Look to your left, now look to your right. Of every three people in America, one has high blood pressure and the other has high cholesterol. (Source: CDC)
No wonder cardiovascular disease, including stroke, continue to be America’s #1 killer.
And the drug companies have most of the traditional medical doctors fooled, as they immediately reach for their prescription pad to treat the “symptom” instead of addressing the underlying “problem.”
Read today’s customer stories, times two, who DRASTICALLY lowered their cholesterol, without dangerous drugs.
Dear Dr. Garland,
On Sept. 11, 2010 my cholesterol was 236. The “good” was not high enough and the “bad” was not low enough.
My doctor wanted to put me on medicine. I asked him to give me a chance to do something about it myself first. He gave me an order to get the cholesterol checked in January of 2011.
My friend Jan had told me about you, so I looked up your website and signed up and ordered Cholesteine. My husband started fixing organic steel cut oats for me. He added a little honey and stevia to them. I eat a bowl of the oats almost every morning for breakfast.
On Nov. 11, 2010 my cholesterol was checked again and it was 198. Two months later, on January 17, 2011 my cholesterol was checked again. My doctor’s office called and told me my cholesterol was 180. The nurse said the “good” is higher than the goal and the “bad” is lower than the goal. The doctor said to continue what I was doing and he’d see me next Sept. for my annual check up.
The Cholesteine and steel cut oats are the only change I have made to my diet. We eat a lot of chicken breasts and other healthy stuff, salads, veggies, etc. However, breakfast is my favorite meal and that’s what I order many times when we eat out. We don’t buy hardly any beef but get a hamburger sometimes. I would say the bulk of our diet is pretty healthy but I eat what I want.
I know that the Cholesteine and the oats have made all the difference! I would encourage anyone to try the Cholesteine before giving in to pharmaceuticals. Pharma always has such a long list of side effects! Thank you for doing what you do and being there!
Judy Porter
Anderson IN
Dear Dr. Garland,
I turned 50 this year and since I never go to the doctor, my wife was adamant I have a physical and blood workup done. I’ve been healthy and athletic all of my life, so my weight was fine and bodyfat was less than 15%, but my cholesterol and blood pressure were high – really high.
I eat well (or so I thought) and my dad always had high cholesterol, so the doctor said it was hereditary and there was nothing I could do about it. He wrote me a prescription for a cholesterol drug, but I said “no thanks” and wanted to see if I could lower it naturally.
I called a friend who put me in touch with you, and you opened my eyes about what a good diet really is.
I also read your book, Kill Cholesterol Before Cholesterol Kills You, and made the commitment to switch to a plant-based diet, although I must admit I was concerned how I would get enough protein to maintain muscle size and strength. I always thought that was what animal meat was for.
I also started taking the formulas recommended: Cholesteine, Liquid Minerals, Nattokinase Max, Liv-RX and Omega 3/6/9.
I work in construction and the guys normally eat fast food for lunch. I would bring a big salad for lunch and they teased me. For the first few weeks, I didn’t really feel much different, but I kept with the program. And then I realized something – the guys couldn’t keep up with me in the afternoons. I had all this energy and they were sluggish and always wanting to stop and take a break.
After 6 months, I went back to the doctor for a blood test, thinking for sure I’d made some progress. He said he’d call me in a few days and we would discuss the results.
Later that night, he called and asked, “What are you doing?” I thought, “Oh no, what’s wrong?” My LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) dropped 55 points, from 164 to 109! He couldn’t believe it.
He said, “nobody drops their cholesterol like this without drugs… people might lower their cholesterol by 20 points, but no one lowers it like this!” He then said, “well, I guess there’s no need to put you on a statin drug now.”
Thanks Dr. G. Your program and changing to a plant-based lifestyle has made an incredible difference in my energy, how I sleep and best of all lowered my cholesterol!
Ken Terrell
Conifer, CO
Dr G’s comments:
I read something recently that puts this into dramatic perspective.
“By making the right lifestyle choices and lowering cholesterol, most people could reduce their risk of death from heart disease by 80 per cent, maybe more without drugs.”
Over half a billion people worldwide are now classified as obese. This is a heart disease tsunami in the making.
The very first and the easiest thing to do is to slash your high cholesterol levels.
Your destiny is literally in your hands with this newsletter and our formulas.
Please do something, for you, your family and your loved ones.”
And make sure to read Tuesday’s newsletter, as we introduce a dramatic, natural means to lower blood pressure in honor of American Heart Month.
Above, after reading “Two Cholesterol Miracles” dated Feb.4, 2011 there’s a comment by WG at the bottom of the article that caught my attention.
It is: And make sure to read Tuesday’s newsletter, as we introduce a
dramatic, natural means to lower blood pressure in honor of American
Heart Month.
Please,is it possible for you to email this article to me? I’m searching for a natural replacement for the prescription presently taking.