Life as Viewed from the Garden

I originally received this article from Heronswood Gardens, a fabulous nursery and plant farm in Warminster, PA and thought it was so good and captures so much of what I believe in, that I just had to share it with you all. For unusually great plants, shipped anywhere, visit their website.

Reprinted with permission from the author, George Ball.

“My thoughts grow in the garden. Every time I garden, it is as if I have been transplanted to a different psychic realm. Here my thoughts take a cosmic turn. Big Questions seem to flourish among the tomatoes, zucchini and corn. The static of the day’s practical concerns is replaced by tangible forms of Life, Freedom, Eternity, Faith.

Standing in the garden the other day, pondering the effects of the insistent spring rains on the vegetables and flowers, I drifted from the damp earth to the vastnesses of space and time. I had read about the Hubbell telescope and the new cosmic realms that it was uncovering. I found myself pondering how, as science progresses, time and space grow ever larger, while our world and tenure of existence are ever shrinking.

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