My name is Jean Newman and I just have to tell you my story. I truly believe I am alive today because of Dr. Garland and his natural healing program.
A little over a year ago I began experiencing extreme fatigue along with several other unusual symptoms, including canker sores on the insides of my cheeks, severe constipation, continual mental fogginess, and a host of other issues.
I went to a virologist who examined my blood and he said I had a “cancer virus” and showed it to me on the screen. Needless to say, he got my attention. I also had herpes, parasites and bacterial overgrowth. My blood literally looked like it was “dead” under the microscope – and that’s how I felt too.
The virologist put me on an herbal program to purge the parasites, which did a good job, but I still felt fatigued – like I was barely alive – and was basically unable to work. He also told me I needed to drink gallons of colloidal silver to handle the virus, but I was uncomfortable with this concept.
I was getting desperate and I didn’t have any other means of financial support if I didn’t work, so I didn’t know how to proceed.
I shared my situation with my chiropractor and he told me about Dr Garland and his success in treating all kinds of diseases with his naturopathic approach with Traditional Chinese Medicine, mineral compounds and special diets. So we arranged a meeting.