Diary of a Diabetic: July 4th – Fireworks!

Richard writes:

I’m writing this on July 4th. What a day to celebrate!

I am without a doubt the luckiest man on the planet. I know now, I can do this! I know I am going to lick Diabetes thanks to Dr. Garland and his Formulas.

Dr. Jann has organized my diet and what supplements I take that makes this all go like clockwork. I have a big sheet stuck to the refrigerator door that reminds me of what to do and why.

This is all worth the effort because I have more energy then ever before. I move around far easier, now that I have lost over 55 lbs.
Continue reading “Diary of a Diabetic: July 4th – Fireworks!”

Diary of a Diabetic: Wks 1-3 "It's Hell, But its Working!"‏‏

If you are new to the Diary of a Diabetic, we are publishing the actual notes written by Richard Weaver, who has chronic diabetes.

When I met Richard, he was scheduled for a double leg amputation, as he was horribly overweight and had almost no blood circulation to his legs.  Richard was wheelchair-bound and could not stand without assistance.

He had stopped responding to insulin and other drugs prescribed by his physician, Dr. Jann.  She had heard  I helped another patient recover from diabetes in just 13 months, after a lifetime of insulin dependency, and asked if I could help Richard.

Diary of a Diabetic: Weeks 1-3

Good Morning from Planet Diabetes

“This is hell. Life is a nightmare – unless you’ve got these Master Formulas from Wayne Garland. Where’s this guy been all these years? When this is over, I’m going to take a peek into his brain and see how it works!

It’s only Week 3 but I’m close to being off all drugs! I take no insulin injections. My energy is gangbusters!

My weight is coming down every day… I’ve lost an average of 1lb a day and it keeps coming off. And my legs have gone back to being pink and rosy, instead of purple and dark black.

If you know of anyone with Diabetes, you’ll know that what I’m experiencing is a miracle because they are on drugs, insulin, losing their eyesight, circulation failing and generally overweight and obese.

This week my regular doctor (Dr. Jann), really hammered me about my diet and exercise. Below I’ll let her tell you what she has recommended.

This is where I think I first contracted Diabetes – my diet was terrible and full of starches, sugar and junk. My pancreas simply couldn’t handle it. Now however, with Wayne Garland’s minerals, which he says RUN OUR BODY and without which we don’t run properly, my blood sugar is now nearly normal and I can feel myself returning to my original health of years ago.

Wayne Garland says the primary triggering element of this Master Formulas protocol is the use of high-potency Chromium and Vanadium. These are two minerals that I had never heard being used before, but they’re seeming to work! Wayne Garland says that Vanadium actually “mimics” insulin within the body so my exhausted pancreas can rest and rejuvenate itself. Isn’t that amazing???

A lot of all this is mumbo-jumbo to me, but it certainly seems to be working.

Thank you for your time in reading this and may God bless you all for your thoughts and concerns and emails.”

Richard Weaver, California
April 7th, 2007
Continue reading “Diary of a Diabetic: Wks 1-3 "It's Hell, But its Working!"‏‏”

Diary of a Diabetic: Wk 1 "I'm Dreading This"‏

My name is Richard Weaver and I have chronic Diabetes. I have surgery scheduled in two weeks’ time to amputate my legs up to my crotch because of the severe lack of circulation and gangrene in my lower body (Dr. Garland has told me to cancel this for now.)

Dr. Garland swears that he can fix me and God bless him if he can, because no one else has in over 4 years of fighting this curse. The biggest thing I’m dreading is if I let him down and all his “stuff” doesn’t work.

Continue reading “Diary of a Diabetic: Wk 1 "I'm Dreading This"‏”

Diary of a Diabetic – Introduction‏

I’ve booked a front row seat for you at my next Healing Miracle of the Month.  It might be  Miracle of the Decade.  In the next few weeks, we are going to publish “The Diary of a Diabetic” in a series of newsletters.

I recently gave a lecture in San Diego on the power of my Master Formulas in fighting all degenerative diseases. At the end of the session, someone asked me to meet a man sitting at the end of the lecture hall, he needed urgent help they said, and could I possibly see what I could do?

The man was massively overweight, 389 pounds in total, and could not walk without assistance or the use of a wheelchair, as his knees could not hold him upright because of the heavy load.

Continue reading “Diary of a Diabetic – Introduction‏”

The Key to all Health and Healing

Happy New Year! 2007 is upon us already. Make this the year you become healthier than ever before. The biggest health resolution you will ever make is here: “I Will Never Become Sick Ever Again!”

I have written a vitally important book, a textbook, a guide, a Bible of Nutrition, to help you achieve this goal. Print it out right now. Every word is crammed with centuries of healing knowledge.

This is my gift to you, enjoy it and reap the rewards. Its title tells you everything you need to know. It is truly The Key to All Health and Healing.
Continue reading “The Key to all Health and Healing”