Vitamin K2 proven to lower cancer risk

A ground-breaking study was released this week documenting the Vitamin K intake of nearly 25,000 people, linking higher intakes of “the Forgotten Vitamin” with lower incidence of cancer, particularly lung and prostate cancers.

Wed, Mar 31 2010
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)
– People with higher intakes of vitamin K are far less likely to develop or die of cancer, particularly lung or prostate cancers.

A just-released study from Germany, reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, appears to be the first to look at the association between Vitamin K intake and the risk of developing or dying from cancer in general.

Vitamin K exists in two natural forms: vitamin K1, or phylloquinone, found largely in green leafy vegetables, as well as some vegetable oils, such as canola and soybean oils; and vitamin K2, or menaquinone, which are found in the most powerful form in fermented soy cheese called “Nattokinase”.

In the current study, Vitamin K2 — was linked to the odds of developing or dying from cancer, whereas vitamin K1 was not.

The findings are based on data from 24,340 German adults who were between the ages of 35 and 64, and cancer-free at the outset. The researchers estimated the participants’ usual vitamin K intake based on a detailed dietary questionnaire.

Over the next decade, 1,755 participants were diagnosed with colon, breast, prostate or lung cancers, of whom 458 died during the study period.

In general, the researchers found, the one quarter with the highest intakes of vitamin K2 were 28 percent less likely to have died of any one of the cancers than the one-quarter of men and women with the lowest intakes of the vitamin. That was with factors like age, weight, exercise habits, smoking and consumption of certain other nutrients, like fiber and calcium, taken into account.

Of the one-quarter of study participants who got the least vitamin K2, 156 — or 2.6 percent — died of one of the four cancers. That was true of 1.6 percent of participants with the highest intakes of the vitamin from food.

Click here to read the rest of the report.

SOURCE: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, online March 24, 2010.

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God, my Daughter & Thyroid Cancer

“When my daughter Ashley turned 16, we found out she had thyroid cancer. I have a deep faith in God and all of our family prayed so hard for her to be saved.

Ashley Navarro The Comeback Kid
Ashley Navarro The Comeback Kid

Ashley is now 21, but back then we didn’t know anything. The doctors said surgery was the only way to go, that it was “a matter of life or death.”

Every day since then has been one long, dark nightmare, especially for my little girl. Would I ever see her become the magnificent young woman that I knew was within her?

Not only did they cut out her thyroid but they removed most of her lymph glands as well. For four long years, its been one trip after another to the hospital in West Palm Beach. It seemed that with every visit, the doctors would say that her counts were still climbing and there was residual cancer around her neck area.

But I know something, maybe you do too. The devil only comes to kill, rob and destroy and there is a God that can turn anything around if you ask him with all your heart.

A good friend told me that I needed to call Wayne Garland, a naturopathic doctor in Arkansas, who did things differently. So I gave him a call and incredible coincidences started happening.

He wanted Ashley on a special diet of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables that we were to make up as healing soups and also to juice and drink. Lo and behold, a friend turned up with a juicing machine and showed us how to get started. He had a bunch of pills too for Ashley’s thyroid and immune system. And no more partying and late nights out with friends (that was tough at first!) so Ashley could get lots of good sleep every night to help the healing process.

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18 Things You Need to Know About Vitamin D and Cancer

The number one question that seems to be on everyone’s mind that I get asked nearly every single day is:

“Will we ever find a cure for Cancer?”

Despite the billions spent on “breakthrough” drugs and invasive surgical procedures, modern medicine is still no closer to solving this cruel, baffling and epidemic disease than we were 39 years ago, in 1971, when President Nixon declared a “war on cancer”.

vitamin D and the SunWhat we in the world of Natural and Alternative Medicine have done however, is something the medical and pharmaceutical cartels haven’t even thought of attempting or achieving; figuring out a way to PREVENT cancer in the first place.

The discovery of Vitamin D-3 and its powerful means of short-circuiting Cancer is the greatest tool at everyone’s disposal – and it is why I am screaming from the rooftops for everyone to make it as essential as a breath of air to stay alive.

Recently I ran across 18 observations, comments and truths that everyone needs to know about Vitamin D-3 and fighting cancer.

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My Thyroid Recovery Miracle

Andrea Billewicz

During a routine physical exam in April 2004, my doctor noticed that I had an enlarged thyroid.  He sent me to get a sonogram to get a better look and a few days later it showed two nodules or growths; one on each side of my thyroid gland.  One was 1.2cm, the other just over twice that size.

I was then scheduled for a biopsy to check for cancerous cells and of course, the “c” word scared the heck out of me!

The results of the biopsy were inconclusive; the pathologist called them “suspicious.”  I called my doctor and he said they could be benign follicular nodules or malignant tumors. To be safe, he recommended surgery to remove the growths  and part, or possibly all, of my thyroid gland. He said that the only way to find out for sure if they were cancerous was to perform a tissue biopsy after removal.

“But don’t you worry,” my doctor said, “if they are malignant, surgically removing them will 100% cure the thyroid cancer.  And if they turn out to be benign, then it’s no big deal.  We’ll put you on synthetic hormone replacement medicine for the rest of your life, and you’ll be just fine.”

He gave me the name of a surgeon and urged me to schedule surgery to remove my thyroid. I was afraid. The doctor is always right, isn’t he?  Nobody wants to mess around when he spouts words like “malignant” or “cancer.”  I did as I was told and got on the phone right away and scheduled surgery.

But I Wasn’t Ready to Cut Out My Thyroid on a Hunch

Fortunately a small, but saner part of my mind totally balked at the willy-nilly chopping out of my God-given thyroid gland, on the unsubstantiated hunch that it may have malignant tumors.

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Mother Teresa of Natural Healing

Lena Sanchez
Lena Sanchez

“My name is Lena Sanchez.

If you’ve got ten minutes, I’ve got a story I’d like to tell you.

It’s all about my lifelong search for health and peace, first for myself and then to everyone I can reach out to with my message, that doctors and drugs will kill you and to keep away from both at all times.

From the moment I was born it seems, I’ve had one medical crisis after another trying to stay alive. I got married at 21 and in the first 4 years, trying to start a family, I had four premature babies and one miscarriage.

After the birth of my 4th child, I was suddenly overwhelmed with pain in every part of my body. It was then that I started a search from some kind of relief from the never ending pain and constant fatigue.

The medication the doctors put me on made everything worse. I came down with Meinere’s Disease really severe; the vertigo seemed present every single day. For weeks at a time I couldn’t move my head without spinning out of control. Never a night went by without just turning over in bed triggering vertigo and vomiting.

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Top Ten Breast Cancer Prevention Tips

Photo: AP
Photo: AP

Earlier this week, the White House put up a giant pink ribbon over the front steps in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Follow these “Top Ten” vital tips to help prevent Breast Cancer from occurring in the first place.

This Health Alert is not just for women – men need to know this information too!


1. Get regular mammograms. It sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised how many women don’t.

Earlier this month, an Australian study found that women who get regular mammograms had a 4.7 percent risk of dying of breast cancer; women who weren’t screened had a 56 percent mortality rate. Some women “hate” mammograms, I don’t like them either, see Tip #3 below.

2. Find out whether you or women close to you have “dense breasts”.

What does this mean? It means the breast cells grow and multiply more rapidly, raising your risk. Plus dense breasts make it harder for a mammogram to “see” through the tissue and detect a tumor.

While dense breast tissue is more common in younger women who haven’t yet had children, it’s also hereditary and can affect any woman. I have a dear 43-year-old friend whose breast tumor failed to show up on three years’ worth of mammograms before her doctor finally ordered an MRI.

How to find out? Schedule a breast exam and ask your doctor. Also talk to the radiologist who’s administering your mammogram.

3. Ask your doctor to recommend other tests.

Surprise: Mammograms are only 16 to 40 percent accurate, studies show.

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Breakfast of Champions to Fight Thyroid Cancer?

What follows below is an unsolicited report from the front lines in the fight against cancer. It comes from a wonderful person, a very close friend, whose mother just last week was “treated” for a major thyroid cancer.   Read her story describing the procedure and post-op, detailing the madness of the medical profession’s thinking and the lack of even basic nutritional knowledge of how to heal someone.

Read it and weep – I did.

October 7, 2009

Hi Dr Garland,

My mother, as you know, has been diagnosed with cancer once again. As an 8-year Breast Cancer “Survivor” it was quite a shock to the family when we were told cancer had returned. She opted to go the “Doctor” route and have invasive surgery once again, this time having her Thyroid totally removed.

Out of respect for my mother’s wishes, even though I didn’t agree with her choice, I supported her decision and set out to take care of her in her time of need.

My mother was asked about any products she had been taking prior to the surgery. She was taking Prozac and a well-known cancer drug, which didn’t raise any concerns, but when she mentioned she was taking your Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex and your Miracle of Life formula, the 23 year old doctor’s assistant launched into a long dissertation about the dangers of these potentially toxic (all natural!) products that could cause additional risk to the ultimate outcome of her surgery.

I wanted to jump out of my seat and strangle him.

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Milk and Meat Linked to Pancreatic Cancer

Patrick Swayze died earlier this week – a victim of pancreatic cancer – a terrible way to go, but one that I believe could have been totally avoided, or at least his life could have been significantly prolonged.

Robert Cohen, the researcher and a wonderful friend of mine, tells me that in the eight months before his death, because Patrick lost so much weight from chemotherapy, that his so-called highly paid “advisors” told him to consume an ultra-high-fat diet, including ice cream, cheese and pudding.

With films like Red Dawn, Dirty Dancing and dozens of other films to his credit, Patrick Swayze is now a “Ghost” for having chosen “cancer fuel” as his cancer cure.   If only Patrick Swayze had seen this in time:

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Tobacco to Kill 6 Million Next Year

The third edition of The Tobacco Atlas was unveiled at the LiveSTRONG Global Cancer Summit in Dublin, Ireland on Tuesday this week.

The atlas, published by the American Cancer Society and World Lung Foundation, displays how tobacco impacts global health and economies and tracks the progress and outcomes of tobacco control.

Tobacco use will kill nearly 6 million people next year from cancer, heart disease, emphysema and a range of other ills, global cancer experts said in the report, and estimated costs to the global economy of $500 billion a year in direct medical expenses, lost productivity and environmental harm.

Tobacco accounts for one out of every 10 deaths worldwide and will claim 5.5 million lives this year alone, the report said.

If current trends hold, by 2020, the number will grow to an estimated 7 million and top 8 million by 2030.

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"DMG" – Russian's Secret Weapon in the Olympics

For several years I have been helping children with autism make giant strides in their mental capacities. Autism is a frightening epidemic and getting worse by the moment.

The biggest thing that turns children around is an extraordinary discovery I made that the Russian’s used to super-boost their athletes for the Olympics. So too did the East Germans when they were at the forefront of Olympic performance and records.

Mislabeled for years as vitamin B-15, DMG is an effective energy booster, stamina-enhancer and cardiovascular-building nutrient, as it makes the process of metabolism in the body quicker and more efficient.

It is a super-oxygenation, metabolic enhancer that pumps tremendous fuel into the cells. DMG also promotes healthy neurotransmitter function, supporting the central nervous system glycine receptor, maintaining a healthy amino acid balance within the central nervous system.

Muhammad Ali even called it his “secret weapon” in becoming the heavyweight champion of the world.

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