"DMG" – Russian's Secret Weapon in the Olympics

For several years I have been helping children with autism make giant strides in their mental capacities. Autism is a frightening epidemic and getting worse by the moment.

The biggest thing that turns children around is an extraordinary discovery I made that the Russian’s used to super-boost their athletes for the Olympics. So too did the East Germans when they were at the forefront of Olympic performance and records.

Mislabeled for years as vitamin B-15, DMG is an effective energy booster, stamina-enhancer and cardiovascular-building nutrient, as it makes the process of metabolism in the body quicker and more efficient.

It is a super-oxygenation, metabolic enhancer that pumps tremendous fuel into the cells. DMG also promotes healthy neurotransmitter function, supporting the central nervous system glycine receptor, maintaining a healthy amino acid balance within the central nervous system.

Muhammad Ali even called it his “secret weapon” in becoming the heavyweight champion of the world.

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Unheard Remedy For Chronic Pain and Clogged Arteries

Just when you think you know everything about the power of natural healing, along comes a new discovery that rewrites the history books.

That’s what you are about to read all about, courtesy of one of my patients who sent me a sample and the background to an extraordinary compound, unheard of in America until now, that has equally extraordinary power to dramatically dissolve clogged arteries, reduce painful inflammation and stop pain “cold in its tracks”.

And it’s not a drug. No prescription needed or dangerous side-effects to contend with. Mother Nature to the rescue, once again.

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