Every day now it seems, we get requests to come and give one of our special, one-hour presentations in cities all across the country.
I’d just love to give one every single day if I could, like I did years ago with the giant Equinox International company.
Well, we’ve come up with the next best thing.
With special thanks to John Street of Inpoint Productions, a long time customer who runs a video production company, we have a professional recording of a presentation I delivered in Miami recently in front of a live audience of over 4000 people.
The presentation runs for an hour, and will give you everything you need to know about me, how I develop our formulas and why they will trigger the greatest health you’ve ever experienced – “Contagious Health” is what I call it.
Sit back, put out a bowl of organic popcorn and hit the Play button – away we go! (Click on on the photo below and a new window will open on YouTube to play the video.)
We have created a special page on our website where you can send friends and family to watch this video and read more about my personal journey to healing, including my educational studies and background.
This page can be found across the top navigation buttons on our website. Rollover the About Us tab and then click on Dr. Garland’s Story.
My very best wishes for your health and happiness.
Dr. Wayne Garland