Luciano Pavarotti is said to have performed 250 times a year and never once lost his incredible voice. Colds, the flu, allergies, asthma, not even a hoarse throat, ever affected him. All opera singers can attest to this. Their lung capacity and health is not only inspirational in their performances, but a medical marvel.
Why then are so many people suffer from critical lung problems and difficulty breathing properly and fully? And always carrying a cold?
As usual, I discovered the secret in China, at the famed Shanghai Opera House no less! The next time you are in Beijing or Shanghai, get tickets to their Opera Company performances – they perform just about every night.
No doubt like me, you will be overwhelmed with the emotion, power, beauty and majesty of the event, particularly of the power of the tiny female singers. Many of these incredible women are in their 70’s and 80’s yet can still lift the roof with the power of their voices.
What do they do, to sing so strongly night after night I wondered, when most people I know can barely keep up with a simple 3-minute song at the local karaoke bar! Well, as usual, I dug into this to find what I think is the greatest lung health formula in the world.
If you get constant colds, or worse suffer from a respiratory impairment like emphysema or cystic fibrosis, pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis or allergies, your lung savior is at hand.
What If You Could Have a 3rd Lung?
First, some quick background. I am using Chinese Opera singer’s amazing lung capacity for a good reason. Chinese Opera together with Greek tragic-comedy and Sanskrit Opera are the oldest dramatic art forms in the entire world.
There is a gift here for you and your lungs. The history, makeup, music, costumes and of course, the voices of their opera stars is a incredibly powerful demonstration of the power of the voice. And of our lungs.
Along with Water and ionic Trace Minerals, Oxygen is necessary to create and sustain life. Miss any one of these and you’re dead. To the Chinese and the Sanskrit’s (Ayurvedics), this is the power of the universe itself.
- We can go without food for several weeks, but we cannot survive more than a few days, a week at most, without water.
- Magnesium and Potassium make your heart beat! If you are without either of these, you drop dead instantly. (Tip: don’t forget your Liquid Minerals)
- Oxygen is the most precious of all. How long do you think you can hold your breath? A minute? 30 seconds? Go ahead, try it. Life soon ends without breath!
In Chinese medicine, the Yin and Yang, the forces of the universe are always to be balanced. Our lungs provide the yin, the breath of life itself. And always to be nurtured.
So, after my visit to the famed Shanghai Opera House, more than 25 years ago now, I visited the herbalists at the equally famed Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and asked them what was it that these opera singers used to keep their lungs so strong for the nightly performances year after year?
Over to the big bell jars of herbs and sticks and stones they went, pulling out amazing things that we then slowly brewed into a dark, dark brown concoction for me to try.
As a former marathon runner, I wanted to see what effect this would have on me. Whatever it was that the herbalists brewed up for me, like the witch’s cauldron in Shakespeare’s Macbeth, it all worked. I was running like a gazelle, not even out of breath for ten miles at a time around the public gardens in old Shanghai. Even when I stopped, I wasn’t out of breath. It felt like I had a 3rd Lung!
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