The Body as Doctor – Explained

(Chapter 1 in an ongoing series. Please save or bookmark for future reference.)

Last week we released the 3rd Reincarnation of our extraordinary “Miracle of Life” formula. Today we want to sit down with you and give you all the amazing facts and tidbit’s of thinking that went into this formula’s creation.

And next week we are planning our first ever Miracle of Life conference call. You won’t want to miss that for anything!

What’s in a name? Everything!

Getting a bottle of Miracle of Life could very well be the single most amazing life experience you will ever have. You will discover things about yourself and be able to tap into an extraordinary phenomenon within your mind, your body and even your soul.

What is this phenomenon? I call it “The Body As Doctor”.

This is where your body can achieve maximum health, free of disease, with maximum lifespan potential.

You are a child of the Universe.

For more than 25 years now, I have been on a relentless search for the keys to full genetic life potential, so that no one need suffer from any disease. And be able to achieve this without medical doctors, expensive dangerous drugs, unnecessary surgery and prohibitive health insurance.

This philosophy is startlingly simple, but genius in its underlying intelligence. And so simple to achieve. The best doctor for your body is not a medical doctor – the best doctor is your very own body. You were not designed or created to be constantly sick and depressed.

Is it truly possible that you could get your body to become your doctor? Available at all times, 24 hours a day, every split second? Putting out fires before they start within you? Repairing damaged cells and nerves and neurons? Preventing disease from even starting in the first place?

At a time such as right now with every second person suffering some kind of disease, even fatality, is this a mad dream? How can this actually happen, you are probably asking?

Continue reading “The Body as Doctor – Explained”

Ginseng – The King of the Herbal Kingdom

Li Ching-Yuen, photographed in 1927 at the residence of General Yang Sen

One of the most famous tales in all of Chinese Medicine is that of a master herbalist, healer and mountain man, Li Ching Yun (Li Ching-Yuen) who lived an amazingly long life to 253 years of age.

What was his secret? Very simple, Li Ching Yun had discovered and mastered the rare art of “Adaptogenic Medicine”, using herbal compounds, healing foods and strenuous exercise each day.

The core of his success was the use of profound herbal compounds; in particular, wild crafted Ginseng, to trigger this action of “Adaptogenisis” in the body.

The Body as Doctor

What this means is that the body, when given the right elements from Nature, can literally change itself like a chameleon to adjust to the rigors of life and disease. This in turn means that the body overcomes the imbalances, the disease elements, and stays in control of itself, healthy and vigorous both physically and mentally as well as spiritually.

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Swine Flu Survival Information

The World Health Organization (WHO) and Center for Disease Control (CDC) are bracing for potentially billions of people across the globe (and millions of Americans) who may become infected with swine flu this fall.

“This virus travels at an unbelievable, almost unheard of speed”, Dr Margaret Chan, the WHO Director-General was quoted as saying last week.

The “most worrying fact,” according to the Director-General, is “that 40 percent of the fatalities concern young adults – in good health – who die of a viral fever in five to seven days.”

Did you catch that? “40 percent of the fatalities concern young adults – in good health”

Dr. Michael Greger, Humane Society International
Dr. Michael Greger, Humane Society International

CDC Confirms Ties to Virus First Discovered in U.S. Pig Factories
Dr. Michael Greger, Director, Public Health and Animal Agriculture at the Humane Society International wrote an in-depth research report tracing the origins of the swine flu to pig farms in the US.  Here’s an excerpt from the article:

In August 1998, however, a barking cough resounded throughout a North Carolina pig factory in which all the thousands of breeding sows fell ill.[6] A new swine flu virus was discovered on that factory farm, a human-pig hybrid virus that had picked up three human flu genes. By the end of that year, the virus acquired two gene segments from bird flu viruses as well, becoming a never-before-described triple reassortment virus—a hybrid of a human virus, a pig virus, and a bird virus—that triggered outbreaks in Texas, Minnesota, and Iowa.[7]

Continue reading “Swine Flu Survival Information”

Can Red Wine Stop Aging?

I’m sure you’ve heard the good things about wine and its health promoting benefits. Maybe you’ve also felt the negative effects a time or two as well?

Red Wine GrapesResearchers found the answer to this question when they discovered Resveratrol, an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory substance found in red wine grapes.

But how can drinking wine actually improve anyone’s health, when it is a well-established fact that alcohol inhibits the body’s absorption of all vitamins and can, when consumed regularly, lead to liver damage, dementia and a host of other nasty disorders?

Further studies of Resveratrol revealed that it helps prevent blood clots by keeping blood vessels open and pliable.

Now you can gain all the benefits without the negative aspects. Resveratrol, is one of the powerful ingredients in our new Miracle of Life formula. You might say it’s a red wine healthy alternative.

Continue reading “Can Red Wine Stop Aging?”