In Los Angeles, the entertainment capital of the world, a man called Hal Fishman became a giant TV star in an unlikely way, by being serious.
The Brooklyn-born broadcaster delivered the evening news in Los Angeles for nearly five decades, an unprecedented run of longevity, that continued until just late last month, when he was diagnosed with colon cancer. He spent a bare 3 weeks fighting this horrific disease before he succumbed.
Hal was a fabulous person, a wonderful newsman, one who immersed himself in “news” every day of his life. It’s a tragic irony that this latest-breaking news is something that could have saved him if he could only have read it in time. (HAROLD FISHMAN) 1931-2007
Colon Cancer has over 50% Fatality Rate
There are a staggering 363,000 new case of colorectal cancer every year, with an estimated 945,000 globally. More sobering is the fact that 492,000 deaths occur from this cancer each year, over 50% fatality rate.
But just last week, some giant news surfaced that revealed that humble Green Tea can stop colon cancer in its tracks. (There are some important provisions to this, so read on to learn the full facts.)
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