The Time to Heal is NOW!

“There’s an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth:
A right time for birth and another for death,
A right time to plant and another to reap,
A right time to kill and another to heal…”
– Ecclesiastes 3:3 (The Message)

This is Lent – the most Holy seasons of the year.  The time we reflect on the sacrifices made on our behalf. It is a Time to Heal.

Millions of people around the world are taking the next 6 weeks and focusing on “giving up” something of value in order to experience a full healing experience when Easter Sunday arrives.

Consider taking the next six weeks of your life and experiences a true “resurrection” of your own life and health?

One of my greatest successes, other than overcoming cancer, has been writing Meals that Heal.  If you don’t own this book, please order it today.

This book will be instrumental in your healing process and will give you all the information you need to understand the vital connection between what you put into your body and your healing process.

Meals that Heal: A Time to Heal

Nearly 30 years now in my extraordinary journey fighting cancer, the one thing that kept me alive and strong enough to fight another day, were the gifts that God’s messengers – healers and herbalists, doctors and believers, gave me in the form of special “Meals that Heal”.

I collected these special meals in my bulging notebooks and on scraps of paper all these years, passing them out to others I met along the way who were also on their own personal journey of recovery.

Hippocrates, who many consider to be the original doctor, is credited with saying,

“Your food should be your medicine; your medicine should be your food.”

Truer words have never been said or more powerfully in the understanding of how important our diet is in first preventing and then overcoming disease. “Dis-ease” occurs because we are out of balance for a prolonged period of time. We are literally “with out ease”.

The demands of life today are starkly different from those of our parents and grandparents. Most of us rush through our day, eating breakfast on the run, lunch at our desk and if we do stop and sit down for dinner, the food is often take-out, fast food, or pre-packaged processed foods. No wonder we have an epidemic of diseases!

When you use the “Meals that Heal Recipe Book” you’ll notice all you need are simple fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains available at any grocery or health food store. With our recipes you’ll hone your cooking skills and learn to increase vitality in your life by delivering the vital nutrients our bodies desperately need to heal, restore, and efficiently energize our day to day life!

The recipes and messages of the healing power of foods are available to you to start using for tonight’s first dinner starting the rest of your healthy lives. They are simple to make and can be stored in the refrigerator or freeze to reheat when needed.

Retail Price: $14.97
Preferred Member price: $14.97

Click Here to Order

If you haven’t tried the miraculous Life Transfusion Ionic Liquid Mineral Complex, there is no better time than right now!

Your brain and every organ in your body will thank you!

Life Transfusion Liquid Minerals: Your Body’s Electrical Energy Source

Minerals run every organ in the body. They make your heart beat, your brain think, your lungs pump, your pancreas function, they make bones and new hair, skin, nails.

Minerals build the immune system, control insulin and much, much more.

Minerals come in many forms; colloidal, coral, chelated and finally ionic minerals.

Only ionic minerals conduct electricity, and Life Transfusion Ionic Liquid Mineral Complex comes from a special ionic-form, purified sea water source, containing 76 minerals, identical to the chemical composition of pure blood.

Minerals are the giant “missing link” in all health, healing and medicine. To learn more about the powers and importance of minerals, read:

  • The Body Requires 76 Different Minerals to Function at Peak Performance
  • The Key to All Health and Healing

  • Life Transfusion Ionic Liquid Mineral Complex is a complete healing formula that is literally a daily blood transfusion in a bottle!

    Retail Price: $24.95
    Preferred Member price: $21.97

    Click Here to Order

    Also available in a large 32oz bottle! Economical to use for mineral baths, foot soaks and everyone in the family, especially pets.

    Retail price: $74.95
    Preferred Member price: $63.81

    Click Here to Order

    "Meals that Heal" Recipe Book

    Nearly 30 years now in my extraordinary journey fighting cancer, the one thing that kept me alive and strong enough to fight another day, were the gifts that God’s messengers – healers and herbalists, doctors and believers, gave me in the form of special “Meals that Heal”.

    I collected these special meals in my bulging notebooks and on scraps of paper all these years, passing them out to others I met along the way who were also on their own personal journey of recovery.

    Hippocrates, who many consider to be the original doctor, is credited with saying,

    “Your food should be your medicine; your medicine should be your food.”

    Truer words have never been said or more powerfully in the understanding of how important our diet is in first preventing and then overcoming disease. “Dis-ease” occurs because we are out of balance for a prolonged period of time. We are literally “with out ease”.

    The demands of life today are starkly different from those of our parents and grandparents. Most of us rush through our day, eating breakfast on the run, lunch at our desk and if we do stop and sit down for dinner, the food is often take-out, fast food, or pre-packaged, processed foods. No wonder we have an epidemic of diseases!

    Our “Meals that Heal” use fresh fruits, vegetables and grains available at any grocery or health food store, delivering the vital nutrients our bodies desperately need to heal and restore the natural balance and “ease” in our lives.

    The recipes and messages of the healing power of foods are available to you to start using for tonight’s first dinner with God. They are simple to make and can be stored in the refrigerator or freeze to reheat when needed.

    Click here or on the book cover to purchase your copy.  To help support our mission to Heal the World, One Person, One Pet, One Plant at a Time, we charge $14.97 per copy to keep our “Clinic Without Walls” going.

    Try a new recipe each week and let us know your favorites, and also which have healed you in some way. I have my favorites, they’re all in the book!  Enjoy and remember to thank God for creating them.

    “Look after yourself because no one else but God will.”


    P.S. If you would like to receive additional recipes and tips on making great tasting vegetarian meals, we encourage you to sign-up for Our Community Kitchen, a monthly newsletter on incorporating a “plant-strong” diet into your life.