin D deficiency in pregnant woman is causing 10% or more infants born in America to incur multiple fractures from the trauma of passing through the birth canal. These infants leave the hospital with their fractures undetected. If you are the parent of one of these children — and unlucky enough to have to take the infant back to the hospital in his first few months of his life — child protection may falsely accuse you of child physical abuse.