Dr. Garland – Live – New Jersey, August 22nd

Invite - Dr. Garland - NJ August 22nd

Join me August 22nd for my first live speech in the Tri-State area in over 10 years.

With special thanks to Lisa DeCrescente, President of the NY Art Group, I will be speaking in Jersey City on Saturday, August 22nd from 6-8pm at Subia’s Organic Cafe and Market, 503 Jersey Avenue, Jersey City, NJ.

Click on the picture for the invitation and post a comment below or email me if you intend to come.

(Admission is FREE and seating is first come – first served.  Room capacity is approximately 60 people.)

The Body As Doctor

Together we will uncover the secrets of triggering “Contagious Health” in our bodies. These secrets were revealed to me over the past 20+ years in my own journey of recovery from terminal cancer.

You will hear live testimonials from several of my patients as they share their own stories of recovery from Stage 4 Cancer, Lupus, Diabetes and Heart Disease, using natural methods, without dangerous drugs, radiation or chemotherapy!

I will also share a recent scientific breakthrough that many researchers are calling “The Fountain of Youth“, that holds promise to actually reverse the effects of aging, allowing us to live healthy, active, vibrant lives to 100 years old (or longer), without the ravages of heart disease, arthritis, memory loss and more.

This will be a “Don’t Miss” event!

18 Replies to “Dr. Garland – Live – New Jersey, August 22nd”

  1. I am forever grateful to Dr. Garland for guiding me to healthier lungs. I could not walk up the stairs without breathing heavily. His mganificent products and guidance about my diet have kept me out of the doctors office and breathing normally. I am a follower forever.

  2. Wayne,
    We haven’t seen you in over 10 years, it would be great to see you and hear your voice again
    Kass & Pete

  3. Dear Dr. G!
    Linda Deane and I would be delighted to see you on the 22nd! It’s been too long! Thanks for all your guidance and wisdom over the years!

  4. Please reserve a seat for Linda too – her email is and she’s love to be on your newletter list too.

  5. Dr. Garland, I am one of your regular customer and a telephone consultee. I’m sorry I can’t make it to NJ. Do you plan to have it in Fort Lauderdale any time or even online so that I can read about the important features and testimonies of the event? I would really like to get the information. Sounds like it is important.

  6. Hi! Doc!!!!
    I sure wish I could attend your session! I will be in contact with you soon to chat about what’s been going on in both our worlds!
    There will be a time when I can freely hop on a plane and see/hear you in person!
    Blessings and I know you’ll keep-up the excellent work/labors of love!
    Animallover-Jan and My Critter-Crew!

  7. Dr. Garland, Appreciate the invite. I have not seen you speak since 1997 in Cleavland. Would love to hear you speek. We would love to have you come a bit closer to the mid-west or Southwest.

  8. This is an amazing opportunity! I will be there and can not wait to learn how to “cancer proof” in 97 days! Look forward to seeing you!


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