Pneumonia was on everyone’s mind last week when Hillary Clinton abruptly left a ceremony honoring the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. As any politician would, she downplayed the situation, saying she was dehydrated and admitted she did have a mild case of Walking Pneumonia.
Well, let me tell you, Pneumonia, is no laughing matter!
Pneumonia is an infection where the lungs fill with fluid, making breathing difficult. In the US, pneumonia is the most common cause of hospital admissions after childbirths. About 1 million adults in the US are hospitalized with pneumonia every year, and about 50,000 die from it.*
Pneumonia can be caused by bacterial or viral infections. Antibiotics are prescribed for bacterial causes of pneumonia, but are becoming less effective, as antibiotic resistance increases due to overuse. For viral causes, antibiotics are completely ineffective!
The best way to beat pneumonia is not to get it in the first place! How? By adopting daily practices that develop and support a brutally strong immune system that can ward off bacteria and viruses, before they have a chance to take hold.
If you happen to get pneumonia, or know someone who does, follow these 10 easy steps to beat it!
*Source: Top 20 Pneumonia Facts – 2015, American Thoracic Society
10 “Pneu” Ways to Beat Pneumonia
I’ve said it countless times – there is no Magic Bullet to beat any disease. It takes a total program to address and overcome the condition.
Many years ago, we developed our Winter Wellness Program, initially in response to the Swine Flu epidemic. We take pride in the fact that our customers who followed our Program, we did not get one single report of Swine Flu, so we updated the program to address the onslaught of colds and flu virus that start making the rounds every fall.
My 10 Steps for Pneumonia are pure gold in it’s value. Print it out, follow it and not only will pneumonia not stand a chance, you can kiss the common cold and flu goodbye too!
1. Drink more water. Our body composition is 74% water. Fluid and electrolyte balance is a major function of homeostasis (balance), which is our body’s ability to maintain its internal environment as it adjusts to challenges and stress.
Tip: Drink hot lemon water with a slice of ginger root throughout the day.
2. Eat as much curry as you can. Curry contains curcumin from the Turmeric root, a potent anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory compound. For added boost, get our Super Curcumin C3 Complex, a special, patented curcuminoid extract that is revered for its high bio-availability.
3. Take our Super AKG Shark Liver Oil gel caps, containing the secret of the shark’s profound immune defense system. Take 1 daily for overall immunity, up to 9 daily in times of need.
4. Eat fermented foods like Kimchi, Sauerkraut and Kombucha containing healthy bacteria called probiotics. Avoid dairy-based yogurts, as the probiotic benefit is minimal and dairy worsens the problem by creating mucous in the lungs and bronchial tracts. For a powerful probiotic boost, get our Pro-Biotic Max formula with 25 Billion live probiotics per capsule.
5. Load up on Vitamin C. Kids will like Emergen-C packets, or purchase 1,000mg vitamin C tablets at your grocery store. Take 1 packet or tablet several times daily, to bowel tolerance.
6. Have an Epsom Salts bath. Make up a very hot, pure water bath and add 1/4 cup of Life Transfusion Liquid Minerals, a handful of Epsom Salts and 1 Tbsp Eucalyptus Oil or Vicks Vapor Rub and soak for 30 minutes. Repeat up to 4 times daily.
7. Have an Infrared sauna or steambath and breathe deeply. This is an amazing detoxification for the lymph system.
8. Take a nap! When fighting pneumonia (or any immunity condition,) your body needs rest. Let go of the need to power through it and push your body. Allow yourself to rest by taking several naps a day.
9. Eat more watermelon and tomatoes, as both contain a potent carotenoid called lycopene. With tomatoes, use fresh, cooked tomatoes. The heating increases the body’s uptake of lycopene.
10. Get 20 minutes of sunshine every day to stimulate vitamin D production. Our Ultra D3 formula is the most potent available on the market!
There is an old medical saying that just a few grains of Thyroid hormone can make the difference between an idiot and an Einstein.
At the turn of the century, we would receive Iodine in our food supply, but sadly this is no longer true (except maybe in Japan) and is the reason why Thyroid problems are now epidemic. The Thyroid might be the most under-appreciated organ in our entire body, and crucial to intelligence formation.
It’s a tragic medical fact that a just a few microscopic grains of Thyroid hormone are all that separates super-intelligence from abject cretinism. In between these two poles of thinking ability, lies an eternity of medical and mental problems such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD), Autism, Mono/Bipolar Disorder, learning difficulties and slow thinking.
In Bangladesh, the rate of cretinism was once over 65% of all newborn children, until a massive humanitarian program was initiated that provided high Iodine-rich foods, supplements and table salt to the entire country. In less than 5 years, the rates of cretinism dropped by over 80% with no drug intervention needed. Not that any drug could hope to be of any help, anyway!
Iodine is the miraculous mineral element that fuels the Thyroid, even to a just-created fetus inside a mother’s womb.
The great Missing Element
Those of you who know me well, know how passionate I am about the giant necessity of minerals. They are the core of all our formulas and protocols.
An epidemic-scale problem has arrived seemingly overnight that, once again, can be instantly reversed by minerals. The thyroid is a factory and the raw material this factory requires to operate at peak efficiency is the miracle-mineral Iodine.
Today’s diet of fast food, junk food, highly-processed food like deli meats, fried chicken, pizzas and carbonated drinks and dairy products contain next to zero levels of Iodine.
So, what happens? The poor old Thyroid gets starved to death. The body spirals out of control.
And what do our dear friends in the medical and pharmaceutical industries do? Do they advocate Iodine therapy? NO! They prescribe synthetic Thyroid drugs with all the resultant pitfalls.
Fatigue, Obesity, Depression, Dementia – do you have any of these?
Drugs never cure disease, they just treat the symptoms and invariably come with a host of side-effects that make life miserable.
There is an alternative to suffering and being fleeced of your hard-earned savings. It’s the use of a force that created us all – Mother Nature.
According to the pioneering physician Broda Barnes, author of Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness, there are at least 47 symptoms of low-Thyroid function. Barnes estimates that nearly 40% of the adult population has some form of thyroid deficiency.
Most of these are invariably overlooked by doctors and standard blood tests. These symptoms can be:
brain fog
low immune response
weight gain
fluid retention
irregular menstrual cycle
discoloration of the skin
hair loss
drooping eyelids
This sounds like everyone around us!
A sluggish Thyroid can also be linked to a fatty Liver, high cholesterol, candida, low insulin production.
Because the Thyroid governs all metabolic processes, right down to the cellular level, every organ and system of the body can be affected by its dysfunction.
Many elderly people I have treated for Hypothyroidism have been improperly diagnosed as suffering from dementia by their regular doctor.
After a short course of our amazing Detoxified Iodine formula, their comeback was startling to them and their family. Energy levels rebounded. Thinking capacities and memory came back. Weight problems disappeared. Persistent colds and flu became a thing of the past. All because of the power of our minerals and in particular, the miracle mineral Iodine.
With nearly 40% of the population estimated to have some kind of Thyroid malfunction, the odds are that you have a Thyroid problem too.
The Edgar Cayce Thyroid Formula – a Gift from God
Edgar Cayce
Many of you are familiar with Edgar Cayce and his extraordinary works and readings.
Cayce was a true mystic whose connection to God and the innate intelligence of the Universe resulted in miraculous cures for all diseases using the power of Mother Nature.
His lifework formed the basis for the renowned A.R.E. Institute in Virginia Beach, VA. If you are ever near there, please make a pilgrimage to this Mecca of Natural Healing and Thinking.
The greatest thing that Cayce was told was the power of Iodine and that it was “the great missing link in all mankind” particularly in generating intelligence, and the role of the thyroid in treating all disease.
He was also given the recipe for a very special formula for Iodine, which became incredibly famous during the 1930s and 40s. It was an electrified form of Iodine called “Atomidine”.
Through our association with the world’s most respected Cayce scholar and researcher, Phillip Thomas, we are able to provide the original Atomidine formula, Edgar Cayce’s Detoxified Iodine, with all its power and glory to treat thyroid malfunction.
It is a true gift from God for what it can do.
One 83 year old lady who had suffered chronic fatigue for over 20 years started using it and after a week was able to spend 6 hours in the garden doing yard-work – something she hadn’t done for “a donkey’s years”, she said.
For total nutritional support for your Thyroid, we always recommend Thyroid Energy and Marine Phyto-Plankton, formulas in addition to the Iodine drops.
Thyroid Energy is an entire Thyroid nutrition program for a healthy, balanced life free of exhaustion. With Iodine, L-Tyrosine, revered Ayurevedic herbs Ashwaganda and Guggul, along with minerals like zinc and selenium and vitamins B6 and B12 for energy and to stimulate vital thyroid hormone production.
Our Marine Phyto-Plankton formula is rich in chlorophyll, along with vitamins, trace minerals, amino acids, enzymes, essential lipids, as well the world’s most powerful antioxidants. Just one or two capsules with each meal will ensure your body and Thyroid all the Iodine, Chlorophyll and nutrients it needs. I consider Marine Phyto-Plankton to be a true SuperFood. If you want to learn more about it, read my article, The Japanese Secret to Longevity.
Get the Kit! We’ve bundled these three formulas as the Thyroid Repair Kit with an additional discount over purchasing separately.
Our natural formulas are not only powerful, they are totally safe and can be used by children, adults, the elderly and all animals.
A dear friend, Linda Parelli, contacted me about her horse Allure, wanting to know if we can help to restore his Thyroid naturally.
Dear Friends,
When I first got Allure, I didn’t know he had a thyroid issue, but I can look back on photos now and see the enlarged thyroid gland – it looks like a little golf ball on his gullet right behind his jaw. What I mainly saw was a horse with dry coat, straw colored hair, no shine and some seriously hyper-active behavior. I can’t really remember the moment that I realized it was a thyroid issue, but from that moment on I began to treat him with great results. Interestingly, when I started giving him Parelli Essentials he made huge progress but then I hit a wall again with him and that got me searching. He looked a lot better, his hair had darkened dramatically, but that little lump was still there and his mane was still a bit frizzy.
Avoid refined sugar, fluoride toothpastes, hard liquor, hydrogenated fats and excessive caffeine. These all block the body from using its Iodine.
Add dry sea vegetables to all your soups, salads and meals. My favorite is from the Maine Seaweed Co, hand-harvested, dried for packaging and shipped to your door. Lots of wonderful recipes on their website too.
If you’re taking Synthroid, cancel this costly and next-to worthless drug and substitute our all-natural Thyroid Repair Kit which includes all three of the formulas mentioned above. It works better and costs less! Read Kimmy Keech’s story about how her energy returned and mood improved after just a few days with this natural approach.
Make sure you drink water that is free from Fluoride. More than 50 years ago, the American Dental Association convinced our government to add fluoride to the water supply in an attempt to prevent tooth decay in children. What they didn’t realize is that fluoride wreaks havoc on the thyroid, particularly a child’s. We developed a water filtration system to remove this dangerous chemical from your drinking water – click here to learn more about these one-of-a-kind filtration systems.