Avoid Cancer with the Sunshine Vitamin?

Over the last few months, several research findings have been reported by news agencies and clinical journals, reminding us of the importance of vitamin D.

The most compelling story was published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, and it stated:

“Cancer patients who have higher levels of vitamin D when they are diagnosed, tend to have better survival rates and remain in remission longer than patients who are vitamin D-deficient.”

This is just miraculous news for anyone who’s been diagnosed with Cancer or wants to avoid it!

“By reviewing studies that collectively examined vitamin D levels in 17,332 cancer patients, our analysis demonstrated that vitamin D levels are linked to better outcomes in several types of cancer,” said one of the study’s authors, Hui Wang, MD, PhD, Professor at the Institute for Nutritional Sciences at the Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai, China.

“Considering that vitamin D deficiency is a widespread issue all over the world, it is important to ensure that everyone has sufficient levels of this important nutrient,” Wang said.

We are proud to have pioneered D3 therapy and to make the most powerful D3 product combined with K2 and other powerful antioxidants, all in one blockbuster formulation called Ultra D3.

Read on to find out more recent vitamin D study findings and how they may affect you!

Low Vitamin D Levels Linked to Disease in Two Big Studies

Continue reading “Avoid Cancer with the Sunshine Vitamin?”

Laugh at the Flu!

Don’t Let the BIG BAD FLU Ruin Your Winter This Year

I have 12 proven ways to laugh at the flu and have the most fabulously FUN winter you’ve ever had. In fact, you’ll be laughing at any and every viral onslaught that comes your way.

I live in Colorado, and as far as Winter Fun, THIS is the state to live in – in fact, Winter is the new Summer!

My absolute FAVORITE thing to do in the winter is take my kids sledding! It’s such a blast and we come home to warm cider and blankets and laughter. Don’t even get me started on ice skating, skiing and building snowmen, and roasting marshmallows in the fire pit!

My LEAST favorite part of the fall and winter is facing the dreaded cold and flu season. Invariably, one of the girls will come home from school having been exposed to some horrific virus. In fact, several years ago, our school system was actually shut down for days because so many students and staff were deathly ill with the Swine Flu!

No matter if you live in a gloriously sunny state where you wear shorts and play golf all winter, or an absolute dreary place where the sun NEVER peaks out from behind the clouds – we want to prepare you for what’s ahead.

Our goal for you this winter is that you have more fun than you’ve ever had and don’t get sick!

Think it’s impossible? It’s not!

Last winter, I followed the advice I’m giving you today, not even to a tee, and didn’t get sick one time! Neither did my girls. We were 100% healthy and happy and had so much FUN doing all the winter activities Colorado is famous for.

And we didn’t get a flu shot either! They don’t work and they seriously affect the immune system – why would I want to do that to myself or my precious children?

So, I took Wayne’s advice and I am going to share it with you now!


Continue reading “Laugh at the Flu!”

The Flu Shot Does Not Work

Breaking News: A major study of the latest flu vaccine was concluded in China, where the Asian Flu is a major health calamity year after year, and the results are explosive!

Of course, the mainline media in America has totally ignored it, but we have the results that were published in the Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases.

The study was a true double blind placebo study, over 276 days.  Children aged 6-15 years old were used and 69 were given the flu shot, while 46 children got nothing but saline solution.


The authors of the study wrote:

“There was no statistically significant difference in the risk of confirmed seasonal influenza infection between recipients of TIV [trivalent influenza inactivated vaccine] or placebo.”

And it only gets worse from here for the poor pharmaceutical corporations.

“Receipt of TIV could increase influenza immunity at the expense of reduced immunity to non-influenza respiratory viruses, by some unknown biological mechanism. Alternatively, our results could be explained by temporary nonspecific immunity after influenza virus infection, through the cell-mediated response or, more likely, the innate immune response to infection.”

Not only did it not work – like I warn the public every single year – those children who got the flu shot suffered a massive 550% rate of respiratory illnesses in the months following the flu shot compared to the children who received the placebo.

This is staggering.

The flu shot does not work and there is 550% higher chance of coming down with a crippling cold, pneumonia, bronchitis, or whatever!

So, if there is absolutely zero chance the flu shot can help you, what can you do?

You CAN boost your immune system so that you can fight off, not only the flu onslaught, but any other virus that comes your way – by loading up on Mother Nature’s flu shot.

It works with 99% effectiveness and no after effects, like the Flu Shot Study kids had.  It’s what I call, “God’s Vitamin” because of it’s amazing power that comes directly from God – the sunshine He sends every day that the body converts to Vitamin D3.

Our Ultra D3 formula is the most powerful vitamin D3 formula in the world.  Read on and I’ll explain to you exactly how and why  it works!

Where You Live Could Be Making You Sick!

If you live above the line on this map, you are in greater danger of contracting a cold or dangerous flu virus this winter.  Why?

You won’t be exposed to enough sunshine to fight it!

Vitamin D is the most important vitamin for our immune systems and it has been linked to far more than building strong bones and teeth – it can also protect us from high blood pressure, some forms of cancer, Hodgkins Lymphoma, and of course, influenza.

100 MILLION Americans are seriously vitamin D deficient!

And the dangerous trend toward people staying inside watching TV, playing video games, surfing the web and applying sunscreen, is keeping them from benefiting from the best source of vitamin D available to us – the sun!

Continue reading “The Flu Shot Does Not Work”

The 25 Steps to Cancer-Proof Your Body

Is there a “cure” for Cancer?

Yes. Don’t get it in the first place!

Recently, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute released a major study showing that consuming large amounts of fat, especially saturated fats from red meat and dairy products like milk, cheese, ice cream, butter, increases your risk of contracting Pancreatic Cancer by 36%. Click here to read more.

Did you catch that?  36% more likely to get cancer!

This report got me fired up because I’ve been preaching for years about how toxic red meat and dairy are to the human body.

People ask me all the time,  “How did you rid your body of cancer?”

Today, I’m sharing with you the program I followed over 25 years ago while fighting a terminal cancer condition.  I was given just six months to live.

So read this article.  Print it out.  Follow the advice religiously for the next 97 days.  Then, listen to your body and you will hear it say, “Thank You”.

You Are What You Eat


Vegetarian Feast at The Jade Cafe (photo: Luke Walker)

The reason so many people in America get cancer is because of the food we eat. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is so destructive to the body.

In Okinawa, cancer rates are one-sixth what they are in America. Breast cancer is unheard of, same for Prostate cancer in men.

Until recently, they didn’t eat McDonald’s burgers or drink Diet Coke and Pepsi loaded with artificial sweeteners or high fructose, corn syrup Slur-pees. And they didn’t smoke cigarettes, cigars or chews tobacco. They do now and their cancer rates are changing.

One thing they DON’T DO is drink milk from cows! Instead they mash up soybeans and mix it with pure ocean water to create their own Soy Milk.

You are what you eat. If you eat dead flesh and rotting dairy, what do you think will happen to you?
Continue reading “The 25 Steps to Cancer-Proof Your Body”

Miracle of Life: "This stuff is absolute dynamite!"

Dear Wayne,

I just wanted to tell you that my friend Sonia, who I called you about a couple of weeks ago, is doing amazing on the Miracle of Life vitamins. Her energy has returned and her wonderful smile. She cannot say enough good things about it.

Now she has the whole salon wanting the vitamins. So I will need to know how much money I will need to collect from each person. They all want your Miracle of Life!

Sonia wants – 1 bottle of Miracle of Life
Tammy wants- 2 bottles of Miracle of Life
Trish wants 1 bottle of Miracle of Life
Sue wants 1 bottle of Miracle of Life and one bottle of Liquid Minerals

Please tally up each individual’s cost and you can ship it all to the salon address in my name.

Our salon is humming along like a freight train!

Linda Benitez
Posare Salon
Las Vegas, NV

Every day we get stories like this.

Of course, it’s always nice to get a good review about any of our formulas, but Linda Benitez is a very special customer and her enthusiasm for life is so contagious, I just had to share it with you.

Linda is also a breast cancer survivor and highly values every split second of her life!

So, what IS IN this extraordinary formula?

Continue reading “Miracle of Life: "This stuff is absolute dynamite!"”

Is Vitamin D3 the Ultimate Flu Fighter?

Why are Some People You Know Impervious to Colds and Flu?

Do you know people who bounce around happily all winter long, without a hint of sickness or even sniffles?

Do you wonder what they’re doing to “cold-proof” themselves?

It’s NOT the flu shot.

It’s vitamin D3 and if you are like most Americans, you are dangerously deficient!

Where You Live Could Be Making You Sick!

If you live above the line on this map, you are in greater danger of contracting a cold or dangerous flu virus this winter.

Why? You won’t be exposed to enough sunshine to fight it!

Vitamin D is the most important vitamin for our immune systems and it has been linked to far more than building strong bones and teeth – it can also protect us from high blood pressure, some forms of cancer, Hodgkins Lymphoma, and of course, influenza.

100 MILLION Americans are seriously vitamin D deficient!

Continue reading “Is Vitamin D3 the Ultimate Flu Fighter?”

Vitamin D-3 "Frightens" Cancer Cells to Death

BREAKING NEWS: Increased dietary intakes of Vitamin D3 could prevent the cancer-causing effects of obesity by 42 percent, according to a just-released research study.

Source: Cancer Prevention Research

That’s right, 42%!

Even 10% is considered a giant step in fighting cancer. No chemotherapy drug or radiation therapy can deliver a 42% success rate. And vitamin D-3 is just pennies a day, not the horrendous $40,000 a month costs of chemo and radiation.

Vitamin D continues to amaze researchers (but not us, as we have been promoting it from the rooftops for over 12 years.)

This latest research is just stunning in what was discovered – that vitamin D triggered the body of obese female lab mice to stop producing a key cancer fuel called “osteopontin” which the cancer needs to keep burning, much like wood to fire. And at the same time, it super-activated the body’s production of a compound called “E-Cadherin” which literally terrifies cancer and stops it from spreading or metastasizing.

This is an extraordinary “dual action” where vitamin D “puts out” the fuel needed for the cancer to stay alive and then literally “freezes” it from spreading, thus causing the cancer to self-destruct (cellular apoptosis in medical speak.)

Yet again another piece of research confirms the profound power of Vitamin D3 against the Big C (cancer). We are winning the fight – without drugs or radiation!

Read the full study release here: Vitamin D3 may protect against endometrial cancer: Study

Continue reading “Vitamin D-3 "Frightens" Cancer Cells to Death”

Vitamin D Powers Chicago Blackhawks to Stanley Cup Finals

The Chicago Blackhawks ice hockey team are the first “Vitamin D” team in modern professional sports history!

On Sunday night, with six minutes to go, the Blackhawks overcame a 2-0 deficit to defeat the San Jose Sharks 4-2 and advance to their first Stanley Cup Finals appearance in 18 years. Not only that, it was a clean sweep for the unheralded Blackhawks, for so long a forgotten team amongst the super teams like San Jose, Montreal and Philadelphia.

Guess what their SECRET WEAPON is? Good old Vitamin D-3.

image from Chicago Tribune

(Story courtesy of John Cannell, MD and Executive Director of the Vitamin D Council)

According to my sources, the Chicago Blackhawks team physicians began diagnosing and treating vitamin D deficiency in all Blackhawk players about 18 months ago. Apparently most players are on 5,000 IU per day, some even more.

Continue reading “Vitamin D Powers Chicago Blackhawks to Stanley Cup Finals”

We added Dynamite to our Vitamin D3+K2 formula

The world’s most powerful Vitamin D3 + K2 formula just got even more powerful, bringing more health generating and healing power to the body! Put your seat-belts on and read all about it in today’s article.

This is Nutritional Dynamite!

For years I felt like a lone heretic on the clifftops shouting about the giant benefits of Vitamin D-3. If you are a regular reader of our newsletters, you know we’ve written what seems like a hundred articles on vitamin D. And then the world woke up! The importance of getting enough of the “Sunshine Vitamin” is now being touted by Dr. Oz and Oprah.

We have also been touting the benefits of another super vitamin/hormone, Vitamin K-2 for sometime as well. Just last week the famed Mayo Clinic released a study demonstrating that people with higher levels of vitamin K in their diet have a 45% lower risk of developing Non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Now, we are going to do it again!

The Genetic “Soup of Life”

Those of you who know me, know of my passion for the use of Minerals and Trace Minerals. Particularly ocean-sourced, ionic minerals which are identical to blood plasma as used in our famous Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex formula.

Read my eBook: The Key to All Health and Healing (shown on the right) to learn more about these life-sustaining minerals.

I’ve always wanted to add these minerals to our Vitamin D3+K2 formula, and then out of the blue, Dr. John Cannell, the world’s leading spokesman for Vitamin D and Executive Director of the Vitamin D Council, came out with a major report showing that when vitamin D is combined with the minerals Magnesium, Boron and Zinc, they super-enhance the action of D-3 in the body.


Continue reading “We added Dynamite to our Vitamin D3+K2 formula”

Mayo Clinic Hails Vitamin K2 for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

In the world of medicine there is no higher accolade than to be recognized by the famed Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. More than 3,700 physicians, scientists and researchers, and 50,000 allied health staff work at Mayo Clinic facilities in over 70 locations, treating more than half a million people each year.

In their own words.

“The Mayo Clinic is the first and largest integrated, not-for-profit group practice in the world. Doctors from every medical specialty work together to care for patients, joined by common systems and a philosophy of “the needs of the patient come first.”

A groundbreaking study from researchers at Mayo’s Rochester, MN campus recently found that people who have higher intakes of vitamin K in their diet have a 45% lower risk of developing Non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Did you catch that? 45%!

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma is a cancer of the immune system and is the most common hematologic malignancy in the United States.

Click here to read this extraordinary Mayo Clinic announcement.

The study included 603 patients who were newly diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin lymphoma as well as 1,007 matched cancer-free “control” participants.
Continue reading “Mayo Clinic Hails Vitamin K2 for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma”