What's in Bone Density?

Bone Density is a highly absorptive combination of Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus and other key minerals and vitamins required for building strong bones and teeth.

Breast Cancer Breakthrough

Women who received Calcium alone had a 47% lower risk of developing cancer compared with subjects who received the placebo, those who received BOTH CALCIUM AND VITAMIN D experienced a 60% lower risk.

The Age of Arthritis

Case reports show that a sheer fracture (across the upper thighbone) only seen as a result of a car accident, is spontaneously occuring in people who have used bone-building drugs called bisphosphonates (Fosamax) for five years or more.

Breast Cancer "Cure"

Those deficient in Vitamin D at time of diagnosis were 94% more likely to have their cancer spread and 73% were more likely to die than women with adequate Vitamin D levels.

What Really Causes Lupus and MS‏

Systemic Lupus has become almost as rampant as Multiple Sclerosis, especially among Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi drinkers. The victim usually does not know that the Aspartame is the culprit.

What's in Skeletal Support?

Ingredient Descriptions     * MAGNESIUM (Oxide; Chelate; Ionic): The vital mineral required to transform inert Calcium into usable nutrient by the body. Dissolves calcification and also helps build strong bones and joints.     * CALCIUM (Carbonate; Phosphate; Citrate/Malate): The most predominant mineral in the body. Essential for all bone formation and bone density.     * …