The Triple Crown of Weight Loss

What if I said, “You could be 30 lbs. slimmer by spring?”

You could finally shed those unwanted pounds of fat, even show off your new body in a swimsuit, without radical, starvation-style, dieting?

Would you believe me?

We all know how frustrating those extra pounds and inches can be. They are also keeping you from being the healthy person you desire.

If you have not yet tried our 14-Day Detox Program to rid your body of accumulated toxins and begin to prepare your body for weight loss, do it now! If you have already detox’ed and still want to lose more, you’ll love our “Weight Loss Trio” of formulas that continue where the Detox leaves off.

All-natural, chemical and caffeine-free, each formula is designed to target a different aspect of boosting your metabolism, releasing stored fat for elimination and cleansing your liver to purge the toxins that are released into your bloodstream when fat stores are burned.

I promise you will see results faster than you ever thought possible!

Wayne Garland

Keep Your Scale Moving DOWN!

a photo of John Keefe
Last week we shared John Keefe’s story of how he Lost (over) 30 lbs in 30 Days following using our Detox Program. If you missed the story, click here to read it and become inspired at how easy it is to lose weight when you rid your body of toxins.

Whether you follow the Detox Program for 14 days, or a full month like John, you’ll notice when you finish that your metabolism has been reset, your palette has changed and diet sodas, cookies and chips no longer appeal to you. Even better, your body is primed to continue to drop fat.

The Triple Crown to Weight Loss!

Night Time Fat Burner ImageNight Time Fat Burner works while you sleep to block starch absorption while metabolizing fat stores. It also detoxifies your liver and reduces inflammation throughout the body to turn your body into a literal ‘fat burning furnace’ while you are sleeping!

Using superior herbs from Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine like Tulsi, Ashwagandha, Garcinia Cambogia, Milk Thistle work together to create deep sleep, allowing the body to lower stress levels and purge the toxins accumulated in your liver all night long.

When you wake up in the morning, be ready to find the bathroom!

Click Here to Learn More!

“I lost 5 pounds in the first week using Night Time Fat Burner! I did eat a lower fat diet of fish turkey and chicken, with lots of fruit and veggies and good fiber-based carbs. But I eat this way normally. This product is great.”

Garcinia Chrom-Bogia ImageGarcinia ‘Chrom’-Bogia formula combines a special, patented form of Garcinia Cambogia that suppresses appetite and inhibits fat production while increasing fat burning with a patented form of Chromium, the mineral responsible for regulating insulin function, balancing healthy blood sugar levels and energy metabolism.

Together, these ingredients help you to release stored body fat without sugar cravings or mood swings often associated with dieting.

Special Note: Avoid generic Garcinia Cambogia formulas. Only Super CitriMax® is clinically proven to support weight loss, and ChromeMate®, a special form of Chromium, is absorbed by the body much more readily than generic chromium.

Click Here to learn more!

“I’ve lost 25-30 lbs in 2 months! I’m not eating any dairy, no breads, not a lot of meat. First thing in the morning I take Life Transfusion Minerals and 2 Garcinia. I drink water all day long. Eat lots of fruits all day long when I’m hungry. I don’t eat a heavy dinner – just eating light salad and such with some protein. Garcinia cuts my appetite! Also, I’m taking 4 Night Time Fat Burners before bed, with another 1/2 tsp of Life Transfusion. I’m down to 204. I’m thrilled.”

Green Coffee PLUS+ Image

Green Coffee PLUS+ combines the fat burning and metabolism boosting benefits of unroasted, green coffee bean extract with Coleus forskohlii, an Ayurvedic herb proven to support fat reduction and lean muscle development.

Our Green Coffee formula works completely different from Garcinia Chrom-Bogia to release stored fat. You see, unroasted, green coffee beans contain Chlorogenic Acid, a natural compound that inhibits the absorption of glucose (sugar) in the bloodstream, while at the same time stimulating the release of stored fat to burn as energy.

In addition, Coleus forskohlii slows absorption of fat from our food, boosts thyroid levels, enhances heart function, and supports lean muscle development. What’s not to like about that?!

Click Here to learn more!

“I have been working to lose 27 pounds for months. I was exercising and watching what I eat, but barely losing each month. I started the Green Coffee Plus, and within 3 months I’ve lost a total of 13 pounds. My friend said, ‘it looks like the weight is melting off of you’. I also have episodes of high blood pressure, and this product has NOT affected that at all! My doctor said my body fat was down significantly at my last check up. He said to continue doing whatever I am doing!”.

Special Offer for Preferred Members Only:

Purchase a bottle of Night Time Fat Burner and SAVE an additional 10% off Garcinia Chrom-Bogia and/or Green Coffee PLUS+.

Click Here to Learn More!

I Lost (over) 30 lbs in 30 Days!

What’s the Biggest New Year Resolution You Can Make?

To once and for all – Get Totally Healthy!

Stop feeling sick and tired ALL the time
Achieve and maintain your Ideal Weight
Wake up and jump out of bed every morning with Energy to Burn

Imagine losing 30lbs of flab and fat in just 30 days. Getting rid of toxins is the very first thing you need to do. When the toxins go, the fat goes with it!

Read John and Dale’s stories below and know that you can do it too! Commit to our Detox Program and I guarantee you will change your life forever.

Let’s get started, NOW!


An image of John Keefe

Several years ago I had unsuccessful knee surgery and I had put on extra weight. I was in need of a cleanse and tried that guy on TV’s cleanse and had no luck. I then tried a different cleanse and was starving the entire time and did not get any results. I also heard of the acia-berry cleanse which was a joke and a major rip off.

I said to my wife, “Does Wayne Garland have a cleanse?”

We looked it up on his website and found his to be very unique and exactly what I needed. So my wife and I did the cleanse together for 2 weeks.

I started to work out 2 times a week for one hour a day and the results were incredible. My wife who is thin to begin with lost 7 pounds and looked much healthier and I lost 23 pounds!

I was so focused I decided to continue on my own for the full 4 weeks and increased my cardio workouts. I ended up losing 39 pounds! Since then it has been 3 months and I have been able to keep the weight off. I have now lost a total of 44 pounds and feel relief throughout my entire body!

The results I received was a direct relationship with trusting Wayne’s Detox program, an extreme amount of discipline, and hard work. I followed the game plan exactly how it is laid out and did not cheat even once – not one bad drink or one piece of chocolate or one slice of pizza and it was all worth it!

Before I started, I said I know what eating poorly and not exercising has done to me and that was not working so I decided to go full tilt with Wayne’s program and the rest is not history, but a healthier future.

My favorite saying during the cleanse was, “Just get me to the baked potato,” because that meant I made it one more day.

The few things I wished I had time for were the coffee enema, hot stone massage, and epsom salt bath; but with 3 kids, work, and coaching my daughters T-ball and softball teams I just could not fit it in this time. The next cleanse I will make the time for them because it will only increase my results.

I also must say that I never had any diarrhea, cramping, or felt overly hungry at all.

Once again I know I sound like I am always repeating myself but, “THANKS WAYNE, YOU ARE THE MAN!”

John Keefe, MA

Continue reading “I Lost (over) 30 lbs in 30 Days!”

The Village of Eternity

A few years ago, at Christmas, I received a mystery gift from someone unknown. It was a truly wonderful book about the power of diet in triggering extraordinary longevity.

The book was “A Year in the Village of Eternity“, by Tracy Lawson.

Just last week in the middle of a monstrous move of our house and home to a wonderful new abode in the middle of a Florida forest, while unpacking my library, out popped my dogeared copy of this extraordinary, true tale of an unknown village in Italy where people literally “Live Forever”.

Please join with me in reading about this timewarp town and then find our thoughts and formulas that can recreate that nearly timeless gift right in your own self and your own life.

A Year in the Village of Eternity

an image of the cover of the book: A Year in the Village of EternityApart from the village’s stark, near-primitive beauty, the people who live there truly do seem to live forever. And free of any disease.

When they do die, it is generally of old age.

The village records of Campodimele say that the average life expectancy of both men and women is 95 years and home to an extraordinary number of centarians (people who live more than 100 years.) Compare that with the Italian average of 77.5 years for men and 83.5 for women, and a European Union average of 75.6 years for males and 82 years for females.

Tracey Lawson, an Englishwoman and writer, heard of this amazing time-warp village and decided to live there for an entire year, four seasons, fifty two weeks, 365 days and nights, to see what was the magic that was bestowed on this place and its inhabitants.

The book is not some dry and emotionless report, far from it. Lawson writes with an intimacy of insight that captures the actual fragrance of the forests and plants that engulf the mountaintop. You can practically hear the jingling of the goat bells as she describes a day in the life of the village goat herder as he sings to his flock before they are milked each day.

More than the findings and statistics, Lawson was intrigued by the descriptions of the villagers and their daily lives. Other journalists who had visitied Campodimele portrayed the elderly residents as unusually vigorous for their ages; pensioners who rode push bikes, herded goats in the mountains, worked in the fields from dawn until dusk growing almost all their own food. Reports also told of how octogenarian men whiled away sunny afternoons playing cards under the elm trees in the piazza while their womenfolk gathered at the hen houses, collecting their supplies of freshly laid eggs.

Levels of heart disease, obesity and cancer were practically non-existent. These people it seemed, lived lives longer than any in Europe, but more significantly, they appeared to be able to look forward to a healthier and more active old age than many people anywhere else in the world.
Continue reading “The Village of Eternity”

Secrets from the Deep Ocean Depths!

As many of you know, I devour every tiny tidbit of information about treating and preventing cancer. My passion for over 20 years in the field of alternative medicine, has been to spread the amazing healing powers of the oceans.

In the past decade, I have not had one single cold or the flu. No dangerous flu shots or antiobiotics. How do I do this, when everyone around me is coughing and sneezing? It’s simple – Super AKG Shark Liver Oil.

When I first was told by a leading marine scientist, Dr. John Croft of New Zealand, who has led the world in the medicinal study of the shark species, that shark’s just don’t get cancer, the news literally floored me.

Inside the shark’s immune system is a brutally efficient and powerful immune system compound called “Alkyglycerol” or “AKG”, for short. This compound, also found in mother’s breast milk by the way, is the key to the shark’s amazing longevity.

Is this the great missing link in the treatment and prevention of cancer, along with all immune system diseases?

Nature’s Amazing Healer

Decades ago, marine biologists discovered an amazing species of deep-water sharks inhabiting non-polluted oceans and possessing a superior immune system resistant to many of the diseases that plague mankind.

Further research, over the next 20 years, unveiled that these remarkable mammals carried up to a gallon or more of golden-hued liver oil, which contained potent Alkoxyglycerols (AKGs) and Squalene. These precious constituents, when ingested orally by humans, activate and enhance the body’s immune defense system, stimulating the formation of antibodies and thus increasing the number of white blood cells, killer cells, and thrombocytes in our blood.

From the pristine, unpolluted waters of Antarctica and New Zealand, Super AKG Shark Liver Oil enhances the human body’s lymphatic immune defense system by stimulating the formation of antibodies, thus increasing the number of white blood cells.

The alkoxyglycerols and squalene contained in our Shark Liver Oil formula are of the highest concentration and purity available. The technology employed by a renowned Norwegian laboratory is a proprietary process for extracting shark liver oil without the use of heat or chemicals. The process safeguards the purity and potency, making it one of the most effective immune boosting products on the market today.

Cancer-Proof Your Body Like a Shark!

What Shark Liver Oil Can Do for You:

  • Increases the survival rate of some cancer patients and helps decrease the negative aspects of radiation
  • Lowers the incidence of infection in HIV patients
  • Reduces the number of viral infections connected with allergies, sinus problems, the flu and the common cold
  • Helps normalize the white blood cell count of patients with chronic lymphatic leukemia
  • Eases symptoms of psoriasis, asthma, bronchitis, arthritis
  • Increases energy and overall strength with stress-related disorders such as Epstein-Barr and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Insomnia and Depression

IMPORTANT: We do not kill sharks for the purpose of harvesting the oil from their liver. The oil is a by product from sharks which are caught, along with many other species of fish, for food.

Further Tips for Building Your Immune System!

  • Walk every day for 45 minutes, this boosts the immune system very quickly.
  • Have my Shiitake Mushroom Miso Soup at least three times a week to further boost your immune system. It works far better than chicken soup.
  • Use crushed garlic with Extra Virgin Olive Oil (from Apollo Olive Oil) as your immune boosting salad dressing. It works wonders and tastes wonderful.
  • Add our super-potency Ultra D3 formula for a two-pronged attack on immune dysfunction. Combining Vitamin D with Shark Liver Oil is a knockout 1-2 punch for building a strong immune system.
  • Take a moment to listen to my Radio Interview explaining how these 2 super nutrients combine to build your front-line defense.

Breast Cancer Survival – What Price Will You Pay?

Breast Cancer Awareness Month…

It’s not enough to be “aware” anymore! You have to take action – and I don’t mean the kind of “action” that Angelina Jolie took – removing both of her breasts in an attempt to keep from getting breast cancer.  It’s completely unnecessary and frightfully invasive!

Don’t be fooled! You can avoid breast cancer in your lifetime.  Let me say that again!

You can avoid breast cancer in your lifetime!

Today’s newsletter includes two women’s stories, and how they dealt with breast cancer very contrary to our philosophy.

Both needed to be told the truth about breast cancer:  You can avoid it without a double mastectomy, and you should not panic if you get this diagnosis.

We will be doing a 2-part series this month, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness. We will definitely be taking a different approach from what you are accustomed to hearing.

Next week we will get into the specifics of the hope that you can have, both in avoiding breast cancer, or dealing with it in ways that will help to keep your body strong, while fighting off this disease.

Read on to hear the stories from these two women. Please share this information with as many people as you can. It may well save their lives.

Angelina Jolie’s Story

You’ve may remember reading in 2013 that Angelina Jolie in 2013 voluntarily had surgery to remove her breasts and ovaries, after losing her mother to ovarian cancer and chemotherapy treatment, because Angelina inherited a damaged copy of the BRCA1 gene, which may increase her risk of ending up with breast or ovarian cancer herself.

Angelina JolieThe reality is that a double mastectomy is worth $50,000 in the coffers of traditional healthcare providers.

Jolie, like many women, had been terrified into a state of total obedience to the cancer industry. She has been lied to and told this BRCA1 gene gives her an “87% chance of breast cancer”.

It’s a complete lie. Cancer is never a matter of “chance” or “luck.”

It’s a matter of cause and effect. You must look at the root source of cancer: food and lifestyle.

We’ve been screaming from the rooftops that you can “Cancer-Proof Your Body” by adopting a plant-based diet along with taking immune system and hormonal balancing supplements.

If Angelina had followed this course, she would have never chosen a double mastectomy as a “preventative” operation and the pain of reconstruction that went with it.

Click here to learn more about Mastectomies and the Medical Industry.

Jackie Collins’ Story

Jackie Collins

“It is with tremendous sadness that we announce the death of our beautiful, dynamic and one of a kind mother, Jackie Collins, who died of breast cancer today.”

This was the announcement of the death of the beloved novelist. She suffered with this disease for nearly 7 years and never told anyone except her children.

She ignored the lump in her breast stating, “I’m not dealing with this, because in my mind I decided it was benign”. Even though her own mother had died of breast cancer, Collins did not seek treatment until she found herself limping on a book tour. The cancer in her breast had now spread to her bones.

We can all learn from her example. Don’t allow fear to cause us to not react to our body’s signals. Don’t bury your head in the sand and ignore symptoms that could potentially lead to death.

Have You Been a Victim of “Medical Blackmail”?

We have heard from clients who tell us that they have been “blackmailed” by their traditional physicians when they tell them they are going to seek alternative therapies – sad but true.

Cartoon of doctor fleecing patientOne patient was told by her reconstructive surgeon, that if she tried to support her chemotherapy and radiation treatments with immune supporting supplementation he would, “not do her breast reconstruction surgery”. She was terrified to be left with the deep recesses in her chest, that she gave in to his demands and went without!

It’s this type of behavior that influences cancer patients to make rash decisions that could impact their lives.

We are in a time when doctors are instilling more fear than hope. Until men and women quit falling prey to “scare tactic” medicine, they will continue to accept unnecessary and sometimes life-threatening treatment.

Every person should take the time to evaluate the pros and cons of the treatment choices they are considering, so that they can make an intelligent, informed decision. Don’t allow fear to motivate your decision-making process.

Traditional Medicine is Failing

Last year, nearly 2 million women (and men) were diagnosed with breast cancer, and if something doesn’t change, 13 million lives will be lost to this epidemic in the next 25 years.

Only 30% of cancer patients survive with cancer therapy. (“Survival” means those who have lived 5 years from their diagnoses). This means 70% die with cancer therapy. (Source: “Food Matters”)

Traditional medicine’s path of lumpectomy, mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation is meant to prolong life. It does little, if anything, to eradicate the actual underlying issue – the cancer itself.

Once patients are convinced to do surgery, then the follow-up treatment begins. This can include hormone suppressing prescriptions that can cause side-effects, as well as chemotherapy, which is the obvious next step considered necessity in the mainstream medical community.

This video should be a wake up call for everyone who receives a cancer diagnosis. We are taught that chemotherapy MUST be done, if you want to combat this disease. Well, you’re about to find out the truth behind the push for chemotherapy.

Flu Season Starts, When the First Flu Shot is Given!

Don’t get fooled by the “Flu Shot Fantasy”! It’s a total scam.

Flu shots just don’t work. How can they? Having a flu shot is total madness when it is based on last year’s virus! It’s impossible to pinpoint the flu virus months in advance. The influenza virus is constantly changing, adapting, every single day.

So, what can you do?

Begin by consuming more LIFE-GIVING foods. Start today and consume more fruits, vegetables and especially fermented foods. Immunity starts in your gut. Foods containing live bacteria (called Probiotics) and beneficial digestive enzymes give your body the strength to fight all disease.

Steer clear of fast food and processed foods, especially as we approach the flu season. Quick-fix foods do not give you life, instead they take life from you, requiring extra energy to process and excrete from your body.

Remember the old adage, An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away. Making just one positive change daily will boost your energy and provide your body with the power to fight off this season’s cold and flu attacks.

Friendly bacteria vs. unfriendly bacteria.

Where Does the Flu Start?

Whatever you think about how to keep your body healthy, from diet and exercise to supplements, you may be missing the mark if you don’t take care of this one simple piece of the health and well-being puzzle.

Protection from flu and most other viruses does not start in the respiratory system. It starts in the gut! The gut is the center of our immunity universe.

Our bodies were created to miraculously heal themselves. The body’s plethora of systems work closely together to keep you at optimal health. When one system is off balance, it triggers a domino effect, potentially igniting an avalanche of chronic health problems. The primary system responsible for your overall health and well-being is your digestive system – or gut.

The gut depends on good bacteria and specialized immune cells, called T-cells, to do an effective job.

And the most important thing to know is this: The gut is your 30-foot long immunity headquarters! AND, it holds the largest concentration of mood-altering neurotransmitters, like serotonin, in your entire body!

Click Here to read the full article.

Don’t Wait to Get Sick – Fight Back Now!

Probiotic Max - for gut health Pro-Biotic Max contains a 10 different strains of 25 Billion live probiotics or “friendly bacteria” per capsule to support gastrointestinal health, promoting the absorption of nutrients in the stomach and intestines, as well as improve elimination of toxic compounds.

Be Flu-Ready by improving your gut health today!

Click Here to Order

Winter Wellness Kit - Build Your Immune System NOW! We’ve bundled our 4 top-selling immune system formulas into the Winter Wellness Kit to provide a boost to your immune system before the cold & flu season arrives.

  • Ultra D3
  • Shark Liver Oil
  • Immune Support
  • Respiratory Lung Health

Save 10% over purchasing separately!

Click Here to Order

Kids' Viral Shield Kit - Immune System Formulas Kids need protection too! We have bundled 3 “kid-friendly” formulas for any child over 2 yrs or age that are easy to chew and swallow into the Kids Viral Shield.

  • Kids Gummies
  • Vitamin D3 softgels
  • Shark Liver Oil

Save 10% over purchasing separately!

Click Here to Order

You Can Fight Back!

Super Flu Fighting Foods ImageThere is a reason that the chicken noodle soup that your mother and grandmother made you feel better. I’m sorry to say, it wasn’t because of the the chicken! There are several flu-fighting ingredients that are found in chicken noodle soup: garlic and onion are particularly effective in combating illness and bacteria of all kinds!

You don’t have to make chicken noodle soup to receive the benefits of the top Flu Fighting Foods! When you are feeling under-the-weather, use these foods to help you to fight back!

  • Garlic – this pungent superfood is a powerful flu fighter. Garlic contains compounds called allion and allicin, which have direct anti-viral effects.
  • Onion – like garlic, onions also contain the antimicrobial compounds allion and allicin. Eat raw to get this superfood’s full flu-fighting action.
  • Spices – turmeric, cloves, cinnamon and ginger are packed with antioxidants, which help to improve the function of the immune system. Add these when cooking or to a hot cup of tea.
  • Blueberries – all berries have high concentrations of antioxidants to help fight off flu viruses, but blueberries pack a big punch! When tested against other foods, blueberries were found to have more antioxidants than 40 other fruits and vegetables.

Natural “Anti-biotic” Syrup

Years ago, when I lived near Tampa, Florida, I had the good fortune to meet Rose Kalajean, a master herbalist, animal rights advocate and natural therapies healer. She has a seven acre organic herb farm and is highly skilled in the knowledge and uses of herbal medicine. Visit her website and sign up for her newsletters – they are a wealth of information.

natural antibiotic recipe with lemons, garlic and honeyRose has a natural antibiotic syrup made from lemon, garlic and honey that works wonders. I always recommend it for people with suppressed immune system conditions, as well as for general immunity, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. Kid’s can take it too, but I recommend for children to mix in hot water and sip. Click here to print a copy of the recipe.

1 bulb of fresh garlic, peeled
1 cup of organic black honey (any locally-harvested honey can be used – avoid processed honey)
1 fresh lemon, quartered, WITH skin

(Note: You can cut this in half or even one-quarter to make a smaller amount at one time.)

Add to blender or food processor and blend until to a smooth, thick paste. Pour into a glass jar with a good lid and store in the refrigerator.

For general immunity, add 1/2 teaspoon to a cup of hot tea or hot water and drink. Repeat up to 3 times per day as desired.

For colds, flu, chest congestion or sore throat, gargle with 1 tsp to one-half cup of hot water. Repeat every 2 hours during the day and before bed.

Annette Knocked OUT Her Arthritis Pain

Ann CrawfordFor years I have had increasingly severe arthritis pain in my fingers. It had gotten so bad that I could not straighten them. I also was experiencing neuropathy in my feet with severe burning. This led to me taking more and more pain killers, which just wasn’t working!

I talked to Wayne Garland, and he advised the Structural Lubrication and the Ageless Anti-Inflammatory formulas, in addition to the Life Transfusion, which I was already taking.

I cannot believe how I have improved in such a short time! My fingers are limber again and I can walk without pain.

Thank you Wayne Garland, for the wonderful care you give all of us!

Annette Crawford, MI

Give Arthritis Pain the Slip!

Do you know there are over 300 “types” of arthritic pain? It’s an epidemic, with one out of two people experiencing severe arthritis pain in their lifetime.

More than twenty years ago now, while studying Arthritis in all its various forms, I heard about the work of a doctor at a clinic in California by the name of Dr. Robert Bingham, who felt that all forms of arthritis started with poor nutrition.

It was Dr. Bingham who first sold me on the power of magnesium to the body. He felt that the medical world and the media were overselling calcium, when magnesium was the mineral the body really needed more of. He was also the first to passionately advocate high levels of daily sunshine for vitamin D production in the body.

Oh, how times have changed! Magnesium is now at the forefront of all bone science and vitamin D is being hailed as the “Miracle Sunshine Vitamin”, as nearly all chronic diseases are associated with vitamin D deficiency.

Imagine if you had all of this Arthritis wisdom available to you every second of every day? Without having to leave your home or desk? Imagine no more, we have it.

Read on to discover how you can rid yourself of arthritic pain once and for all.

How Do We Get Arthritis?

There are 3 “types” of Arthritis that are typically experienced by most people:

1. Osteoarthritis – a progressive disease that comes with aging. It can begin at the sight of previous injury. In some cases, arthritis, known as “Reactive Arthritis” can be brought on by other causes, including:

  • artist's rendering of joint pain and inflammationBladder Infections
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Severe Illness (such as a viral or bacterial infection)
  • Vaccines

2. Rheumatoid Arthritis – (RA) is the second most common type of arthritis. It is in fact a type of autoimmune disease in which the body attacks tissues in the joints.

If you have another autoimmune disease, such as Lupus, Hashimoto’s disease, or Multiple Sclerosis, you are at a high risk to develop RA.

Autoimmune disorders cause a response in immune cells to attack connective tissues, even in the major organs of the body. This attacks the lining of the joints, which leads to Rheumatoid Arthritis. Nearly 1.5 million people now have RA.

3. Gout – The third most common type of arthritis is gout, a condition caused by uric acid deposits in the joints. This crystallization makes it difficult for bones to move, and is extremely painful, even for the affected area to be touched!

The Arthritis Foundation estimates that four percent of American adults develop gout, primarily in their middle ages. Gout is attributed to an increase of uric acid in the blood often contributed by dietary factors. Obesity-related conditions can also increase your risk for high uric acid and gout. Signs of gout start in the toes, but may spread to other joints in the body.

Foods to Eat to Beat Inflammation

What you eat – or don’t eat – can make a difference. Here are some foods to think twice about, as they could provoke inflammation, while others could help relieve arthritis pain. Click Here for the 14 Best Foods for Rheumatoid Arthritis Relief!

Foods that Increase Inflammation:

  • Red Meat
  • Sugar/Refined Flour
  • Fried Foods
  • Gluten
  • Alcohol
  • Processed Foods

Foods that Decrease Inflammation & Arthritis Pain:

  • Kale
  • Carrots
  • Salmon
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Flax Seeds
  • Green Tea

Blueberry Muesli

Serves 4

Blueberry MuesliI don’t know anyone who doesn’t love blueberries! If you can find them growing wild in the forest, even better! This recipe is more like granola, as Muesli is traditionally soaked in liquid (milk or water) overnight.

1 1/2 cups rolled oats
1/2 cup walnuts, chopped
1/2 cup dried apples, chopped
2 tsp. ground cinnamon
2 cups blueberries (preferably wild)
3 Tbsp. pure maple syrup
Apple juice or water, to serve

1. Preheat oven to 325°F.
2. Mix oats, maple syrup, and cinnamon in a bowl.
3. Spread mixture evenly onto a non-stick baking tray.
4. Toast oat mixture in preheated oven for about 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Watch mixture very closely when toasting to not burn.
5. Remove from oven and let cool. Pour into a large bowl and stir in chopped walnuts and dried apples.
6. Divide mixture into serving bowls and top with blueberries. Serve with apple juice.

Did you know?
Eating blueberries with dairy milk has been shown to block their antioxidant capacity, which is why this is served with apple juice or water instead of milk. (Although you could substitute any plant-based milk like almond, flax, hemp, soy, coconut, etc.)

In a recent study, volunteers were given 200 grams (7 ounces) of blueberries with either 200 ml (0.8 cups) of water or 200 ml cow’s milk. Those who consumed blueberries with water had a significant increase in their plasma antioxidant capacity. Interestingly, this effect was not found in those volunteers who ingested blueberries with milk. The study authors believe that the ability of milk to impair the antioxidant powers of blueberries may be a result of the affinity of blueberries for milk protein.

Annette Knocked OUT Her Arthritis Pain

For years I have had increasingly severe arthritis pain in my fingers. It had gotten so bad that I could not straighten them. I also was experiencing neuropathy in my feet with severe burning. This led to me taking more and more pain killers, which just wasn’t working!

I talked to Wayne Garland, and he advised the Structural Lubrication and theAgeless Anti-Inflammatory formulas, in addition to the Life Transfusion, which I was already taking.

I cannot believe how I have improved in such a short time! My fingers are limber again and I can walk without pain.

Thank you Wayne Garland, for the wonderful care you give all of us!

Anne Crawford - Arthritis pain is gone!

Annette Crawford, MI

Give Arthritis the Slip – Literally!

For over 20 years now, we have been helping people fight all forms of Arthritis, including associated conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis and Lupus. We get exceptional results, particularly with the use of powerful ionic mineral compounds and anti-inflammatory herbs.

Diet and exercise changes are crucial. Total elimination of all dairy is a must. Did you know countries with the highest consumption of milk, cheese, ice cream and butter also have the highest levels of osteoporosis and arthritis?

Structural Lubrication with Celadrin and Hyaluronic Acid We start with our best selling Structural Lubrication formula. One of the first signs of aging is painful joints, knees, hips or lower back pain. None of this need happen. Our body is designed to handle aging, BUT it needs the resources to do this. As we age, we need to keep our skeletal system “lubricated’ so bone on bone degradation does not occur.

This amazing formula triggers the body to increase production of vital “Synovial Fluid” the body’s own lubricating fluid and thus stop bone and joint degradation.

Ageless Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Stress formula Inflammation is normally a good thing, enabling our bodies to ward off disease-causing bacteria and viruses, such as when we catch a cold or the flu, or get a splinter in our finger.

However an overactive inflammatory response may contribute to a number medical disorders, including the symptoms of aging.

Age-Less Anti-Inflammatory contains a potent blend of herbs like Holy Basil and Turmeric as well as anti-aging compounds to promote a healthy inflammatory response in the body. Age-Less can be used daily for the support of vascular and general health, or occasionally to alleviate aches and pains.

Ultra D3, Advanced formula with Vitamin D3 + K2 Our Ultra D3 formula is without a doubt the most powerful and synergistic Vitamin D formulation available, combining high potency vitamin D with vitamin K, along with co-factors Magnesium, Boron, Zinc, Trace Minerals and Beta Carotene, the precursor to vitamin A, to deliver incredible synergistic benefits ranging from building strong bones, improving cardiovascular health and antioxidant protection.

Vitamin D is what “turns on” the switch so that calcium becomes usable by the bones. For those with Rheumatoid Arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease, the D3 also “turns on” the t-cells in our body – the front-line soldiers in our “Immune System Army”.

Life Transfusion Ionic Liquid Mineral Complex No matter how well you eat, you simply cannot get the minerals your body needs. Minerals run every organ in the body. They make your heart beat, your brain think, your lungs pump, your pancreas function, they make bones and new hair, skin, nails. Minerals build the immune system, control insulin and much, much more.

Minerals come in many forms; colloidal, coral, chelated and finally ionic minerals.

Only ionic minerals conduct electricity, and Life Transfusion Ionic Liquid Mineral Complex comes from a special ionic-form, purified sea water source, containing 76 minerals, identical to the chemical composition of pure blood.

The Hormone Nightmare in Children

I am observing boys and girls 8-10 years old with underarm hair, breast development and mood swings like a hurricane.

Sound familiar?

Childhood hormonal imbalance is now commonplace, and very serious for the children and those around them. The cause? Junk food and sodas (all from GMO’s that mimic hormones!), hamburgers, fried chicken and pizzas are hormonal ticking bombs, due to the growth hormones being used by producers. Add to that contributors from our water, air, and mass produced plastics, and the stage is set for your child’s hormones to go crazy!

What can you do?

Be diligent in your efforts to remove “empty” foods from your child’s life. When cooking your own meals, limit meat and ban ALL dairy products – they are meant to pack pounds on a baby cow, not a human being. Switch to organic almond milk or coconut milk (my favorite), or the new flax seed milk. If you consume meat, make it organic, grass-fed beef or wild-caught salmon. Introduce more plant-strong meals with salads, grains and homemade soups.

Finally, add supplements that will assist in keeping their hormones balanced and give them the additional nutrition their growing bodies need.

Hormones are NOT just for Moms and Dads

Healthy FamilyWhile most of us think about the raging hormones of teen-aged boys and girls, hormones are present in a child’s body from birth.

When these hormones become out of balance is when we start to see young children having issues with excessive weight gain like the increasingly present “tire” around the middle of our youth’s waists, underarm hair growth, and developing breasts.

Heading into their teens these problems persist and then can be compounded further with severe mood swings, even to the point of anger, anxiety, or depression. Your child can feel like they’re living in a nightmare.

What is at the “Root” of Hormone Imbalance?

Many factors are involved, from chemicals in the water, and dangerous ingredients that are found in water bottles, cans, non-stick pans and even microwave popcorn.

Is Your Child’s Food Altering Their Hormones?
Between growth hormones in beef and poultry farming, to GMO production in our grains, there is strong evidence that this is leading to a country filled with young people whose hormones are out of balance.

There are frightening reports out there, such as babies growing breasts due to formula with bovine growth hormones in it. Can you trust any facet of the food industry to have your child’s best interest at heart?

Growth Hormones and GMO’s harm your family at far greater levels than the food industry is willing to admit. What they continually express as being safe is actually far from it.

We hear the horror stories of kids who start their day with an energy drink, loaded with caffeine equivalent to 7 cups of coffee, and a GMO granola bar for lunch. Their hormones don’t have a fighting chance. Not only that, but kids are dying from these drinks! Click here to read about the dangers of energy drinks.

Because we understand the lifelong consequences (including unhealthy hormone levels) of eating meat, dairy, GMO grains and processed foods, our team loves to share the benefits of healthy, balanced, plant-strong eating. If you’d like to learn more about Plant-Strong Nutritional Support, contact us.

Make Probiotics Your Child’s New “Best Friend”

When it comes to elevating health, probiotics are essential for well-being. Beneficial microbes metabolize and recycle hormones, including estrogen, thyroid hormones, and phytoestrogens.

Probiotics play a major role in helping to maintain hormonal balance in women from the teenage menstruating years to the postmenopausal years. If this balance is thrown out from an excess of estrogen, hormone imbalance results. Estrogen dominance symptoms are weight gain, PMS, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, fibroids, hot flashes, migraines, autoimmune diseases and even an increased risk of breast cancer.

Non-GMO Healthy & Chewy Granola Bars

1 2/3 cups rolled oats
1/3 cup raw honey (not suggested for children under 2 – substitute maple syrup)
1/4 cup organic brown sugar (substitute rapadura or sucanat)
1/3 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup peanut butter chips
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/4 cup melted Earth’s Balance spread

1. Line a 9 x 13 baking pan with parchment paper.
2. In a large bowl, combine all ingredients. Mix thoroughly.
3. Place the mixture into the prepared baking pan and pat down firmly.
4. Bake at 350F for 20-25 minutes or until the top is golden brown.
5. Allow to cool before cutting.

Hormone-Healthy Supplements for Young People

Life Transfusion Ionic Liquid Mineral Complex Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex is the foundation to help run every organ in the body. Minerals make your heart beat, your brain think, your lungs pump and your pancreas function. They help in creating new bone, hair, skin, and nails. Minerals build the immune system, control insulin and much, much more!

No matter how well you eat, you cannot fulfill your daily mineral requirements. These are the foundation for everything in your body to work more effectively.

Balanced Woman is the ONE supplement made for women from the ages of 9-90. Balanced Woman combines ancient adaptogenic herbs from the Far East known for centuries to balance and support the production of estrogen and progesterone hormones with mineral/trace mineral compounds, quality vitamins and antioxidants to deliver effective nutritional support for the female hormonal system.

Ideal for aiding the symptoms of PMS (including cramps, mood swings, and even feelings of unexplained hopelessness) and a woman’s monthly menstruation cycle, fertility enhancement, and peri- as well as post-menopausal symptoms.

Aphrodite Mega Nutrient for Women Aphrodite Daily Mega-Nutrient for Women is more than just a multi-vitamin, multi-mineral formula, it is truly a MEGA-Nutrient formulation designed to nourish and support hormonal balance, PMS, healthy bones and beautiful skin in women. And it works in harmony with our best selling Balanced Woman formula.

Safe for young girls beginning puberty, Aphrodite combines vitamins, minerals and special female supporting nutrients.

A woman’s body is a magnificently orchestrated electrical machine and it requires a special combination of vitamins, minerals and nutrients to conduct this electricity life force on a daily basis.

Zeus Mega Nutrient for Men Zeus Mega-Nutrient Daily Formula for Men is more than just a multi-vitamin, multi-mineral formula, it is truly a MEGA-Nutrient formulation designed to support Prostate health, memory recall, Testosterone and energy production.

Safe for young men starting at 13 years old, Zeus combines vitamins, minerals and special male supporting nutrients like Zinc and Saw Palmetto for the prostate.

A young man’s body is a magnificently orchestrated electrical machine and it requires a special combination of vitamins, minerals and nutrients to conduct this electricity life force on a daily basis.

Pro-Biotic Max Friendly Bacteria formula. Pro-Biotic Max contains a high quality spectrum of 25 Billion live probiotics or “friendly bacteria” per capsule to support gastrointestinal health, promoting the absorption of nutrients in the stomach and intestines, as well as improve elimination of toxic compounds.

Healthy people usually have a ratio of approximately 85% good to 15% potentially harmful organisms in the intestinal tract. Daily exposure to environmental toxins such as chlorinated water, meat, dairy and antibiotics change the optimal microbial balance essential for good health.

Pro-Biotic Max contains a blend of 10 different probiotic strains totaling 25 billion live bacteria per capsule at time of manufacturing.

Nature's Energy Secret Nature’s Energy Secret combines 3 natural and powerful herbs to increase your energy, reduce your stress and make you smarter!

Muhammed Ali considered DMG to be his secret weapon while the heavy weight boxing champion of the world, for how it enhances oxygenation of tissues and reducing lactic acid buildup, boosting performance and moderating fatigue.

The Queen of Adaptogens, Rhodiola Rosea, aids the body in lowering cortisol, the primary stress hormone, balancing the body’s emergency alert system and strengthening the body’s response to physical, mental, and emotional stress.

Indian Gooseberry or Amla fruit, is one of the most important fruits in Ayurvedic medicine. A concentrated source of vitamin C, Amla also contains 30 times more polyphenols than red wine, is a superior free radical fighter and antioxidant, beneficial for metabolism, digestion, blood flow and anti-aging.

Get the Purest Water

If you live near a factory, no doubt you are well aware that your drinking water is most likely contaminated with who knows what kinds of chemicals, but what about those of us who live in the city or suburbs, far from industrial contamination? Is our drinking water safe?

With over 2 million synthetic substances in use and 25,000 new substances introduced each year, the question is not, “is our water safe”, the question is,

“How do I protect myself and my family from these chemicals?”

A big concern now is the overwhelming amount of hormones and antibiotics in our drinking water from excretion! Plus drug makers are legally allowed to release hundreds of millions of pounds of pharmaceuticals into rivers and streams, that are then used for our drinking water.

Many years ago I heard the saying, “buy a filter, or be a filter.” That statement is even more true today.

Even bottled water with fancy labels and advertising, hides behind the fact that it contains highly dangerous toxic chemicals.

We are literally drinking ourselves to death!

What Can We Do About? – Get the Purest Water Available! Period.

More than 20 years ago, I established a friendship with the owner of a commercial water filtration manufacturer (located here in America) and like us, they take pride in designing only the highest quality products available.

Normally they sell their products exclusively to hotels, restaurants and other commercial buildings through large contractors. Because of our long friendship, the owner agreed to allow us to sell their products directly to our customers.

Since we work directly with them, we can guarantee that only the best filtration media and components are used, as well as attention to detail and craftsmanship in manufacturing.

A couple years ago, we did a podcast interview and recorded it for you to hear directly from Gary discuss the hows and whys of protecting yourself (and your family) from all the contaminants that are present in our water supply today.

Click here to access the recording, enter Conference Code: 469930

Countertop Water FiltrationCountertop Water Filtration System
Designed to provide healthful good tasting water at your kitchen sink. Simply attach the dual-channel hose to your existing kitchen sink faucet and presto – 5,000 gallons of filtered water at your finger tips for less than 2¢ a gallon.

Constructed with FDA compliant materials and made of 100% recyclable ABS food-grade plastic assembled by ultrasonic welding to eliminate the use of glues and solvents. No additional parts are needed.

UL and WQA Certified to NSF/ANSI Standards
Includes two adapters designed to fit any kitchen faucet.

Capacity: 5,000 gallons (3-4 years for family of 4)

Shower Mater Water FilterShower Mate Water Filter
Did you know when showering you inhale and absorb significantly more chlorine and other harmful chemicals than from drinking water? When water is heated for a shower or bath, chlorine returns to a gaseous state.

The Shower Mate significantly reduces chlorine, chloroform and harmful VOCs, while enhancing pH for a cleaner, more healthier and enjoyable shower. You will notice the difference in your hair and skin immediately – it’s like showering in spring water.

Capacity: 20,000 gallons (1 year for 2 people)

Chemical and Fluoride Reduction Under Counter FilterUnderCounter – Chemical and Fluoride Reduction

This JUMBO-sized combination Under Counter water filtration system is one-of-a-kind unit, delivering pure, filtered drinking and cooking water, free of organic and inorganic contaminants, heavy metals AND toxic Fluoride and Arsenic compounds commonly found in municipal or city drinking water.

Shipped with Spring Flo faucet and 1/4″ T-Connector for standard undersink plumbing.

Installation is simple if you are comfortable crawling under your sink and disconnecting the cold water supply line and adding the Spring Flo faucet. If not, find someone who is handy or hire a professional plumber to install the unit.

Capacity: 18,000 gallons (3-4 years for family of 4)

Whole House Water Filtration UnitOur Combination Whole House Water Filtration Systemuses the same filtration medias to reduce organic and inorganic contaminants, heavy metals AND toxic Fluoride and Arsenic compounds like the UnderCounter filter shown above, just on a much larger scale.

Shipped ready-to-install with fittings for 3/4″ or 1″ plumbing to connect directly to the incoming cold water line of your home.

Also includes sediment pre-filter housing, cartridge and integrated shut-off valve and flexible connection hose.
Installation by a professional plumber is recommended, but not required.

Capacity: 350,000 gallons (3-4 years for family of 4)

Click Here to view all Water Filtration Systems