Dr. Vegetable Will See You Now!

The greatest healing doctor of all time in my book was Hippocrates who said these immortal words:

“Your food should be your medicine, your medicine should be your food.”

The greatest healing foods on the planet are the wonderful gifts that God gave us in his original Garden of Eden:  succulent fruits, juicy vegetables, yummy nuts and bountiful grains.

But good as all this is, so many people find “going Vegetarian” just too difficult.  Well, sit back, we have the answer for you!  It’s called, “Community Kitchen“.  (Click on the link if you’d like to start receiving this newsletter.)

Come on in, take a seat and get healthier by the spoonful.

Wayne Garland

Thinking about eating Vegetarian?

a photo of Laura Aychman
Laura Aychman

Hi, my name is Laura.

When I first began at the company, my husband Dale would make comments about changing to a vegetarian diet. For as long as I have known Wayne, he has been a vegetarian and a strong advocate for no dairy.

While I could understand the health benefits, I wasn’t compelled to revamp how I cooked. I felt our diet was already healthy.  We seldom ate red meat, but we did eat chicken, pork or fish, with a good mix of vegetables, almost every night.

In October 2010, we had the opportunity to watch a pre-screening of the movie “Forks Over Knives.” (The film is coming to theaters in May and I recommend you go see it.) Sitting in that darkened banquet hall, I was stunned at the information shared on the screen.  I had heard most of it before, but the term “plant-strong” appealed to me. And to my delight, it appealed to our 11 year old son Jacob too.

We left the movie that night thinking we have to change how we eat. And then reality set in – we have to change how we eat! This meant I would have to change how I cook.  Thoughts started rushing through my head about where would I start?  What would we eat?  How would I make the kids’ lunches?

I was overwhelmed just thinking about it.  I wondered, “Is there a class I could take?  Where do I find someone to teach me to cook this way?”

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