"51 and in the Best Shape of My Life"

On my 44th birthday I signed up for a Sprint Triathlon race (750 yd swim, 13 mile bike ride and 5K run) as motivation to workout consistently. Like a lot of men, I had a busy career working extra hours, a family and sporadic exercise, often pushed to the weekends.

At 5-11 and 175lbs, I wasn’t that overweight, but I felt like the Pillsbury Doughboy, soft and pudgy. All the tricks I used when I was in my 30’s to drop the weight no longer worked. I just couldn’t lose those last 10 pounds. I avoided sugary treats, had several servings of fruits and vegetables each day, tried to boost my exercise, but nothing worked.

I remember attending a triathlon workshop for first timers and thought, “I can do this.” Instead of driving to work everyday, I started riding my bicycle the 10 miles each way 2 days a week. The other days, I would go for a walk/run or swim. I lost about 5 pounds during the 2 1/2 months of training.

I’ll never forget that first race. I finished in 1 hour, 45 minutes and was hooked! The event was so much fun, but after the high wore off, I was exhausted for the rest of day. And sore for the next 3 days.

Image of Dale Aychman, 51, running.I’m now 51 and have competed in more than a dozen triathlons since that first race. My weight fluctuated between 170-175 lbs, no matter how much I exercised or how well I ate, until 2 years ago when I made the decision to go vegetarian.

Like many of us, I thought I needed animal protein to maintain muscle, but after watching the movie Forks Over Knives, I was convinced that wasn’t true. I went on our 14 Day Detox Program after reading John Keefe’s story, figuring I could use a good “clean out” and dropped 5 pounds without even trying.

More significantly, I noticed I wasn’t as tired as I used to be. I could exercise harder and recover faster.

Continue reading “"51 and in the Best Shape of My Life"”

'Plant Proteins' Saved My Life!

“Hi! My name is Micheline – that’s me on the horse – and I would love to tell you about how I switched to a plant-strong diet and how it’s completely changed my life – in fact, it saved me!

I became interested in changing my diet once I realized Florida’s weather was cooling down and I couldn’t enjoy it anymore due to my new hot flash experiences.

I am very grateful to Wayne, whose advice has been very helpful to me and my family for more than 10 years.

So, I decided to just take the jump, pick up the phone and call.  Wayne and his team explained to me how changing my diet can not only help me get healthy from the inside but will also allow me to enjoy the cooler Florida weather!

The advice about starting a vegetarian diet was very appealing, yet I wondered, how would I be able to make such a switch? How would I keep my hunger at bay? Protein intake is so important! I wanted it NOW, yet my schedule was packed. Where will I find time to gather all the answers?

Luckily for me, when the student is ready, the teacher appears – the Community Kitchen’s protein information article was immensely helpful!

Armed with my personal summary of the article, I marched to the health food store along with all sorts of questions. Voila!  45 minutes later, I had all kinds of never before seen stuff to make very yummy, vegetarian meals.

So, I turned to the Community Kitchen folks again (bless their hearts!) and asked for more help.

Please, please can you assist me with easy, yummy recipes so my husband can also get on board with this new way of cooking.

Bingo! Again, Pamela came alongside me and now, surprisingly (mostly to me!), we have been enjoying some wonderful dinners! I never knew how easy this could be with a little bit of help from these amazing people.

When you get to the point where you want to start experimenting with vegetarian/vegan lifestyle, you need to consider the assistance of these extraordinary folks and get ready for the surprise of your life! My husband still cannot believe the tasty omelets have no eggs in it and tonight we ate the best vegan BBQ ever!

This is honestly exciting and I believe you too will enjoy the process as much as we have.

And thank you Community Kitchen people for making this such an effortless event.”

Micheline Voets

Continue reading “'Plant Proteins' Saved My Life!”

"How I Beat Breast Cancer"

Hi, my name is Suzanne Pierce.

Some of you may remember my video testimonial when I got my “All Clear” from the doctors about my fight with Breast Cancer. I can’t believe it but this video was recorded 3 long years ago.

And guess what? I’m still CANCER FREE!

My biggest fear, like any other woman who has battled Breast Cancer, is that it would come back.

What did I do to keep the cancer at bay? I did everything Dr. G told me to do!

I didn’t question anything – even though his program was a total change of lifestyle for me. I had to give up all dairy and my biggest love, cheese. He tossed this out immediately. “Dairy is like pouring gasoline on the breast cancer fire within you!” he said. No red meat. No chicken. No eggs. Even no fish! I went totally “Vegan”.

He got me to walk. And walk. And walk. Every day. Recently I ran in a Susan J. Komen 10K Race for the Cure and I won my age group!
Continue reading “"How I Beat Breast Cancer"”

1st Diabetes Miracle of 2013

“It was a miracle!”

Talk to any conventional doctor and they’ll tell you – “Diabetes is incurable!”

The alternative, natural medicine world TOTALLY DISAGREES.

Want some instant proof?

Read the following amazing testimonial from one of our customers who saw his Diabetic Neuropathy foot condition disappear in just 3 weeks.

Without drugs.

We want to hear your amazing story too, so we can share it with others throughout the year. (Find out more at the conclusion of this amazing story.)


a photo of David MiodDear Wayne,

I have had great results with the Treat Your Feet” product!

My diabetic feet have been cracked and sore for the longest time and I have tried several creams and lotions to try and heel them including using Neosporin ointment to heal the cracks. “Treat Your Feet” is the first cream that has provided me total relief from cracking, and dry skin.

The best part: I felt huge results in just 3 days! Now my heels are smooth and not dry or cracked. The bone on the side of my foot, below my big toe was inflamed, and swollen. Now, the redness is gone, and I feel so much relief from the pain associated with the start of arthritis in my toes. Also, the yellowing of my toenails has almost gone away. One of my toes has a toe fungus that splits the toenail and it appears the fungus has stopped growing and is starting to heal.

I have only been using this cream for 3 weeks and have been applying it twice daily. An amazing product! My feet thank you so much!

David Miod

If Treat Your Feet Rescue Cream works miracles on diabetic feet, just imagine how it will work on yours!

a photo of Connie AlbrightDear Wayne,

I absolutely love Treat Your Feet!

I have had the WORST dry, cracked, and bleeding heels since I moved to a dry climate, and have tried – literally everything – including prescription lotions and ointments. Some worked for a little while, then they stopped, and my feet are worse than ever.

I was often in pain and hated to be barefoot because my feet were so ugly.

I started using Treat Your Feet when it became as soon as it became available and the results were amazing. My feet were cracked so badly, they were bleeding. After 2 days of using Treat Your Feet my feet were already visibly healing and after a week, no more cracks – at all! It was a miracle.

Thank you! Now I LOVE MY FEET and can’t wait for summer!

Connie Albright

Continue reading “1st Diabetes Miracle of 2013”

My knees say "Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!"

If you could “bottle enthusiasm”, you’d see a picture of Dawn. She is one of our truly wonderful customers.

Dawn is a professional singer and entertainer, having danced and performed on stage for nearly 30 years. She owns and manages a tribute group featuring Big Band music of the 1940’s and an energetic Golden Oldies show with Rock & Roll hits of the 50’s and 60’s.

Watch and listen as Dawn tells it like it is – how she followed our dietary recommendations and used our formulas to reverse chronic knee pain that was limiting her ability to move on stage, rejuvenate a sluggish thyroid of 13 years, and lower her cholesterol from 353 to 210 in just 10 weeks.

Be forewarned – put on your seat belt on before you click the video play button below. Dawn is pure, unadulterated energy.



What a story! All this can happen for you too, if you want it bad enough like Dawn did.

While our formulas played their part, it all came together because of Dawn’s passion, enthusiasm and zest for life. I believe this is truly what ignited the healing force within her.

That is the magic of Contagious Health.


P.S. The formulas Dawn used are Structural Lubrication with Celadrin, Thyroid Energy and Cholesteine. Click on the links or the pictures below to learn more about each specific formula. We also suggest using the search box in the upper right to find additional articles and customer’s stories about these products.

"God calls me friend"

Nearly thirty years ago now (but a heartbeat away in real time), I asked God in a prayer that if he would give me a second chance at life and help me beat cancer, I would do anything for Him whenever he ever asked.

I got “the call” when I met one of his tireless, inexhaustible angels in Ellason Castiglione. She came into my life through her non-denominational ministry called “Clean Heart Ministries” where she helps anyone who crosses her path.

As a minister and motivational speaker, Ellason spends a lot of time on her feet, but as far back as she can remember, she has suffered from chronic pain and a lack of energy. When we first met, she was having injections into her knees to relieve the pain due to lost cartilage.

Now, not quite a year later, Ellason is pain-free and with more energy than she can ever remember having. Click play on the video below and allow Ellason tell you how it happened.

My name is Ellason Castiglione

For many years, I suffered with joint pain, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia. In my younger years, I was never as energetic as the other kids on my block. I have fought fatigue since I can remember. In addition, I have no cartilage in my knees and had to have injections to enable me to walk without severe pain. Three years ago, I had my foot operated on and the bones never healed. I could hardly walk at times and I was frantic because I am a motivational speaker and must stand for hours to deliver my message.
Continue reading “"God calls me friend"”

My Waist Shrunk 2 Inches!

Do me a favor and pinch your tummy between your finger and thumb. Feel that soft, squishy tissue? That’s abdominal fat and it’s a sure sign of early-onset obesity and possible high blood pressure, cholesterol and heart disease.

I think we have the surest, safest and sure-fire way to get rid of this with our famous 14-day Easy Cleanse Detox Program.

It’s easy, simple to do and the pounds AND INCHES just melt off. One of our team members, Dale, put it to the test and the results were fabulous, read what he has to say. This could be you.

a photo of Dale Aychman

My name is Dale and I have heard so many great stories about our 14-day Easy Cleanse Detox program, that I wanted to try it for myself.

I signed up for a Half-Ironman triathlon race this summer and the Detox program seemed like an ideal way to start the new year and kick-start my training. I wanted to “clean out my system” and lose some bodyfat so I could recovery quicker from workouts.

I turn 49 this year and like a lot of men, I have a little roll of fat around my belly that just won’t go away, no matter how hard or often I workout.

After 7 days on the cleanse, I noticed my waistline was definitely thinner. After 14 days, I lost 2 inches off my waist! I was excited to fit into a pair of jeans that were gathering dust in my closet for years.

I discovered a couple of tricks that helped me during the Detox.
Continue reading “My Waist Shrunk 2 Inches!”

Two Cholesterol Miracles, "You're Next"!

Look to your left, now look to your right. Of every three people in America, one has high blood pressure and the other has high cholesterol. (Source: CDC)

No wonder cardiovascular disease, including stroke, continue to be America’s #1 killer.

And the drug companies have most of the traditional medical doctors fooled, as they immediately reach for their prescription pad to treat the “symptom” instead of addressing the underlying “problem.”

Read today’s customer stories, times two, who DRASTICALLY lowered their cholesterol, without dangerous drugs.

Dear Dr. Garland,

photo of Judy Porter

On Sept. 11, 2010 my cholesterol was 236. The “good” was not high enough and the “bad” was not low enough.

My doctor wanted to put me on medicine. I asked him to give me a chance to do something about it myself first. He gave me an order to get the cholesterol checked in January of 2011.

My friend Jan had told me about you, so I looked up your website and signed up and ordered Cholesteine. My husband started fixing organic steel cut oats for me. He added a little honey and stevia to them. I eat a bowl of the oats almost every morning for breakfast.

On Nov. 11, 2010 my cholesterol was checked again and it was 198. Two months later, on January 17, 2011 my cholesterol was checked again. My doctor’s office called and told me my cholesterol was 180. The nurse said the “good” is higher than the goal and the “bad” is lower than the goal. The doctor said to continue what I was doing and he’d see me next Sept. for my annual check up.

The Cholesteine and steel cut oats are the only change I have made to my diet. We eat a lot of chicken breasts and other healthy stuff, salads, veggies, etc. However, breakfast is my favorite meal and that’s what I order many times when we eat out. We don’t buy hardly any beef but get a hamburger sometimes. I would say the bulk of our diet is pretty healthy but I eat what I want.

I know that the Cholesteine and the oats have made all the difference! I would encourage anyone to try the Cholesteine before giving in to pharmaceuticals. Pharma always has such a long list of side effects! Thank you for doing what you do and being there!


Judy Porter
Anderson IN

Continue reading “Two Cholesterol Miracles, "You're Next"!”

"Pepper", the dog that became a person

“Do you remember the old Bee Gees hit, How Deep Is Your Love?

When Mike Calabrese, one of our wonderful, long-term customers wrote to me about how our formulas had helped save his dog’s life, the Bee Gees chimed in immediately from my memory bank and I just had to let you all hear what Mike’s dog “Pepper” means to him in so many ways.

In the midst of the thunder and lightning around us all right now, take a moment and see how wonderful life really can be.”

Dear Dr Garland,

a photo of Mike Calabrese and his dog PepperI have known you for about 16-17 years now. I have used your products with phenomenal results (and as a matter of fact I am breaking in between thoughts to take everything for your detox as I write this,) I have recommended you and your line to a lot of people, and swear by you, who you are, what you do, and your amazing products you make.

About a month ago my best friend Pepper (seen in the picture with me) was struck with Vestibular Disease/Syndrome. For the people who do not know what that is, it is very similar to a Stroke in dogs. God has not blessed me with children yet, but he did send me Pepper who is without a doubt my son. Although my boy will be 15 years old this month (Feb 2011) I have a hard time facing the fact that he is getting up in age since I met him and have had him apart of my life since he was 1 1/2 years old.

The Vet gave him antibiotics right away, however, that is when I called you once there was a diagnosis of what he had. I have always made sure Pepper has had the best of everything with top of the line dog food…although his diet has changed a few times over the years; never letting him ingest tap water since I’ve had him, and thanks to you he gets water from your water treatment, which I change at least 2 times a day to always keep it fresh; and no matter what is going on in my life, I always make sure he gets a walk every day over the Spring, Summer, and Fall; and so much more. I will not walk him during the winter months since there is salt on the roads.

That “so much more” also includes making sure he gets the best herbs and minerals on the face of this earth. I do have to admit, though, that I stopped giving him the Shark Liver Oil when he kept taking the gel cap out of his bowl prior to the disease. The day I called you, I was very unsure of our future together, of my boy and I, since he, within a matter of 10 minutes, went from very energetic and his normal happy-go-lucky self to no balance with his equilibrium off & his eyes twitching; acting as though he had no idea where he was or what was going on, and he was very weak. He was also scared I believe since he didn’t know what was happening. The disease struck suddenly.

Dr Garland, you really know how to put a person’s mind at ease. The day I called you, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a mess. The vet said it would be at least 2 weeks before I saw any type of sign of improvement. There was no doubt in your mind though, just as long as I do what you said, he would be just fine. You told me to get him back on the Shark Liver Oil, but this time pierce the gel cap and let the drops go into the food; increase his D3-K2, and increase his drops of Life Transfusion. Although, to cover the fish taste, I now mix a little bit of chicken breast into the mixture of food, herbs, and minerals, it made a big difference to let the oil go directly into the food. As of late, I have heard that a lot of dogs Love fish. Pepper is unfortunately not one of them. He can’t resist chicken though, which I cook for him with no salt, oil, or anything.

Continue reading “"Pepper", the dog that became a person”

"This stuff is dynamite!" – Amy Wolfe

An image of Age-Less Rx anti-inflammatory nutritional supplement bottle
Retail: $38.95
Preferred: $26.97

Last month we introduced an extraordinary new formula called Age-Less Rx, that we think has the capability to “turn back the hands of time,” by lowering inflammation at the cellular level.

Our news report Inflammation: The Secret Killer, shares an in-depth analysis about chronic inflammation and how it may be the engine that drives many of the most feared illnesses of middle and old age. If you missed the article, I urge you click on the link above and take a few minutes right now to read it.

In last Friday’s newsletter, “Dr. Adaptogenics will see you now” we introduced you to the lead ingredient in Age-Less Rx, Holy Basil, revered throughout India, the East and Ayurvedic medicine for its extensive adaptogenic powers.

We are so excited about what this formula can do, that when Amy’s email came in, we just had to share it with everyone!

Dear Dr. Garland,

I’ve been taking your new Age-Less formula for 3 weeks now and it is dynamite! The Miracle of Life formula is out of stock and Age-Less has picked up right where Miracle has left off — well almost anyway.

A photo of Amy WolfeFirst off, I’m an active person and all of your products work extremely well, however, Age-Less has given me an unbelievable recovery from workouts. I enjoy running the soccer fields and then lifting weights. I’m bench pressing 10 more pounds than last week and am not sore at all – I expected to be a little sore the next day, but that is not the case. I’m running faster and once again, expecting to feel discomfort and it’s not there.

Age-Less not only helps to preserve your body from the inside out, but another fantastic benefit I’ve experienced is more energy for sex. I’m motivated, it’s on my mind, and makes me happy.

I love this product! I can’t wait until Miracle of Life is back in stock – these two products together will be amazing.

Dr. Garland you are brilliant! Keep on amazing us… you do it well!

Amy Wolfe
Newark, DE

Try it for yourself, as Amy says so well, “this stuff is dynamite in a bottle!”

Dr. G