People ask me all the time,
“Is there just one formula that I can take each day to satisfy my body’s needs?”
This amazing SUPERFOOD is truly a “SUPER” “FOOD” in a capsule. Marine Phyto-Plankton has all the vitamins your body needs, all the minerals it needs, all the amino acids it needs, all the antioxidants it needs, all the proteins it needs, all the immune boosting elements it needs, all the DNA/RNA factors a body needs to rebuild and regenerate at the cellular level.
People on radiation and chemotherapy treatment in particular; rave about how their hair growth is restored in no time at all, how their energy levels leap amazingly and how well they feel.
If it can do this for people facing death, imagine what it will do for you!
The Japanese have known this for centuries and kept it secret. It is their secret to longevity. Take it as a lesson and live abundantly, disease free, as God intended for you.
Read on to learn more about all the staggering ingredients found in just one capsule of pure, longevity dynamite Marine Phyto-Plankton.
Immune Enhancer – Phyto-Plankton stimulates the production of immune building cells because of its high content of Beta Carotene, amino acids, nucleic acids and Zinc.
It has been shown to be specifically helpful for Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus and to be more effective than chlorophyll alone and this is apparently due to the growth factors in the plankton algae. Researchers at Kanazawa Medical University in Japan and Taipei University in the Republic of China performed experiments and concluded that the anti-tumor effect was probably due to the protection or restoration of macrophage activity, which is usually retarded in the body by the time tumors start to growth (macrophages are large cells of the immune system that liberally consume and digest tumor cells, bacteria clumps and other substances that should not be in the body.)
Alkalizer – Phyto-Plankton alkalizes the body because of its content of Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Iron and Chlorophyll.
Antioxidants – Because of its natural content of antioxidant minerals and vitamins like Beta Carotene, Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and the B vitamins, Phtyo-Plankton is a vital protector against cancer and immune dysfunctional diseases.
Detoxifier – The cell wall material of the Phyto-Plankton rids our body of Mercury, Lead, Cadmium, radiation and pesticides and protects the liver from harmful substances.
When Phyto-Plankton was given for 12 days, Cadmium in the excretions of patients increased 3 times over the baseline. After 24 days, the Cadmium in the urine had increased to 7 times greater than the baseline!
Detoxification of heavy metals such as Mercury, Copper and Lead have also been shown with the use on a daily basis. It has also been shown to be highly effective in removing pesticides, insecticides and PCB (polychloridebiphenyl) from the body. When given to radiation treated cancer patients it has shown to prevent hair loss during the treatment period.
Regenerator – World’s highest content of natural RNA/DNA which regenerates or own RNA/DNA for a more in-depth healing. Contains 19 amino acids for cellular and tissue regeneration.
It stimulates the production of human growth hormones in the body, the same hormones known to stimulate healing of various tissue and reverse the aging process. Human RNA/DNA production slows down dramatically as we age, resulting in a lower level of vitality and reduction of healing ability.
The growth factors in Phyto-Plankton have been shown to supply abundant growth building materials for regeneration at a cellular level.
EFA (Essential Fatty Acids) – Contains 10% essential fatty acids such as Omega-3, 6 and 9 that are now proven to be vital for heart and cardiovascular function and brain sustenance. (All autopsies on Alzheimer’s patients show a chronic lack of Omega fatty acids in the brain tissue.)
The daily dose of 3 capsules contains the equivalent of a staggering 1000 mgs of marine micro milled chlorella algae. The natural sea salts, minerals and algae promote a more complete health profile for your body. Recommended serving is 3-6 capsules per day, taken with meals.