Alzheimer’s and ADD/ADHD did not exist when I was growing up. They have both only appeared in the last few decades and were simply unknown until very recently.
Other modern epidemics are running rampant as well, like diabetes, hypertension, breast and prostate cancer.
We are having these new epidemics because we are doing things humans have never done before. These record rates are confined to industrialized nations, especially America.
No people in the history of the entire world have ever hogged down so many calories, fat, sugars, and nutrition-less food than we do. No one.
Alzheimer’s disease is basically based upon inflammation and oxidative stress – the same factors causing coronary heart disease. Once Alzheimer’s takes hold, it cannot be cured. The most significant causes are excess sugar intake (more than 160 pounds per person each year,) high blood glucose, high insulin, and insulin resistance.
Our mad devotion to eating double bacon cheeseburgers only adds fuel to the fire as we stuff over 40% saturated (animal) fat calories into ourselves each day. GROSS!
The percentage of fat we consume should only be 10 to 20%, and come directly from vegetable oils.
Of course, we all need to stop our addiction to animal protein and stop eating pig and dairy. That’s definitely the first step. But, there’s more.
Our incredible Mind Power formula is the most super-powerful, all-natural anti-Alzheimers and anti-ADD/ADHD product available today.
Nothing compares.