Charlotte Figi was 3 months old when she had her first seizure. By the time she was five years old, she was having 300 grand mal seizures every week – her seizures were so violent, her parents signed a ‘do not resuscitate’ order in her medical records.
Her parents never gave up, even though she was in a wheelchair, had feeding and oxygen tubes, and was seizing every thirty minutes, 24 hours a day.
Charlotte’s mom heard about a strain of medical marijuana that was very low in THC content, the psychoactive agent in marijuana, and very high in Cannabidiol (CBD), a compound in cannabis that has incredible medicinal value, but doesn’t get people stoned.
After years in which only high-THC cannabis was available, CBD-rich strains are now being grown by, and for medical users.
Charlotte’s mom and dad discovered the Stanley brothers, one of Colorado’s largest marijuana growers. Charlotte’s parents put an olive oil solution containing high CBD extract under her tongue and today, 6 year old Charlotte is thriving. Her seizures have decreased to only two or three times per month, mostly in her sleep. Not only is she walking, she can ride her bike, feed herself and is talking more each day. Miraculous.
Why non-psychoactive Cannabis oil?
Without the psycho-activity associated with marijuana, CBD-rich cannabis makes it an appealing treatment option for patients seeking relief from inflammatory, pain, anxiety, and anti-psychotic effects without any of the side effects of the THC content. It is safe for anyone to use because the oil is derived from hemp, rather than from marijuana, and legal in all 50 states and 40 countries!
Who can benefit?
Clinical scientific studies highlight CBD’s potential as a mediator against conditions, including arthritis, diabetes, alcoholism, MS, chronic pain, epilepsy, and other neurological disorders. CBD had also demonstrated neuroprotective and neurogenic effects, and its potential in the race to find the cure for cancer are currently being “investigated at several academic research centers in the U.S. and elsewhere.”
(Man with melanoma treated – from a 7mm hole to the bone – with CBD oil for 60 days)
Where can I get it?
We are excited to announce our newest formula – CBD Enriched Cannabis Oil.
Cannabis oil drops are a CBD-enhanced nutritional supplement from hemp oil. Cannabidiol (CBD) found in hemp is showing to provide a plethora of health benefits for infections, autoimmune disorders, chronic pain, and other physical and emotional issues arising from inflammation in the body.
You can add the oil to your food or liquid, or put directly on the skin or under the tongue. Our Cannabis Oil is made from non-GMO hemp, grown without pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers. It’s also sugar free, low-glycemic, non-psychoactive, with nothing artificial! It’s 100% all-natural.
Don’t wait on this one!
Retail Price: $56.95
Preferred Members: $49.95
Serving Size: 3 drops
Servings per Container: Approximately 90
Suggested Usage: As a dietary supplement, take three (3) drops daily under tongue and hold for 60 seconds, then swallow. After one week, increase up to nine (9) drops as desired. For topical use, apply three (3) drops to the affected area and rub in thoroughly.
Project CBD
Finally, Some Hard Science on Medical Marijuana for Epilepsy Patients
Marijuana stops child’s severe seizures
I am an adult with epilepsy and resulting pain with injuries from grand mal seizures. My understanding is this can help greatly. I live in Atlanta, GA. Will I require a prescription?
@Jason Stallings, thanks for reaching out to us.
Yes indeed, the CBD oil should provide great relief and may keep this seizure problem under control totally, without brain numbing drugs.
You DO NOT need a prescription, we ship directly to you and totally legally.
I would like to recommend another formula that we have had great success with in treating Grand Mal Seizures and heart arrhythmia. And that is our Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex.
You take two teaspoons in a juice like V8 or carrot and beet juice which is my favorite. The minerals are “ionic” which means that the can conduct electricity in fluid. The combination of this with the CBD Oil will be a great double. You can read more about the minerals under the Products category.
Please let me know if I can be of any further help.
Wayne Garland
I have hyperthyroidism and TED. I read about the benefits of the CBD oil for thyroid disease, I really hope it helps or cures my thyroid eye disease. I bought one in other website but yours is more affordable. is there a variety of CBD oil? the oil I bought is Bulletproof CBD oil, someone recommended it but if yours is the same I will start buying from you instead.
I have essential tremors and wonder if you’ve had any positive results with it using the oil?
I’m 62 years old I have essential Tremors leg Cramps and severe anxiety and depression
I’m desperate. Can cannabis oil help me? Thank you
Is it good for essential tremors?
Please reply,
Thank you
This is quite exciting about the cbd oil. I have been suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder and also severe anxiety that accompanies this OCD. Will this oil be able to greatly reduce my anxiety levels? I am looking for some supplement or herb to treat effectively my OCD and anxiety. Will this cbd oil be able to help me?
I have been using cbd oil successfully for Bursitus pain. My Dr. Told me to stop all anti inflammatory drugs 5 days before an unrelated surgery. Does this include cbd oil?
I have Chiari Malformation and Syringomyelia. I suffer from chronic pain and neurological pain. I had decompression surgery last year to relieve my symptoms though there is no cure for my disease. Did you say this is legal in every state? I live in Florida.
Hello, my aunt has recently been diagnosed with familial tremors that are progressively getting worse would this help her ?
I encourage anyone with Essential Tremor to take CBD oil. My head does not shake at all anymore and I am able to write more fluid instead of jerky. It is an fantastic product. I have also had an increase in anxiety the last several years and now, I’m so calm. I couldn’t be happier!
My 2 & a half old little boy has ataxia and is unable to walk as well as a undiagnosed neurological disorder, it is genetic as my 19 year old brother has the same thing. It has been investigated for near on 19 years now and no diagnosis yet, he isn’t on any medication as the side effects outweigh the benefits greatly. The ataxia means he is constantly wobbly, so he has a constant tremor all over his body which effects him being able to feed himself I’ve asked the consultant about this and as usual they won’t disclose any information…
I know you cannot help me with his particular condition but I think anything is worth a shot! Do you think this could possibly work on his tremors? Or atleast help him somewhat. Thankyou in advance!
does this oil help with wrist pain and arthritis
Hi Momof2, I am in the same condition as you are with TED, I wondered how did you find the CBD use, did it reduce your Thyroid Eye Disease or worsen it? I am looking for EVIDENCE anywhere since there are no human studies yet,
thank you in advance,
Best regards and I really hope you’re through all this thing that happens to us.
Hi. Did you try the oil for the tremors? Im looking for a cure for my mother.
My mother had ET so bad that it ruined her quality of life for the last 5 years of her life. I have ET in my right hand so that I cannot write…teaching myself to write with my left hand. Also small head tremors. Trying out a different medication for the third time…tremors still exist and medication makes me tired and nauseated. May try CBD. If anyone else has tried it, I would like to hear your results or no results for ET.
I have essential tremors and they are getting worse..head and right hand. Have tried three prescriptions by my doctor and don’t like the side effects of the meds. Have bought a bottle of CBD tincture…wondering how much and how often to take.@Debbie
If a person does not have a thyroid, should they be taking cbd, I am on a medication everyday for not having a thyroid. Should I be taking cbd oil?
@Linda H.
I’m a human vibrator when it scones to ET….RSO,aka pheonix tears… the 90 day reset….amazing
My girlfriend just had surgery and plate installed on her severely broken compound fracture, it has been over a year since her surgery and she is still in pain everyday. I was thinking would rubbing cbd oil on to her wrist and saran wrapping it and applying a hot pad on it to open up the pores on her skin would make it more effective?
@uzi You do not need to wrap in plastic or apply heat. Gently massage the oil on her wrist to absorb locally. We also recommend Super Curcumin C3 complex, a natural anti-inflammatory and pain reliever.
my hand tremors are so bad, would CBD oil help?
So how much CBD are you taking
Essential Tremors have multiple causes. The first place to start is evaluating your diet for potential sources of heavy metals, such as Arsenic which can cause tremors. Chicken feed is notoriously high in arsenic, so if you eat chicken, switch to organic fed. Brown rice is also high in inorganic arsenic. Wash your rice before cooking to reduce arsenic by up to 40% or switch to Basmati rice, which is lower in arsenic. Avoid rice milk and rice sweeteners.
Excess sugar and artificial sweeteners have shown to cause neurological problems. Vitamin B-12 deficiency is also linked to tremors, so supplement with methylcobalamin, the natural form of B-12.
Cannabidiols from CBD oils may help, and have been shown to have neuro-protective benefits. Dosages will vary person to person, so start with label directions and work up to what works best for you.
Hi Linda – CBD is not a substitute for thyroid hormones. If you your thyroid gland was surgically removed or destroyed with radiation, we recommend asking your doctor if you can try Armour Thyroid, a natural thyroid hormone replacement which contains Thyroxine (T4), T3, T2, T1 and Calcitonin, compared with only T4 in Synthroid.
In addition, we suggest incorporating foods naturally rich in Iodine like sea vegetables Kelp, Alaria, Dulse, and fresh seafood to your diet. Read this article to learn more about the importance of Iodine.
@britt gilbert, CBD has been shown to be effective with lowering inflammation, which is often associated with pain and arthritis.
We have had customer success with another natural anti-inflammatory and pain reliever called Super Curcumin C3 Complex. Let us know how these options work for you.
Hi, I’m 42 years of age I have basic Tremors leg Cramps and extreme nervousness and despondency. I’m urgent. Will cannabis oil help me? Much obliged to you
I inherited my tremors from my mother and her side of the family as her father and siblings also suffered with the conditions. My aunt talked just like Katherine Hepburn but my mother and her brothers just had hands and wrist tremors and as they got older like my mother got worse and worse.
Now at age 63 my tremors have became so bad that I can not work or write legible and I have problems eating in restaurants due to spilling food on myself , can’t for sure go to buffets anymore. There has been times even buying fast food and paying for it they smirk when they see my hand shaking as I am accepting a cold drink or getting change thru the window and almost always drop coins. It is so embarrassing and I am sick of it. Now I know how come my mother would spend all day cooking for everyone but never ate at the table, she would wait until everybody was gone. I was told that my grandfather condition turned in to parkinsons but thank god as far as I know I do not have it. I am going to try the cbd oil drops and I will inform everybody if it helps and how much. My tremor has became very bad along with my head shaking from time to time.
I will get back with everybody as soon as I know how well it does and how long it last. Debbie I really appreciate your report I am praying it helps me also. Thanks,Steve
Debbie, thank you for sharing your sucess with the tremors. I have had this as long as I can remember but at 63 it has became so bad that I can not eat in restaurants with out making a mess, it is even a embarrassment to get food or drink or change from a fast food window as they normally smirk and try not to laugh when I drop coins or wobble the drink that they are giving me. My mother and all of her siblings had the tremor so me and my sister have it. I will let this forum know my findings after I try the cbd oil to see how good it works and how long it last. Steve H.
I have a question about the CBD drops, Do you continue to take your daily medicine for the tremors that the doctor prescibed such as propanol or enderol or stop when you are using the drops ?
Thanks, STeve
Always consult your prescribing physician before making any changes to dosages or usage of existing medications you are taking. Cannabidiols (CBD) are natural, not drugs, and results vary from person to person.
Hi, I was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor between my skull and brain, had 3 seizures in 5 months. I don’t want brain surgery, will CBD oil help me? How much would I take? I am only on Keppra. Thanks. TJ
Does CBD interact the Synthetic thyroid hormone. I’m taking T4/T3 compounded thyroid hormone for Hypothyroid condition, along with extra T3 (synthetic). (Not Armor)
Just read about: P450 enzymes in the liver (the pathways are shared by thyroid medication). I need clairification before I start taking CBD. Do you know anything about this? thanks.
What dose has been useful for essential tremors?
My 5 years old daughter has JRA(juvenile arthritis) and currently taking methotrexate once a week, her joints are fine but she has inflammation in back of her eye and she is steroids eye drop. Is CBD oil help her eye inflammatory or it just affect on joints? Thanks