These past few summer months, Americans across the country lined up in droves to become the first human guinea pigs to receive the H1N1 flu vaccine.
I don’t believe for a second that the vaccine will effectively protect you or anyone else against H1N1. On the contrary, I’m more concerned about how much harm the vaccine may cause when millions more men, women, and children who will get it this fall.
As a regular reader of my newsletters and Health Alerts, you know by now of my passionate crusade to STOP SENSELESS VACCINATIONS, particularly to our children and the elderly, the most vulnerable amongst us.
The last time the government hastily pushed through an untested vaccine, disaster ensued. Five hundred people came down with a paralyzing condition called Guillain-Barre Syndrome and 25 people died.
Government officials swear a repeat of 1976 will not happen. But they also admit they don’t really know for sure! In fact, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, (someone I’ve butted heads with in the past when I was a volunteer fighting the AIDS virus), the esteemed director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
“no clinical trial in the world is going to be large enough to be able to detect an event that occurs one in every 100,000 people. The only way to pick that up is after the fact, when a lot of people get vaccinated and good surveillance picks it up.”
In other words, we won’t know if the stuff is really bad until we give it to a million people! Yes, a million people!
Well, thanks Dr. Fauci. Good to know you’ve thought this one through a month before injecting millions of toddlers, pregnant women, and immunologically compromised adults.
But, and it’s a very big BUT, there’s something else that’s got me worried.
Continue reading “Swine Flu Vaccine – Should I Get It?”