Face to Face with Dr. G

The favorite part of my day, every day, is talking with you, our customers, and sharing the science and reasoning behind each of our formulas. I wish we could sit down in person, face to face, instead of just talking on the phone.

Well, with the magic of the internet and YouTube, at least now you will be able to see me.

Below is the first sit down with me, explaining how and why our formulas are designed to be “smart bombs” in delivering the right nutrients, right where the body needs it most.

Click the Play button on the video below for our first installment – and look for many more coming.

As always, “Here’s to your Contagious Health!”

Dr. G

30 lbs in 30 Days – Easy Cleanse Detox

I think we accidentally created a blockbuster new diet formula in making our new Easy Cleanse Detox formula. We incorporated a little known fact about fighting obesity: “If you get rid of the toxins in the body, you get rid of the excess fat at the same time!”

John Keefe, one of our customers in Massachusetts, lost over 30lbs in just 30 days following our Detox program and using this formula.

Quick, take this 30-second test.

Do you have:

  • Low energy or constant fatigue
  • Poor skin complexion or blotches
  • Mental cloudiness or inability to concentrate
  • Frustrated all the time
  • Lack of motivation
  • Irregular or constipated
  • Poor digestion or acid reflux
  • Poor immune function
  • Body odor
  • Bad breath
  • Irritable and lose your temper easily
  • Brittle hair, skin, nails
  • Chronically overweight

Congratulations! You’re toxic and your body is crying out for help, immediately. There is an old saying in the world of natural medicine and healing:

It isn’t “Are You Toxic?” –  It’s “How Toxic Are You?”

Continue reading “30 lbs in 30 Days – Easy Cleanse Detox”

Vitamin D Powers Chicago Blackhawks to Stanley Cup Finals

The Chicago Blackhawks ice hockey team are the first “Vitamin D” team in modern professional sports history!

On Sunday night, with six minutes to go, the Blackhawks overcame a 2-0 deficit to defeat the San Jose Sharks 4-2 and advance to their first Stanley Cup Finals appearance in 18 years. Not only that, it was a clean sweep for the unheralded Blackhawks, for so long a forgotten team amongst the super teams like San Jose, Montreal and Philadelphia.

Guess what their SECRET WEAPON is? Good old Vitamin D-3.

image from Chicago Tribune

(Story courtesy of John Cannell, MD and Executive Director of the Vitamin D Council)

According to my sources, the Chicago Blackhawks team physicians began diagnosing and treating vitamin D deficiency in all Blackhawk players about 18 months ago. Apparently most players are on 5,000 IU per day, some even more.

Continue reading “Vitamin D Powers Chicago Blackhawks to Stanley Cup Finals”

"Hands of Time" can't catch me!

People often wonder, just how powerful are our Master Formulas?

Today’s video testimonial is from Roark Schwagerl, a good friend whom I first met 17 years ago. Recently he turned 42 and had a major medical checkup. Upon reviewing the test results, his doctor was astounded and asked,

“You’ve got the blood of a 20-year old. What are you doing?”

Watch as Roark shares an entertaining “day in his life” and why he believes supplementing his diet with our master formulas has made all the difference in the world.

As Roark explains, our formulas are truly “super food in a bottle”, and without a doubt have turned back the hands of time for him.

This can and should, happen to you too!

This is the miracle of Contagious Health!

Dr. G

World's Healthiest Diet: In a Bottle

Every day now it seems a breathless publicity announcement hits my desk about yet another “Miracle Diet” that is the secret to a life free of disease and the fabled Fountain of Youth.

There’s only ONE DIET in all of recorded history that the pillars of medical science ALL AGREE is the key to Contagious Health. The Mayo Clinic approves of it, the Journal of the American Medical Associaiton (JAMA) has studied it, the American Heart Foundation and now even the FDA approve of the key benefits of the diet!

We’ve bottled the magic of this diet for you to start giving to your body the power and help it needs to run far, far longer in the race of life.

In 1970 Yiannis Karimalis got a death sentence. Doctors in Pennsylvania diagnosed the Greek immigrant with abdominal cancer and told him he’d be dead within a year. He was not yet 40 years old.

Devastated, Karimalis left his job as a bridge painter and returned to his native island of Ikaria. At least there he could be buried among his relatives, he thought – and for a lot less money than in the United States. Forty (40) years later, Karimalis is still alive and telling his amazing story to anyone who will listen. And when he returned to the United States on a recent visit, he discovered he had outlived all the doctors who had predicted his death.

Dead doctors don’t lie.

On Ikaria, a mountainous, 99-square-mile island in Greece, they do something they’ve known all their lives. It obviously works because on average, Ikarians outlive just about everyone else in the world.

And the reason is their special diet and with it, a lifestyle of simplicity and respect for the body and everyone around you.

The Mediterranean Diet: Endorsed by the Mayo Clinic

An amazing one in three Ikarians reaches 90 years of age. Compare this with only one in nine baby boomers. (Source: U.S. Census Bureau)   What’s more, Ikarians suffer 20 percent fewer cases of cancer than do Americans and have about half our rate of heart disease and one-ninth our rate of diabetes. Most astonishing of all: among the islanders over 90 (~1/3rd of their population) there is virtually no Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia. In the United States more than 40 percent of people over 90 suffer some form of this devastating ailment.

How do we explain these numbers?

Continue reading “World's Healthiest Diet: In a Bottle”

God is "dog" spelled backwards

It’s said that the reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue.

It is also said that the best friend you can have is a dog. Perhaps the best friend your dog could have (apart from you) is a bottle of our miraculous Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex.

Please take a moment from your day to sit and read this story of friendship and amazing recovery from a stroke by “Bitsy”.

An image of Patti Lewis and her Tea Cup Poodle Bitsy
Patti Lewis and Bitsy

Dear Dr. Garland,

I would like to share a wonderful experience I have had by using you Life Transfusion minerals.

A little over a year ago, my Tea Cup poodle had a stroke. I spent a small fortune at the veterinarian and the animal hospital in Las Vegas. The little dog lost all control of her body from the neck down. She was mentally alert, but her body parts just couldn’t function. After two weeks of c-scans and other tests, the physicians advised me that there was nothing they could do for Bitsy, and they suggested I have her put down.

My friends, Rob and Russell, explained to me the miracles of your Life Transfusion. They had a friend who owned a cat that had been hit by a car. The Vet was ready to put the cat down. The lady, a doctor, had bathed her cat in Life Transfusion and the cat healed and 5 years later he was still doing fine. They suggested I try soaking Bitsy in your product and see if it could help her. Knowing that Bitsy knew me and believing that her mind was still very active, I asked the Vet if I could take her home for the week-end. Continue reading “God is "dog" spelled backwards”

Energizer Bunny, Starbucks and Lazarus: Bottled

Do you feel tired all the time? Has your get up and go, got up and went? Got dead weights in your shoes? Yawning at breakfast?

It seems today that everyone complains about being dog tired and having no energy – and they all ask:

“What have you got for me Doc?”

Whether you have a demanding job or hectic lifestyle that leaves you exhausted all the time or want an extra “boost” for your exercise routine, you need our new Super Charger formula.

It truly is nutritional dynamite in a bottle. And totally legal, totally safe and totally INSANE in the amount of natural, instant energy – and long term energy and stamina it provides.

It’s no wonder we’re all tired, everyone is doing two, three or even four jobs nowadays. I don’t know anyone who sits around doing nothing anymore. Some of the mom’s at our church work two jobs, run the household, drive the kids to school, soccer games, choir practice, four supermarket “runs” a week and cooking for everyone every day! Phew – no wonder we’re dog tired!

So, I sat down and went to work on this and really burned the midnight oil, in order to get something that would be a blockbuster of dramatic energy and performance in a capsule.

Red Bull has 4 Ingredients – Super Charger has 22!

The trick is to understand the energy production “factory” inside the body. You can’t force the energy – that just exhausts the adrenal glands and makes the problem worse, long term. (That’s what happens with sugar and caffeine-laden energy drinks.)

You need to get the prime energy producing nutrients into the body so that it naturally produces more energy but then, balance this with lots of special vitamins and Ginseng to help the body stay in balance.

We combine no less than 22 vitamins, minerals and herbs. Special plants found in the Amazon, Andes Mountains and China, such as:

  • Green Tea – china’s preference over Starbucks coffee
  • Ginseng – “adaptogenic” herb that keeps the body calm and balanced
  • Rhodiola, Gotu Kola and Yerba Mate – powerful stamina enhancing elements
  • Eleutherococus and Octacosanol – used by marathon runners and endurance athletes

No one to our knowledge has ever crammed this much pure unadulterated energy into one formula.
Continue reading “Energizer Bunny, Starbucks and Lazarus: Bottled”

We added Dynamite to our Vitamin D3+K2 formula

The world’s most powerful Vitamin D3 + K2 formula just got even more powerful, bringing more health generating and healing power to the body! Put your seat-belts on and read all about it in today’s article.

This is Nutritional Dynamite!

For years I felt like a lone heretic on the clifftops shouting about the giant benefits of Vitamin D-3. If you are a regular reader of our newsletters, you know we’ve written what seems like a hundred articles on vitamin D. And then the world woke up! The importance of getting enough of the “Sunshine Vitamin” is now being touted by Dr. Oz and Oprah.

We have also been touting the benefits of another super vitamin/hormone, Vitamin K-2 for sometime as well. Just last week the famed Mayo Clinic released a study demonstrating that people with higher levels of vitamin K in their diet have a 45% lower risk of developing Non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Now, we are going to do it again!

The Genetic “Soup of Life”

Those of you who know me, know of my passion for the use of Minerals and Trace Minerals. Particularly ocean-sourced, ionic minerals which are identical to blood plasma as used in our famous Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex formula.

Read my eBook: The Key to All Health and Healing (shown on the right) to learn more about these life-sustaining minerals.

I’ve always wanted to add these minerals to our Vitamin D3+K2 formula, and then out of the blue, Dr. John Cannell, the world’s leading spokesman for Vitamin D and Executive Director of the Vitamin D Council, came out with a major report showing that when vitamin D is combined with the minerals Magnesium, Boron and Zinc, they super-enhance the action of D-3 in the body.


Continue reading “We added Dynamite to our Vitamin D3+K2 formula”

Mayo Clinic Hails Vitamin K2 for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

In the world of medicine there is no higher accolade than to be recognized by the famed Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. More than 3,700 physicians, scientists and researchers, and 50,000 allied health staff work at Mayo Clinic facilities in over 70 locations, treating more than half a million people each year.

In their own words.

“The Mayo Clinic is the first and largest integrated, not-for-profit group practice in the world. Doctors from every medical specialty work together to care for patients, joined by common systems and a philosophy of “the needs of the patient come first.”

A groundbreaking study from researchers at Mayo’s Rochester, MN campus recently found that people who have higher intakes of vitamin K in their diet have a 45% lower risk of developing Non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Did you catch that? 45%!

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma is a cancer of the immune system and is the most common hematologic malignancy in the United States.

Click here to read this extraordinary Mayo Clinic announcement.

The study included 603 patients who were newly diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin lymphoma as well as 1,007 matched cancer-free “control” participants.
Continue reading “Mayo Clinic Hails Vitamin K2 for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma”

Why is Fluoride in our water?

Are you being poisoned by Fluoride in your water?

For years there have been snippets of information coming out about the dangers of Fluoride in our water supply. The authorities dismiss these claims every time and insist “everything is perfectly safe.”

Danger: Flouride Toxic Poison photoThe latest information however refutes all this and is of vital importance to every one – particularly every mother of a growing child, because it has now been proven by years and years of research that Fluoride is highly dangerous and the missing link in birth defects and mental retardation in young children, as well as the epidemic of Alzheimer’s.

Professor A.K. Susheela, PhD., who has researched fluoride for more than 20 years and is one of the world’s leading researchers and experts on Fluoride in our water supply, says long-term studies show fluoride is a serious threat to public health.

With more than 80 scientific studies published in Western and Indian Journals to her credit, Dr. Susheela says that fluoride not only has been linked to increased rates of stillbirth and miscarriages among populations exposed to fluoride in water, but fluoride also poses a serious risk of birth abnormalities including mental retardation.

Dr. Susheela says the studies have shown that fluoride destroys:

  • muscle structure and muscle function
  • muscle energy
  • bone and teeth
  • red blood cells and blood vessels
  • the lining of the stomach and intestine

Continue reading “Why is Fluoride in our water?”