(Chapter Four in an ongoing series. Please save or archive for future reference.)
In Chapter Three, Miracle of Life: “This stuff is absolute dynamite!”, we explained why it is more powerful than 10 individual formulas. If you missed it, click here to read it.
This week we share with you the discovery of a rare and totally unknown botanical super food algae that we incorporated into Miracle of Life. Growing along the ocean floor of pristine, isolated coastline of South America, this marine algae has the highest concentration of natural, bio-available Calcium in the world.
I have a present for you, my e-book The Key to All Health & Healing. Click here to download your copy now, as it contains pertinent insight into what you are about to read in today’s newsletter.
What is that “pertinent” information? It’s how the ancient oceans, going back some billion and billions of years, were the breeding ground for the very first forms of life on this planet, long before man’s arrival.
Here is a snippet from the book:
“And when they went ashore, the animals that took up land life carried with them a part of the ocean in their bodies – a heritage that they passed on to their children, and which even today links each land animal with its origins in the ancient seas. Fish, amphibian and reptile, warm-blooded bird and mammal – each of us carries in our veins a salty stream in which the elements of sodium, potassium and calcium are combined in precisely the same proportions as in sea water.”
This is why blood plasma and purified ocean water are IDENTICAL!
And this has been the fundamental core of all my protocols and all my formulas since discovering this startling fact of our genetic heritage.
You are an Ocean
In Chapter Two of this series, You are an Ocean, we explained in detail how minerals and trace minerals conduct life (electricity) through each cell, literally running our bodies. (If you missed the article, click here to read it.)
At the very core of our Miracle of Life formula is pure mineral and trace mineral power, from the ocean in a powdered form, delivering this genetic heritage to the body. This power is just one of the secrets that makes Miracle of Life so profoundly powerful compared to any other nutritional supplement or pharmaceutical drug available today.
Also from the ocean we have found what we believe to be the most extraordinary form of Calcium in the world. (I don’t know if it was a wonderful stroke of luck, coincidence or the universe revealing itself to us once again.)
This red marine algae, called Algas Calcaras™, grows naturally in the sandy, pristine coastline of Southern Brazil, attaching itself to seaweed on the ocean floor and naturally assimilating oceanic minerals and trace elements, growing into an amazing nutrient “complex”.

Continue reading “A Miracle: Your Body Makes Chemo”