"God Pitched a Shutout!" Audio

Earlier this week, I shared with you the story that changed my life forever.

In fact, just reading the story caused me overwhelming emotion!  I still can’t comprehend, even after all these years, I had the experience of working with terminally ill patients during the early days of the AIDS crisis, in the 1980’s, and saw God Himself provide the answer we needed to save lives.

If you haven’t read the newsletter, you can click here now to read the entire article.

I decided to share this story with you after a recent radio talk show visit.  As I shared this story on the radio, I just knew I had to get the message out to the masses. I wanted to give you the chance to hear the story, in my own voice, for yourself.

Please take just a few moments to listen to the extraordinary account of the most significant breakthrough in my journey to help you and countless others achieve wholeness and healing.

It is why I am so utterly passionate about our Body as Doctor message.

This is my gift to you!  Enjoy!

(Click the image to launch the 13 minute radio interview.)

"God Just Pitched a Shutout!"

“The split second you were born, God prepared for you a special meal, His “Soup of Life.” This soup held all things needed from the universe to create, sustain and protect life.”
– Wayne Garland

There’s an old healing adage, “God never sent any of us here to be unhealthy or unhappy.”

Our body is God’s finest creation, a true miracle and tour de force of both creation and healing.

Our motto, “Body As Doctor” is a simplistic summary of this extraordinary power we can all tap to prevent disease and heal when necessary.

Today’s message is about one of the most powerful elements in God’s arsenal.

I call it “God’s Vitamin” for its demonstration of what God can do.

If you aren’t taking God’s Vitamin already, please spend 5 minutes or more to read this personal affirmation of what miracles I have witnessed first hand of its unique and clearly, supernatural powers.

But, unfortunately, I’ve found over the years, most medical doctors I’ve met don’t get it.

When I give a speech, they come by afterwards and dismiss my stories of extraordinary healing using God’s powers as Fairy Tale story stuff and not based on “scientific research” and “double blind studies”. According to them, “true healing” was the sole domain of pharmaceutical wonder drugs.

I hope these naysayers are reading this today as this is firsthand proof of a miracle I was personally and intimately involved with. This miracle came as a result of the greatest medical failure in modern history – or maybe even in all of time. God Himself interceded.

With yours truly coming along for the ride, so to speak.

AIDS: Modern Medicine’s Greatest Failure

Think back to the 1980’s during the height of the AIDS crisis – the epidemic was killing homosexual men like flies.

The medical and pharmaceutical world was in uproar. Nothing could stop this Gay Plague. Nothing.

To add insult to injury, rumors were flying that AIDS was originally started from a pharmaceutical drug testing failure that caused the deadly virus to jump from monkeys to humans. Other rumors swirled around the homosexual community that the unknown virus was the wrath of God coming against this population.

I knew in my heart nothing could be further from the truth.

I personally believed there HAD to be an answer to this horror and God would have the solution it if we just looked hard enough.

To test my theories, I volunteered at a famous AIDS Foundation in San Francisco, the hotbed of the AIDS epidemic because of the high homosexual population and lifestyles.

This was the Ashanti Foundation, funded by a billionaire oil man (name withheld by request) and housed in an old but comfortable hotel in the downtown area.

Along with six other students from the National College of Naturopthic Medicine, we gave our services and advice for free in the hope we would find some kind of answer.

Little did we know what lay ahead, for the patients and for us!
Continue reading “"God Just Pitched a Shutout!"”

Sharks Don't Get Cancer – Video

Live as Long as a Shark

As many of you know, I devour every tiny tidbit of information about treating and preventing cancer.

Deep within ourselves we all know there has to be a cure out there, or at the very least, an answer to the terrifying tragedy of getting cancer.

When I first was told by a leading marine scientist, Dr. John Croft of New Zealand, who has led the world in the medicinal study of the shark species, that shark’s just don’t get cancer, that news literally floored me.

Inside the shark’s immune system is a brutally efficient and powerful immune system compound called “Alkyglycerol” or “AKG”, for short. This compound, also found in mother’s breast milk by the way, is the key to the shark’s amazing longevity, as it has far outlived the dinosaurs and their lifespan exceeds our own by 25 years.

Was this the great missing link in the treatment and prevention of cancer and all immune system diseases?

Watch today’s video and you be the judge and jury on this matter.

Continue reading “Sharks Don't Get Cancer – Video”

Lena's Health Nugget: The Ecosystem Within

What’s the Weather Forecast for your body today?

  • Wild Storms
  • Heatwave
  • Earthquake, maybe?

Or will everything be clear skies, peaceful and total calm?

Your body is a Climate Factory with the same Ecosystem as the world around you.

Do you have continual digestion problems, Acid Reflux, stomach pains, bloating and gas? Throbbing headaches and fevers, for seemingly no reason at all? Recurring colds or sinus infections?

All this, despite the pharmaceutical drugs your doctor has prescribed to relieve the symptoms?

That’s because your “ecosystem” is out of whack.

Take a moment to read Lena’s research and thoughts on all this and how you can to turn your ecosystem into Paradise, naturally, without drugs.

The Ecosystem Within YOU

© By Lena Sanchez

Bet you didn’t know you had a whole ecosystem living within you, did you?

You’ve read about the environmental ecosystem in danger from all the pollutants in this world, but not about the ecosystem within your own body!

You may not know YOU ARE AN ECOSYSTEM and your ecosystem is in as much danger as our world’s ecosystem, from all the medications, pesticides and environmental pollution ingested, slathered on and inhaled.

Your body houses this unique, balanced ecosystem, beginning with the stomach, then miles of large and small intestine in charge of distributing the nutrients to nourish your organs. Residing in this ecosystem is more than 400 species of bacteria.

Bacterium isn’t always bad! In fact, these bacterial colonies function in harmony with one another and if either is out of balance, your system is going to go awry at some point in time.

Continue reading “Lena's Health Nugget: The Ecosystem Within”

Is Vitamin D3 the Ultimate Flu Fighter?

Why are Some People You Know Impervious to Colds and Flu?

Do you know people who bounce around happily all winter long, without a hint of sickness or even sniffles?

Do you wonder what they’re doing to “cold-proof” themselves?

It’s NOT the flu shot.

It’s vitamin D3 and if you are like most Americans, you are dangerously deficient!

Where You Live Could Be Making You Sick!

If you live above the line on this map, you are in greater danger of contracting a cold or dangerous flu virus this winter.

Why? You won’t be exposed to enough sunshine to fight it!

Vitamin D is the most important vitamin for our immune systems and it has been linked to far more than building strong bones and teeth – it can also protect us from high blood pressure, some forms of cancer, Hodgkins Lymphoma, and of course, influenza.

100 MILLION Americans are seriously vitamin D deficient!

Continue reading “Is Vitamin D3 the Ultimate Flu Fighter?”

$0.50 a Day Flu Shot

“It’s a miracle in a bottle!”
The biggest secret withheld in fighting the flu is an amazingly inexpensive way to turbo-charge your immune system to banish it from your body forever.

This simple trick is the use of the miraculous, sunshine vitamin, VITAMIN D3.

Your body actually makes Vitamin D3 from sunshine, but this time of year it’s nearly impossible to get enough sunshine for your immune system to function properly, which is why winter is the yearly Flu season.

But, you need more than an ordinary, over the counter D3.

You need a brutally strong form of it with other flu-fighting ingredients.

We have it, we created it, it works overnight wonders. It’s called Ultra D3.

And it’s far safer and cheaper than a dangerous flu shot.


Dear Wayne,

I have been taking the “Flu Protection Kit” for the last 240 days.

I work in a public building and have been around sick and ill people and have not gotten sick at all.

I’m very amazed of how healthy I’ve been while taking the “Flu Protection Kit” and recommend this product to everyone!

Thank you Dr. Garland for providing us with great products!

Roland Smyth

Continue reading “$0.50 a Day Flu Shot”

The Flu Shot Isn't Working!

8.5 Weird & Wonderful Ways to Fight the Flu
If you haven’t heard, there is an epidemic in our country and it’s getting worse by the minute.

It isn’t a flu epidemic.

It’s an epidemic of false information.


The CDC (Center For Disease Control), actually came out and admitted the Flu Shot would only work in 42% of cases.

You can get better odds playing roulette in a casino!

What can you do? You can listen to the media insist you need to rush out and get your shot today, but don’t do it. Vaccinations do nothing to prevent disease, but they can cause damage.

The flu is caused by a weakened immune system. The only way to avoid it is to boost your immunity, not get a vaccine. You can’t vaccinate disease away!

Don’t be the guy who is stuck in bed with the flu.

Be the one who doesn’t get sick this year and use these 8 1/2 natural remedies today! They’ve worked for centuries.


8.5 Proven Flu Busters
These absolute, time proven, all natural immune boosters are just the ticket to fighting off – not only the flu – but whatever virus may be floating around your head this time of the year.
Continue reading “The Flu Shot Isn't Working!”

Avoid Flu Shots Like the Plague

Most of us are led to believe we either get the flu shot or we get the flu. This could not be further from the truth.

Think about it – why in the world would you put the very thing you are trying to avoid into your body?

This is absolute medical madness. You can stay absolutely healthy all winter long without any shots.

I’ll even go one step further… getting the flu shot will more than likely increase your probability of contracting the flu – or worse!

Skip the ridiculous flu shot. I’ll show you how you can avoid the flu – and any other virus that might circulate this winter.

Do You Know What the Risks Are?

According to the CDC, the following substances are found in vaccines:

“aluminum (a brain toxin), antibiotics, egg protein, formaldehyde (a carcinogen), MSG or monosodium glutamate (a neurotoxin),and thimerosal (antother neurotoxin from mercury)”

The flu shot carries HUGE RISKS due primarily to mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde.

There is also emerging evidence that flu shots cause Alzheimer’s disease, most likely as a result of combining mercury with aluminum and formaldehyde.

Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, a world renowned immunogeneticist, announced recently there is a ten-fold increased chance of developing Alzheimer’s after receiving five flu shots.Dr. Fudenberg’s study was conducted from 1970 through 1980. He and his research team consider this increased risk of Alzheimer’s resulted from the combination of mercury (thimerosal) and aluminum building up over time in the brain.

Continue reading “Avoid Flu Shots Like the Plague”

"Stress is Killing Me!"

In most cases, stress is the root cause of death; illnesses are just the wrap up.

– Yordan Yordanov

Stress Kills. If it isn’t killing you now, just wait, it will.

Studies have linked stress with cancer and heart disease for years, but the reality is, stress causes inflammation, and chronic inflammatory response is being linked to almost every illness known to man – obesity, autoimmune disorders like AIDS, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, as well as most other chronic disorders.

Stress is a natural response of our bodies to react to internal and external toxins. Our bodies go into “fight or flight” response and our immune system shifts into battle mode, trying desperately to adapt.

Eventually our immune system becomes overwhelmed and wears out, no longer able to fight. Silently, inflammation burns us alive from the inside out.

As usual, Mother Nature has the solution to slow down and even put out the inflammation once and for all. Read on, as we believe we have found your Inflammation Salvation!

Your Brain on Stress

Our brains cannot survive this onslaught of stress and inflammation unscathed. Heightened, prolonged levels of cortisol in our bloodstream can be fatal!

Cortisol is called the “stress hormone”, secreted by the adrenal glands in high levels in response to stress. Small doses of cortisol are good – giving us bursts of energy to survive our “fight or flight” response. Cortisol heightens memory function, increases immunity, lowers sensitivity to pain, regulates blood pressure and helps our bodies maintain balance.

Continue reading “"Stress is Killing Me!"”

"Super Hero" of Antioxidants

Dr. Mehmet Oz discovers Glutathione, the Super Hero of Antioxidants

Many antioxidants work for one thing, or two things, or three things. Glutathione works for everything.
Robert H. Keller, MD, MS, FACP, AAHIVS

Glutathione is a blockbuster amino acid and is the BEST defense against cellular damage, aging and a host of diseases.

This single nutrient is able to clean your body, your lungs and furiously defend your body against contaminants and chemical assaults.

Glutathione aids our bodies in cleaning out the waste by:

  • working in the liver as a detoxifier
  • working in the spleen to strengthen immunity
  • shuttling needed protein between cells
  • alerting the immune system against invaders

Without this cleansing, every cell in your body would die prematurely from its own waste matter.

Isn’t that a lovely thought?

The more I learn about this wonder nutrient, the more I’m convinced it truly is a secret savior.

Glutathione Fights Chronic Illness

Virtually everyone who is sick or suffers from a chronic disease is deficient in Glutathione. Conditions like:

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Liver Disease
  • Arthritis
  • Autism
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Cancer
  • Obesity
  • Asthma
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • AIDS

and many more are all associated with decreased levels of Glutathione.

Glutathione has been part of thousands and thousands of studies. Dr. Oz considers Glutathione the “Super Hero” of Antioxidants. Listen to America’s most famous superstar doctor’s rave review of Glutathione.

(Click on the picture to start the video in a new window.)

Continue reading “"Super Hero" of Antioxidants”