1000-year-old Female Hormone Balancing Secret Revealed

When I was in China 25 years ago, I asked the professor at the Institute where I was studying why I had never heard any of the Asian woman discuss hot flashes, mood swings or PMS?

He said there was a reason. It started with their diet.

Milk was not what we think of here in the USA.  Milk in China is organic, rich and creamy, non-GMO soy milk. Chinese women have been drinking this for thousands of years.  They also drank a special herbal tea called “Eternal Flame”.

As you can imagine, I immediately seized the formula and ingredients and brought them with me back to America.  Overnight, Balanced Woman became one of our top selling formulas and still is, 20 years later.

Women raved about it and still do because it works!

The amazing tea all Chinese women drink has special herbs, twigs, sticks, fruits and vitamins, nourishing the female hormonal factory and regulating the production of the essential estrogen and progesterone hormones every woman’s body needs – and it involved no pharmaceuticals!  No drug could even possibly accomplish what Balanced Woman can.

The proof is in the pudding. Ask any woman who starts taking it – and ask their husband or boyfriend what they think of it too! Men love the change in their woman when taking they start taking this formula – and if you have daughters, Balanced Woman is perfect for balancing cycles, relieving symptoms of PMS, bloating, mood swings, and cravings!

Continue reading “1000-year-old Female Hormone Balancing Secret Revealed”

Lovin' me some (BOOST) Progesterone!

“Hi!  My name is Connie and this picture is me sweating my way through menopause! Well, I’m sweating in my Bikram Yoga class, praying a lot, going on daily walks and occasional runs, AND using natural bio-identical BOOST Progesterone.

I first discovered Progesterone when I was pregnant with my second child.  I had been diagnosed as infertile after trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant for almost 4 years.  I’d had a miscarriage and my ob/gyn did blood work and discovered I was almost completed depleted of Progesterone.  According to my doctor, I would be unable to get pregnant or keep a pregnancy without medical intervention.   I desperately wanted to have another child and my daughter Bekah cried herself to sleep at night, praying for a baby sister.

Because I was unknowledgeable and afraid, I trusted my doctor who dosed me with massive amounts of hormones to help me get pregnant, and then prescribed oral progesterone to help me keep the pregnancy.

I FINALLY got pregnant after 3 horrific months of fertility treatment.  I was like a hormonal zombie! I could barely function.  I thought it was all worth it when the pregnancy test came back positive!  For the next several months, I continued to endure the oral progesterone, even though I spotted and thought several times I was having a miscarriage.  My second daughter, Hannah,  was born in May.  I was SO overjoyed but immediately began to suffer from postpartum depression.

This time, rather than turning to my doctor, I asked a dear friend of mine, who is a nurse/midwife, what she uses to help women suffering from depression.  She told me all about natural topical USP Progesterone Cream.  She had used Progesterone throughout her menopausal years and felt like it was the best solution for every woman.

I immediately bought several jars and used it morning, noon and night. I began feeling better that day, and over the next several months, I noticed I had lost my baby weight faster than I had during my first pregnancy and my skin and hair looked phenomenal!

The following year, we moved to Florida for my husband’s job.  The first week we were there, I found out I was pregnant – without using any drugs or hormones!  When our third child Hope was still breast-feeding, I got pregnant again!  Gloria was the easiest pregnancy of all.  I had literally ZERO morning sickness,  hardly gained any weight during pregnancy and she was by far, the easiest delivery.  I delivered her at home – with the help of my beloved midwife – without any pain meds.  I know without a doubt it was the Progesterone Cream!

Continue reading “Lovin' me some (BOOST) Progesterone!”

Life on a Wire

On June 15th, 2012, two hundred feet in the air above the roaring waters of Horseshoe Falls, the largest of Niagara Falls, daredevil Nik Wallenda walked 1,500 feet across on a 2 inch wide, tightrope.

His feat was historic. No one has ever crossed Niagara Falls before on a highwire.

33 year old Wallenda endured blinding mists and gusting winds from the powerful Falls below to cross in just 25 minutes.

Even with so many difficulties ahead of and below him, Nik Wallenda shared before the crossing the Falls that he hoped the experience would be “peaceful and relaxing.”

Watch the live news coverage of Nik Wallenda’s historic tightrope walk across Niagara Falls (Click here to watch the video.)

Looking down from 200 feet above the Falls, it’s impossible to imagine even the hint of peace and relaxation! Walking over Niagara Falls is the opposite of peaceful!

Think a second about your own life on a wire – commuting, your job, kid’s activities, family crisis, personal appointments – how often life feels like we are constantly on a wire walking across Niagara Falls, with the waters below roaring and threatening to pull us under.

Can you imagine the storms of life coming at us with hurricane force winds – and then feeling relaxed and at peace?
Restore Your Balance
Remember our philosophy of Body as Doctor? Your body knows what it needs and if you allow it to, it will naturally achieve “total balance” in a way that nothing else can.

Ancient Chinese herbalism teaches us of the Three Treasures, the essential energies that sustain human life.

  • Jing is like the base of a candle, what embodies and makes you who you are.
  • Qi (or Chi) is like the flame of the candle that burns, moving you throughout each day.
  • Shen is like the light from the candle; it is the Spirit and Light you share with the world.

Most of us run on Qi energy, always on the go at full-tilt. When we run out of fuel, we reach for another cup of coffee, soda or candy bar to power through until we collapse at night. Burning your “Chi” is like burning kindling instead of firewood. Kindling burns hot and fast and is gone before you know it. If you have ever suffered burnout, you know firsthand what I’m talking about.
Continue reading “Life on a Wire”