Your BODY Makes Chemo

Has anyone told you your body actually makes what it needs to fight cancer?

It’s true.

No one need endure the horrors of chemotherapy.

Your own body makes chemo.

Growing along the ocean floor of the pristine, isolated coastline of South America, is a marine algae which has the highest concentration of natural, bio-available Calcium in the entire world.

It is from this incredibly powerful calcium source that your body is able to create it’s own chemotherapy.

a photo of the e-book, The Key to All Health and Healing by Wayne GarlandTo help you understand how this process works, I have a present for you – my e-book The Key to All Health & Healing. Download your copy now, as it contains pertinent insight into what you are about to read in today’s newsletter.

What is that pertinent information?

It’s how the ancient oceans, going back some billions of years, were the breeding ground for the very first forms of life on this planet, long before man’s arrival.

Here is a snippet from the book:

“And when they went ashore, the animals that took up land life carried with them a part of the ocean in their bodies – a heritage that they passed on to their children, and which even today links each land animal with its origins in the ancient seas. Fish, amphibian and reptile, warm-blooded bird and mammal – each of us carries in our veins a salty stream in which the elements of sodium, potassium and calcium are combined in precisely the same proportions as in sea water.”

This is why blood plasma and purified ocean water are IDENTICAL!

And this has been the fundamental core of all my protocols and all my formulas since discovering this startling fact of our genetic heritage.

Read on to learn how Your BODY Makes Chemo!

In Chapter Two of this series, You are an Ocean, we explained in detail how minerals and trace minerals conduct life (electricity) through each cell, literally running our bodies. (If you missed the article, click here to read it.)

At the very core of our Miracle of Life formula is pure mineral and trace mineral power, from the ocean in a powdered form, delivering this genetic heritage to the body. This power is just one of the secrets that makes Miracle of Life so profoundly powerful compared to any other nutritional supplement or pharmaceutical drug available today.

Also from the ocean we have found what we believe to be the most extraordinary form of Calcium in the world. (I don’t know if it was a wonderful stroke of luck, coincidence or the universe revealing itself to us once again.)

This red marine algae, called Algas Calcaras™, grows naturally in the sandy, pristine coastline of Southern Brazil, attaching itself to seaweed on the ocean floor and naturally assimilating oceanic minerals and trace elements, growing into an amazing nutrient “complex”.

Continue reading “Your BODY Makes Chemo”

Miracle of Life: "This stuff is absolute dynamite!"

Dear Wayne,

I just wanted to tell you that my friend Sonia, who I called you about a couple of weeks ago, is doing amazing on the Miracle of Life vitamins. Her energy has returned and her wonderful smile. She cannot say enough good things about it.

Now she has the whole salon wanting the vitamins. So I will need to know how much money I will need to collect from each person. They all want your Miracle of Life!

Sonia wants – 1 bottle of Miracle of Life
Tammy wants- 2 bottles of Miracle of Life
Trish wants 1 bottle of Miracle of Life
Sue wants 1 bottle of Miracle of Life and one bottle of Liquid Minerals

Please tally up each individual’s cost and you can ship it all to the salon address in my name.

Our salon is humming along like a freight train!

Linda Benitez
Posare Salon
Las Vegas, NV

Every day we get stories like this.

Of course, it’s always nice to get a good review about any of our formulas, but Linda Benitez is a very special customer and her enthusiasm for life is so contagious, I just had to share it with you.

Linda is also a breast cancer survivor and highly values every split second of her life!

So, what IS IN this extraordinary formula?

Continue reading “Miracle of Life: "This stuff is absolute dynamite!"”

Patient, Heal Thyself

What’s in a name? Everything!

Today we introduce you to the pinnacle formula in our healing philosophy.  We call it Miracle of Life, and it truly is the most technologically advanced nutraceutical formula in the Universe.

Miracle of Life could very well be the single most amazing life experience you will ever have. You will discover things about yourself and tap into an extraordinary phenomenon within your mind, your body and even your soul.

What is this phenomenon? I call it “The Body As Doctor”.

For 30 years, I have been on a relentless search for the keys to full genetic life potential,  so no one need suffer from any disease – and to achieve this without medical doctors, expensive dangerous drugs, unnecessary surgery and prohibitive health insurance.

Miracle of Life profoundly demonstrates this philosophy and is startlingly simple, but genius in its underlying intelligence. And so simple to achieve.

The best doctor for your body is not a medical doctor – the best doctor is your very own body.

You were not designed or created to be constantly sick and depressed. Is it possible you could get your body to become your doctor?

  • Available at all times, 24 hours a day, every split second?
  • Putting out fires before they start within you?
  • Repairing damaged cells and nerves and neurons?
  • Preventing disease from even starting in the first place?

The philosophy of “The Body As Doctor” is all about your body achieving maximum health, free of disease, with maximum lifespan potential – and it’s more than a dream.  It is reality.  And you can make it your reality today.

Continue reading “Patient, Heal Thyself”

Scientists Claim '72 is the New 30'

“How much longer can we extend life? We just don’t know.”
– Oskar Burgar, Lead Research Scientist

Human longevity has improved so rapidly over the past century that 72 is the new 30, scientists say.

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, Germany, discovered the progress in lowering the odds of death at all ages has been so rapid since 1900 that life expectancy has risen faster than it did in the previous 200 millennia – since modern man began to evolve from hominid species.

The historic study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, looked at Swedish and Japanese men – two countries with the longest life expectancies today.

It concluded that their counterparts in 1800 would have had lifespans closer to those of the earliest hunter-gatherer humans, than to adult men in both countries today.

Oskar Burger, the lead researcher involved in the momentous study said it was uncertain what the possible “upper limit’ for life expectancy might be.

How can you explode this genetic master force within you? Is there an easy, simple thing you can do to extend your life expectancy even beyond 72? Absolutely!

Eat a diet similar to our hunter gatherer forefathers such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains. AVOID milk, cheese and certainly, NO JUNK FOOD OR COCA COLA!

Exercise every day if you can, at least 5 times a week.

And take our Life Extension Candy!

Marine Phyto-Plankton – The Japanese Secret to Longevity.

On Sale through Thursday, 2/28/13.

Get Yours Today!

To learn more about this amazing superfood, read our story about Kozo Haraguchi, The Amazing 101 Year Old Man.

The Amazing 101 Year Old Man

Japanese runner Kozo Haraguchi, 95, celebrates after setting the new world record of the 100m dash, 95-99 year-old class, in 22.04 seconds. Photo: AFP
Japanese runner Kozo Haraguchi, 95, celebrates after setting the new world record of the 100m dash, 95-99 year-old class, in 22.04 seconds. Photo: AFP

Kozo Haraguchi had an incredible life!

He was born in 1910 in Kobayashi, Miyazaki, Japan. When he was 65 years old, he began to take an hour long walk around his neighborhood every single day.

He eventually became a track and field athlete and the World Masters Athletics record holder in the 100 m sprint for men aged 90–94 (18.08 second) as well as the record holder for men aged 95–100 (21.69 seconds).

Asked at the time if he would challenge the record for centenarians, he replied: “I will try as long as I can hold out.”

Kozo died in his Japanese home in 2011 at the ripe old age of 101!

How Did the Japanese Become the Longest-Living People on Earth?

Perhaps they know something the rest of the world doesn’t.

One of their secrets is a unique super food that is crammed with life generating elements.

The Japanese take more of this pure dynamite super food per person than Americans take of Vitamin C. They take it religiously in a tiny capsule containing a veritable ‘smorgasbord’ of life!

This amazing “SUPER FOOD” turns off the aging clock in your body immediately!

Continue reading “The Amazing 101 Year Old Man”

Enjoy the Gift of Great Sex

Give the Gift that Keeps on Giving!

  • Lost Love?
  • Libido exhaustion got you down?
  • Has your S-E-X drive disappeared?
  • Those horrendously expensive little blue pills not working anymore?
  • Tired of saying “not tonight honey, I’ve got a headache”?

Guess what? We have found the answer to one of today’s biggest problems.

And of course it is all natural, totally safe, without nasty side effects. The results are extraordinary.

Resurrect Your Libido AND Your Relationship!

Reduced or inhibited desire has become an underground epidemic. It is not something that only older people suffer from. More and more men and women in their 30’s and 40’s are complaining of zero sex drive.

There are many reasons; high psychological and physical stress, long commutes and demanding work schedules (or unemployment due to layoffs) and the typical “overextended” American lifestyle are the biggest contributors.

Both women and men today are overwhelmed with family and career responsibilities, kids’ activities and now more than ever, caring for elderly parents. It leaves us exhausted and wanting to collapse at the end of the day and praying for the weekend to hurry up and get here!

When I was in Asia, in China, Korea, Bhutan and India, sex was a daily occurrence! Men and women way into their 70’s and 80’s had active sex lives. An active and fulfilling sex life is a perfectly natural part of God’s plan, bringing a wonderful dimension of love and intimacy to the totality of life.

Continue reading “Enjoy the Gift of Great Sex”

Anti-Aging Gift Collection

Anti-Aging Gift Collection

The perfect gift for your “most special person” this holiday season, literally “Turning Back the Hands of Time!”

Our Anti-Aging Gift Collection includes:

* Age-Less Anti-Inflammatory
* Emporer’s Chi
* Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex
* Miracle of Life
* Ultra D3

Free gift wrapping with a hand-written note.

Click here to order!

*Order by December 20th for delivery by Christmas!

Libido Resurrection Gift Collection

Libido Resurrection Gift Collection
Our Libido Resurrection Set is the perfect gift for couples wanting to take intimacy to the next level.

The Libido Resurrection Gift Set includes:

* Delight Your Skin -Energizing Body Oil
* Libido Resurrection Liquid for Women
* Libido Resurrection for Men

Free gift wrapping with a hand-written note.

Click here to order!

*Order by December 20th for delivery by Christmas!

AgeLess Athlete Gift Collection

AgeLess Athlete Gift Collection

Give the athlete in your life exactly what they are hoping for – the extra boost for going the distance – no matter what sport they love!

Our AgeLess Athlete Gift Collection includes:

* 3rd Wind
* Age-Less Anti-Inflammatory
* Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex
* Protein Plus Vegan Super Food
* Restrain Your Pain
* Ultra D3

Free gift wrapping with a hand-written note.

Click here to order!

*Order by December 20th for delivery by Christmas!

Skin Saving Secrets from the Sea

Anti-Aging Secrets from depths of the Sea

Did you know?

  • A shark’s life span exceeds humans by 25 years?
  • Sharks have extraordinary resistance to infection?
  • Shark’s wounds heal twice as fast as peoples?

Sharks don’t get cancer and their skin doesn’t age. Of course, Sharks don’t spend their time outside in the sun’s damaging rays, but there is another reason for their incredible resilience.

Sharks have Squalane.

Squalane, a special oil formed in the Shark’s liver, was the original secret cure-all of Scandinavian herbal healers. The oil contains a vital component called Alkylglycerol, also found in Mother’s breast milk for newborn babies to build a strong immune system.

Several books have been written about this amazing oil, and in recent years, its astounding healing and strengthening effects on the immune system have been explored by doctors and researchers.

The results?

Shark Liver Oil has not only been found to be highly effective in fighting, preventing and relieving symptoms of disease, this superior gift from the sea has the ability to renew aging skin, potentially reversing the outward signs of aging.

Say “Goodbye” to fine lines and wrinkles
If you are a regular reader of our newsletter, no doubt you’ve heard me rave about Shark Liver Oil. It helps increase survival rates of cancer patients and decrease the damage done by chemotherapy and radiation treatment. It also helps lower the incidence of infection in HIV patients and reduce viral infections connected with allergies, flu and the common cold.

It helps to normalize white blood cell counts, ease symptoms of psoriasis, asthma, bronchitis, arthritis and increase energy and strength of of patients with a variety of stress related disorders, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia and depression.

On top of all of these astounding benefits, when applied to the skin, Squalane can reduce the visible signs of aging by repairing damaged and aged skin, potentially stopping the hands of time.

Squalane can:
Continue reading “Skin Saving Secrets from the Sea”