During a routine physical exam in April 2004, my doctor noticed that I had an enlarged thyroid. He sent me to get a sonogram to get a better look and a few days later it showed two nodules or growths; one on each side of my thyroid gland. One was 1.2cm, the other just over twice that size.
I was then scheduled for a biopsy to check for cancerous cells and of course, the “c” word scared the heck out of me!
The results of the biopsy were inconclusive; the pathologist called them “suspicious.” I called my doctor and he said they could be benign follicular nodules or malignant tumors. To be safe, he recommended surgery to remove the growths and part, or possibly all, of my thyroid gland. He said that the only way to find out for sure if they were cancerous was to perform a tissue biopsy after removal.
“But don’t you worry,” my doctor said, “if they are malignant, surgically removing them will 100% cure the thyroid cancer. And if they turn out to be benign, then it’s no big deal. We’ll put you on synthetic hormone replacement medicine for the rest of your life, and you’ll be just fine.”
He gave me the name of a surgeon and urged me to schedule surgery to remove my thyroid. I was afraid. The doctor is always right, isn’t he? Nobody wants to mess around when he spouts words like “malignant” or “cancer.” I did as I was told and got on the phone right away and scheduled surgery.
But I Wasn’t Ready to Cut Out My Thyroid on a Hunch
Fortunately a small, but saner part of my mind totally balked at the willy-nilly chopping out of my God-given thyroid gland, on the unsubstantiated hunch that it may have malignant tumors.
So, with the support and urging of my husband, I also called Dr. Wayne Garland that afternoon. I’d heard him speak for many years about the body’s own healing power and I wanted another option besides surgery. Dr. Garland replied to me immediately, saying “Oh dear, this isn’t good news, is it? But it is very reversible.”
I also consulted an endocrinologist for a second medical opinion, and she scared me even more. She viewed the opinion of pathologist that cancer or precancerous cells may be present and requested an additional blood test. From this, she believed I had an 80% chance of having thyroid cancer of some kind.
She recommended IMMEDIATE surgery to remove my entire Thyroid. She then explained that after surgery, they would withhold Synthroid (an artificial form of the thryoid hormone) until I get exhausted and experience hypothyroidism and then give me a radioactive pill in the hospital and put me in an isolation room there for 48 hours afterwards. You’ve got to be kidding me – that’s horrific!
I kept remembering Dr. Garland’s words. Reversible. They were like a lifeline to me.
I contacted him again and asked for his recommendation. I told him of my fears and my objections to surgery. After our conversation, I made a monumental decision. I canceled the surgery and put myself in Dr. Garland’s care to see if we could battle this issue with my body’s own arsenal.
My endocrinologist was beside herself when I told her and vociferously reiterated the word “R-I-S-K” over and over again to me. I assured her that I was making an informed choice about my own body, and that it was important to me to try an alternate means to heal myself. “As long as you understand the risk… ” I stuck to my guns.
We Started with a Kidney Cleanse
Dr. Garland started me on a 3 day kidney cleanse and recommended several supplements to give my body the nutrients to fight back; Life Transfusion Liquid Mineral Complex, Antioxidant formula, Super AKG Shark Liver Oil, Edgar Cayce Detoxified Iodine Thyroid formula, Balanced Woman, and Primal Defense.
- Upon waking each morning I squeezed 2 tablespoons of juice of a lemon into a large glass of purified water
- Breakfast consisted of a glass of organic cranberry juice (unsweetened) with a teaspoon of Liquid Minerals
- For lunch and dinner I pureed Dr. Garland’s Miracle Potassium Broth soup with 2 teaspoons of Bragg Liquid Aminos
- Later in the evening, I had a glass of carrot juice with 3 drops Liquid Minerals
- All day long, I drank filtered water. With each 8-oz glass, I added 3 drops of Liquid Minerals
- Every 4 hours, I took 2 tablespoons of Olive Oil
- Before going to bed, I drank a glass of Aloe Vera juice
And Eliminated All Meat and Dairy
After the kidney cleanse, Dr. Garland recommended that I go on a vegetarian diet and eliminate all dairy; no milk, cheese or ice cream. Since we were fighting a thyroid issue, this was a no-hormone-added diet. I drank soy milk and added tofu to my diet. I ate lots of salads, beans such as black beans, garbanzo beans, and fava beans, and steamed or Oriental veggie stir fries. Most of my veggies and fruits were organic. I was delighted that I could still have fish and discovered many new ways to prepare it.
Finally, Dr. Garland urged me to add something else to my regime – Iscador. Iscador is a naturopathic remedy that is made from mistletoe, and it is the number one protocol for all cancer in Germany. It boosts the immune system overall, but specifically targets tumors and contains them so the body can then overcome them. Dr. Garland had used it very successfully with all kinds of cancer patients; lung, liver, ovarian, breast as well as Hodgkins Lymphomia.
My Daily Nutrition Program
My daily nutrition program usually included a light breakfast of a tall glass of beet or beet & carrot juice (freshly pureed by myself). Alternatively I would have a glass of unsweetened organic soy milk or fresh strawberries. I always had at least one full glass of filtered water with Liquid Minerals with my morning supplements. I occasionally had a couple of organic eggs. All day long, I drank filtered water (about a gallon per day). Each tall glass had 3 drops of minerals in it.
Lunch often consisted of beans (black beans, red beans, etc.), either organic canned or I cooked them myself from scratch to keep the salt content down. I also had a fresh carrot or two and a couple of celery stalks, with almonds as a mid-afternoon snack. Another favorite snack of mine was dried deep Sea Marine Veggies, at anytime of day. I had a cup of tea in the afternoon, always herbal non-caffeinated.
Dinners were varied. Often I ate a large fresh salad with lettuce, dandelion greens, spinach, celery, carrots, tomatoes, etc. Most, if not all, of the veggies were organically-grown. I used Barlean’s Flax Seed Oil and balsamic vinegar for a dressing. One night I whipped up a meal of tofu and snow peas with Bragg’s Liquid Aminos and sesame seed oil. Another night I had a bit of low-carb pasta with soy/tofu parmesan non-dairy cheese. At a restaurant I had freshly-made guacamole, with a Talapia fish burrito.
Three Months Later
I had a follow-up thyroid ultrasound after three months on Dr. Garland’s program. The smaller nodule had no change, but the other one had REDUCED by more than half. No new nodules were present.
The conversation with the endocrinologist was a little different this time – in her notes she wrote,
“It does in fact appear that her left-sided 2.6 cm nodule has now reduced in size to 1 cm which is a very impressive change. She is on natural therapies with Dr. Wayne Garland. He is an alternative medicine physician and she was taking mistletoe (Iscador). Whatever she is doing is appearing to have some effect. For now, I asked her to do serial ultrasound. We will not re-biopsy her nodule at this time.”
I was ecstatic! Dr. Garland’s words – Reversible – kept ringing in my head.
Five Months Later
I had another follow-up appointment with the endocrinologist. She was still watching my progress closely and ordered another thyroid ultrasound. At that time both nodules were essentially the same. I’d hoped for another dramatic change, but Dr. Garland reminded me that NO change was good too; stability meant that neither nodule was growing (which is usually the case.)
My endocrinologist at that time was comfortable enough with my progress to advise me to continue what I was doing and come back for a checkup in a year.
I Can’t Believe It – Two Years from beginning Dr. Garland’s Nutrition Program
In June 2006 I returned for a checkup and another thyroid ultrasound. The endocrinologist reported,
“A left-sided nodule noted previously is not convincingly redemonstrated as a discrete finding. No new nodule is seen.” “Stable solid nodule in the right lobe. No other nodule demonstrated.”
This meant that in the space of two years following Dr. Garland’s healthy regime, a growth on my thyroid gland had completely DISAPPEARED, without chemotherapy, drugs or invasive surgery!
According to medical science, this doesn’t happen – they usually only grow larger over time.
Thank you so much, Dr. Garland!
Andrea Billewicz
Alexandria, VA
God Bless Andrea, thank the Lord!
I was taking Synthroid for my Hypothyroidism before talking to Dr. Garland. My regular doctor said my levels were normal on that medicine, but I felt awful! I have been on Dr. Garland’s Thyroid Energy and Liquid Life Transfusion for two months now. Last week I went in to see my general physician and she ran a test to check my thyroid levels. When the nurse called with the results she said that everything was perfect and just continue the Synthroid. I told her that I have been off that for two months and told her what I was now taking instead. She was speechless!
It’s wonderful hear that you trusted in your bodies own healing abilities. LOVE DR. GARLAND!! Congratulations on your health and congratulations to Dr. G for another success story:-)
Hello, Am impressed with natural remedy for nodules on thyroid. I recently had ultra sound and blood panel. My TSH is .0001 and Free T4 is 1.4. I am hyperthyroid. I also have a solid nodule 3 cm on right lobe of thyroid and non-textured nodules on left lobe of thyroid. I am awaiting a needle aspiration biopsy on the solid nodule. I have been taking Iosol and Thyrostim along with other nutrients instead of prescriptions.
Last year, my daughter, 28, was diagnosed with papillary carcinoma. She had surgery where 9 tumors in her lymph nodes on the right side of her neck were removed and a total thyroidectomy. She underwent radio active iodine treatment afterwards. She is disease/cancer free today and on medication for thyroid/stabilized and doing well. She is a singer and the surgeon at UCLA saved her voice. Miracle as you can realize how close to vocal cords.
So, considering the family history, I am wondering if I have a chance at all to get past my doctors and try natural remedies..let alone the family. My niece had a 3 cm solid nodule on her thyroid also last year and her doctor did a partial thyroidectomy.
My chances of escaping surgery? I see my holistic doctor this week who will review my results. I have had some healing done and do not feel the lump is as big as it was. Perhaps just my imagination, but what ever it takes, right?
@Cynthia Bushey
Please contact us for a personal consultation.
I am scheduled to have a biopsy done on Monday, July 14, 2014. On June 16, 2014 I had a Sonogram done and it showed I have 2 nodules one on each sides of my thyroid, the nodules were there since last year the doctor said one of them has grown so she recommend I have a biospy done on both sides. I’m not sure what to do. I’m not in any pain or feeling different etc. What type of jucing or supplement do you rocommend?
Thank you,
Vanda Brogdon
@Vanda Brogdon A public forum is not the appropriate place to discuss your personal situation. If you wish to pursue a natural route like Andrea, there are many things you can do to nourish and support your thyroid. When you are ready, contact our customer support team to schedule a consultation.
I am about to get my 2nd opinion within wks of 2 biopsies that oppose one another. One said suspicious cells in epithelial neoplasm and 2nd one, said no malignancy showing, but did say I have one askew gene markwer which when ascue usually means cancer 95% of time. nodule is 1/2 inch..much larger than your other comments above…14 x 11 x 12 cm.
since I’m staying in my van due to my reaction to cell towers and every thing microwave, pretty hard to do your diet protocol with the juices. I can order the supps you have, am already on edgar cayce’s atomidine 10 days per month..(just started and finished this month’s 10 days), I do a large bolthouse carrot juice glass 12-16 oz per day, but really cannot do any home made juices. ON vegan diet and trying to eat a very large salad per day. no sugar either. I AM eating almonds and occaisohally cheat because this diet is so restrictive and esp when religated to what’s available where I am in restarants and grocery store and not able to make preps myself..that I sometimes feel I have to cheat a little and have a little sugar , etc.
any suggestions?
i’ts one nodule on lower pole of r thyroid. Myabve I might skip the 2nd opnioni if I don’t want surgery and just continue with the diet. but it is causing some discomfort when I sleep if my head is just a tad too far forward. test results said “crowding” and iguess that’s what I’m feeling.
@Dr Garland
I am based in India, bangalore.
my father is diagnosed with poorly differentiated papillary thyroid carcinoma. he underwent total thyroidectomy and RAI treatment. He has a brain mets and some spreads in lung and pelvic bone. whats your advice to get gerson treatment in india?
thanksa lot for your help
Your father needs our Thryroid Repair Kit of thyroid rejuvenation formulas; he needs to get off all meat and all dairy; no milk, cheese, ice cream, butter or ghee.
I also strongly recommend our Super Curcumin C3 formula, a special, patented extract of tumeric grown in India. He also needs our Immune Support and Ultra D3 formulas to boost immune system response.
Finally, he needs to get “The Gerson Therapy” book by Charlotte Gerson and follow the Gerson Therapy at home for detoxification. If you cannot find the book locally, you can find a second-hand copy on Amazon.com.
thank you so much Dr Garland
can you pl advice me details of those medicines and also how to buy (where and how to place order, any chance it can be bought from your Indian stockist etc)
i will try to book that book. My dad has already stopped all dairy
@shri, you will find extensive research articles on these formulas on our website. We ship to customers all over the world from the USA, as we do not have distributors in other countries.
please send me all that is required in the Andrea Bellowicz testimony
@veronica kong, please call our customer support team to schedule a time to discuss your personal situation.
I’ve been taking levothyroxin for 3 years now and ever since I’ve been foggy, tired and grumpy,… Oh and can’t forget my hair is shedding. I’ve seen an endocrinologist and he said my thyroid is still producing thyroid in its own I have no nodules but I still need to take the levothyroxin to give me the boost that I need.
I have an appointment 10/22 to remove 6 if my metal teeth fillings and hopefully I can soon stop taking levothyroxin. Thus is where is like your help where do I start what do I do next ? I feel really anxious when I don’t take the medication and it’s a horrible feeling.
@Bianca, low thyroid function is a chronic problem today, but can be restored to balance, allowing you to get off the dangerous levothyroxin drug. Please contact our Customer Support team at 877-975-9080 to schedule a consultation. In the meantime, get our Marine Phyto-Plankton formula, powder or capsules, to assist with heavy metal detoxification. This formula is part of our Thyroid Repair Kit. Read this article to learn more about this amazing superfood.
I have been diagnosed with Papillary Thyroid cancer. I have one 4 cm nodule in my right lobe and another at 3.7 also on the right side I have a 1.8 cm Lymph node ( which does not appear to be normal according to the pathologist on the left side I have one 1 cm nodule
After my Biopsy they have confirmed I have papillary cancer in my right lobe and likely throughout the other nodules.
I have taken to quitting meat dairy sugar wheat. I am on carbs only from vegetables (limiting starches). ORGANIC Only. Right now I am juicing beets carrots green apples ginger onion green and red green peppers Black and green kale Black and Easter egg radishes Radishes
Red green and rainbow Chard cilantro Red and normal cabbage
I add 1 spoonful of super green powder supplement
about 20 ml of vita green extract supplement
1 spoon full of sea vegetable grounds supplement
I take kelp iodine pills
1 Selenium Pill a day
and finally about 20 ml of Chaga mushroom extract in suspension
I desperately want to avoid surgery and kill my cancer instead of removing my thyroid.
I also have purchased a near infrared Lamp and aim it at the cancer for 20 minutes 2 times a day ( as that light tends to kill cancer in a study with mice and now found in humans)
I also sit in a sauna for 30 minutes a day and only drink distilled water.
Any other suggestions?
Hello Adam, Did you see any improvement with your diet. Can you share your experience with your diet, was it successful?
Thank you soooo much for sharing your story. I have recently been diagnosed with thyroid cancer as well and I do not believe in removing my thyroid or doing chemo or radiation. I am committed to healing this naturally. As you are probably aware, there are tons of testimonies online of people who have healed their cancer naturally but I don’t see as many mentioning Thyroid cancer specifically. It was very refreshing hearing your experience . Thank you again and may God continue to bless you and keep you happy and healthy.
Dr. Garland:
I have thyroid issues in my family starting with my grandmother who died at 50 in a mental institute. I don’t know any particulars other than was passed down to me that they had discovered a thyroid problem. I had an aunt with a double goiter – she too was a little crazy, And now my sister had issues with her thyroid and they decided to destroy it with radiation and she is on snythroid for the rest of her lift. I see her struggle with they are constantly changing her dose. I have been forceful at my doctors to keep watch of my thyroid. I have had a thyroid panel at 50 and all was okay. I had a thyroid panel now at 59 and it still is okay, but this doctor actually touched me and thought the thyroid felt a little big. Ultra sound found a nodule and the we had a biopsy that pathology says it is inconclusive…but there is another test that they can be done, not sure if this institute is equipped and they will get back to me? so would it be wise now to have a nuclear xray to see if the nodule is hot? I have been on a paleo and scd diet for three years. We don’t eat out much or at all at any fast food. We don’t have any processed foods. It is pretty much basic…no starches like potatoes or rice, bread, pasta…no dairy, no cheese, whey, ice cream… meat is pasture raised and eggs are free range. Many vegetables are organic. I am and have been low on Vit D and I take 4000 units a day. I take a baby asprin, vit c and I will be starting something for my liver/gallbalder (liverdoctor) as my ultrasounds showed a fatty pancreas..I am in Iowa, when you do a consult, do we come to Colorado? I would like to go with alternative means, before I entertain surgery.
@nancy, please call our customer support team to sign up for a Critical Health consultation to be conducted over the phone.
To learn more about our Clinic Without Walls, read this article on our website.
Dr. Garland,
I have 2 thyroid nodules that are quite large (5cm × 3cm) on the right side only. A biopsy was performed and came back suspicious for follicular neoplasm. I am borderline hypothyroid.
I came across this website today, I was like crazy because already my whole thyroid has been removed late last year. I am a Nigeria and also leaf in Nigeria. the greatest mistake I made was to allow the doctor to removed all when I had no cancer but my nodule was so big and a little interfere with my breathing. now am 43yr no child yet and having back ache, some kind of tiredness etc. please what advice can you give in respect of leaving healthy and what are the local food to suggest for my extra ordinary weight gain especially tummy, hips, thigh and breast. when I woke up in the morning I always feel tired and frequent hiccup too. I will appreciate.
Dr.Garland. My 23yr old daughter has had a full thyroidectomy 4yrs ago. Been in remission. Last week two suspicious nodes were spotted. She needs to have a biopsy done. Any suggestions.
Hi dr. The biopsy was done on my daughter and the cancer is back. She needs to see the surgeon again. Any suggestions